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Submitted to the Board of Examiners as partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.)

By :






Salatiga, July 11th, 2022

Dra. Widyastuti, M.Pd.

The Lecturer of English Education
Teacher Training and Educationa Faculty
State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga


Subject: Mudrikatul Fadhilah Aladawy

To the Dean of Teacher Training and

Education Faculty

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

After reading and correcting Mudrikatul Fadhilah Aladawy’s graduating paper

YEAR 2021/2022)”, I have decided and would like to propose that this paper
can be accepted by the Teacher Training and Education Faculty. I hope this paper
will be examined as soon as possible.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

Dra. Widyastuti, M.Pd.

NIP. 196303262014112001



“It’s not always easy, but that’s life. Be strong because there are better days


“Being thankful or giving thanks is one of keys to be happy”

-Mark Lee-


From my deepest heart, this graduating paper is proudly dedicated to:

1) Allah SWT who has answered my prayer, gave me mercy, and guidance and

the Prophet Muhammad who always guides me in the dark and always helps

me in every condition, and has provided intercession until khusnul khotimah.

2) My beloved parents, my mother (Musrinatun), and my father (Tarmuji) Thank

you for your love, affection, support, and belief in me. I love you.

3) My beloved sister (Izah Muqsita El Barda) Thank you for your love and

support. I love you.

4) Thank you to my big family who have supported and always loving me.

5) Thank you to all my friends (Grupchat Without Chitchat) who have given me

support, love, and motivation in completing this paper.

6) Thank you to my roommates and my friends in KKN.

7) All my friends in the Department of Teacher English Education 2018 and the

Faculty of Education of the State Islamic Institute (IAIN Salatiga)

8) All parties who have supported and provided assistance for the smooth

running of the researcher in completing this paper



Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin, all praise be to Allah SWT, the Almighty

God Most Gracious and Most Merciful, who always gives mercy and guidance to

me. So that the research in this paper can be completed properly. And do not

forget the great Prophet Muhammad SAW for the guidance and assistance that

researchers have given to the truth.

However, this paper will not be finished without support, advices, help and

encouragement from several people and institution. Hence, the researcher would

like to express special thanks to:

1. Prof. Dr. Zakiyuddin, M.Ag, as the Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies

(IAIN) of Salatiga.

2. Prof. Dr. Mansur, M.Ag, as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education

Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN Salatiga).

3. Norwanto, S.Pd. M.Hum, Ph.D, as the Head of English Education

Departement of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of State Institute for

Islamic Studies (IAIN Salatiga).

4. Dra. Widyastuti, M.Pd. as a supervisor who has given attention, advice,

motivation and guidance, so that this paper can be completed properly.

5. All of the lecturers in IAIN Salatiga, thanks for teaching me and given a lot of

their worth knowledge to me along of my study in this Institute.

6. All official staff of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

7. All of the respondents who have helped carry out this graduating paper

8. All of people who have helped me to finishing this graduating paper.

Finally, it has been acknowledged that nothing in this world is perfect,

true, and good from this small paper, the researcher is fully aware of this

deficiency, but on the other hand, the researcher hopes that the graduation of

this paper will be especially useful for himself and the readers in general.

Salatiga, 11th July 2022

The Writer

Mudrikatul Fadhilah Aladawy



Aladawy, Mudrikatul Fadhilah. 2022. Students' Perception on the Use of

English Songs as an Attempt to Enrich English Vocabularies (A Case
Study at the Second Semester Students of English Education Department of
IAIN Salatiga in the Academic Year 2021/2022). Graduating Paper.
English Education Department. Teacher Training and Education Faculty.
State Institute for Islamic Studies Salatiga. Counselor: Dra. Widyastuti,

This study aimed to determine how students perceive the use of English
songs as an effort to enrich vocabulary. The researcher emphasizes two aspects:
(1) To know-how students perceive the use of English songs as an attempt to
enrich vocabularies, and (2) To know-how can the use of English songs help the
students to enrich English vocabularies..
Researcher used qualitative methods. The technique used in collecting data
is interview questions for 20 respondents. The respondents were second-semester
students of English Education Department of IAIN Salatiga who like to listen
English songs as a means to enrich vocabulary.
Researcher found positive perceptions from 18 respondents who said that
using English songs can helpful enrich english vocabulary. 10 respondents feel
that English songs are not boring and 3 respondents said that English songs make
them happy and entertained simultaneously. 5 respondents said that the use
English songs are easily to remember. Meanwhile, 2 respondents said that using
only English songs can not helpful to enrich English vocabulary if there no other
media such as films/videos and short stories in English. To enrich their
vocabulary, they write lyrics that the don’t understand the meaning and then
memorize them.

