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Read the text carefully then answer the questions that follow.
Text 1
Pertamina Opens Non-subsidized Fuels Gas Station
In a bid to help the government curb the consumption of subsidized fuels, state-run
and gas company, PT Pertamina, launched on Friday the first fuel station selling
non-subsidized fuels in Pondok Indah, Jakarta. The fuel producer would open up to
more similar fuel stations in elite residential areas in Greater Jakarta in the
near future.
The company started the non-subsidized' fuel only stations at its company owned,
company operated (COCO) stations. Pertamina hopes that other fuel-station owners
follow this step. For that reason, Pertamina had agreed to increase the margin for
subsidized fuel from Rp 325 (3.5 US cents) per liter to Rp 500. With larger
margins, fuel
station owners could get more income by selling lower amount of fuel. In
the margin given to station owners for selling subsidized fuels (premium and diesel
is only Rp 180 per liter.
With higher margins, some owners are interested, but some others aren't because the
amount of capital spent by each station owner differs. On the other hand, higher
are definitely an interesting incentive because they need to refinance their
Currently, there are 2,738 stations that sell non-subsidized fuels nationwide. In
Jakarta, out of 720 stations, 703 of them sell non-subsidized fuels.
(Taken and revised from The Jakarta Post, Saturday April 28, 2012)
1. What was the purpose of Pertamina launched the fuel station selling non-
subsidized fuels?
A. To help the government to reduce the sales of subsidized fuels.
B. To assist the government to control the consumption of non-subsidized
C. To assist the government to limit the use of subsidized fuels.
D. To help the government to sell non-subsidized fuels.
2. The word "curb'" in the first paragraph has similar meaning with the word ---
B. control
C. distribute
D. produce
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What does the "the fuel producer" in paragraph one refer to?
A. The government
B. First fuel station
C. Pondok Indah
D. PT Pertamina
4. What does Pertamina expect from other fuel station owners?
A. They sell non-subsidized fuels.
B. They increase the amount of subsidized fuels.
C. They reduce the sales of subsidized fuels
D. They reduce the sales of non-subsidized fuels.
5. What had Pertamina done to motivate fuel station owners to sell non-susidized
A. It had reduced the production of subsidized fuels
B. It had added the margins of non-subsidized fuels
C. It had increased the sales of non-subsidized fuels
D. It had agreed to increase the amount of subsidized fuels
6. Which of the following statements is CORRECT according to paragraph 2?
A. The margin of subsidized fuels is lower than non-subsidized fuels
B. Pertamina only sells non-subsidized fuels in Jakarta
C. The margin of non-subsidized fuels is lower than subsidized fuels
D. Pertamina will reduce the sales of non-subsidized fuels
7. Why do fuel station owners have different interests to sell non-subsidized fuel?
A. They invest much money for selling non-subsidized fuels
B. They spent various amount of money in operating fuel stations
C. They sell various kind of fuels in their fuels stations
D. They get more profit by selling non-subsidized fuels
8. The word "incentive" can be replaced by the followings, EXCEPT ---
A. motivation
B. encouragement
C. disadvantage
D. inducement
9. What does the word "they" in the last paragraph refer to?
A. higher margins
B. fuel station owners
C. non-subsidized fuels
D. fuel stations
10. How many fuel stations in Jakarta that do not sell non-subsidized fuel?
A. 2,738 fuel stations
B. 720 fuel stations
C. 703 fuel stations
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D. 17 fuel stations
Text 2
Auditing is an accounting that involves the review and evaluation of financial
records. lt is done by someone other than the person who entered the transactions
in the
records. Not so many years ago, the presence of an auditor suggested that a company
was having financial diffticulties or that irregularities had been discovered in
the records.
Currently, however, outside audits are normal and regular part of business
addition, many corporations especially the larger ones with complex operations,
a continuous internal audit by their own accounting departments.
Even those companies that do not conduct an internal audit need to maintain a
system of internal control.
errors, as well as a division of duties to reduce the possibility of
misappropriations. An
example of business paper used in an internal control system is the petty cash
Vouchers indicate receipt of payment.
records of payment from the small fund that most companies keep for minor
for which cash is needed.
Most good systems will provide accounting controls against
In the case of petty cash vouchers, they are
Another example is the expense account voucher that is
required by many organizations before payment can be made to reimburse an employee
for money spent for business travel and entertaining.
