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STANDARD METHOD OF MEASUREMENT OF BUILDING WORKS Authorised by Agreement between The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and The National Federation of Building Trades Employers LONDON Published by The Roya Institution of Chartored Surveyors 1 Great George Stn Patent Square, Wenniae, ‘The National Federation of Bulding Trades Employers 1 ew Cavendish eet, FIFTH EDITION, fst March 1952 All rights reserved Fiat Eaton ‘Second Eaton “The Ebon Foun Eaton Fn Eston PREFACE TO FIFTH EDITION FOLLOWING representains from vious sources an nutaton was iad eal In 2 the peleslon!Jourvala and technical press to al conesrned to surat ‘uggeatns for slereston and simpiiaion othe Standard Method of Messure~ iment Afra carl uaminaen and arate of the many suggestons rested ho Commits announced thatthe reples to te invatonTnaeatoa le demand Tor fimpleation tu sessed the need for ceaton nd amplficaton. ‘The Commit ‘horetar cid fo uncortae a dette stay wth avi foSeciing whothar those Dh rmetce note would sutice or whether & goneral roison was nets ‘nd Ventaing Eraears Wer (December Tot 1950 “This tho Filth Elton, nation to ncorpraing th foregoing supplements, ithe resut ofan exhusine examination ofthe Fours Eaten inthe ight of the suggestions {Seshad and ofthe neo a define rules sfrmessuement aang Wom New ochnquae thd methous af constuction ‘The opportunity has bee iaken to e-at the document completely ard ite hoped that hee feo wl move many uneerais in nterretaton. Bue and othe aos {hor tie in conegeing and commnting or retina das era especialy 0 the onowry Eator whe has made scampi view of those drat The Fith Eaton wl become operave on Ist Malch 198 and Is post-éted cco ‘I Standing Jlnt Commie responsible forthe preparation ofthis ection was Representing The Royal IneEtution of Chaired Sureeyors:— Reginald H Francie (Chaiman), Gordon Costs, Lonel E Hendorson, Horace W ‘Gooding, E Normen Hora, Cibo P Valo Representing the Nationa! Federation of Buldag Trades Employers Leonard & Walden (ico Charman), Get € Sea, overt Cars, SyéneyT Fit, Kenneth CF Faster, Thomas MeKeo, Ere T Soimen, Chas E Westra Jot Honorary Secretaries — PT Wallats FRICS and John 6 Osborne FRICS. Hosery Eitor— ‘Witla F Young FRICS. Other senlemen who have greed on he Corte during he preperation ofthis Sunyores— ‘David Corer, George D Wialloré andthe late Montague H Thachny. Bole — ‘Tha ate Jona M Rel late Wihiam W Sapcete and the ate Reginald H Woottams PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION 1922 “tha roquany ol the semana upon the eras fe the dora of proces varying with ocd custom, ond {complaint onthe part of contactors That the estmatr was Weeuent ein ‘ntothotwe meaning ota inthe ile of guarties whch ha as called vponto pis, 1'ctcamstance sich mated aputat slic ad pecurate oncering. 1 the absonco ef any stustory guaeatione fer suveyara practising in the United Both the Surveyors Inttaion and the Quanty Sureyors! Associaton were Impressed withthe recessy of socutng greater accuracy of work and unormy of Imetbos Tha later body in duy, 10 wt thie object nvlew appeintd a Commie ‘tho prepared and pubished pampiets sein out the mae cf measurement recom ‘mended bythe Atsolaton in rospect of ve tacen. The Surveyors Ineltuton aso Tasted tea members ear giving an authotiatveepnion a tothe correct mead ‘timeaturement in tho cane of Hama in connection wih whch dapies had acsaree ‘Tho desirably cf corperaton between the to societies tus Became viet, and ‘Joist Common nas et pin Jun, 912 upon wich war imposed the ach deetng ‘bea comprehensive wet of Sundrd Rules of Measurement of Bling Works In 1 ‘eprorentatives ofthe baldng trades wers add to this Commitee fou cont cl [ing nominated by the Nalbnal Faderaton of Buillog Trades Chployere and te Instleton of Bude, The Joint Commies were eessted in ther Gelberains by “The Standard Method of Messorment of Bultng Works ct the flowing page i founded upon the pectic a the I ‘nye th enain mosifenons vy way St ateratns ‘somnated bythe RaionalPadeaion of Bubcag Trnas Employrs an re lnsiote of Bolder is Surrs, Mente AH Heian, Charme Tomes fb, ‘Hom Sex RC. Gloag, Amols Hari ‘Waltr Lawrnce, and Morgan H Young: (Conractors! Massa, Frond (Rugby), Vice-Chaman’ I. Laray (London), Stans Hier (ewcestie-on Tyne), and Frank Woods (Bolten, Lareashie), thar gontomen who have sere onthe Gonmite for ate ate Survras Messra Arthur 6. Cows, W. E Davis, dE: Drowe, and Hany Rey,” Concir: MeWaiter Unurancs (Landon PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION 1927 was ft dsl tat the functions of the Commitee should nt cease with the cation ofthe wort fr which f ma oreo ut hati should veal in {tr arotvaona capac 19 svi upon al points In connection wih method of rmeataromentsrofred to IT Gcision-auch decisions being pablhed inthe urna St the Survoyor'Inctuton and such trade jurnle se the National Federation of Bulling Trocas Empoyers, and the Intact Bula, may om tine to tne doce “The Commitee, atthe date the sue the Revised Eon (027) was consisted Survpars: Masts: Walter Lawrence, Chatman; Arthur 6. Cros ‘Arnall E Hari dona Me Thaobala, Hon: Sees and Morgan fh. Yeurg, ‘Canbaclrs Mats. R Filo Rugb, Vice-Chairman; W, Lacey (London), Stan ute owcesiovon Tyne, an Fant Woods (Scen, Lancashg)” nnn” Sey RC. Gleed, PREFACE TO THIRD EDITION 1835 Standard Method of Measurement of Bulding Works a6 feet published in 1802 1s revteg In 1827 wes so wel oceved by Quantly Suveors ane Bulg Contractors throughout England and Wels hain the Compuraly shot spec ‘ot nine years te rcogniton as tho author onthe suber as oui to uy Re Incorporation in tha Form of Bang Contact fsued In 131 unde: te sanction of te Roya Inte of Bi Avcitects the Naina! Feceration el BuldingTredee Eloy” tre and the Inetute of Saiaars Expeince, however, the wothing ofthe documont has chown that many fie Commiteo charged withthe adminitation ofthe work have thoretore ime in spcaprit eeu ecompisay reveed Eaton nthe pepare- vey aus ofthe anginal Socimert hes eon terutinised end Wraaght ensure tat every shade of eption an the wortag ofthe document n races shoal be conldre tho Joint Cami trough thelr Organizations essed nations {othe numerous interested paris to submat suggestions othe improvement and enol eatin ofthe document ‘The response tc this ation shewed wry cle he impor Snes atache to the document and the necessity for fhe preset Yvan. Ol the voy Ittg urbe of suagested alteratens put frward cach eno es bean carey wolghed ‘nd considered Sem degree of attuda has, of nacostiy, been gvon in mates of det, but ho wal endenvcr has boon tot an aeolte standard meters fail Building’ Contractors wil workin conformity