Keywords: Students’ Perception; English Songs; Vocabulary


DECLARATION ............................................................................................. ii
ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTE ............................................................... iii
GRADUATING PAPER.................................................................................. iv
MOTTO ......................................................................................................... v
DEDICATION ................................................................................................. vi
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................... vii
ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... ix
TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................... x
LIST OF TABLE ............................................................................................. xii
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 1
A. Background of Study ................................................................ 1
B. Problem of the Study ................................................................ 4
C. Objectives of the Study ............................................................ 5
D. Limitation of the Study............................................................. 5
E. Significance of the research...................................................... 5
F. Definition Key Terms ............................................................... 6
G. Organization of The Graduating Paper..................................... 7
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE.................................................... 9
A. Review of Related Theories ..................................................... 9
B. Previous Studies ....................................................................... 16
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................ 22
A. Type of study ............................................................................ 22
B. Research Location and Time .................................................... 22
C. Research Subject ...................................................................... 23
D. Source of Data .......................................................................... 24
E. The Method of Data Collection ................................................ 24
F. The Technique of Data Analysis .............................................. 27
G. Validity of The Data ................................................................. 29

A. Research Findings .................................................................... 31
B. Data Analysis............................................................................ 59
CHAPTER V CLOSURE ................................................................................ 62
A. Conclusion ................................................................................ 62
B. Suggestions ............................................................................... 63
Bibliography..................................................................................................... 64
APPENDICES ................................................................................................. 67
Appendices 1 - Students’ Interview................................................. 68
Appendices 2 – Appointment of Counselor .................................... 78
Appendices 3 – Consultation Sheet of Graduating Paper................ 80
Appendicess 4 – Satuan Kredit Kegiatan (SKK)............................. 81
CURRICULUM VITAE .................................................................................. 82


Table 3.1 List Question Interview .................................................................... 27

Table 4.1 List Codes of Respondents ............................................................... 32



A. Background of Study

English is a foreign language studied in Indonesia and an international

language used worldwide. It is the means used to communicate from one

country to another. Language cannot be separated from vocabulary because to

speak English well. They must master as much vocabulary as possible to

pronounce it well and, at the same time, understand each other (Rachmawati

et al., 2020 : 240). In fact, in teaching and learning activities, there are still

many students who often find it challenging to understand the meaning of

vocabulary, which may still be too foreign to students' ears. High school

students and university students are still lacking in vocabulary knowledge. To

communicate using a foreign language, we need vocabulary mastery because

vocabulary is the primary component of a foreign language, such as

pronunciation, spelling, meaning, and grammar (Suri, 2012 : 111).

Vocabulary is an essential aspect of language learning, especially English.

Without vocabulary, learning English will not be successful if students do not

understand the meaning spoken by the teacher. Vocabulary is the content and

function of the words arranged to form sentences used in every action to

communicate. Good vocabulary mastery will make students a speaker, good

listeners, writers, and readers. Many students and teachers expect to be able to

use English because technology is increasingly developing in the era of

globalization, making students and teachers love English which is an

international language used throughout the world (Rachmawati et al., 2020 :

241). Vocabulary is the first step before students learn skills in English.

In today's technological developments, of course, students will have no

trouble finding media to add richness to their vocabulary, such as audio and

audio-visual. Examples of audio are radio, music, and audio-visual examples

are movies, videos, television, and others. Most students prefer to use English

songs as a medium to develop their vocabulary. The song may be familiar in

society, and sometimes the song is only used as a cross between the human

senses who listen to it. But behind the song, various benefits are helpful for

educational purposes. In education, English songs are often used as a medium

in the learning process. The primary purpose of using these media is to

introduce and develop English. Because English songs are beneficial in

developing the English language of those who are learning, of course, English

songs can help students improve their listening, speaking, and other elements

of English (vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar) (Erviana, 2020 : 1).

The song is one of the media that has many benefits in undergoing the

language learning process. Songs have become part of the human experience.

