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The official newsletter of Byzantium Novum

Issue #35 (February 2022)

“The emperor, thinking not of cost of any kind, pressed on the work, and
collected together workmen from every land. Anthemius of Tralles, the
most skilled in the builder's art, not only of his own but of' all former times,
carried forward the king's zealous intentions, organized the labours of the
workmen, and prepared models of the future construction. Associated with
him was another architect [mechanopoios] named Isidorus, a Milesian by
birth, a man of intelligence, and worthy to carry out the plans of the
Emperor Justinian. It is indeed a proof of the esteem with which God
regarded the emperor, that he furnished him with men who would be so
useful in effecting his designs, and we are compelled to admire the wisdom
of the emperor, in being able to choose the most suitable of mankind to
execute the noblest of his works....”
— Procopios: “On the Great Church” (Hagia Sophia) d

Greetings all,
It seems to be Spring in Byzantium!
Much has been happening in Byzantium
Novum and it is shaping up to be an
exceptional year. The big news at the
moment is that as this issue of Basilica is
coming out, we have two new things in
production - new Flags and Coinage! Both
should be available by the end of March and
it will be wonderful to be able to offer some The die (above) with the obverse of the coin
real-world physical items produced by our
nation. The flags will be full 2x3 foot size,
ready to fly on a flagpole or hang as a
symbol of the renewal of Byzantium:

Our new flag

The coins are a re-strike of the
The die again, with the reverse of the coin
Constantinople commemorative coin issued
by Emperor Constantine I, with It will be wonderful to have some physical
Constantinople personified on the front and items going out into the world, as a way to
"Byzantium Novum. The reverse shows a commemorate our community and get the
Winged Victory (or Angel) standing on a word about Byzantium Novum.
ship's prow and with the inscription This Spring BN has celebrated its 13th
Restitutor Imperium Romanum (‘the year, and our Citizen numbers and our
restorer of the Roman Empire.’) resources have continued to grow. We
The coins are 32MM around so the size really are making good progress toward our
of a large Byzantine follis coin. This differs goals of Restoring Byzantine Civilization
from the size of the original Constantine I and Culture and that is something we all can
coin as those were smaller, about 15mm. be proud of. Byzantium Novum now has
well over 1,200 official Citizens, and a social


media outreach of over 16,000 followers.

We have also added on new local territories.
Not bad for a micronation working to restore
and continue the work of an Empire!
We have also been having much
success with new efforts on Spirituality and
Culture. There has been much wonderful
Orthodox Church activity, and our Classical PROCEEDINGS OF THE SENATE
Church has also been more active than at
any time in Byzantium Novum's history. Baduila Chalkeus, Clerk of the Senate,
Overall cultural interest has been particularly sends to the Glorious Mesazon, and to the
successful, with our biggest social media Senators, Governors, Generals, Counts,
audience being about Byzantine Arts and Officers & all Citizens of Byzantium Novum,
Sciences. It is wonderful watching Byzantine greetings, and submits this report of recent
interest continue to grow! appointments and honors by the Imperial
I wish everyone a wonderful Spring Senate.
season and hope that all Citizens continue November’s polling was reported in the
to enjoy keeping Byzantine Civilization a previous issue of Basilica.
part of their everyday interest and life!
In December, the Senate did not poll.
Honors In January, the Senate:
In other news, I'm very pleased to present  Approved a new flag for Byzantium Novum.
the following awards and titles to notable  Reappointed Baduila Chalkeus as Grand
Citizens for their excellent efforts on behalf Chancellor of Byzantium Novum
of the Empire: Thank you and congratulations!
 Drusus Firmius Perusinus to Trecenarius on BADUILA CHALKEUS
1 February 2022 for completing probation as
Clerk of the Senate
Strategos of Æsculia
 Julius Hugonis to Spatharios on 1
September 2021 for completing two years as
Strategos of Magna Lacus
 László Gábor to Spatharios on 1 December
2021 for completing probation as Strategos of
Pannonia Sublimis
 Gregoras Constantinus Campanus to
Patrikios on 1 February 2022 for service in the
Orthodox Church
 Gaius Lucretius Agrippa to Patrikios on 1
February 2022 for service in the Orthodox
 Constantius Lascaris to Patrikios on 1
February 2022 for service in the Chancellery
 Julius Hugonis to Sexagenarius on 1 March
2022 for outstanding service as Strategos of
Magna Lacus
AVE to all!
Mesazon & President of the Senate, etc.

Saint Mark (at Byzantine Nea Moni monastery)




Baduila, Grand Chancellor, sends greetings
PROCEEDINGS OF THE MILITARIUM and wishes for continued good health to the
The Militarium, under the supervision of Glorious Mesazon; Illustrious and esteemed
the Grand Master of the Camp, is the Senators; Honorable Ministers; Honorable,
official military forum for Byzantium Most Perfect and Thrice-Esteemed
Novum. This ministry is for discussions Governors; as well as the Counts, other
and study of Byzantine military history Officers and citizens of all ranks who may
and reenacting. If you are interested in come to read this, and wishes upon them
participating in this Ministry, contact the peace, happiness and success in all their
Illustrious Grand Master of the Camp. endeavors.
The last page of this newsletter is a
DRUSUS FIRMIUS PERUSINUS recruiting handbill. Please print at least one
Grand Master of the Camp, etc. and give it away or hang it on a bulletin
board or wherever people gather. If you
would like a .jpg of it, ask me and I will send
you one. This is part of a new series that has
been very successful for us, but you need to
distribute them to make them work!
Thank you for all you are doing–please
PROCEEDINGS OF THE FOREIGN What is a Kleisoura (Garrison)?
Kleisoura, or Garrisons, are formed when
The Foreign Ministry, under the someone volunteers to try to form a theme
supervision of the Foreign Minister, is but can’t meet the requirements at that time.
responsible for two main functions: That individual becomes a Kleisourarches
establishing foreign relations with other (Warden). One can formed almost
nations (including microstates) and anywhere simply by asking the Most
similar entities and also for encouraging Eminent Grand Chancellor. The minimum
the study of historical neighbors of the population is one citizen. The appointment
Byzantine Empire. If you are interested in as Kleisourarches is for one year. One
participating in this Ministry, contact the additional year can be added but no
Illustrious Foreign Minister. extensions after that. Volunteers have two
years to form a theme. While there is no
BASIL OF LÓFOKRITHÍA requirement to form a Kleisoura before
Senator, Foreign Minister, etc. becoming a theme, doing so gets you
access to rosters and training to help.
Because of the temporary nature of
Kleisoura, many of them dissolve without
forming a theme.
Upon completing a year as
Kleisourarches, regardless of whether or