therm, fener! raughout ha Country arefosnormore tha may Seve! service lll ate For the measurement of Cul Engineering Warts, erence should bo made tthe port ath Committ on Engivering QventtesIaued bythe Inetuton of Cl Engineers “The Joint Commitee responitle forthe Revision the dete ofanve was composed ‘totowss= Repressting the Chartered Surveyor’ nettton— Mosara. Pecehal F, Glace, Chairman, Arthur G. Cross Reginald H. Fe Syaney LPoran, Ment Wa nd Ease. Har, Hon. Se, Representing the National Fedraion of Building Trades Empleyore:— Mosars. Frank Woede (Bolton, Lancashire), Vice-Chairman; Raymond Bennett “ipewih), George Evins minghan),ané Witla Lacoy (London). Representing the Institute of Su ‘Mr, Robert Robots (London) Honorary Edo tothe Jat Commit — ‘Richard W. Gleed (London. PREFACE TO FOURTH EDITION 1948 VER tole yours have elapsed since the Standing Joint Commie issued the “hd Eaton of he Stndord Methos of Messuremant of Guicing Wks, The postwar condifors have tater doy, the proportion hnisinterprtaton; ears ao only improvements In iy or ere mado In he Interest ‘constancy iain te document In particule atention is drawn tothe recantog ofthe “Prliminies” section and to a naw sbeton heeded "Gonera Pipa" which hae been formed to cover mars Which aro utsde te scope. of the Protminary il, but are princiles of general “ppliaion in imrprtiog tho documont New secon ar alse cused to du! wit tng and Vortating tnd Boctocal Wore In the intro of students the document has boon mad avaible in recent your sata tediced price on applet beng made through approves Coleges or Schoo Following te precedent the cate ofthe Third Edtion and in view ofthe specie ‘aterancen aus 1 of he Standard fB.4; Condon of Contract othe as eave That ts Fourth Eaton shale iecuad es te sent eter Unt "9, and fave post-Catod the docomont according. Thelen aared wil ‘he posaby oft change of systom Reng fo Be appled whit Invcourse of preperation ‘The Staring Joint Commitae wih to expres thi hanks fo all who By tha ‘nules suggestions and observations have contibted towards this Fourth Eaton. ‘The Stand ng Jolt Commie esponsibe forthe preparation o! his Fourth Eston Representing The Royal Inston of Chartered Surveyors — ‘Mouse. CHa (Vc-Charman), Franc, Henderson, J K. Stephens, MHl'Thacirs, Valo ond A Wl Eat Representing the Neboral Feserton of Bling Trades Empovers:— essa, Frank Woods (Charman, RBeona, F. J. Gayer, N. F. Heeting 1. TR yl, W. W. Sapecte and LA. Walden. Honcrry Secretary ta the Joint Commits — PT Waters, RLS. Honerary Arbiter JM Thoobal, PP.RLCS. CONTENTS section A. GENERAL RULES: 8 PRELIMINARIES ‘ F roliminrypatulrs Contact partelare Sever mater. ‘Fonporery works Werke oy publ bos Werks by nominated sub-convactors {Goods and meters fem nominated euppirs Stocking, dying and lenin he wos © DEMOLITIONS AND ALTERATIONS ‘General t Section © Semoitons Sunde Protection Sheen sompnss ; aoe Set ede Fone : ‘Sheatsea pina F CONCRETE WORK ‘Genaraly to Section F ‘rn concrete and rentrced concrete Reinforcement | Fomwen roca eoncreie units : Hollow Sock suopenod conection Drenroeed coerce : Praca prestessed units Goriracordoigned conatction ‘Snes 5 Protection @ BRICKWORK AND BLOCKWORK .. ‘Generali 0 Secton 6 : Break ont ‘ ck fcawork Erctwork Dut fa othe or ervey of acing bik UNDERPINNING. ‘Gonaal te Sacton H f Wom el vades F w eee S2eBRNSeeEe UEsesss contents ‘Gonealy to Section J ‘Store be work 5 Sinaiee entering K MASONRY ‘Genera to Section Natural stonewort so: ast stonenert Gloynare wok Send Cenvarina Protection SGonaaly to Section L Naot atphat ie 5 Protection R i M ROOFME ew 5 Generally to Section Sit ar fis exfing ete to hs ine Root decking Biumon elt oot Sheet metal rooted: ny Sheet metal fishings an Gitrs N CARPENTRY Liab aa cra oe 2 Ft, grounds, bane and baclating ‘undies ee Carports mean : Po voery Gere secton 2 Enves end verge bonding Pyreod lings and eanngs Plain or anetd ining, casings and pattons Door, windows, shah and laters Fremea i ade Fass, blarng bends a ‘hitingn eedtaven etererls and crn ‘Sink, draining: boats abd beckowde rings and fates sn Starensen Standerd Unis is Sindee uw z sisseeee saeeee BeReR saescseese a apeeesessssss Secon @ STRUCTURAL STEELWORK ee General to Section O ea Siitagos and ger Stanciorm esl ané pata rant Rect momber, braces stte and vale £ Senda ae ‘Geraralyt Socton R Wastin pleten, bare, secon Work in thet metal ‘Work in ite mash or expanded rata. empoat nits 7 Sonaies a Cerpentare muiwore SS |S) PLUMBING AND ENGINEERING INSTALLATIONS General to Section Ss ee ‘ Guten é a Pipeware _ ‘ Bacto caret 3 ‘Aoplances : ‘ ‘ears f ‘Sonar i Boldere work... Protection er T ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS ws ws ener to Section T aus Eculpmert and eontl goa! i : Conaits, vurking and ay aise ties and conductors Fitings and accesso Sonate Protection ‘ i U_ PLASTERWORK AND OTHER FLOOR, WALL AND CEILING FINISHINGS SSenraly to Section U ina frishge Tia sa ck tishnos tating tn oassbowding GLAZING a ‘Generatyt Secton V ‘lan in open Demonte Slavs valtinings Gare toctwon ‘ Protection SAR ‘CONTENTS: @e2Resee BRESyuze+zye seseecasse arceee |W PAINTING AND DECORATING “Genealyt Secon W Paining ane sir work ing Sionweing Pepernarging Protection X_ DRAINAGE Seneray to Section X ‘Wort leases eneraiy 1 Secon ¥ per-type fencing i Closet fencing Erna . 10 INTRODUCTION HE Standara Method of Measurement provides a uniform Ef is for measuring bullding works and embodies the nals of good practice but more detaled information than Is demanded by this document should be given where necessary In order to define the precise nature end extent of the required work. The Standard Method shall apply equally {othe mecaurernent of proposed works and of executed works BR SECTION 4 GENERAL RULES [AS Bile of quant shal ful dori and accasttyrepretant the work ob executed, be dostibed as provilonal oF 'A2(0) Work shall bo messured la fd in poston and each measuroment shall etka te in eeuedt hal ln, Tecoes cane tee tha al thal be apa ator actions shall be vegarded ea whale inches. This ule shal het app ‘in this document they shal ior onto openings er waa which are whally win he bourdales of meesred af. ror wants whlch ar tthe boundaries of ured aren shah sinaye Bo subject of deduction respective of ste ienvry unlealngsstoring; returning packings handling olstng owen) AG) Fiing and sing materale and good n poston. overhead chraas an ort, stueen sight and cured work shana cases be deemed to beincuded vain te workin which they ccc {9 Netnstanaing tho rovlsione inthis document for abou tobe given In Srear fet rine yards auth labours maybe pvr nthe deacon ef ery Una tem of ees (eo notuttanding the orion inthis document for iabouts tbe enumetate, such