So that in language learning, using song media will make the classroom

atmosphere calmer and make students more comfortable and happy when

learning the language. The song is an authentic learning resource where there

is almost no time limit in using song media as a learning resource language.

This means that students can use songs as language input whenever they

want, both inside and outside the classroom. In this way, students will

naturally come into contact quickly with English and enjoy the language

learning process (Rachmawati et al., 2020 : 243). Songs have a myriad of

benefits where songs can add rich vocabulary and also help students to

remember the vocabulary as well as understand the meaning of the lyrics of

the songs they listen to (Gushendra, 2017 : 54).

In addition, based on the interview in English Learning at the English

education department, students have difficulty in improving vocabulary

mastery. They also still feel that they lack English vocabulary. Of course,

students will do various ways to enrich their vocabulary, one of which is

using English songs. Which researcher will examine whether, with the use of

English song media, vocabulary mastery and vocabulary richness can be

increased so that it can prove that English song media can be an intermediary

in increasing vocabulary

From the facts above, it can be concluded that vocabulary must be taught

and learned by applying effective strategies such as using English songs as

the media. Since there are still many students who complain about their lack

of vocabulary and vocabulary understanding, the use of this strategy will help

students in developing their English because vocabulary is an important

element of language to carry out communication actions (Asyiah, 2017 :

296). English songs are learning media that can help students find new

vocabulary and can get new ideas from listening to English songs. English

songs are media that may be an alternative and attract students to study

comfortably and more interestingly. So, by listening to English songs,

students can pronounce the pronunciation correctly and understand the

meaning of a word or sentence, as well as get more vocabulary. In this way,

students will have better language quality and can become speakers, good

listeners, writers, and readers (Mustaufidah, 2015 : 2).

There are still many students who do not understand vocabulary, and their

lack of vocabulary makes them not understand a word or sentence. Songs can

help students to develop their English. So that the use of this media will be

one of the media, that is easy and can be practiced by students anytime and

anywhere because the song has no limit on its use. From this phenomenon,

researcher are interested in the use of songs in vocabulary mastery for

university students because there is still a lack of English vocabulary.

Therefore, the researcher does research entitled “STUDENTS'





ACADEMIC YEAR 2021/2022)"

B. Problem of the Study

Based on the background of the study, this research is aimed at answering

the following problems:

1. What are the students' perceptions on the use of English songs as an

attempt to enrich English vocabularies in English Education Department

of IAIN Salatiga students?

2. How can English songs help the students to enrich their English


C. Objectives of the Study

1. To know-how is the students' perception on the use of English songs as

an attempt to enrich English vocabularies at English Education

Department of IAIN Salatiga students.

2. To know- how can the use of English songs help the students to enrich

English vocabularies.

D. Limitation of the Study

This study is only focused on students' perception of the use of English

songs to enrich English vocabularies. The population in this study is students

second semester at the English Education Department of IAIN Salatiga

Academic Year 2021/2022 who like to listen to English songs as a means to

enrich vocabulary. The researcher uses qualitative in analyzing the data.

E. Significance of the research

The result of this study is expected to be able to give some contributions to

students and the researcher. The following are the significant contributions of

the study :

1. Theoretical Benefit

In this research, the writer hopes that the students can contribute to

research on students' perception of using English songs to improve

vocabulary mastery. Hopefully, after reading this research, the reader

will understand how students' perception of using English songs

improves vocabulary mastery.

2. Practical Benefit

The finding of this study can be a reference for students and further

researcher to find out how students' perception of the use of English

songs improves vocabulary mastery where researcher hopes that this

research will provide information and references for a further researcher

by developing this research by other objectives.

F. Definition Key Terms

1. Perception

According to Simbolon (2008:65), perception is a cognitive

process that everyone experiences when they understand. It provides

information about the environment through sight, hearing, smell, feeling,

and appreciation. Perception is formed from environmental stimuli

outside the individual in the process of observing and evaluating the

translation of reality, which leads to responsive individual behavior and


2. Song

According to Rachmawati (2020:244), song is explained as a

medium to support learning, song is a combination of words and rhythm.

Songs are authentic materials for teaching a second language where there

is new vocabulary to master.

