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seer SAFETY AND SECURITY SECTOR EDUCATION AND TRAINING AUTHORITY 0s apait2022| "Attention: Sis Development Providers IRE: DUE DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF SKILS DEVELOPMENT PROVIDER’ ACCREDITATION APPLICATIONS FOR ‘THE YEAR 2022/2023 Kindly note the following dates or ime frames egarding the submission of your Sis Development Provider ‘ppleatins. Kindly ensure that all required documents have been enclosed In your apcatins failure to submit al equied documents wil rest in your acreitatin application been fetured back and not being processed any further. Bolow please view the quarter cut off dates ofall applications inthe diferent accedaton categories Tenatve TOA Cornice Mecting ne 2 | Cato date or evbmison a aplaions “option for SDP Aeration oapal7a7 ‘oplations for Prograre Approval Poplaton fr ftenson of Spe ‘oplations for Secondary Poise Approval ‘oplation or tern “Tentative ETQA Commits Mooting September 202 | Cut dates or submis “plains or SBP Accretion Bil 2022 ‘epiations fo Programme Apres ‘pplatons or Extension a Scape ‘eplatons or Seendary Proves Approval ‘ppiaton for Eleaening ‘Tentative ETOA Crete Mowing: December 2022 | Cut-off des for ubmison a spplations “ppbatan for SOF Acrestaton SL October 2022 ‘appt fr Programme ADprva ‘appeaton for Extension ofScope ‘Appear Senda Pres Approval ‘ppleaton for earning “Tentalve ETQA Commitee Mesng: March 23 | Giff dies or aubison a appNHione “ppatons or SOP Aeredtaton (5 brary 2003 Dpplaons fr Programme sopra Dpplaons fr Eterson of Scope Dppliatons fr Secandary Proves Approval pplaton or Learning For any ses of rity please contact tha following ETOA Personnel ErOA Members ontat data ‘onsiene Beideniout abruudenhoulBaaseaont + masele Maaalenle ‘maizalenela@saseta.01221 013087 $500 i eas, We A ETQA Manager "eae ca cone tas paca onan anacea

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