not a second year is granted, the officer is Citizens of Byzantium Novum: continue to
appointed Centenarius by the Glorious do well and build our Empire! Thank you
Mesazon. Upon forming a theme, a for all you do and have done.
Kleisourarches is appointed Hypátos or
New Heraldic Registrations
Ducenarius by the Glorious Mesazon.
Our current Kleisoura are Saturna Tellus The Chancellery registers heraldry for groups
(Italy), Terra Sancta (Israel), Perasmia and individuals. If you would like to register
(Iowa), Notia Kardia (Georgia USA), your personal device or badge (devices mark
Boreios (Sweden) and Megalo an individual and badges mark property),
Paradunavon (Romania). send a jpg, gif or bmp of your heraldic device
or badge to me. I am also willing to provide
assistance upon request.
For those of you who want heraldry but
Badge of a Kleisourarches don’t know what you want (or can’t do the
required artwork), contact the Provost of
Insignia at
The following has been registered since
Part of a series on administrators in the last issue of Basilica.
Byzantium Novum.
Appointment of a new Kleisouraraches
Banner for the Empire of
On February 23rd, I appointed Constantin Byzantium Novum
Aroumanos as Kleisourarches of Megalo
Paradunavon (Romania) to organize a theme
there for Byzantium Novum.
Updates to the Roster of Honors Coat of Arms for
Listed here is the change to the Imperial Byzantium Novum
Roster of Honors. The complete reports will
henceforth appear only once per year in the
Taktikon in September at the beginning of Theme of Æsculia
the Byzantine year.
 Drusus Firmius Perusinus to Trecenarius on
1 Feb 2022 for completing probation as
Strategos of Aesculia
 Julius Hugonis to Spatharios on 1
September 2021 for completing two years as
Strategos of Magna Lacus
 László Gábor to Spatharios on 1 December
2021 for completing probation as Strategos of
Pannonia Sublimis
 Gregoras Constantinus Campanus to
Patrikios on 1 Feb 2022 for service in the
 Gaius Lucretius Agrippa to Patrikios on 1
Feb 2022 for service in the Orthodox Church On the 1 August 2021, the Senate approved
 Constantius Lascaris to Patrikios on 1 Feb the formation of a theme in Indiana, Ohio
2022 for service in the Orthodox Church and Pennsylvania: the Theme of Duomaria.
 Julius Hugonis to Sexagenarius on 1 March When the Ducate of Duomaria formed on
2022 for outstanding service as Strategos of the same lands, the western and central
Magna Lacus portion (Indiana and Ohio) was
reconstituted as the Theme of Æsculia. This


Theme also possesses the Town of that you might have so that Order and
Cincinnatia (Cincinatti, Ohio). Symphonia might be yours, for you own
The governor of the Theme is Drusus good as well as the good of the world;
Firmius Perusinus as Strategos. external, societal change ideally starts in the
There are currently seventeen citizens in individual human heart.
Æsculia. What are some things that the Church of
an Empire does? Firstly, we pray,
Certificates & Charters
particularly The Psalms, as they are
The Chancellery has been inconsistent (to the prayers Christ prayed during his life on
say the least) at providing certificates for Earth. Praying with Sacred Music, other
honors and charters for founding of new portions of Sacred Scripture, and/or The
governorates (ducates, exarchates and
Jesus Prayer is very fruitful as well.
themes) and towns.
For honors: If you would like one, please Secondly, we study the Church Fathers and
contact me by email and I will get one to you Elders. Thirdly, we tell the truth in both
by email. Thank for understanding. major and minor activities. "The truth is the
For charters: governors, praitors or pastor," Benedict XVI of Rome said. He is
chancellors may contact me to obtain one for correct. Fourthly, we love sacrificially. I will
your governorate; and mayors may ask for be issuing emails with suggestions on how
one for towns or cities. we can better do these things.
BADUILA CHALKEUS Our next major liturgical season is Great
Senator, Grand Chancellor, etc. Lent. I cannot stress enough the importance
of fasting, prayer, and almsgiving. May
your Great Lent be sacrificial in nature, so
that you may share at Christ's Resurrection
at Pascha, as you shared in his suffering.
Please remember to check your emails
during Great Lent for reflections, etc.
The best way to reach me is through
email. My email address is
CHURCH know of my daily prayers for each of you.
Greetings beloved citizens of Byzantium May the Lord bless and keep you: in the
Novum, name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy
It is an honor to have been selected by Ghost.
the Senate as the Grand Prelate for the GREGORAS CAMPANUS
Orthodox Church of Byzantium Novum. Grand Prelate
When one studies Orthodoxy, he/she soon
discovers that many nations have had their
own Orthodox Church. Orthodoxy has
walked side-by-side some of the greatest
governments ever. It is my hope that all
citizens grow in love for the Christian
Church Byzantium Novum has established,
and all members of the Orthodox Church of
Byzantium Novum grow in love for the
principles of the Eastern Roman Empire and
Byzantium Novum more particularly. Greetings all,
The principles of Order and Symphonia The Classical Church in Byzantium
are critical to Roman Life. It is also my hope Novum has been enjoying renewed activity
that I can help you with any pastoral needs in this new year! The Byzantine Pagan


website ( has and sciences of the era. All topics of

been updated and expanded for 2022 and Byzantine arts, science, music,
better linked to the various search engines. costuming, writing, literature,
This should help generate interest in both architecture, philosophy, etc. are
Byzantium Novum and the Classical church! welcome here. The deputies of the
We have had new volunteers for
Chamberlaincy are equal in precedence
Priesthood and our current Priesthood list is
as follows: and hold the following responsibilities:
(1) The Grand Librarian supervises the
 Marcus Cassius Julianus - Sacerdos of Jupiter
Bibliotheca, which is the main forum for
 Gaius Lucretius Agrippa - Sacerdos of the
Imperial Cult Byzantine literary subjects in the
 Servia Aurelia Gemella - Sacerdos of Minerva. Empire, ancient and modern.
 Titus M. Lupus - Sacerdos of Sulis Minerva (2) The Grand Vestitor supervises the
 D. Equitia Scriptrix - Sacerdos of Diana Byzantine Culture Group, which is the
 Palladios Pyrrus - Sacerdos of Aphrodite
 Firmius Perusinus - Sacerdos of Quirinus
main forum for the study and discussion
 Ephemia Cassia Mercuria (Meghan) - of Byzantine culture.
Sacerdos of Mercury (3) The Grand Melodist supervises the
 Origen Iuventius (Kamberis) - Sacerdos of Byzantine Music Group, which is the
the Imperial Cult main forum for sharing and discussing
 Michael Sedulus Inportunum - Sacerdos of
Nox, Somnus and Letus Byzantine music.
(4) A Grand Supervisor supervises the
As always, sincere appreciation to all that Byzantine Medical Group (Xenon),
have taken on the task of doing religious
which is the main forum for the study
rites on behalf of Byzantium Novum! I am
pleased to say that Origen Iuventius and discussion of Byzantine medical
(Kamberis) has returned to active duty from practices.
being on hiatus. (5) A Grand Supervisor supervises
In addition our Priesthood has continued each of the Byzantine language groups
doing active rituals and sharing info about (Latin and Greek), which are forums for
them on the Classical Religion list at: the study and discussion of their respective languages.
calReligion. All these things are very
encouraging and we look forward to more If you are interested in joining this
activity in the coming months! Ministry, contact the Honorable Grand
Senator, Pontifex Maximus, etc. MALACHI CONSTANTINE KOMNENOS
Grand Chamberlain