iaboure may be gion In tho deacon of any srumerated tom ot work on WHC thoy oceur {0} oewge Geo inne cee (2) wna i dae gia Se onan bon anne ital ang tbr, nen contn stance ar haa (menses ra Yop ees Sr scerdnce nh spn they san ped sad deste ss ahowes= Soa Gone eee Pca! dames {tng worth te cst inches amt, 0 tt wget or tines arate. (a) wos tis octet ion heen pun ob sine in acortance wie Pansirely ier Cimd ot eel teow wien roe cee Ban mn sth cso oon, te Sac shal "Heal et fot oe, quar fo cneing 4 square eo ouch). De ian in accordance wth hn paragraph thy shall be nuretated a exe over ‘ho work which they cecur respective of he actual ont ‘96 (a) Whare he unit of tting i the oc or he yrs, quattes shall be bat the nearest Wile ent Fractons of ¢ unt leas than half shal be sltegedod andl thot ‘etions shu be rgarsed ws wha unis GENERAL RULES General Rules (cond) (6) Where the ui of lig Is the hundrawelahtquanis shall be calculate tothe ‘stones shal be ied ws sign ol « hunaredwaight mth hesavegatced end all ater Factions shall. eragardee ab wala stones. (where fe apotetn of tht Cause would cause an enim tobe aiminatod, such om sallba snomected tating he sie o welgh ms appropiate [A Whores document requires provisional rime cost sume tebe gvanin accordance Wit ts Cae, the cose oft aha be mage In contrmiy wih te flowing Uetnttons ants athentee proved In the conatons of contact “The tom Sprite Su abl ua 2 Sum protae for wor of for costs Thick examat be antral frase, dein or detadea a hate to tendering [AB Wotk executed in or undr waar sal be 20 described satin whether ana ver or ‘on water and nero applicable) the lvls of high and iow wate. the pressure and the SECTION B PRELIMINARIES Fer General Rules se Section A Preliminary Particulars [Bt Tho name and addrosses ofthe employe, the architect and the @uanty surveyor ‘hal bested 12 (a) The positon of th ste shal be deseiod stating the modo of acons, Attention ‘Sha be Grav to any Unitatena of wersing space and fo any adjacent or abuting (0 Reconmondations ast vtng the sto and napecting any al ole shall bo mado “Saung whore the faye maybe cbained (ay rqured) and where the Srewings find ober documents maybe loapecte. (© Where an reetiction re imposed on tho wo or depotal of any ss vp he vt parclreo tha rntitons shal bo gen. (q Whore possataan ofthe ae wil be glen In section, pasar shall be gen. 1 rae found 13 (a) A genta descroion of th works shall be avn 15 Se damian nt spend wth pared the flwing eal be ‘ren {3m sn te adn, Fl aor ad blow roan or a he umber a trey {The length nd the height of extra! elavaions, the total length for wach [Siterent hag bung ion spare. {o) Whore tne wor re roqured fo be eos or completed in any specie over orn ‘ackons or phases parts shall e gen Contract particulars 126 (a) Pasta ofthe form and tye of serra ahall bs {8 Witor'he condone of contract are stancard opined and published or general “ie, prbelars one eion tbe used shal bo gen andwachedule of the caus itwangs tall bo stout nthe bi (o whore any thar cctons et contract are sed a copy ofthe full contions shal tad it the bl and «schedule of he cause headings al beso etn the oi {0 Where there isan appandic tothe condions of contact rng tsortons to be ‘nao, schedule of te sertons shall best outa the General matters 1S (a) For conveianc in pricing, tema fr the following shall be gan urless they a “overt by the schedules ivan In accoresace with Clause 8 heool=— “Plat tools and vhs. (Sete neath and wales of workoeons. {ip Notices artes te local authors (0) Sting atthe works, (Gane! Soraman b_Natona! insurances and pasion for workpeope. (5) Setaguarng tw wom ate nd at and tht, the mrt mat and plant against da (9) Masnonane of pate tod private outs a Co) Potceregaitons. aati fo «Dstt Surveyor a London shall “Set sum au Cause At horok public undertatngs, fren a8 «provisional or prime » [Bt Any obligation or restriction that maybe imposed onthe contactor by the employer in espect of any mati not covered ty ay clase In tre condiona of contac hs breton as an fom statng the retro parteulrs, 1B7 Water or the works and temporary arangement for etorig an dstibitng about he a hr wl elgg sat Conc, parcuas rh be ghon aa to the arable copay te wource ial, Gre hel and th eaton a i psi os sur - PRELIMINARIES tt coonenes ace General Matters (cont) [BB Lighting and power forthe works and temporary arrangements for detbuton about ‘ha ste and fo lahting to hoardings andthe the shabu gon as an tem. Where ‘lecie curert wll be supped ee of costo tho contactor, parlors shal be ‘ven est tho aaleblecapacy, the vlogs, the fps of supply eg aerating’ ‘Sroco'and to locaton of he point of fee supa. 'BB (a) The consacio’ tbl for isk of nu to persons and property ad of damage to {he So hl gn an tem alesse cover oy he shen eh Ei Seeordance with Caves 84 hetot [B10 Whore the cost of insuring any Ebi ofthe employe is required oe included in he const sum such oe! shall be gen a proviinal ar prime cor sm ae ‘louse AT neat, Winer the cost of any tem eating to any ofthe foregoing genera materi dependent "jpn the eae of he war sush tem sal began tthe Protminaries Sexton of ‘he Dill wih a note agsnat t requing it to be priced in the Summary of fhe Dil ‘vision being medo tharoineecordng. ‘Temporary works [B12 Clearing aay tomporary wor and meking good alter shall be doomed to be includes ‘nth te om B13 Tomporay roads, acs, haré-standings, crosings andthe Ie shal be given ‘ven as an ten. Hosea ihn, umitur,equlpment end etndanco shal be deemed fo be included wih e em. (@) Temporary ofies forthe sae the reitact the qty super he lan af wore ‘and anyother porson acing on behalf of te employer lating the for are reqs. Meatng lighting, unr, fice shall be gen nthe dscriton (Rats onal temperar bulldngs shall be gven as an Hem or a8 a provsloral ox prime beret Sines use A hreat The cea of a eres hello annette elses 1S Temporary sereens andthe ke shall be gv a8 an Hom stating the rea square {jvds ahd any requirments egaing constuction, Doors and windows. I roans thal Began inthe coseapton. (0) Tempra lnc, owns fn, land lshay, utr, nk andthe maybe necssa fot potecung th puns, for the proper execuon ofthe ‘mors and for mocing te requaments of ay Toc or tn iy shal be Sh a ny yc aces by he onl ep a (8) Such temporary works specifically required by the employer shall be given as items Staing al elornt parts. Temporary sefoldag fr the wort shall be lve a8 an tom. The appodate ‘gees aren of fore nhich have fished collng over oot but not exceeding ect above te Noor thal be gion in squta yards," Whore fished calings are ‘ver 20 foot above te oor, such Noor areas shall be ivan soparly In sare ord saing the ache! Regt of te callogs a PRELIMINARIES. ‘Works by pubic