(Taken from English for Accounting Textbook)
11. The first paragraph implies that -
A. Nowadays, the presence of auditor is normal in a business, but not in the past.
B. The roles of an internal auditor are more important than an external auditor.
C. It is an extraordinary thing for a company to be audited by an auditor.
D. The presence of an auditor shows that the company has financial problem and
is going to be bankrupt.
12. The word "their" in the last sentence of the first paragraph refers to --
A. many corporations'
B. the larger corporations
C. complex operations'
D. accounting departments
13. The word "deviation" has a similar meaning with the word -- in paragraph
A. records
B. transactions
C. irregularities
D. operations
14. The second paragraph implies that ----
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A. A corporation with complicated operations must apply a continuous internal
5. Every company needs to implement a system of internal control.
C. A company must have good systems to control the possibility of
D. Every corporation should use a business paper to reduce a division of duties.
D. A business paper that shows recèipt of payment from little cash fund is ------
A. the internal control
B. the expenses account voucher
C. the petty cash voucher
D. money spent for business travel
l6. Which of the following statements is correct according to the second paragraph?
A. Internal audit and internal control are only used to increased companies
B. Misappropriations occur because the employees need additional incomes.
C. Employees can ask the companies to repay the money they have spent for
business expenses
D. The money spent for all business purposes must be covered by employees
17. What does the word "they'" in paragraph 2 refer to?
A. misapPpropriations
B. good systems
C. accounting controls
D. petty cash vouchers
18. Below are the benefits of conducting internal audit or internal control, EXCEPT
A. to lessen the revenue of the companies
B. to reduce the possibilities of miscalculations
C. to decrease the changes of misappropriations
D. to minimize the risk of making errors in financial records
19. The statements below are correct, EXCEPT -----
A. Every company needs to have a special division to evaluate its financla
B. The larger corporations are regularly audited by their accounting departments.
C. The petty cash voucher and the expense account are the examples of busin
papers in internal audit.
D. If the internal auditor performs his or her duty imperfectly, his or her job mus
be replaced by an accountant.
20. The word "required in paragraph 2 can be best replaced by --- .
A. obliged
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B. given
C. bought
D. taken
Choose the best answer for the following questions.
21. The new company has recruitedà lot of people for many top management
positions. The word "company' can be replaced by the followings, EXCEPT ----
A. Firm
B. Cooperation
C. Corporation
D. Organization
22. The new developing country has many great projects in the future but it has
insufficient funds to run all the projects. The synonym of the word "insufficient
A. inadequate
B. inappropriate
C. unbelievable
D. irrelevant
23. Energy is the bottleneck of industrial development. What does
the word "bottleneck" in that sentence mean?
A. A narrow or obstructed section
B. An obstruction to a progress
C. An area of a traffic congestion
D. A narrow part of a bottle near the top
24. Some foreign investors will come to Batam and Karimun if the
government creates good security environment. The word
investor" means -
A. Person or organization that invests money
B. Person or organization that looks for profit
C. Person or organization that lends money
D. Person or organization that sets up certain business
25. The modern idea of corporate --traces back to the middle ages and the
military needs of knights.
A. identity
B. identify
C. identification
D. identical
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I. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat
Salah satu unsur yang menunjang proses pendelegasian adalah
a. fungsi
b. komunikasi
C. wewenang
d. laporan
27. Kebutuhan akan aktualisasi diri merupakan salah satu bentuk motivator yang
dikembangkan oleh
a. David McClelland
b. Keith Davis
C. Victor Vroom
d. Abraham Maslow
Bank akan membayar kepada siapa saja yang membawa, menunjukkan, dan
menguangkan cek kepada bank tersebut adalah
a. cek silang
b. cek atas unjuk
C. cek atas nama
d. certified cheque