The Chamberlaincy, under the Grand
Chamberlain of the Empire, is the main Greetings all,
To date, Byzantium Novum does not
forum for Byzantine Cultural Subjects in
have an official treasury. Even so, we have
Byzantium Novum, including all the arts projects in the works--including making our


new flag available for purchase, and the

minting of coins! Both of those endeavors
have been paid for in full (by me) but
hopefully the production costs will be
regained through sales. (Let's all pray that
the paid-for products are good and people
want them...) Both flags and coins should
become available a week or two after this PROCEEDINGS OF THE CHARTULARY
issue of the Basilica!
In other news, we had a rather bad The Chartulary, under the Grand
experience with Facebook recently when Chartulary of the Empire, is responsible for
they would not approve the "boosting" of a recruiting and assisting new members in
post about the new BN flag design. As all integrating themselves into the Empire and
know, Facebook algorithms don't let all for establishing recruiting and new
subscribers see posts. Out of a few members’ integration guidelines to effect
thousand subscribers on our "main" the smooth functioning of the regional and
Facebook page we're lucky if even 100 local groups of the Empire as well as media
people see any particular message. relations. When it is fully established, the
We tried to pay to "boost" the flag Chartulary is responsible for Counts’
announcement to reach more Citizens--but School and the New Groups Handbook.
Facebook did not approve it because the The Chartulary may appoint regional
post was "about politics and was a deputies called “Grand Ostiaries” when
controversial subject." When a micronation required. If you are interested in joining this
and reenactment organization can't say Ministry, contact the Honorable Grand
"Hey everyone, we have a new flag design Chartulary.
- isn't it great?" there are some pretty JULIANUS ORIBASIUS
serious problems. I hope we don't see a day Grand Chartulary, etc.
where ALL "things Byzantine" are
considered offensive and are censored.
Our official Main List on
( is
not censored and our posts are not
"throttled down." All messages reach all
subscribers so there's no need to pay
extortion money for posts to be seen. also does not sell off the personal
information of subscribers.
I have now "sponsored" the list
with a payment of $5 per month. Other
Citizens are welcome to do the
same! Failing that we might ask for
donations through "" at
some point. We did that successfully a
couple of years ago in order to raise some
money for domain name registration and
domain hosting for the main Byzantium
Novum website.
MARCUS CASSIUS JULIANUS Painting showing the coronation of a Byzantine
Senator, Grand Treasurer, etc.


that of Chief Negotiator within the Empire of

HELP WANTED Byzantium Novum.
There are many opportunities for volunteer Negotiations with foreign governments is
service in our restored empire. If you would one of the key roles within the Foreign
like to serve but can’t find a job you wanted Ministry, and it is important that any
listed here, please contact the Illustrious negotiations that take place do so at the
Grand Chancellor at highest levels within the diplomatic corps. All
He can help you find a job that will serve treaties and formal relationships must be
your needs and ours. approved by the Foreign Minister and the
Senate prior to entering into any sort of
formal relationship. Additionally, the Deputy
Foreign Minister may take on the role of the
Foreign Minister at designated times due to
vacations, or leaves of absence that may be
officially approved by the Senate.
 Deputy Assistant Foreign Ministers.
The Deputy Assistant Foreign Ministers may
be responsible for specific geographical
areas around the world and may work with
Ambassadors in order to improve of develop
The Empire of Byzantium Novum is
foreign relations with other nations. These
seeking volunteers in several key
roles also help to facilitate the
positions. Our organization cannot function
encouragement of the history of the
or grow without the participation and
Byzantine Empire within their own areas of
leadership of its citizens.
expertise. Additionally, this role will report to
 Grand Melodist of the Empire. We
the Deputy Foreign Minister or to the Chief-
know that some of our members are active
of-Staff on the day-to-day operations within
within the church, and some are even
their particular areas of expertise.
singers by trace. Are you interested in
The Foreign Minister may assign and
sharing your love for music with our other
transfer personnel at they see fit in order to
members? Come join our Byzantine Music
improve the Ministry. Additional duties or
Facebook group and share the love.
specific requirements may also be added in
Activity is desired.
order to facilitate the overall goals of the
 Grand Supervisor of the Greek Group.
Foreign Ministry.
A good deal of our members are Greek-
 Legates. Legates are officials that may be
speaking Byzantine enthusiasts. Are you
appointed on behalf of the Foreign Ministry
interested in languages, and do you have a
who work within a certain area of foreign
particular love for Medieval Greek? Come
relations. The appointment of a Legate may
join the Chamberlaincy and spread your
be in lieu of being able to appoint an
Greek knowledge as the Supervisor of the
Ambassador due to the scope of the
Greek Group.
relationship or not having the role of Emperor
 Deputy Foreign Minister. This role is the
or Empress appointed at the time. The role
second in command for the Foreign Ministry
of Legate may be used in conjunction with
and is the senior most role within the ministry
other roles within the Foreign Ministry if there
itself, only the role of the Foreign Minister is
is a need for additional or specialized skills
more senior. This role encompasses all of
that may be needed.
the same duties as the Foreign Minister but
 Counts all around the world. We need
may have additional functions as the Foreign
officers in much of the world to recruit and
Minister may assign or dictate as part of the
help in organizing local groups. A list of
role. One of the main functions of this role is
existing counts is later in this newsletter.
Counts usually recruit in a US state,


Canadian province or a country but there are

exceptions. Take a look at that list – if you NEWS FROM THE EMPIRE
live someplace else and want to be count, THEME OF NOVIODUNUM REPORT
contact the Honorable Grand Chartulary.
 Wardens (Kleisourarches) all around The Winter months have been quiet for
the world. We need officers in much of the Noviodunum, but things are picking up for
world to form themes. A list of existing later in 2022!
Kleisouras (garrisons, the area Our theme will have a place at an SCA
administered by a warden) is later in this event called the "Aisles of Marche" in
newsletter. Take a look at that list – if you Concord, NH on March 5th and 6th. This is
live someplace else and want to be a the first SCA gathering in almost 2 years
warden, contact the Illustrious Grand and it will be great to have materials for
Chancellor. Byzantium Novum on display for the public
BADUILA CHALKEUS We will also be presenting Byzantium
Senator, Grand Chancellor, etc. Novum at the Maine Renaissance Faire in
August. That is the only other officially
FLAT CONSTANTINE scheduled event so far. There has been
some talk in the theme about some face-to-
face meetings as well however. Hopes are
up that more gatherings will becoming
possible as areas give up on Covid
Finally, I would like to remind everyone
that Noviodunum has a page on
odunumByzantiumNovum/ and anyone in
or able to visit the Theme of Noviodunum
are welcome to join!
-Marcus Cassius Julianus, Strategos
Flat Constantine is touring our Empire If you live in this part of the USA and haven’t
and needs hosts! received an email from me about forming a
He is currently visiting Grand new theme, please contact me immediately
Chancellor Baduila in the Theme of at --Baduila
Floribus but he would love to visit you!
In order to host Flat Constantine,
contact the Glorious Mesazon at Not much is known of the early life of John or the Tarchaneiotes (Ἰωάννης Ταρχανειώτης). He
Most Magnificent Grand Chancellor at was born before 1259AD and was related to the Palaiologos family, which provided the
The idea is that he will travel to final emperors to the Byzantine Empire. His
visit people in our Empire, who will father was Nikephoros Tarchaneiotes
take him to see the local sites and be (Νικηφόρος Ταρχανειώτης), who had
photographed there, and then these served as megas domestikos (commander-
photographs will be shared with in-chief of the Army) under the Nicaean
others in the Empire. Emperor John III Doukas Vatatzes during
Any citizen of the Empire can host the era of the Latin Empire, and his mother
the flat emperor. Let us know if you was Maria-Martha, the sister of Andronikos
are interested. II's father, Michael VIII Palaiologos.