bod [B19 Woits which may ony be cared out bya focal authoiy or « pub undertaking (eataking up androlying publ roads and ostoshs arming permanant crossings) ‘Su enth be given seperately an provinonal or pe com sum aa Cause AT erat ‘Works by nominated subvcontractors [BRO (a) Works which are required to be cared ost by 8 ‘jin a2 reich! or prime cost sum ae Cl (Gono ttoncance Onan gent lies Tor nominated sb-conrators shall be ‘den aa anton in each caso and shal be doomed to Include ony aliowing vse of funding scaling, messrooms, sanry aeconmodadon ane wolfe tees proving space fr afeeaccomodaton and for storage of plan and mai Frnt and vt or tar wo cleang oy rte specie ata finch tnd special aces for nomintnd sub-contractors shal be ‘an tain such cave ging perieaars (ey unloading: storing, Naa ‘Goods and materials rom nominate suppliers [BM (a) Goods and material which are required tebe ebained from & noninatd supper ‘hab gens provi tine cox sums Cage A erat Daching mata to the tomiated suppber cainge Shorter sal be eased tobe includ withthe toma ef fuing. Where th cons ‘heanvorng ooode and mater to no sa any spect pacing oF the Te are ‘eqirad tobe paid by te contecter, piesa shal be gre Protecting, deying and cleaning the works ‘B22 Protecting the works from inlomast weather shall bs gona an tm. Providing ful and atondance for crying the works shal be gon as «provisional or ‘rime cont sum a8 Clause AT hero [BU Removing rubbish and debris end easring tho works intra an extra shall Se gwen ae anton Contingencies [B15 Provision for contngenclos shall be glen es provisional or prime cost ‘iause Ar neea — CU section ¢ DEMOLITIONS AND ALTERATIONS For Gena Rus sn Section A Gonerally to Section © 2) The lcsion of dmoliions and alterations shall be avn nthe description ofthe Shoring and sealing nelson! to dmoltons and ahertons sha be gon inthe om ter sain op as Bln et standing shal bien mcrorcance wih late C10 (6) Old materi arising trom demattons end ateraions shall boome the property ofthe contractor anes ‘thera sate. Clearing away such od materia shall bo deemed fo be Iclued wih the ers. Proislon shal be made Inthe bl for eres (4 Old material rqued to romain tho propery of he amploye shal bo ao éecribed. Sting side and Stocng such old mterats on sto sal be pen in ths dation ofthe hms Preecing the workin tis Secon shall | corte fa a oe = + pet io 8 I a tune o Yeon, 8 sone co pamited tobe reased in work measures naw shall bo so doscibd, No austment {e'he measured quien cf nw wart in which such at mats are rouse Demelitions (a) For rales relating to Section C general see Clause C1 hareot (8) Demotshing instidua sructors (or pots tore) shall be gen as ems, ca hat caning th sit ofl structures may be given ao an iter. Tho lowest oval of ‘demotion shal be stated (ep dwn tthe top of surface concrote atthe lowest oor trl) (6) Leaving parts of oid walle tamporary “nthe daserpion of domotton toms. ton to acta butrestes shal ogi Alterations (2) For ules relating to Section general sue Clause C1 oreo {3 Ateraton wor which would be most convent priced on test shal be grouped Yogetharand gon under an spprepat heading. ‘cutng openingsin old structures shel be en aaitoms stating the nominal ished ‘ize.of he pening, th pe and thctnone a tho old erste and tho estmont ‘Xund the gpening (og inseningtemmers, tals arehos. sil nthe he: asnng Up ambe) ending ishings and making good al work disturbed shal bo von Intha descriton. Now door, vindewe ond the ke call Bo measured i deta ‘ecard withthe appropiate rules. ‘locking up opening nod sucaro call be ivan a tame sating the size of the ‘opening td ha netursndhicinas te now wok Taling ou tesla, tes, ‘Sfevest ila era the the, bonding or obereize securing te now work to the od {tvetirs xendng fnihings onthe now werk end mating good al work sturbod [halle pven the description. Pulog down wala, partion oor, ooo ealrcases an parts fold atuctres ‘hall began te fem. Whore pracheabiequaniesanaeimensions shal be given Inte deseripon. “ehing down fitings and fatres (op doors windows; sanitary apotnces: counter ‘copboaras) shal ba gven as iam sting the sce Thos eed tobe sa sto ofaig shall be oo described. Repaing, adapting and refuing ol tings an fares shal be len exes stating ‘he se, “Temporary screen and temporary roofs shal each bo ven separtaly In equare “ards oronumaratod at may ba appropiate, Weaterproo! screens and Gusiproct eroana shal bo so describe, Tamora strangenents for dealing wih ranma, {emporery door temporary windows sed tho ike I atoona shall be gon in tho ‘dcarplons Claring sway tompoary werk shal be eamod to Benched wih ‘inkar shoring (thor than that incidental to demaions and alterations) shall bo ‘en n cube feat sting tre positon a ype of shoring end the nau a he ‘Rrecure tobe shored: Evckng, artaining, seating away, cuting oles in ho DEMOLITIONS AND ALTERATIONS Sundees (cont) structure, mating good ll werk datrbed, obtiing ences and paying fos call is given in te averplons Proving ail neeasay nie, weagee aa bots shall be Geomed tbe incaged wth he tems. SECTION D EXCAVATION AND EARTHWORK Fer Gone les ae Seton & ‘THE UNIT OF BILLING SHALL BE THE YARD ‘Generally to Section D 11 (a) Any intrmaton sulle concerning the nature ofthe groune and stats andthe evel af he warble {ali be given. Attrton shal ba arawnfo any epen tal hols en si (9 Wort eusng bucinge shall beso dosed. Handing atrals aé geting them In or out of such tela sal be deemed once hb ems. Site preparation For rule rlating to Sacton D ganeray see Claus DI hero ‘wevtrtion and panel frmamyue D4 Excavatng vegetable soll which is fo be preserved shall be given in sae “ing tne sverage depth Sail deposked on ats In pervert pol heap ot “prendom sesh ath b fo demand stating the location ef such dope ‘Heorerape distance om the excavation In eat yrds la feroina DS (a) Cutting down res end grubbing up ter roots shall be enumerated. Tres at ex- pone “eedog Bt hches ah (rmsd o's hot of 3 et sore pein) spl be trea, those overt ince qth sal iz tnckos ‘rushing up thi roots shall be lvn in ner yrds tating ‘rubbing Up toi roots may be {tng dome leper woes shall be dealt wth in eccrcance with paragraph) ef s ‘ition in bul for ny ta pace rage fo accommodate lang end (6) Gating out excovsed malaise by any manne nacessary shall bo deemed to be ‘cluded wih the tems of excavation, Sutcequert csposa of excevated material ‘all bo chen n accordance wih Clouse D1 heel (xcept ohertse provided in clause D2). {8 Excovtng boon the lve of the waletbi, oi si oi running sand shall be 50 Gearibed”Alwratvey, the woth maybe given ay era oer eoch ofthe vaious teaeipine ef excavation. (o) Exeningn rock shal be to described, Rocks dfinad as any materi met wth ‘srcevaion