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Name of the Student: Aryan varma

Enrolment No.: A35404822110

Guide Name and Designation:

TOPIC Name: A review on Attack detection and identification in cyber-physical systems.


a.) The objective of attack detection and identification in cyber-physical systems is to create
efficient methods and procedures for spotting and locating criminal activity that threatens
the system's integrity, availability, and safety. This entails locating weaknesses and
eliminating them as well as quickly and effectively spotting attacks and retaliating to them.


The following steps could be included in the methodology for attack detection and identification in
cyber-physical systems:

Doing a thorough literature search entails looking for pertinent articles, books, conference papers,
and other writings on attack detection and identification in cyber-physical systems.

Selection of pertinent literature: The following phase is choosing pertinent material in accordance
with the inclusion criteria, such as the paper's applicability to the research topic and the calibre of
the study.

Data extraction: In this step, pertinent data, such as the research methodology, techniques
employed, evaluation measures, and outcomes, are extracted from the chosen papers.
Data analysis: The research on attack detection and identification in cyber-physical systems uses
data analysis to find trends and patterns in the retrieved data.

Finally, the research is synthesised to give a thorough picture of the state-of-the-art in attack
detection and identification in cyber-physical systems, including the difficulties and potential paths
for further study.

A crucial topic of research is attack detection and identification in cyber-physical systems, which
aims to create methods and tools for spotting and recognising criminal activity that may
jeopardise the security, availability, and integrity of these systems. This entails locating
weaknesses and eliminating them as well as quickly and effectively spotting attacks and retaliating
to them.

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