Tarchaneiotes showed early signs of resisting them, but ended up rising in revolt
greatness in 1262AD, serving under the himself and was imprisoned.
Despotes John Palaiologos as a soldier in The Emperor forced an oath of loyalty
the semi-civil war against Michael II from Tarchaneiotes then appointed him
Komnenos, Doukas, Despot of Epirus. commander of the southern wing of the
Nicaea and Epirus were rival despotates, Army, which was in the most perilous
battling each other and striving to take position. Facing the foe across the
Constantinople back from the Latins Empire Maeander River, he counterattacked and
and fighting off Arab raiders. drove the enemy back swiftly.
By 1266AD, he had fallen out of favor While he was doing that, he also
due to his support for the “Arsenites,” a reorganized the local administration,
group supporting Patriarch Arsenios correcting the corruption in the pronoia
Autoreianos of Constantinople, who had system by returning the land to its rightful
excommunicated Emperor Michael for owners, then reassessing and redistributing
usurping the rights of his predecessor, John the lands. The result was a happier army, a
IV Laskaris, and having him blinded. The larger army, and a detachment of ships
Arsenites stood by the Patriarch when he where there had been none.
was sacked by the Emperor, and they were The local magnates were furious since
punished severely. Their support of the they had been the benefactors of the
Patriarch placed pressure on the Emperor, corruption and now faced less income.
too, since he received his legitimacy from Some of them were also anti-Arsenites. The
his father’s serving as emperor. local magnates approached Theoleptos, the
Tarchaneiotes ended up spending years in Metropolitan of Philadelphia and a leading
prison for being a ringleader in the Arsenite anti-Arsenite, and accused Tarchaneiotes
camp. Ultimately, he was banished to Chele of plotting a revolt. Tarchaneiotes fled the
in 1290AD, then endured house arrest in region and ended up in Thessalonica – the
Constantinople. Emperor’s home – where he was again
imprisoned. The front collapsed without his
leadership, his reforms were reversed, and
the Turks took the area within the next
decade. – Baduila
Most documents in Byzantium Novum that
are published by the Chancellery have three
dates on them: the Year of the World1
(based on the Byzantine calendar), the
“Anno Domini” year (sometimes called “the
Common Era) and the Indiction Year (based
on the 15 year tax cycle). The Byzantine
year and the year of Byzantium Novum
begins on September 1st of each year.
Patriarch Arsenios Autoreianos
We’ll explore the two unique ways used
After eight years in and out of prison, he by the Romanoi of Byzantium to calculate
was recalled to the Army in 1298AD, when the year in this report.
the Turks crossed the border. Alexios The first appearance of the term “Year of
Philanthropenos had been in charge of the World” is in the treatise of a monk and

Ἔτη Γενέσεως Κόσμου κατὰ Ῥωμαίους,
literally ‘Roman year since the creation of the


priest, Georgios (AD 638–39), who time was thus calculated from the creation,
mentions all the main variants of the "World and not from Christ's birth as it was in the
Era" in his work. Georgios argues that the west after the Anno Domini system adopted
main advantage of the World era is the between the 6th and 9th centuries. The
common starting point of the astronomical Eastern Church avoided the use of the Anno
lunar and solar cycles, and of the cycle of Domini system of Dionysius Exiguus, since
indictions, the usual dating system in the date of Christ's birth was debated in
Byzantium since the 6th century. He also Constantinople as late as the 14th century.
regarded it as the most convenient for the An indiction (Latin: indictio ‘impost’) was
Easter computations. Complex calculations a periodic reassessment of taxation in the
of the 19-year lunar and 28-year solar Roman Empire which took place every
cycles within this world era allowed scholars fifteen years. In Late Antiquity, this 15-year
to discover the cosmic significance of cycle began to be used to date documents
certain historical dates, such as the birth or and it continued to be used for this purpose
the crucifixion of Jesus. in Medieval Europe, and can also refer to an
This date underwent minor revisions individual year in the cycle; for example,
before being finalized in the mid-7th "the fourth indiction" came to mean the
century, although its precursors were fourth year of the current indiction. Since the
developed c. AD 412. By the second half of cycles themselves were not numbered,
the 7th century, the Creation Era was known other information is needed to identify the
in Western Europe, at least in Great Britain. specific year. --Baduila
By the late 10th century (around AD 988),
when the era appears in use on official
government records, a unified system was
widely recognized across the Eastern
Roman world.
The Byzantine calendar was identical to
the Julian calendar except that:
 The names of the months were transcribed
from Latin into Greek;
 The first day of the year was September 1,
so that both the ecclesiastical and civil
calendar years ran from 1 September to 31
August, which to the present day is the
Eastern Orthodox church year;
 Dates were seldom, if ever, reckoned
according to the kalends (καλανδαί,
kalandaí), nones (νωναί, nōnaí), and ides
(εἰδοί, eidoí) of the months in the Roman
manner, but simply numbered from the
beginning of the month in the Greek, Syrian
and Egyptian manner; and
 Its era was based on the year of creation,
reckoned September 1, 5509 BC, to
August 31, 5508 BC, rather than the
foundation of Rome; years were also
reckoned by their place in the indiction and
not by the years' consuls.
The era was ultimately calculated as Byzantine 6th-century bottle from Syria, on
starting on September 1, and Jesus was display at the Landesmuseum Württemberg
thought to have been born in the year 5509
since the creation of the world. Historical