wiih nol such sz or pean thet can ony be removed by means of Wedges, compressed ai or other pect pan of explosives.” Alona in Tokay be given er over ech ofthe varous descriptions of ton. (ware he depths fexavtins ar requir tobe stated in accordance wt this ule cy shal be grouped and gien In sucseasve stages ofS let (9 Not exceeding eat deny over fst but ot exconding 1 fot Soo) (@ Atorances for waring space (wien sl not be sublet to adustment if more or Tee oace ey ein) sab mde nw mostroner of exertone “eet rom tha external face of basement walls or retaining wals whet thy i) 8 Inches fem each side of concrete foundetions hare the mathe of con- SSruston regis formurk bel greun lvl (eg concrete nee-cape’ concrato ‘rouna-beoma: conertacennge uso! ground-beam™) ‘pero Wien EXCAVATION ANB EARTHWORK Excavation (cont) (i) Beet oxtrelongh at each ond of wanchos which arse rssvepesttonsloned onarta ground ears DY Excavetng surfaces over Binches deep to rodue levels shall be given in cube yrds ‘Such work not exceeding 12 Inch Jeep shale given in square yard sang the erage aot (Ds Excmating cutngs shall be phen in cubic yr 1D» Excmuating basement and he he (measurd te the outs the foundation “oc beet 8G) Hero shall be vn cuble ard sting the staring rel end he topth aa Clause DQ) herec Exaing voids sal be deduced, a ‘Reasued shall be 2 foot § Inches, Preliminary 2 wie wrich are contacted bfos the bacemente ‘ancrated sha beso descrbed. fo ditncton sha e made batwoon surface trenches and basement venchet. Fo! pip-ttenches and th ike so Clause O12 (©) excaveting cured trenches shal beso describes It (a) Excavating pt te receive bases of stanchions elated par and tho the (mosourd ihe tbe aoe ten sb 0 Cine DG) eel ae otra eo) mnt enrol oie seach cracsion and tis mimm shal apy is to pling ond Stealing Ia connection therwith. "No dation Shall be made betwovnsurace 112 (a) Excavating wenches to roetve service pipe, cabins, tars and ho Ik shal exch bo ‘Gon separatol inca yards sting the ring ive andthe average dept the eurast€ inch” Gracin botone, planking and stating, Allg im compacting {hd cleposing of surplus spol shal bogie Inthe description of such enches (@) Sreaetng cured venches shal bo so cosebed 113. Bronhng up concrete reinforced concrete bichmork andthe ike met wih in excavation ll each ba gvn aepartlyn cube yrds ax exten over the various doncriion of ‘remvaton, [DH Broatng up surtace concrete, sintered surlac concroo, ick ‘hd the Iie on fo surface of to ground shal each bo gran {ard stating he thckoeas and method of sapase Aiea. rok ‘hard materials onthe eurface may ouch be sven separtely In scone yards a exe ‘her thevaceusdoveriptone af caraton IS Chang out and romain contents of cnet stl jepoual onumecated stating the ‘D6 (a) Mutipletanding of excavated matrals and transporting abut tho sit as necessary ‘hall e deemed tobe Incuded w/t the tome of final laposl, Muliple-bandlng which fs tpecicaly rguted shal be given nth gescapton of dlspoca! ems (0) rin ling shall be eabured as equal tote vold tobe ied. Any thickness stated ‘hal be deemed fo be measured ser sorpacting (Ear pacing sal be gen cube yar except a ctherwse provided in Clause ‘a hore (a) Earthlings aking up levle ovr s2inchos hick shallb given in cable Work na exceeding 1 inches tick shall beg in square Yar tat (6) Earning required tobe doped and compacted in ayers shal be ao described ‘Sating the maximum tikes of tho ayer (Surplus pai thal be gienneubleyrde.”Spol deposited on stein permenant ‘ol fe iocaen of uch bry ———K—< Ce S————”— EXCAVATION AND EARTHWORK Excavation (conto) romoved tom the se shall be so desrbad and the provision a a shoot, dump or {irshallte dosed tebe incudod wih te Home Unioos otherwise stated. ‘B17 Treating the srtace of the ground orth surtace ting, or the bottom of excvaion ‘ey teolings aang to fala, pading to cumbore ning compacting) chal ach sven soja in squareyards,“Aternatvo, such weatmens may be Sven the desergtin of any supertioa am of excavation, earth iin, heracor flog, concrete o pag. (@) Compacting whieh fs required tobe cara out by space means (og mechanical (punar ota of specie weigh) shal be appropraiay described {¢) Tooting bottoms of exsvaene in ack thal be ao dose {3 Tomming siden of cotirgs and ses of erBarkants to sip shall each be given ‘fepartlyInquae yard, Curved work shal be to dosed (6) Trimming siden of excovation In fck to produc far exposed faces shi be glen In nr yards. Cured work hal be bo deserbod. te Selling, soeing, fring face shall each be gon sopartly In ele ring etchant uy pr on et Disposal of water 18 Keoping excavations fe fom nator ané war below the noma walle level) shal be ivn ns a em (6) Kooping ext ingot runing water shal bs given a. pronstonal Tog cnn Gre Aho orggroyeanei na oe Dna tres am ate blow th poral water abla eve shal hen (eo Peeing pum ‘Sanding ime shal bo deomed fo be Included wi the Heme. ‘orig ot ses seat peg) sd ah bemennare wheter ent an et foaulos(ebfect o puanrann (0) eth eae) o fllowa = 1) "To the fl op any sxcraton which soe 1 inches deep {2 To bos don sttanchon wih nove 2 chen don cco! 10 be {fnahen an he i efor om lens Die hore {Gta f udes ofp char or 2 nce Sep subject he wiakmum ftte ia Cause BHC here (o Praningand stung tl nt be measured tary exon which dos not xceed "fz ichon dopo tote loping sda ofS excretion where the sale of Tatnaen dee nt exceed 4 degre om tho honor orate side of any ‘craton wich sts an easing wall per other sacar: (0 Chrved plaka ad eng shal Boo enero [B21 (2) Planting and srg shal be given in square yards stating the stating level Excopt inthe cas of placing and tuting to eden of besoment excavations, to ttl opty of the planking end atingshabe sited in multles of 3 fet (og not ‘xceeding 8 fet total depth; not sxeeding 10 fot foal dep). n the eat of ‘larg ad strsting to sid of basment excavation tool depth ofthe excavee fon sna be state ana the depth of rv Wench nedltely below the sie of « [asement hall ba Incluced nthe total cep of euch ide. Cassifention of ‘lanking ad stating shal be as fos — {Yo dan ofexcaronon fo duce tvls overs, (0) To aden of exaraton fo form eutings, {ip Te sides of Sasomant excavation, (0 To sides of tonchos. (Sides which are Immodaly Blow cdos cf baco- Inonts shall bs deamot fo be ees of bacomant excavation). ("To sacs a ps. ” at EXCAVATION AND EARTHWORK Planking and stating (cont) 4 strating nt roadway shall be 0 deseribod hal be se described sang the (a opera ya ese Sere aac s aoa Pee ec ee pees ciometremecere ee aaa cs coca pee aera eee aa eh cere eee ere ae ee sera eces races cain hss tre, eeepc pple meet eee '22(a) For rules relating to Saction O gonraly sea Class Di hora {5 ed ig Salomon a vou Be lad, Any eae ‘stata