29. Kekuasaan yang didasarkan atas rasa takut disebut dengan istilah
a. legitimate power
b. referent power
C. reward power
d. coercive power
30. Konflik fungsional adalah
a. Konflik antar organisasi
b. konflik antar level
konflik antar departemen
d. konflik antar individu
31. Manajer yang termasuk tipe X memandang karyawannya sebagai
a. bebas
b. tidak bertanggung jawab
C. berpartisipasi
d. menyukai kerjaa
32. Bisnis internasional adalah
a. Bisnis dari luar negeri
b. Bisnis domestik dengan kegiatan di dalam negeri
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C. Bisnis yang kegiatannya di dua atau lebih negara
d. Bisnis yang menggunakan tenaga kerja ekspatriat
33. Pendekatan manajemen yang menekankan saling ketergantungan di antara
unsur-unsur organisasi sebagai keseluruhan dan sebagai bagian dari
lingkungan eksternal yang lebih luas adalah pendekatan
a. behavior
b. qualitative
d. contingency
34. Di dalam pengendalian kualitas, biaya yang terjadi setelah delivery barang atau
jasa disebut
a. Prevention costs
b. Appraisal costs
C. Internal failure costs
d. Extermal failure costs
35. Di dalam konsep daur hidup produk (product life cycle), keuntungan yang tinggi
akan diperoleh pada fase
a. perkenalan
b. pertumbuhan
c. kematangan
d. penurunan
36. Semua keterangan dan informasi yang sejelas-jelasnya tentang keadaan
perusahaan calon emiten yang dikumpulkan di dalam bentuk dokumen dikenal
dengan istilah
a. prospektus
b. pialang
C. full disclosure
d. undewriter
37. Penetapan serangkaian prosedur yang dimulai dengan goal setting dan
berlanjut ke arah penentuan kinerja adalah
a. Management by walking around
b. Management by exception
C. Management by information system
d. Management by objective
38. Biaya yang selalu berubah ses uai dengan perubahan dari aktivitas usaha
a. Fixed cost
b. Variable cost
Sunk cost
d. Relevant cost
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External environment adalah salah satu bagian dari environmental scanning
yang hasilnya adalah
a. Kekuatan dan kelemahan organisasi
b. Kekuatan dan peluang organisasi
C. Peluang dan tantangan organisasi
d. Peluang dan kelemahan organisasi
Persepsi selektif merupakan salah satu hambatan komunikasi yang bersumber
a. dalam diri pribadi
b. hambatan antar pribadi
C. hambatan organisasional
d. hambatan teknologis
I1. Pilihlah
jika jawaban a, b, dan c benar
jika jawaban a dan c benar
jika jawaban b dan d benar
jika semua jawaban benar
41. Keterampilan yang hendaknya dimiliki oleh seorang manajer adalah
a. keterampilan teknis
b. keterampilan konseptual
C. keterampilan hubungan manusiawi
d. keterampilan fungsional.
42 Perbedaan utama antara organisasi formal dengan organisasi informal terletak
a. kepemimpinan
b. pengendalian perilaku
d. remunerasi finansial
43. Di dalam total quality management (TQM), kaizen memiliki pengertian
a. employee involvement
b. continuous improvement
C. benchmarking
d. Plan-Do-Check-Action (PDCA)
44. Beberapa indikator yang digunakan untuk mengukur kinerja di bidang sumber
daya manusia adalah.
a. labor retention
b. labor turnover
C. labor absenteeism
d. labor remuneration
45. Menurut teori motivasi Douglas McGregor, manusia yang memiliki tipe Y adalan
manusia yang
a. Suka bekerja
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b. Tidak menyukai pekerjaan
C. Tidak hanya bersedia menerima, tetapi juga mencari tanggung jawab
d. Memiliki ambisi yang kecil dan menginginkan kepastian
Jika pernyataan dan alasan benar, dan keduanya menunjukkan hubungan
sebab akibat
Jika pernyataan dan alasan benar, tetapi keduanya tidak menunjukkan
hubungan sebab akibat
Jika pernyataan benar, tetapi alasan salah
Jika pernyataan dan alasan, keduanya salah
46. Kebaikan dari organisasi lini adalah bahwa manajer hanya memerlukan
keahlian khusus di dalam bidangnya saja
Semua perintah
kewibawaannya tetap terjaga
diberikan ke
47. Konflik yang optimal diperlukan disetiap organisasi
Konflik akan menyebabkan adanya inovasi dan perubahan
perusahaan dapat berkembang
48 Organisasi informal timbul tanpa dapat dihindari oleh organisasi formal
Organisasi informal dibentuk oleh kelompok-kelompok tertentu yang berada di
dalam organisasi formal
49. Hubungan antara perencanaan dan pengendal ian sangat erat, bahkan tidak
dapat dipisahkan
Perencanaan dan pengendalian merupakan unsur-unsur fungsi manajemen
50. Teori motivasi Frederick Herzberg disebut juga sebagai teori motivasi dua-
Terdapat dua kelompok faktor yang mempengaruhi motivasi kerja seseorang
yaitu motivators dan hygiene factors.

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