TRADERS AND CURRENCY silver with a wide variety of shapes, weights,

ON THE SILK ROAD and markings. Early Chinese used shells as
a form of exchange and unit of account
Of all the traders on the Silk Road, the most
during the latter period of primitive society.
successful merchants by far were the
Metal coins showed up between 770 BC
Sogdians, who were Iranians. This ethnic
and 476 BC. Paper currency can be dated
group was located in Transoxiana – present
to 960 AD to 1127 AD.4
day Uzbekistan and Tajikistan – in Central
-- Pierre A. Kleff, Jr., JD, MA
Asia. Over time the Sogdian language
became the lingua franca of the route. By the FROM A NEW CITIZEN
4th century, Sogdians had established trading
Since I became a citizen of BN, have been
outposts in the Gansu and Ningxia provinces
learning a lot, especially historical, musical
of China. Not merely merchants, they were
and cultural information, research and news
interpreters, horse breeders, craftsmen, and
people shared with the group.
purveyors of ideas. Sogdians scribes
It is a new for me, checking images and
transcribed Buddhist texts into Chinese. The
texts about clothes. My plan is, as I am also
majority of Sogdians were Zoroastrians, and
a dressmaker, an amateur, to make a dress
built Zoroastrian temples in China. Historical
from some pictures I found, displaying
records indicate the Chinese were intrigued
commoners’ clothes. Seems easy, but I
by Zoroastrian beliefs and the uninhibited
went to find a drawing about my measures
dancing in these temples.2
and some ornaments and I will have to
Trade along the Silk Road was
spend some time to find the good
conducted using both barter and currency.
ornaments. I am planning to sew in cotton,
Silk was often used as currency and as
using cotton threads, and I use some Greek
bribes to fend off nomads raiding caravans.
ornaments that a store sells here downtown.
Coins have been found at archeological
Sometimes I eat a cake with ice cream,
sites along the route indicating that currency
to celebrate something our Glorious
was widely used. The two prominent and
Mesazon send by e-mail and he finishes,
reliable currencies were the silver drachm of
"there shall be cake". My son always
the Sasanian Empire and gold solidus
celebrates with me. I talk with him about the
issued by the Eastern Roman Empire
Empire, how important is for me to be and
(Byzantine Empire).3
to feel that I am a real citizen, with about
1200 members more.
Someone wrote a beautiful text about
reflections for the group about our Empire,
and sometimes I read again, because I am
excited we will have an Emperor or an
Empress, but, it is more than this. It is about
a way of life, believes for life, trying to be a
better citizen where I live, also trying to be a
better citizen for our Empire.
The point of view of that text, made me
Medieval painting of traders on the Silk Road
think about my plans, my thoughts,
In ancient China, coins were the primary sometimes trying to send something that
form of currency. Coins were made from can be not only funny, but truly a good thing
varied metals: copper, iron, lead, gold, and for us.

“Merchants and Currencies,” Monks and Merchants, 4
“Chinese Ancient Currency, History of Ancient Chinese Money,” China Highlights,
merchants.htm . d
Ibid. inese-ancient-currency.htm.


My birth name is Greek, my personal IMPERIAL DEVELOPMENT

badge has a word in Greek, Mr Baduila
helped me and I like it very much. My father HELP US FORM MORE THEMES
spoke some words and some biblical verses There are some places we need to form
in Greek and also taught me some Latin. I themes (local groups). In order to form them,
like Greek very much. It is not easy, and it is we need someone to step up to be strategos
very old, very important in all our daily lives. (our term for governor of a local group)5.
Hope to sing one song as soon as possible. Here is the list of places where there is
Hope one day I will understand more a need, with the number of citizens in
about political aspects of a citizen in an parentheses. Note that some of these are
Empire that is trying to be and to have a large enough to be more than one theme6,
place for us in the planet. they are italicized and I’d be willing to accept
I especially like since last Christmas, to a theme of part of any of them (alternatively,
listen to Orthodox Chants from Greek some of them may be candidates to form
priests and from some Russian Orthodox ducates or exarchates). Please note that
chants, too. I relax and worship spiritually, these are listed by country/state, but there
and pray for our citizens and authorities is no requirement that a theme cover and
around the globe, till the day we will hug entire country/state, or that it include just
each other and celebrate we finally are one state.
recognized as an Empire!!!! We also have no problem with you
Being a citizen, it is also a responsibility, recruiting four or more friends and forming a
respecting people and also talking about us theme anywhere!
and our wish to be seen not as fools but
intelligent people that want a different level
and way of life, according to coexistence Badge of a strategos in
and friendship feelings and thoughts. Byzantium Novum
Please be safe wherever you are, please
pray for us, we need prayers, please do
whatever you like to restore your mental
health and happiness. Eastern Crown,
We are a nation with plans, wishes and a heraldic charge
people that are so nice and with long vision reserved for governors
of us in the future. in Byzantium Novum
--Euphrosyne Patrikia
New Citizen
(also known as Denise Aidar, from Brasil)

In addition to the governor, a minor theme may also be appointed. Precedent allows an
must have a second officer, who can be either officer to hold more than one office (for
a chancellor (administration), treasurer example, simultaneously chancellor and
(financial matters), chamberlain (arts and treasurer).
sciences), tribune (reenactor/sergeant at arms), The requirement to be a theme is a minimum
chartulary (chief recruiter) or chaplain (religious of five citizens, including two officers.
study/observance). Deputies in these offices


In Europe interested in being one, contact the Most

Greece (54) 7
Serbia (44) 9 Eminent Grand Chancellor at
Turkey (28) Italy (27)8 – Baduila Chalkeus
Romania (25)9 Bulgaria (22)
BENELUX (20)10 France (14)
Czech Republic (13) Sweden (11)11 Badge of a warden
Albania (11) Spain (11) (kleisourarches) in
North Macedonia (10) Cyprus (9) Byzantium Novum
Poland (6)
In the USA
California (27) New York (26) WANT TO MEET IN YOUR CITY?
Illinois (19) Maryland & DC (13) We need mayors all around the world to
New Jersey (10) Oregon (9)
organize face-to-face meetings in your local
Massachusetts (9) Washington (8)
Missouri (8) Georgia (8)12 areas. Here is a list of where we think we
Kansas (8) Utah (5) need mayors. Mayors run cities and towns
and are appointed the Senate unless they
Pacific, Asia & Africa are in a ducate, exarchate or theme (see
Philippines (9) India (9) footnotes). Cities and towns are key to the
Lebanon (8) Egypt (6) face-to-face meetings13 that will really help
Pakistan (5) us grow as an Empire. The only requirement
is to have three or more citizens in your area
If you would like to be a strategos in one of
these areas or anyplace else, please and hold activities of some kind.
contact the Most Eminent Grand Chancellor Within Byzantium Novum, towns have
three or more citizens. When they reach
at – Baduila Chalkeus
twelve citizens, they will be declared cities by
WE ARE SEEKING KLEISOURARCHES the Grand Chancellor. --Baduila
It’s not always possible to just start a theme.
Sometimes it takes a while to get things
organized. This is why we created the office Badge of a city mayor in
of Warden, or Kleisourarches. These are Byzantium Novum
officers under the Chancellery assigned for
a year or two to build a theme: design a coat
of arms, choose a name, find other officers
and get the one-page application to the
Illustrious Grand Chancellor. The area Badge of a town mayor in
you’re organizing will be called a “garrison,” Byzantium Novum
or kleisoura, which is a “proto-theme.” The
only population requirement is one citizen.
If you don’t live in a theme, you can be a
warden. We have several Wardens now,
and we look forward to many more. If you’re

7 10
Greece and Serbia could theoretically each Either Belgium or Netherlands separately or
be an exarchate and a ducate, or two ducates, all three (with Luxembourg) together.
if sufficient leaders could be found to organize Currently, Sweden is the Kleisoura (garrison)
them. Turkey or Romania could be an of Boreios.
exarchate. Currently, Georgia is the Kleisoura (garrison)
Currently, Italy is the Kleisoura (garrison) of of Notia Kardia.
Saturna Tellus. May be virtual during the COVID crisis.
Currently, Romania is the Kleisoura (garrison)
of Megalo Paradunavon.