3. Vocabulary

According to Asyiah (2017 : 294) stated that vocabulary is

considered one of the important factors that have a big influence on

communication, especially in foreign language learning. Language

proficiency can affect how well a person speaks, listens, writes, and


G. Organization of The Graduating Paper

The graduating paper consists of five chapters, the five chapters are five


Chapter I is an introduction, which contains the background of the study,

the problem of the study, objectives of the study, limitation of the study,

benefits of the study, definition of key terms, and organization of the

graduating paper.

Chapter II is the review of related literature, which contains the theoretical

reviews of perception, vocabulary, and song, and previous studies that the

theories relevant references to this research.

Chapter III is the methodology, and it discusses the research design, the

subject of the research, the procedure of the research, the data collection

technique, and the data analysis technique.

Chapter IV is research analysis data, and it contains the results of the

analysis of Students' Perception on The Use of English Songs as an Attempt

to Enrich English Vocabularies (The Case Study of Second Semester English

Education Department of IAIN Salatiga Academic Year 2021/2022).

Chapter V is the closure; the final part of the graduating paper contains the

conclusion and suggestions.



A. Review of Related Theories

1. Perception

a. The Definition of Perception

Perception is the experience of objects, events, or relationships

obtained by inferring information and interpreting messages.

Perception is giving meaning to sensory stimuli (Ritonga, 2019 : 88).

While Simbolon (2008) explained perception is a cognitive process

that everyone experiences when they understand. It provides

information about the environment through sight, hearing, smell,

feeling, and appreciation. Perception is formed from environmental

stimuli outside the individual in the process of observing and

evaluating the translation of reality, which leads to responsive

individual behavior and attitudes.

According to Bagia (2015:73-74), perception is a complex

cognitive process that can provide a unique picture of the world that is

very different from reality. Also, Suryani (2013:75) argued perception

is not just a psychological process but begins with a physiological

process known as sensation, in which individuals select, organize and

interpret stimuli into something meaningful.

b. Perception Process

According to Danarji, Murtadi, and Ekawati (2013:23-24) that the

perception process goes through three stages, namely:

1) The stage of receiving stimulus, physical and social stimuli

through the human senses, which in this process includes the

introduction and gathering of information about the existing


2) The stage of processing social stimuli through the selection

process and organizing information.

3) The stage of change in the stimulus received by the individual in

response to the environment through a cognitive process that is

influenced by experience, horizons, and personal knowledge.

c. Factors that Influence Perception

According to Maryam & Paryontri (2020 : 23) that perception is

determined by attention factors, situational factors, and personal

factors. Attention factor is a factor in which mental processes when a

stimulus in consciousness is prominent when other stimuli are

weakened. Attention factors are determined by external factors,

namely movement, the intensity of stimuli, novelty, and repetition,

and attention factors are also determined by internal factors, namely

biological and socio-psychological.

Situational factors or structural factors stem from the nature of

physical stimuli and the neural effects they cause on the individual's

nervous system. And the personal factors or functional factors include

needs, past experiences, emotional atmosphere, background, frame of

reference, and other things including personal factors. The

determinant of perception is not the type or form of the stimulus but

the characteristics of the individual who responds or does the

functionally selective perception.

According to Ritonga (2019) that, perception is influenced by

sensation, which is the result of absorption of the five senses,

perception is also influenced by attention, expectation, motivation,

and memory. In general, the first three things are divided into two

personal factors and situational factors. Situational attractors are

attention grabbers that exist outside of a person (external), such as the

intensity of stimuli, novelty, and repetition. Internally, there is

something called selective attention which is influenced by several

factors, including biological, socio-psychological, and sociogenic


According to Sobur (2003) perception is influenced by two factors

there are internal and external factors. Internal factors that influence

perception are psychological needs, background, experience,

personality, general attitudes and beliefs, and self-acceptance. At the

same time, external factors that affect perception are intensity, size,

contrast, movement, repetition, familiarity, and something new.

2. Vocabulary

a. Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is an essential element for building sentences. To be

able to construct sentences, students need to increase their vocabulary.

Not only to develop sentences but also to discover the meaning

conveyed in communication (Darma & Illinawati, 2018 : 67). While in

another discussion Goodwin et al. (2018) explained that the term

'vocabulary' can describe individual recognizable words that

individuals can generate and use, as well as words beyond personal

understanding. It can describe a broad group of words, a more specific

set of words, or even a specific group.