thal be deemed'to be mansng ater compact (6) Hardcore fing a mating up lvl it Sich wet xcanding tees ck sb ove (6 Natcor ling eres tobe dpostod and compacted In lye shal bo ‘msniminteknes® of (len Im equae yard” Such work ot exceeding inches wd shall be gen In Fear yard tating th wih (a Hanspactng hardcore to form sing shal Me dadecono hardcore shallbe modo ven inion yard stating th sz, SECTION € PILING Fer Gone Rute see Section A ‘THE UNIT OF BILLING SHALL BE THE FOOT Generally to Section E 1 (a) Any inormation aval concerning the nour th ground and sata shall be gvon stating whothor {evautace ia toel or ieguar.Attenton shall be eran tay malian recor af Bryson thes (@) Work enters ode waters shal be se deserved stating the level ol the groune i rlaton to Ng “tater ma, loncwatar mark andthe Ordnance tum Attention eh be Smt ay mala records tthe highest Noodenater leven th loca. ny (@) Tie! ple shall be so seoeibd stating the locaton ef each andthe long to be diven. Any tests {equted sha be given Inthe desciponsaing he atod ef testa. Wy Ex excavation hore necessary in rd fo plac the Bano ove any plea Sirf poston) together with any necessary lng and arming farearés sal ‘Spowtionl tome fod in an sale "awen' deta or ‘Wood or concrete pies a For aes lat (8) Designs tor ‘bedeslgned bythe contactor sell be gen accordance wih Classe Eb erect. 1 (a) Supplying wood piles shall be given in able et stating the sie of he erss-toction. a “hope 30 ang sel woo dered watt enh fr sages (> Pointe ends of les sat ne anuneratd as err ver the les on which they oscut ‘Whore shoes refed toy sal be piven Ith doverpion sing he weigh (o Handing, vaneporting and pling pies shall be onumeratd stating te ste Ne ength and wheter singe on elustars ( Dring ples monared from ts formation level af the ground te the shoe pln wher ‘iver shal be given in inn feat statin he sa required and ay tation on the ‘ptbu' vig. ving ple on ae ane evng plo mnt sal each be 0 (@) cating fine tops of ple ‘humerted as ea ovo De pls snerned ‘linetand."eting unr ner hl be se doer stating the depth blow te ‘ator eva cmt 'E4 (a) Supping cat concret piles sal b lve inns fat tating the size ofthe cross ‘fection andthe number.” Moule sal bo gen Inthe deacon. Paes reautes {fe be castaway fom tho alt and subsequent transported tthe ake shal be 30 () Bar rtforement shal be gion in accordance withthe rules fr rlnerced conerete In'Secton F heros (@) Heods and shoos shal each be enumerated extra ovr the ples to which they are (9) Gating of te tps of pie to roglrd Tool and proparing the flsforcoment chal be enumerated as extra ovr io los concerned. Cutting underwater Shall ‘eserbd eating the depth blo war ore (a) Lonathening ples postion sal’ ta. Connections “led. Recrving longed les shal be pten In tren fet statin the number 5 (4) Boring ple hole and fling bores wih coneret (akan together shal be guen ie nar fet stating the siz and numberof bores and the mi of cones fing. (@) Whore Bored ply ae reqirea fo frien Slaw te formation avl eye ground ‘ielioal item f bind bering shallbe pen ininea fet sang the sz of to bor. () Bar rainforcerent shal bo van In accordence withthe rules fr reinforced concrete in Section F hero (@ Disposal ot spi rom the bres shall be ven naccordance withthe rls fr ceposal of xcareted maerelen Section D hoch ” PILING: CContractordesigned concrete ples EB (a) For ul elaing ta Section E ganerly ae Chuan 1 beret. {) Contaciordasigned concrete ples shal be srumerted sang the actual longi, the upormposed fad tbo cared and the mad of dleporng ef any spl. ‘ickirs sha be gen of ay seschon regarding hs peo living. Ary nesanry reinforcement in pls shall be deemed to bo Included wih sho tam (whore te top of pls are required to finish blow he formation lvl ofthe ground oserived stating the doph ofthe top below sch eel ‘Sheet ste! pling ‘eating 0 Section E goeray see Clu (©) Shoot tet pling (ensured the are a laced "he pling shal be given n square foot stating te sso the cross-section o Unitand the theansee or substance ofthe meta. Shet ping ver #0 fat sta 40 deeted Sing the ng nt soso et ig, ching, sting an wang shall be given he desertion (6 Dining shat sea ing (weaturd fem the forma lav! ef the ground t the ator eage ofthe sheet png whan con) nck exeeing 20 fot deep shall be [vn square fx.” Driving over 20 fost do sel be gvon in aquar feet stating ‘doth nturher stages effolect. Driving innate shal bm so described Wie “tawing thet soe pling sal be gon nthe dsetipvon of dir. (© Comer ples end Joncton plea sal ach be given liner fet at extra over the ‘het ping Im whch hey veer ) Cuting or Bening through eet Set png shal be gn in Hea fet as eta over ‘he peg canesned, Cuting under wae sal beso derocs stating he doth Diam waterave SECTION F CONCRETE WORK For Gonaa Rul et Seton A “THE UNIT OF BILLING SHALL BE THE YARO EXCEPT WHERE THE UNIT IS REQUIRED TO BE'THE HUNDREDWEIGHT Generally te Section F 4 (a) Patol ofthe flowing shal be given — {0 XGnd and qualty of mata or concreta, {iy Any torts ofthe motors i) Ary tots ot he fishes werk {) Composition and mk (or stonathreqlrmons) ofthe concrete 1) Cancrteraquivta be placed by oprteuar metho op pouted staid oped) aallbe 2 described (6) Conerato required to ba corsolate bya parieuar method (op mechanleny tamed; vibrate). shal bee deerbos. {@ Gancrote oqo obo cuted by a particle mathod shall bo se dseribo. (6) Cond labours on cone'ete sal beso described respect of alum () Labours ono conrte shal bo so described. {@ Cancrote thal be measured ae sxoeted bet no docton shal be made forthe fllowing:— {Volume of any sea! embeded inthe concrete {i Void nt exceeding eno square foot in werk given in square yrds {i Void not steading ane ex foc im wort gr ncaa: ‘0 where the soctonal recs of pli or eboree cnete mombera are rogue toa stated in accerdanco "wth tis Cause thy shal be grouped and descrbed es follows: (0) Not excoedig a square neh. {ih Ovor 48 but mot exenoung 144 square inches, i) Over 4 square Inches. (Foret in underpinning se Soetion W hot Pain concrete and reinforced conerate me 12 00 or nes ang Secon F nmr on Cup Fo ks BS rect a eso ocean a eg a (ovate ia eevee aeemear a eee ey peor pts taco ed Sere taNe apes We erbene al ee eee Seat tonne crete ands reinforcement and asscited formwork shell be {ih Over inches bul ot excovng 12 Inches thik. (0) Fourdatons fo stanchions, columns and ples which are combined with foundatens instaces ‘hat be ai each be gen separately in Fis here () Casings te soa grilages sal be gen In ead yards (Grouting under sto stancion-bases and under sel grlagos shall ach bo glvon ‘topartlynecuar ard sfating the mix of he grout and te numberof bases of sce. {6) Baling In and grouting archor-bots andthe the