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This paper is prepared as a group assignment in the English course in the Odd

Semester 2022/2023

Supporting Lecturer : Mr. Aswir Suhud

Compiled by :

7 Group

Muhammad Naufal Zuhdi : 22050300046

Reza Ramadhan : 22050300048

Shofwatunnida : 22050300039

Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Major

Islamic Religion Faculty

Jakarta Muhammadiyah University


Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Praise and Gratitude Alhamdulillah, we always pray to the presence
of Allah SWT who has bestowed His grace and gifts, so that we can
complete this paper to fulfill the task of the English course group,
with the title “The History Of Ibn Battuta".

We realise that the writing of this paper can’t be separated

from the help of many parties who sincerely provide prayers,
suggestions, and criticisms so that this paper can be completed

We are fully aware that this paper is far from perfect due to our
limited experience and knowledge. Therefore, we expect all forms of
suggestions and input and even constructive criticism from various
parties. We wish that this paper can be useful for readers.

Ibn Battuta is also a smart person in socializing

so he is also very close to the Sufis. He also often tells

the figures of the Sufis and their karamah, zawiyah-zawiyah, graves

Prophets, companions, scholars and others. Ibn Battuta is also a very

critical of something so that he also often criticizes experiences

Shari'a experience but still with a good attitude. For example the question

the importance of the night of Nisfu Sya‟ban, Sufi rituals, criticizes the
question of

"haram", shaving the beard, and others.

But, apart from people

people who admire and like the figure of Ibn Battuta a lot, still there

only people who do not like the figure of Ibn Battuta. For people who

admire him he is looked upon so well and treated well too

however, for people who are not happy with it, that person thinks

that the stories that Ibn Battuta conveyed were only as follows:

formality and only fantasy will carry the name of Ibn Battuta

famous. Talking about the life of Ibn Battuta it will not be separated from

a work that he pours into a story in each of his journeys as he explores the
world. His work is "Tuhfah An-Nuzhar Fi Gharaibil Amshar wa'Anjaibil Asfar".

Rihlah is a process

moving from one place to another for a trip

(journey). Ibn Battuta is not someone who is an expert in the field of science

writer, but to make a record of his journey that is what we know

with Rihlah Ibn Battuta he was assisted by Ibn Juzayy. At that time Ibn

Juzayy is willing to help Ibn Battuta take notes

his journey.

Ibn Juzayy is a person who has expertise in the field of art

poetry, philology, history, law and the fine art of calligraphy, that's why he

accept assignments from the Sultan with enthusiasm and can

friendship with Ibn Battuta. They met after Ibn Battuta

arrived in Fez in December 1335. At first the reports of the trip

only focused on the title, which is an offering to the

observer of the splendor of cities and the majesty that

found on the way. Ibn Juzayy only wrote from a summary of

the words of Ibn Battuta.

The relationship between Ibn Battuta and Ibn Juzayy ended

in 1356 or 1357. At that time at the age of Ibn Juzayy who was less

than 37 years died of unknown causes. 12

The book has revealed the personality of a traveler and adventurer

Muslims who are friendly, have high spirits, dare to criticize,

pious and gentle. Rihlah notes are different from notes

another famous journey in medieval times, namely the Books of Marcopolo.

The work of the Venetians is divided into two parts where
the first part is a summary regarding success traveler. The second part
becomes the largest part of the record. This work is a systematic presentation
of information about China and other countries other countries with respect to
eastern European countries.


1.Pious (Saleh) = Virtuous,godly. (Berbudi luhur,Beriman.)

2.companions (teman) = friend (kawan, sahabat.)

3.Scholars (ulama) = cleric (ulama.)

4. Admire (mengagumi) = impressed (terkesan/kagum.)

5. Splendor (kemegahan ) = magnificent (megah/agung.)

6. Summary (ringkasan ) = concise (ringkas.)

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