According to Gushendra (2017), vocabulary is all the words that

make up a language. Vocabulary is one of the crucial factors in all

language pedagogy, and students must continue to learn terms as they

study structure & practice sound systems.

b. The Role of Vocabulary

Yokubjonova (2020) argues that vocabulary is an essential aspect

of language development. Vocabulary is one of the fields of

knowledge in a language that plays a big role for learners in acquiring

language. For second language learners, vocabulary is important in

learning new foreign languages and increasing word knowledge to

process language. Viera (2016) states that vocabulary is an essential

tool for mastering a language skill that contributes to writing and

speaking. Learning vocabulary means learning new words and their

function and application in different contexts and situations. In other

words, language comprehension and production depend on an

asynchronous and complex process of interpreting speech using the

right lexical combinations at the right time and place. So it can be

concluded that vocabulary is essential in learning and developing a

foreign language. The determining factor in developing language and

vocabulary is the main capital in expressing ideas both in writing and


3. Songs

a. Definition of Song

According to Rachmawati (2020:244), song is explained as a

medium to support learning, song is a combination of words and

rhythm. Songs are authentic materials for teaching a second language

where there is new vocabulary to master.

b. Types of Song

According to Giri (2018), songs are grouped into several parts,

namely :

1) Classical

Classical songs are traditional songs in the Mozart era with forms

such as symphonies, string quartets, sonatas, concertos, and

operas. Classical songs are usually played using instruments such

as the violin.

2) Pop

A pop song is a type of music that is easy to make. The focus is

on the chorus or the core of the song. In addition, the lyrics used

usually carry a romantic theme and are oriented towards

commercial interests.

3) Rock

A rock song is a song with a simple tone and a fast beat

accompanied by loud music. Rock songs are usually played using

guitar, drums, and brass instruments.

4) Metal

The metal song focuses on guitar playing and is usually played at

a speedy tempo and is a bit more hard-sounding than rock songs.

5) Hip Hop

Hip hop songs are rhythmic songs that combine dynamic types of

music with several elements consisting of Graffiti, Rapp,

Breakdance to Djing.

6) R&B (Rhythm and Blues)

R&B songs consist of various types of popular music that are

intertwined. This genre is a combination of jazz, gospel, and

blues. Currently, R&B music tends to prioritize the musical

improvisation ability of the vocalist with the progressive

harmonization of the sounds of the musical instruments.

c. Elements of Song

According to Panjaitan (2019), in a song, there are elements where

the combination of these basic elements can produce a beautiful sound

that affects the listener. These elements are :

1) Melody

Melody is an arrangement of tones that are arranged high and low,

and the pattern so that it becomes a song sentence. Melody has an

important role in attracting attention to the listener and also

becomes one of the important parts of music that can display the

atmosphere of the song, both sad and happy.

2) Rhythm

Rhythm is the repetition of sounds according to a specific pattern

in a song that gives rise to beauty and makes the song pleasant to

hear, where rhythm affects humans emotionally.

3) Harmony

Harmony is a depiction of a perspective that is harmoniously

bound. Harmony gives depth to a melody, much like the

perspective of color in a painting.

4) Tempo

Tempo is defined as a measure of how fast or slow a song is. Fast

or slow tempo depending on the atmosphere that is delivered in the

song. Tempo in music is also essential in presenting beautiful


5) Dynamics

Dynamics is defined as a measure of how loud or soft the music is

when it is played. The dynamics contain responses rooted in the

realm of human emotions. The emotions are described according to

the atmosphere created in the song.

6) Timbre

Timbre is defined as the quality of the sound produced by a

particular musical tone production medium. Timbre in music is like

color in a painting. The many colors in an image make it more

attractive to look at.

7) Lyrics

Lyrics are defined as a form of expression of a person about

something that has been seen, heard, or experienced in the form of

the arrangement of words in a song.

B. Previous Studies

The researcher reviews the paper's related literature as a comparison.