shall be enumerated stating the onal of ho bet andthe mi of tho gout Temporary boxing or wedges fo frm Noles or mores for anchr-ols shal be onumrated or thoy may bo gv In tha feacaipton ef bulge cane 4 G@) Large machine besos over 6 cube fot each) shal be alvan n cube yards. sn {) Stall machine bases (la mot oxcoeaing Seale fee auc) hal bo enumerated stating ‘hese. ei 5 () Beds ovr 2 chon thick shal be ghen In cuble yards. Those not exceeding 12 Inches tik hal be von nscunr yards stating te tietess, sno ‘CONCRETE WORK Plain concrete and reinforced concrat (cont) (@) Bess Inst slopes not exencg 18 degrees from hozona and thoes lad te slopes ‘rer 5 dogress Hom htzona shal ach be 99 dosed (6) Bada laid n bays ahall beso describ sain the average sie of bays, Formwork ‘Setaaon the hey shal be given inte Seserton (Beda tended to forma bee for granltsc pang ‘he bagels nen uraot onion shal bs bo dosetod FS Ronde, footpaths and pavings shall sch bo 0 described and given in accondanee ‘th the rales for boca Cause Fa heret. ive hegre yaa stating the hcinoes Ths Ath Seping nt excosang otzomal Ai) Stoping over degree rom horizontal Verte. (©) Curved rool, conics rots, spherical roofs and elitca roots shal each be 60 ‘doerbe treopotve of rien Haunchags chal be given Incble yrds () Taps and choke of dormers (grouped ogee) shall given in square are statog (©) lesate suspended heath shall be enumorted stating the ese boven In euble yards. "Thows not exceeding "2 thi salt ghee pare yrds shag te icknene, Retsing Sale ao described. on wals (measured boyond the fae ofthe wal) to form corices, bands intl stanchion en tho ia shall ath be given aepertely tm cuble yards tating the sectoal a ‘lasso Fh) heveot Flot tonal aro fo volaie overt square inches "Prletion sal be aod the appropri tena. Moroni mores sping member ot excoeig Te degrees rom hoor raupe open Stai'be so doscibed. Versa mamoes snd sloping memes vee degree ‘rom teeta (reuped tops) shal be so esenibt. 1 tho the shall each be gen separately In cabls yards ‘nag the soctona area in stages at Clune F(h) hore Flor eae and fo Beams stl be measufed below te slab Projections Prat toms. soning membars ovr 1 degree om ron (ouped tgehe) shal beso FH) Stops, sarcasos and strings (grouped togsthor) shal be giv in cube yard. () Sold walusrase and landings shal each be gen sopeatly In square Yards stating ‘tho thichnose. F12 Kerbs shallbe given in near yard tating the ie, [Fa Finahes (measured onthe expose lcs) which ae east ont the concrete by ning formwork withthe roued mi (og granolthics cast stone toraszo; mona) shall beter in saute suds xr over th cont sang tho nk an he chess 14) Testing he srtceof ust conerat over 2 inches thick (os grading to fl; prod "e cross; grading to cambers grauing to slopes tanping rwaling) shal be then tn square yards. Such toumerts to te urlace cf unant concrete ni ‘rceecng inches thick shal be pen Ia the description (@) Wortngconcate round ppes of cablos of pane-heatng systems shall be gvan in ® CconcRETE WORK Plain concrete and reinforced conerate (contd) al {) Forming channels and chases in he surface of unas concrote shal given In nar (Sees spe, the wth an the dept. Channels to fale ‘shall be 89 “eacibed. Chanel ane chase requing edduonal concrete call be eo described Stating the size the atonal cancel. Formwork shall be gven nthe descrp- ‘ton “ends, angie, ntersotons and outs shall each be enumerated sparta. Beamon IS In concrete sal be gen in ines ars stating theses. Formwork oe ‘Shall be given nthe deaeipr oat FiO Fang-sps, moa el snumaate sopaately stating tho Sie ats of ang. Reinforcement FIT (a) Paticulers of te falioning shal be glen (Rind and quel of tet (ip. Any tent of he bar, = (3) Any rations att Rotor cold (©) Bar rlsorcament(mesaured at execitod) shall Be gon in huncredwoights tating tho ee. Each ae sabe given separately. Bend, hooks, ying we, tance Dlocs and orinryspacore shal be given in tho description. No allowance In ‘sluating the weight ot entorcomentshallba ase ying wie, ordiary spacers ‘rroting margin. Classteaton sel bea lions (dyin foundations and bases (grouped Togethe), {2 Inmachine bases. i) In bes {i} In roads, fctpaths and paving rood tgstha- {0 Infloore, oof and the the (otouped togetne). ‘In wal {In casings to stolnor. {ih InEeame, trata rats, lap. atakenras and stings aroused tot (Bars ote ufaslangshalibe so cescrived stating the longi nurtwr stages coe, {@) Bars special bon fo cure eacibd irospectve of rads. {G) Twisted bare or brs of spacial section shal be ao desebod. be 0 dosed {@) Lint, srapa,Bnaore and specal spaces (op sls! char t eupport to stalin “hk lbs ind teks orovpes together shal be gen I hanaraweghts tang ‘lie, Ech size tell be gen seperately Bends and hooks shall be gv In the Sescrinton. {stipe required tbo n ane with (gn foundations under wal; ntnsion sts to ‘ors and roots) shal be gen In inear yar sting the wth, the mesh, the trig er square yard andthe minimum tnt of ed ( saketnicing noe risorcoment shal beso gescribe. Temporary stuting shall te gion tha descgton and whore ovr 1 fet high sbalbe so desrbed stating height ia fro stages of 8 ost amin on FI8 (a) Raking cating and curved cuting on able reinfecament chal ach be giv sap- ae Tatlin ner jorde sting tne mosh ad the weight he fable races (@) Notching fabri enforcemant arouna obsctons shall be enumerated Ineepective ota. Formwork, the acu susaces ofthe naked euctre which "the ceagsivon ofthe concrete, ieulng tho Upper ol he wert sloping mora than 78 doar coi Wherethe face qf ‘CONCRETE WORK Formwork (cont) fomet testi, wedeing, easing towne stehin ond emovng (e) Formwort to cured surface, cereal uae Go dceabed stag the racks. Fermwor | ‘red to more than ono rai shal be 30 fingor ams of former shal beso derived sang (# Formsort costed wth retarding spent shall bes ceserbed {@) Formwor ict in shal be so doses {8 Wrought formwork shal be se doserbos {@) Mating good exposed facst of concrete alr removal of formwork (a cuting of ‘polechng fray fig in sal oie; busing Yo expe the egpregat) shal bo ‘Goon Inthe decenpion of omer fomues F(a) Formwork to surfaca (other than those mensional in Causes F220 28 hore) shall eae “be even naquare yrds. Fomwarkrequtod tebe ineg mth apertcler mata (Ge walboura;hardbard pywoodt pane shal be ao deserbed Lin Sifich is give to be leit in poston an the core hal bo avon se Unuate yards sang the method of socuring, Classiceton ef formwore shal bo ‘se iolowe:= ) To horzontl sets of ors, roots, lancings ad ih {ib To loping soit of floors oot strcazes and the ie (grouped together {iy To coping upper sulcoy of oor, rote ane the Ike whore more than 15 flegres trom horizontal (gaupes togete). (io. To verte or bain ides ef