In Europe14 Toronto-Hamilton-Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Tirana, Albania Sofia, Bulgaria* The places marked as by an asterisk (*)
Thessaloniki, Greece* Athens, Greece* may choose to be themes17 instead of
Belgrade, Serbia* Niš, Serbia* towns. Note that we have no problem with
Novi Sad, Serbia Istanbul, Turkey* you recruiting two or more friends or
London, UK Glasgow, UK relatives and forming a village anywhere!
Kirkintilloch-Twechar, UK Newport-Undy, UK
There may be others as well, but these are
Newcastle on Tyne, UK Dublin, Ireland
Skopje, North Macedonia Malta the ones I identified by looking at the map
Milan, Italy Kiev, Ukraine (
Bucharest, Romania If you’d like to form a town or city in one of
In the USA15 these places or someplace I haven’t listed,
contact me at – Baduila
Los Angeles area, CA* New Orleans, LA
Baton Rouge, LA Eugene area, OR TRIVIA
San Diego area, CA* Sacramento, CA
Kansas City, KS/MO Spokane, WA Antioch was the third city of the Byzantine
Boston area, MA Pittsburgh area, PA Empire, but it was the head of many
Philadelphia area, PA/NJ Chicago area, IL patriarchates: that of the Orthodox Church
New York City area, NY* Salt Lake area, UT (one of the five original patriarchates in the
Saco, ME Northern NJ* early Church18); the Syrian Orthodox
Oklahoma City, OK South Florida, FL Church (an Oriental Orthodox faith separate
DC & DC suburbs, MD Detroit area, MI from the Orthodox Church, the head of
Denver-Boulder, CO Dallas, TX which is fully titled “Patriarch of Antioch and
Houston, TX Columbus, OH
all the East”); the Maronite Church (which
Akron area, OH New Orleans, LA
St Louis area, MO Allentown, PA also uses the title “Antioch and all the East”
West Newton, PA Rhode Island for its head); the Syriac Catholic Church;
Knoxville, TN Mt Juliet, TN and the Melkite Greek Catholic Church. It
Nashville, TN Las Vegas, NV was originally evangelized by the Apostle
Elsewhere16 Peter the later Paul and Barnabas during
their first missionary journey. There were, in
São Paulo, Brazil Cairo, Egypt
Rio de Janiero, Brazil Beirut, Lebanon Late Antiquity, many monasteries of the
New Brunswick, Canada Lima, Peru Greek, Syrian, Armenian and Latin faiths.
Nova Scotia, Canada Limassol, Cyprus

Mayors in Russia, Ukraine, Crimea, South Magna Lacus. Mayors in Florida will be
Ossetia and Abkhazia will be appointed by the appointed by the Strategos of Floribus. Mayors
Prior (Exarch) of Fratrum Domus Hospitalis in Tennessee will be appointed by the Duke of
Sancti Johannis or local strategoi. Mayors on Anatoliou Pelagous or the Strategos of Prasino
Great Britain will be appointed by the Strategoi Boura. Mayors in Ohio and Pennsylvania will
of Valentia (Scotland) or Colonia Arturi be appointed by the Strategos of Duomaria.
(England and Wales). Mayors in Eire and Mayors in Brazil will be appointed by the
Northern Ireland will be appointed by the Strategos of Brasilia Augusta. Mayors in
Strategos of Hibernia Atlantica. eastern Canada will be appointed by the
Mayors in Maine will be appointed by the Strategos of Nova Gallica.
Strategos of Noviodunum. Mayors in Louisiana 17
See the article in this newsletter called “Help
or Texas will be appointed by the Duke of Us Form More Themes” for more info on this, or
Magna Finem Imperii or the Strategos of Nova contact the Illustrious Grand Chancellor at
Raska. Mayors in Oklahoma will be appointed
by the Duke of Magna Finem Imperii. Mayors in Alongside Constantinople, Jerusalem,
Michigan will be appointed by the Strategos of Alexandria and Rome.



Baduila Chalkeus, editor, to the readers of © 27 February 2022 by J. C Smith (Baduila
this newsletter, greetings. Chalkeus). All rights are reserved. Contact
You are reading Basilica, the newsletter the editor at for
of Byzantium Novum. A special thanks to reprinting rights with “Basilica” in the subject
those of you who contributed to this line.
newsletter by providing articles in this and Byzantium Novum is a global micro-
past issues. nation dedicated to the rebirth of Byzantine
We are always looking for new reports, culture and civilization which was formed to
artwork and articles for Basilica. We will be a small, legitimate successor state to the
accept any article on Byzantium Novum or the Byzantine Empire. We exist as a micro-
Byzantine Empire, or (if space permits) national sovereignty project, working to
articles on Roman or other related subjects. bring Byzantine civilization to life in the
What would be suitable? Book reviews, modern world as much as possible. Our
puzzles, artwork/photos, articles of a goal is to establish a physical, symbolic and
historical nature about the Byzantine administrative world capital of 100 acres or
Empire, reports from Imperial officers and more, where the Byzantine State may have
local governors and officers--nearly a real-world existence and coordinate
anything that is related to the Byzantine Byzantine interests around the world.
Empire or our restored Empire. If you have We welcome contact and recognition
an idea and would like to see if it’s ok before with other micro- and macro-nations, who
writing/sending, please contact me off-line. may contact us through the Illustrious
I will respond as soon as possible. I will also Foreign Minister, who can be reached at
appreciate suggestions for an article/
report/information. For more information, visit our website at
Please do not send things that have been
published elsewhere. This is the Imperial It is the Chancellery’s goal to publish this
newsletter and should be the place of first newsletter in February (to observe our
publication. After publication, you can do founding), May (to observe Byzantium Day),
with your article/report/review as you August (to observe the end of the Byzantine
please, but please, please, please let year) and November (to observe the
people read this newsletter to learn Christmas season).
something, not read something they've All artwork used in Basilica is in the public
already read elsewhere. Please do not give domain or in the editor’s private collection.
me anyone else's work--a forwarded email, -- Baduila Chalkeus, editor
a report someone else did, a picture from
Facebook, or anything of that type. I can't
publish someone's work without their
permission--that's a legal violation and I will
not/cannot publish it.
Thank you for reading!



