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Portafolio 3

Semana: _4_

Nombre del estudiante:

Tulio Francisco Domínguez -
Andres Emilio Rivera

Sede de estudio:
Ceutec – Tegucigalpa

Lorena Salgado


Fecha de entrega:

Role-play 2
 Location: In a clothes shop
 Situation: A customer cannot decide which clothes to buy and the shop assistant
tries to help.
 Participants:  1 customer and 1 shop assistant

Assistant: hi, how can I help you?

Customer: Hello, I wanted to buy something but I don't know what

Assistant: what type of clothes are you looking for?

Customer: I wanted some sports jerseys

Assistant: ok, are you interested in exercise shirts?

Customer: yes, I would like to buy some

Assistant: do you want a blue one?

Customer: yes, I would like to see it first

Assistant: yes, there it is

Assistant: what size are you looking for?

Customer: would be small size

Assistant: perfect, here's one of that style

Assistant: what do you think? do you like it?

Customer: yes, I like it, I would like another one, it is the same style, only red

Assistant: perfect, i got you

Customer: what would be the price ?

Assistant: 10$ each one

Assistant: cash or credit card?

Customer: credit card

Assistant: ok, there you got, thanks for your purchase

Customer: thank you very much very kind

Assistant: have a nice day!

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