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Assignment No.1 :
1. Write any 5 advantages of PHP
A. Open Source and Free of Cost :
People can download it for free from any open source
B. Platform Independent :
PHP based application can run on any operating system like Unix,
Window and Linux
C. Easy Loading:
One can load the php based application easily and connect them to
a database
D. Stable :
Unlike other scripting language, it is very stable over the years
E. User Friendly :
It can be learned easily and implemented

2. State the use of “$” sign in php.

A. The “$” sign is used to declare a variable in PHP.
B. In php, a variable starts with “$” sign followed by a name of variable
for eg : $var_name = “Helllo World”;

3. Write the syntax of php.

A. There are 3 ways of pairs of opening and closing tags which can be
used in php
B. For opening : <?php and For closing : ?>
C. Default way:
echo “This is default”;
D. Short Open Tag :
echo “This is second way”;
E. Omit the closing Tag :
Echo “This is third way”;

4. Explain the terms

A. Variable :
Variable in php starts with “$” sign and is assigned a value using
“=” value.
B. Expression :
In php , An expression is a line of code that has a variable and a

5. Explain any four data types in php

A. String :
a) A string is a sequence of character enclosed in single or
double quotes
b) Eg:
$name_person = “Hello World”;
$name_person = ‘Hello World’
B. Integer :
a) An Integer datatype is a non-decimal number , it can either be
negative or positive.
b) Eg:
$x = 54;
$y = -54

C. Float :
a) A float is a number with decimal point
b) Eg :
$x = 3.14;
$y = 5.5;

D. Boolean :
a) A Boolean represents two positive states : TRUE or FALSE
b) Eg :
$x = true;
$y = false;

6. WAP a program using foreach loop

A. The program is :
$colors = array(“red”,”blue”,”green”,”orange”,”yellow”,”black”);
foreach($colors as $values)
echo “$values<br>”;
7. List different types of operator
A. Arithmetic Operator :

Sign Name Example

+ Addition $x + $y
- Subtraction $x-$y
* Multiplication $x*$y
/ Division $x/$y

B. Comparison Operator :

Sign Name Example

== Equal $x==$y
=== Identical $x===$y
!= Not Equal $x!=$y
> Greater than $x>$y
< Lesser than $x<$y
<= Lesser than or equal $x<=$y
>= Greater than or $x>=$y
equal to

C. Logical Operator :

Sign Name Example

&& And $x&&$y
! Not !$x
|| Or $x||$y
Assignment No.2
1. What is array? How to store data in array?
A. In PHP, an array is a data structure that allows you to store a
collection of values under a single variable name. Each value in an
array is identified by a unique index or a key.
B. To store data in an array in PHP, you can use one of the following
a) Indexed Array:
In Indexed array, the indexes are numbers starting from zero.
To create a numeric array, you can use the following syntax:
$array = array(value1, value2, value3);
Eg :
$fruits = array("apple", "banana", "orange");

b) Associative Array:
In an associative array, the indexes are strings that you
define. To create an associative array, you can use the
following syntax:
$array = array(key1=>value1, key2=>value2,
$ages = array("Peter"=>32, "John"=>28, "Mary"=>21);

c) Multi-dimensional Array:
In a multi-dimensional array, you can have one or more
arrays nested inside another array. To create a multi-
dimensional array, you can use the following syntax:
$array = array(array(value1, value2), array(value3, value4));
Eg :
$students = array(
array("name"=>"John", "age"=>25, "grade"=>85),
array("name"=>"Mary", "age"=>23, "grade"=>90),
array("name"=>"Peter", "age"=>27, "grade"=>75)

2. Explain Variable function in php.

A. Function is a block of code which is named and can be called
multiple times using that name to perform activity.
B. Variable function is basically a simple parameterized function
which can be assigned to a variable and called using the function
name or variable name.
C. Example :
function add()
$a = 10;
$b = 20;
echo $a+$b;
$x = “add”;