Name Date of Appointment
Marcus Cassius Julianus, President 8 February 2010
Priscus Psellos 16 February 2010
Paulos Urbicus Basilicus 17 February 2010
Baduila Chalkeus, Clerk 30 August 2010
Matyas Puskas Belisarius 30 August 2010
Alexius Kaspax 1 December 2012
Thecla Porphyrogenita 1 April 2015
Fra Reinbert 1 December 201520
Alexander Sergius Coæv 1 April 2017
Basil of Lófokrithía 1 December 2015
Publius Quinctius Petrus Augustinus 1 January 2020

The Healing of Hezekiah, Paris Psalter (Byzantine manuscript). The Paris Psalter is considered a key
monument of the so-called Macedonian Renaissance, a 10th-century renewal of interest in classical art
closely identified with Emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus (909-959) and his immediate successors.

In order of appointment.
Voting since 1 December 2018



Militarium22 Military Studies

Grand Master of the Camp (Megas Stratopedarches) Count Drusus Firmius Perusinus
- Master of the Camp (Stratopedarches) Alexius Iulius Rufio
- Master of the Camp (Stratopedarches) Alexios Vasilikos Axouchos
- Master of the Camp (Stratopedarches) Gaius Egnatius Pugnator
- Master of the Camp (Stratopedarches) Marcus Julius Aeolaninus
Foreign Ministry International Relations
Foreign Minister Senator Basil of Lófokrithía
- Deputy Foreign Minister Vacant
- Chief of Staff Count Julianus Oribasius
- Communications Officer Vacant
- Deputy Assistant Foreign Minister Vacant
Chancellery24 Administration and Interministerial Coordination
Grand Chancellor Senator Baduila Chalkeus
- Provost of the Drome (Information Technology) Count Nikephoros Kamateros
- Quæsitor (Provost of the Law) Senator Publius Quinctius Petrus Augustinus
- Provost of Insignia (Heraldic Registrations) Constantius Lascaris
- Provost of the Silentiary (Roster of Honors) Vacant
- Editor of Basilica Senator Baduila Chalkeus
Orthodox Church of Byzantium Novum25 Christian Religious Studies
Grand Prelate Gregoras Constantinus Campanus
- Grand Researcher Senator Thecla Porphyrogenita
Classical Church of Byzantium Novum26 Classical Religious Studies
Pontifex Maximus Senator Marcus Cassius Julianus
- Pontifex Andronicus Philoponus
- Sacerdos of Jupiter Senator Marcus Cassius Julianus
- Sacerdos of the Imperial Cult Gaius Lucretius Agrippa
- Sacerdos of Minerva Servia Aurelia Gemella
- Sacerdos of Diana D. Equitia Scriptrix
- Sacerdos of Aphrodite Count Palladios Pyrrus
- Sacerdos of Quirinus Count Drusus Firmius Perusinus
- Sacerdos of Mercury Ephemia Cassia Mercuria (Meghan)
- Sacerdos of the Imperial Cult Origen Iuventius (Kamberis)
- Sacerdos of Nox, Somnus & Letus Michael Sedulus Inportunum
Chamberlaincy27 Culture, Arts & Sciences
Grand Chamberlain Malachi Constantine Komnenos
- Grand Librarian Dr. Ferudun Özgümüş
- Grand Vestitor (Culture Group) Malachi Constantine Komnenos
- Grand Melodist (Music Group) Vacant
- Grand Supervisor of the Xenon (Medical Studies) Countess Anna of Constantinople
- Grand Supervisor of the Greek Group Vacant
- Grand Supervisor of the Latin Group Senator Alexander Sergius Coæv

In order of establishment.
To apply for a vacant position in the Militarium, contact the Honorable Grand Master of the Camp at


Treasury Financial Affairs

Grand Treasurer Senator Marcus Cassius Julianus
Chartulary28 Recruiting & Outreach
Grand Chartulary Count Julianus Oribasius
- Protostiarios Count Drusus Firmius Perusinus

The Hestia Tapestry, Byzantine-era Egypt, 6th century. The Hestia tapestry is a Byzantine-era pagan
tapestry made in the Diocese of Egypt in the first half of the 6th century. It is now in the Dumbarton Oaks
Collection in Washington DC, but generally not on display.

To apply for a vacant position in the Foreign Ministry, contact the Illustrious Foreign Minister at
To apply for a vacant position in the Chancellery, contact the Most Eminent Grand Chancellor at
To apply for a position in the Orthodox Church of Byzantium Novum, contact the Honorable Grand
Prelate at
To apply for a vacant position in the Classical Church of Byzantium Novum, contact the Illustrious
Pontifex Maximus at
To apply for a vacant position in the Chamberlaincy, contact the Honorable Grand Chamberlain at
To apply for a vacant position in the Chartulary, contact the Honorable Grand Chartulary at



Regional and Subordinate Local Governorates Macro-National Area

Theme of Megalopotamia – Virginia, North Carolina and South
Ducate of
Strategos Julianus Orbasius Carolina
Anatoliou Pegalous Duke
Julianus Orbasius Theme of Prasino Boura – Kentucky, Tennessee & West
Strategos Marcus Flavius Iustinus Virginia
Ballei31 Brandenburg -
Vorkuta, Komi Republic, Russia
Præceptor32 fra Guthlaf
Ballei Nicaea -
Inta, Komi Republic, Russia
Præceptor fra Leo
Præceptoria33 Pergamum -
Ukhta, Komi Republic, Russia
Præceptor fra Etienne
Præceptoria Ascalon - Severomorsk, Murmansk Oblast,
Præceptor fra Iustinus Russia
Præceptoria Antiochia -
Pechora, Komi Republic, Russia
Præceptor fra Joseph
Præceptoria Taurica -
Kerch, Crimea
Præceptor fra Hanno
Præceptoria Athenae - City of Moscow and Moscow Oblast,
Prioratus30 Fratrum Præceptor fra Harry Russia
Domus Hospitalis Sancti Theme of Hadrianopolis –
Tskhinval, South Ossetia
Johannis Strategos Leo Attaleiates
Prior (Exarch) fra Reinbert Theme of Sebastopolis –
Dzhava, South Ossetia
Strategos Isaac Kantakouzenos
Theme of Milētos –
Mozdok, North Ossetia, Russia
Strategos Ioannes Kontostephanos
Theme of Varna –
Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia, Russia
Strategos Bartholomew Vatatzes
Theme of Chalcedon –
Sukhum, Abkhazia
Strategos Irakly Angelos
Præceptoria Ravenna -
Kirov, Kirov Oblast, Russia
Præceptor fra Claus
Præceptoria Tyros - Zheleznogorsk, Kurskaya Oblast,
Præceptor fra Wolfgang Russia
Rest of European Russia, Ukraine &
Theme of Nova Raska –
Texas, Arkansas & Louisiana
Ducate of Magnum Strategos Gaius Antonius Germanicus
Finem Imperii Theme of Polieia Foinix –
Duke Publius Quinctius Strategos Basil of Lófokrithía
Petrus Augustinus New Mexico, Oklahoma &

In order of rank (regional groups listed with their constituent parts, then local groups outside the themes
and exarchates) in order of establishment. Regional groups are called themes or exarchates. Local
groups are themes. To form a local group in your area, contact the Illustrious Grand Chancellor.
Prioratus (priory) is an alternative term for Exarchate approved for use in the Priory.
Ballei (bailiwick) is an alternative term for major theme approved for use in the Priory.
Præceptor is an alternative term for strategos approved for use in the Priory.
Præceptoria (commandery) is an alternative term for minor theme approved for use in the Priory.