Erviana (2020) conducted the research to found that songs are effective for

students in the tenth grade of SMA N 1 Tuntang to help memorize vocabulary

and can get a lot of new vocabulary. This study involved students of X MIPA

4 who used English songs in learning vocabulary activities. This study used

qualitative research and the sample consists of 25 students in a class who

were given a questionnaire. The study's instrument was an open-ended

questionnaire that included questions about memorizing vocabulary using

English songs. The study's findings revealed that using English songs is

effective in memorizing vocabulary by playing songs repeatedly, and from

the English songs can get a lot of new vocabulary. On the other hand, some

respondents say it is less effective because many words in English songs have

different meanings. The researcher compared several similarities and

differences in previous research as a reference. The similarities of previous

research with this research are focusing on students' perception of improving

vocabulary skills using English songs media, and Desika's research with this

research using a qualitative study. While the difference is that previous

research was subject to SMA N 1 Tuntang, and this research used IAIN

Salatiga students. Desika's research focused on memorizing vocabulary, while

this research focused on enriching English vocabulary.

The second research was conducted by Ranggen (2016), this study aims to

see the effect of English songs on developing English listening skills,

speaking skills, and language elements. This study used quantitative

descriptive research, and the instruments used questionnaires and interviews.

It was conducted at Sanata Sharma University, specifically in English

Language Education Study Program (ELESP), and there were 200

respondents in this study. This study's findings revealed that English songs

are a good learning source in learning the English process. The songs help the

students develop their listening skills, speaking skills, and language elements

(pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar). The development is different for

each student depending on how they use sources as a learning process. The

researcher compared several similarities and differences in previous research

as a reference. The similarities of previous research with this research focus

on students' perceptions and using English songs as a media. While the

difference is that previous research was subject to the English Language

Education Study Program (ELESP) of Sanata Sharma University while this

research was in the English Education Department of IAIN Salatiga. The

previous research used a quantitative study, while this research used a

qualitative study. The last difference is that previous research focused on

English development while this research focused on enriching English


The third research was conducted by Ayuningtyas (2008), the purpose of

this study is to find out how far the use of english songs media can help

students master vocabulary in listening class and to see how the

implementation of teaching English using a song improves vocabulary in

listening class. This study used a qualitative study, and the instruments used

observation and interview. The subject of this research is two classes of third-

grade students of SMKN 2 Depok Sleman Yogyakarta. The study's findings

revealed that students improved their vocabulary mastery and their listening

proficiency by using songs. The result showed that songs help students

memorize the meaning of the words better, and students were motivated to

learn vocabulary using songs and can improve through listening to a song.

Besides that, the students can practice their pronunciation by listening to

songs. The researcher made a comparison with previous research as a

reference. The similarities between previous research and this study are to

find out how far the use of English songs can help students improve English

vocabulary, and Prames's research uses qualitative study the research. In

comparison, the difference is that the previous research focused on enhancing

vocabulary in listening class of the students' third grade SMKN 2 Depo

Sleman Yogyakarta while this research focuses on enriching the English

vocabulary of Students English Education Department of IAIN Salatiga.

Fourth, Agustina (2019) conducted the research with the purpose of this

study is to find the effectiveness of English video songs in teaching English

vocabulary which was observed and analyzed from student of seventh grade

of MTs Manbail Futuh Tuban.. This study used quasi-experimental research,

and the instruments used observation field notes, pre-test, and post-test. The

subject of this research is two classes of seventh-grade Junior High School of

MTs Manbail Futuh Tuban, which is class VII D as an experimental class and

class VII E as a control class. The study showed that the implementation of

the use of video songs could improve the student's English vocabulary

mastery. Based on the analysis of this data result, it was found that there was

a significant difference between the experimental class and control class. The

Pre-test score of the students’ experimental class was 50.67, and the Post-test

score was 82.00. Meanwhile, the Pre-test score in the students’ control class

was 58.00, and the Post-test score was 68.17. The researcher made a

comparison with previous research. The similarity between the previous study

and this research is focusing on using songs as a medium to increase English

vocabulary. While the difference is the previous study used quantitative

research and focused on implementation. Meanwhile, this research used

qualitative research and focused on a student's perception.

The fifth research is from Kalsum (2019), this study aims to to find out the

improving students vocabulary mastery by using english song. This study

used classroom action research, and qualitative and quantitative data were

collected. The subject of this study is eight-grade students of MTs Islamic

Zending Medan, and the students consist of 21 students. The study used

quantitative and qualitative data, and the study showed that teaching

vocabulary by using English songs could improve the students' vocabulary.

