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xample 35, Bertran de Born (ca. 1140-1205), Rassa, tant creis Pais, B. N., f.frg. 22543 (Chansonnier d'Urfe), fol. 6d Ras- sa, tant reise mon’ ¢ poi - a Cel - In. q'es. de. tO - taen-gans voi - Sos pretz a las au - tras en- oi - a Cu-na non i a cal - red voi - a. Quel ve - zer de sa bel - tat loi - a Los Qed plus co - nois- sen cil meil - lor Man - ten = ran a= des sa lau = zor, Qu il sap far tan en - tier’ ho - nor: On the level of amour courtoise, Bertran is informing songname for his friend Count Geoffrey of Toulouse) listening—that the unnamed lady prefers him, a minor noble, in spite of the attentions of much greater lords. These are identified in verse 2 by naming the territories they rule: Geoffrey of Brittany, Count Richard of Poitou, Revnned of Toulouse, and King Alfonso of Saragosa (Aragon). Bertran’s posms verelly operate on both an amorous and political level, and this beconcs iceaeald apparent as the poem progresses. “Rassa” (the senhal or —and whoever else is CamScanner

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