Theme of Aesculia –
Ducate of Duomaria Ohio & Indiana
Strategos Drusus Firmius Perusinus
Duke Drusus Firmius
Theme of Collisyluania --
Perusinus Pennsylvania
Strategos Alexius Iulius Rufio

Local Governorates Macro-National Area

Theme of Valentia - Strategos Tiberius Tullius Lucianus Scotland
Theme of Nova Gallica - Strategos Hans Krauch Eastern Canada
Theme of Noviodunum - Strategos Marcus Cassius Julianus Northern New England
Theme of Neoaustralia - Strategos Alexius Comnineous Australia
Theme of Colonia Arturi - Strategos Gulielmus Oxoniensis England & Wales
Theme of Magna Lacus – Strategos Kevin Hutchins Michigan
Theme of Floribus – Strategos Palladios Pyrrhos Florida
Theme of Magna Germania – Strategos Alexander Sergius Coæv Germany
Theme of Brasilia Augusta – Strategos Nikephoros Kamateros Brazil
Theme of Hibernia Atlantica – Strategos Nikephoros Ioannos Kellianos Ireland & Northern Ireland
Theme of Pannonia Sublimis – Strategos László Gábor Hungary
Theme of Akropotamia – Strategos Caios Usonios Nikolaos Connecticut & Rhode Island

The Magerius Mosaic. The Magerius Mosaic is a 3rd-century Roman mosaic discovered in 1966 in the
Tunisian village of Smirat and presently displayed in the Sousse Archaeological Museum. The mosaic
presumably decorated a country villa belonging to a man named Magerius.



Kleisoura Macro-National area

Kleisoura Saturna Tellus – Kleisourarches Marcus Romanus Italy
Kleisoura Terra Sancta – Kleisourarches Petronas-Paulus Iovinus Israel
Kleisoura Perasmia – Klleisourarches Marcus Antonius Albinus Iowa
Kleisoura Notia Kardia – Kleisourarches Alexios Vasilikos Axouchos Georgia (USA)
Kleisoura Boreios – Kleisourarches Constantius Lascaris Sweden
Kleisoura Megalo Paradunavon – Kleisourarches Constantin Aroumanos Romania

Estate Macro-National area
Estate of Terra Draconis Illinois and Wisconsin36
Estate of Marcomannia Czech Republic and Slovakia
Estate of Aquila Fluvium Southcentral Alaska

Town Mayor Macro-National Area
Phoinix Aridus Krysanthe M. Altessa Aeternia Phoenix AZ
Bergina Michael of Bergina Fredericksburg VA
Rhomanople Vacant Northern VA
Paradisum Athanasius Origen Baltimore MD
Chersonesus Marcus Flavius Celsus Cherson, Ukraine
Roma Quadrata Mauricius Rome, Italy
Aquileia ad Danuvium László Gábor Budapest, Hungary
Cincinnatia Drusus Firmius Perusinus Cincinnati OH
Oppidus Planities György Kiss Debrecen, Hungary

Kleisoura (garrisons) are proto-themes under the control of the Chancellery. To form one in your area,
contact the Illustrious Grand Chancellor at
Imperial estates are tracts of land and citizens administered by the Chancellery. To re-establish one of
them as a theme or garrison, contact the Illustrious Grand Chancellor at
Iowa was originally part of the Estate but has since become the Kleisoura of Perasmia
In order of foundation of the towns. All governors have the authority and ability to form towns within their
areas of responsibility (required only to notify the Illustrious Grand Chancellor for recording purposes). If you
would like to form a town outside of any ducate, exarchate or theme (or if you have any questions about
forming a town), contract the Illustrious Grand Chancellor at


Third Class County Name Macro-National Area
Aesculia Drusus Firmius Perusinus Ohio
Pannonia Sublimis László Gábor Hungary
Notia Kardia Alexios Vasilikos Axouchos Georgia (USA)
Akropotamia I Caios Usonios Nikolaos Connecticut
Second Class County Name Macro-National Area
Nova Raska Meridianam Claudia Fabia Ursa South Texas
Saturnia Tellus Marcus Romanus Italy
Terra Sancta Petronas-Paulus Iovinus Israel
First Class County Name Macro-National Area
Noviodunum Marcus Cassius Julianus Northern New England
Limnia Baduila Chalkeus NW Florida & Alabama
Valentia Tiberius Tullius Lucianus Scotland
Campis Magni Priscus Psellos Kansas
Neoaustralia Alexious Komninos Australia
Megáli Pelasgía Michael Psellus Greece
Montibus Alba Marcus Pompeius Caninus Alaska
Batavia Pavlos Constantinos Netherlands
Insulae Magnis Alexius Kaspax Hawaii
Hesperia Thecla Porphyrogenita California
Nova Raska II Gaius Antonius Germanicus Louisiana
Campus Pratensis Christophoros Iacobos Anglia Missouri
Nova Raska I Publius Quinctius Petrus Augustinus Texas
Mazun Gaius Aurelius Anselmus United Arab Emirates
Terra Draconis I Anna of Constantinople Illinois
Draconis Deserta Lukaris Narses Arizona
Prasino Boura I Marcus Flavius Iustinus Kentucky
Magna Germania Rhomaios Germany
Anatolia Magna Costas Olbitas Turkey
Chersonesus Julianus Orbasius Virginia
Brasilia Augusta Nikephoros Kamateros Brazil
Floribus Palladios Pyrrhos Florida (except NW Florida)
Valentia Novum Hans Krauch Nova Scotia
Colonia Artori Gulielmus Oxoniensis England & Wales
Hibernia Atlantica Nikephoros Ioannos Kellianos Ireland
Irema Nera Beniaminus Thomanus Nebraska
Terra Mariae Athanasius Origen Maryland
Nova Raska III Aula Fabia Cervula Arkansas
Nova Raska Orientem Taurus Heraclitus East Texas
Magna Lacus Kevin Hutchins Michigan

In order of precedence. To apply to be a count in an area not listed, contact the Honorable Grand
Chartulary at



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Byzantium Novum Church: Theme of Polieia Foinix
Micro-nation Kleisoura of Duomaria on Discord
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Main Page:
Anatoliou Pelagous:
ByzNovum Citizens (Everyone should be in here): Chronicle by John Skylitzis depicting the
Orthodox Church of ByzNovum elevation of the emperor on a shield by soldiers



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