3. WAP to create associative array in php.

$a = array(“One”=>1, “Two”=>2, “Three”=>3);
echo $a[“One”]; ?>
4. Differentiate between implode and explode function in php
(not confirm)
Implode Explode
Converts an array to a string Converts a string to an array
Concatenates all elements of the Breaks up the string into pieces at
array with a specified delimiter a specified delimiter

Syntax: implode(delimiter, array) Syntax: explode(delimiter, string)

$colors = array('red', 'green', $color_string = 'red,green,blue';
'blue'); $colors = explode(',',
$color_string = implode(',', $color_string);
$colors); print_r($colors);
echo $color_string; // Output: Array ( [0] => red [1]
// Output: red,green,blue => green [2] => blue )

5. Define function how to define user defined function in php

A. Function is a block of code which is named and can be called
multiple times using that name to perform activity.
B. Two types of function :
a) Built-in function
b) User Defined
C. A user defined function declaration starts with the keyword
‘function’ followed by the name as the function.
D. Eg :
function display()
echo “This is used to display”;
display(); ?>
6. Write php script to sort any five number using array function
$numbers = array(7, 3, 9, 2, 5);
foreach ($numbers as $number)
echo $number . " ";

7. Explain associative and indexed array with suitable example.

A. Indexed Array:
a) In Indexed array, the indexes are numbers starting from zero. To
create a numeric array,
b) you can use the following syntax:
$array = array(value1, value2, value3);
c) Eg :
$fruits = array("apple", "banana", "orange");

B. Associative Array:
a) In an associative array, the indexes are strings that you define. To
create an associative array,
b) you can use the following syntax
$array = array(key1=>value1, key2=>value2, key3=>value3);
c) Eg:
$ages = array("Peter"=>32, "John"=>28, "Mary"=>21);

8. Explain any four string function in php

A. strrev(string) :
a) reverses the string
b) eg :
$str = “Hello”;
echo strrev($str);

B. strcmp(str1,str2) :
a) This function is case sensitive returns
0 if both str1 and str2 are equal
1 if str1 is greater than str2
-1 I str2 is greater than str1
b) Eg :
$str1 = “Hello”;
$str2 = “hello”;
echo strcmp($str1,$str2);

C. strpos(string,word) :
a) Find position of a given word in a string and it is case sensitive
b) Eg :
$str = “Hello PHP”;
echo strpos($str,”PHP”);
D. str_replace($search, $replace, $subject) :
a) It is used to replace all occurrences of a string with another string
within a given string.
b) Eg :
$str = "Hello PHP";
echo str_replace("PHP","Uzumaki",$str);

9. Write the syntax and use of array.flip() in php

A. PHP, the array_flip() function is used to exchange the keys and
values of an array.
B. The syntax for the array_flip() function:

10. Explain following function with examples

A. str_replace($search, $replace, $subject) :
a) It is used to replace all occurrences of a string with another string
within a given string.
b) Eg :
$str = "Hello PHP";
echo str_replace("PHP","Uzumaki",$str);

B. ucwords($string) :
a) It converts the first character of each word into upper case letter in
a string
b) Eg:
echo ucwords(“hello, my name is you”);

C. strlen($string) :
a) Returns the length of a string including all the white spaces and
special characters
b) Eg :
echo strlen(“Hello World”);

D. strtoupper($string):
a) It is used to convert the string into upper case
b) Eg :
echo strtoupper(“hello world”);

11. Explain Extract() and Compat() function with example.

A. Extract() :
a) It is used to convert keys into variables
b) Syntax :
c) Extract rules:
d) Eg :
$arr = [“One”=>1,”Two”=>2]
extract ($arr);
echo “$One,$Two”;

B. Compact() :
a) Used to convert variable to array
b) Syntax :
compact(“variable name”,”variable name”);
c) Eg :
$a = 30 ; $b = 60 ; $c=70;
$d = compact(“a”,”b”,”c”);

12. State the use of str_word_count along with its syntax.

A. The str_word_count() function is used to count the number of
words in a string.
B. It is a built-in function in php
C. The syntax for the str_word_count() function:
str_word_count (string,return,char)
a) string :
specifies the string to be checked
b) return :
optional , specifies return value of the str_word_count() function
c) char :
optional . specifies special characters to be considered as words

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