foundations, round-Deans, age machine Sates andthe ie grouped teeter) (i) To vera! or String sido wal, oid alustases and hohe grouped fogetne "Tevet or batting ses of stanchion casings, olumas, ples, plasters a he (eosped (ip To sides and wos of dormers, gable and tho Ike grouped (ip) Tosedoe and sota of horizontal beam casings, beam, tle (Grouped together. (a) Fo edes and sts of sloping beam-casings,sarcve-stin (Grouped togethe. Ci ston toe saree of poan-cngs, beams, gucasetinas an the ke hare more than 1 degrees rom hvicantal grouped ge () Formor to sos rogung suting ever foot hgh Shall be 80 ascribed stating “ho height in urter stages of ect (2 Foon to sft 38d coer fans o aa oe over 8 eho nek sha {@ Formwon to ioiated bram-cazings and Islted beams (ie tached tom concrete "ors ox rot) aha be to deserbed. egrets F22(a) Formwork edges andes shal be gveni near yada stating the with Casi “aaa ata = 1)” Towdges of eon, ota png ad ia he eed eat erin a ol rt eqyeam Fra Formwork to sojcting or sunk bands, cornices andthe he (grouped together shall soca over tha formuor in which they oeeur stating moa yr eating he az. Pa fomwort but saps which ave spayed or mould shall cach ‘Shamfrs not excaeing 2 inches wide and forming played internal anges ae given inthe description ofthe ferraworkin which ‘CONCRETE WORK (0 Formyort to ends of rae, canoer, braces and stops (grouped fogehe) shal ‘be oumereted stating ho sca {© Formort to small machinebaaes and Isolated auspanded hearths shall exch be ‘numotted separately stating he ae £254) Rating outing and carved eting shall ach ba given sparatl In near yack. () Splayes edges and notches shal be deed to be Incaded wit the formwork Hams, {6 Casting nding ermor around pejecing morbore which wb cast ine Pipes, ‘ontealy bar shal be enumerated singly orn orupe. Precast concrete units £212) Forres relating o Sacton F generally se0 Cia F Navan. {@) Precast units shal be ven under en epproprae heading {6} Parteaare ofthe floning shall bo gion = {Kind ual and slo of reinforcement. (0) Shape of eran secon ef une {Gi Nature and extant of eurfco fai, fon and mix of jing ard bedding maori, (6) Math of ig {Format or molds for procst unite ahall be deemed to be inca wit he tems. {6} Precast ene vor lat long stall beso described stating the number, Fem Stctural unite (og stanchion: Beamer pling; trusses) shall each be enumeratad F201) Parton (measured as exceutoé shall be avon in square yar etting tho theknens teu unCard partra sa beso carb srg ean (8) Units of regular shapo shall bo enumerated stating te size (8) Anois and Itersectons in parvons shal each Be given tepaaely lo Unear yes tating he tichness. (@ Natchas rounded corors and ho ke eal each be enumerated separately stating the hienese ofthe conerte andthe Olah of tho labour. F203) Posts and hands to gations shal osc be even eeparaely in inoar yar tating the “etfome sear the umbar of units. Those whch are easton fo tho portions ‘har'be go descited. Curved members shall be sp desrbed tating te mean s"dowoled ends and tho tha shal each BO yoeolts andthe ie) shall exch bo ‘he sumer of steps Hos Spandl stops sips wih soping sos) shal be go described. Curved steps hall bo so desered tating the mean rad.” Fel endo, rounded ends, wal-els, {tooled once andthe Ie hal each be enumosid separa. (6) Winders, landings sé balustade panls andthe Ine shall each be eoumeratod ‘opus siaung the exteme tise Nembars of rreguarahape shall bo so doe~ tod. Netinge settee, far ene, returned ands, sheped ends, wal-olds and ‘ha ite shal be given In tho doscron 22,0) Shelves dision, seat and th ie over 1 inchs wa shal each be lion sparately Tuqare yrds string th thcknost Those nt oxceeing Tz nches wide sal be ‘vein Urea yrds sang the Gucknase andthe with. Members of Ieg¥lat Shape and carved nabs shall ach be crumertedsoparaayeatig the eran (0) Far edges, rounded edges, moulded edges, jit oges, grooves, rebates andthe “he shal each bs gin Soprasy in inca yurs,”‘Stope fo grosves ad rebates, fn angles o rounded edges sal be debe fo be included wt hw er, {) NatcheaToundod corners andthe he shal cach be enumated sparta stalng the tecngas cf te concrete and the git ofthe labour. FE abs, edplngs and the the shal each be given separately i near sor stating the " CconcRETE WORK ‘Precast concrete units (cons) da, staoled ends Yotured en ‘Seon. FIS Templates (or patones}, bases ‘opm stating these posts and the Io shall each be enumerated F% Ple-cap, chimney cape and th ike shall ach be enumerated separately tating the ‘Ste andthe shape whore othr than ecangua. Openings in chmney-caps shall ‘be aon nthe dovetion. 51 Pavomentsighis,rotighis and ta the sal each be enueratd soparatoy stating ‘ho size and te ahepe wher oh thanrectanglr- Gass Bocke shall Be gen Ine dserpon. For precast concite tie or sla rehngs to Moors end wals see Section U hora For cast stone se Section Khereot Motlow.block suspended construction 40 (a) For rls lating to Section F general see Clause Ft het {8 Halioncboek suspended conection tes retercemert and abseseted formwork ‘shall be glen under an appropiate heading () Designs for halons dock suspended coraivon shal be deamed tobe provided by ‘he employer. Wort required fo bo sesigned by the contactor shall bo given I ‘tcordanca with Clauses Flo FEt hero 4 (a) Suapended ors, rots and th (measured over the ribs and hearings and grouped ‘epetha) shallbe gen it sauare yrds n accordance wih Cause Pherect. Sold tence wort In Raton: Sick conebuction and filg ends of Rotow-bloks shall fe'doomd to te included with the tem, Paria ofthe following thal be hen "0 Composition and mi of cones for nibs and topping. (@) Overt eknoss of sa, i) Size and typeof boc, {i Distance betwen cenros of rows of locks (0) Sire and type af sip os owt af cancel bs btweon blcks {ine fo exposed sotto bloc ae sp tas (oy lai keyed) (@) Tops and chaste of dormers (grouped toethe shall be gv n square yards tang ‘he tears. 'Fe2(@) Casings to staal supporting beams (measured Below the sad) shall be lve in ‘Secordance with Clase Feral low the sab shal bo glen in accordance with Cluse (2 Kets hal be avon nines yards stating the sie, Fors ps nd vale sa och een spud a tear yrds sang te Reinforcement shale given a accordance wth Clauses FY7t F9 hore. Fing-pe, metal clipe and the he shall each bo enumerated separately stating the ‘meted oi ng. Formwot shall be given in accordance wth Clauses F20 to F26 heoo Prestressed conerste F410) For los rating to Section F ganerally 2 Clune F1 horool (8) Presaseod conerta wort a wor whee ronvoreamert is tesioned etre ora the Tcads appa) ands rlforcemont end sessed frmwors shall be gven unde? br approprine heading, ” eR

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