By using English songs, students enjoy learning more and increase their

vocabulary in learning English. The preliminary study quantitatively showed

that the student's score was 63.95. The percentage of students' scores on the

test was 6, who got scores up to 75, only 29%. Fifteen students did not get a

score up to 75, and that was 71%. In cycle I, it quantitatively shows that the

student's score on the test is 72.23. The percentage of students' scores on post-

test I was eight people getting scores up to 75 or up to 75 was only 38%.

Meanwhile, 13 students failed to score up to 75, and that's 62%. In cycle II,

quantitatively, the total score of students on the test was 83.19. The

percentage of students' scores on post-test II was 18 students passed and got a

score of 75 or up to 75, and it was 86%. On the other hand, three students

failed to score up to 75, which was 14%. The researcher makes a comparison

with the previous study. The similarity is that the researcher and previous

researcher examined how English songs improve vocabulary. While the

difference, previous researcher focused on implementing student learning and

using classroom action research. Meanwhile, the researcher focuses on

students' perceptions and uses qualitative research.



A. Type of study

This study used qualitative research methods. Qualitative research is a

study that tries to understand phenomena in natural settings and contexts in

the surrounding environment. Qualitative research aims to describe a certain

phenomenon (Helaluddin & Wijaya, 2019 : 10–11). Agustinova (2015) states

that qualitative research is a method based on post-positivist philosophy that

emphasizes more aspects of a deep understanding of a phenomenon. This

method uses an in-depth analysis technique that examines case-by-case

problems because qualitative methodologies believe that one problem's nature

will differ from the nature of other problems.

In this study, the researcher used qualitative methods to identify students'

perceptions because the qualitative approach was in-depth and realistically

described according to the informants' experiences. The researcher chose this

method to provide comprehensive insight into the perception of the use of

English songs in enriching vocabulary.

B. Research Location and Time

1. Research Place

This research data was taken through offline interviews for second-

semester students of the English Education Department IAIN Salatiga for

the 2021/2022 academic year. Interviews were conducted offline because

now it is allowed to hold face-to-face meetings. The interview will be

held at the IAIN Salatiga campus with time conditioning.

2. Research Time

The researcher took research data in June within a week, June 6 to

June 13, 2022. The researcher distributes the instrument to the

respondents, who have to complete the answers that will be asked in the


C. Research Subject

The research subject is the person who will be the respondents of research

at IAIN Salatiga Academic Year 2021/2022, especially the second-semester

students of the English Education Department. The researcher chose the

subject of this research to focus on students' perceptions of using English

songs to enrich vocabulary. The subjects in this study were 20 of 110 second-

semester students of the English Education Department of IAIN Salatiga.

Based on several considerations, there are :

1. Second-semester students of English Education Department of IAIN

Salatiga Academic Year 2021/2022

2. Students who like to listening music, especially English songs.

3. Students who like listening to English songs to help enrich their English


4. Students who are willing to be respondents.

D. Source of Data

According to Kusumastati & Khoiron (2019 : 34), research data sources

consist of primary and secondary data sources.

1. Primary Data Sources

Primary data is a source of data obtained directly from the first

source (not through intermediaries), both individuals and groups. Primary

data sources in qualitative research dig up information using observation

and interview techniques as a characteristic of qualitative research. The

researcher will conduct interviews with students as primary data sources to

meet the required data.

2. Secondary Data Sources

Secondary data is a source of data obtained by the researcher

indirectly through other parties (obtained by other parties), and the

collection process is straightforward, fast, and simple. Secondary data

usually comes from primary data that the previous researcher has

processed. Secondary data in the form of records, historical records, or

reports neatly arranged in archives or documentary data. News

publications, blogs, books, journal articles, and so on are secondary data

collection sources. Researcher use books and journal articles as secondary

data sources.

E. The Method of Data Collection

The researcher collected data using interviews to support this research.

1. Interview

In qualitative research, the main data source (primary) is a human

being who is an informant. According to Abdussamad (2021 : 145),

Interviews are the primary data mining technique that allows the

researcher to obtain as much complete and in-depth data as possible. An

interview is a conversation between two or more people that takes place

between a resource person and an interviewer to collect data in the form of

information. Therefore, the interview technique is one way of collecting

data. There are three types of interviews: structured, semi-structured, and

unstructured (Rachmawati, 2007 : 36).

a) Structured Interview

In a structured interview, the researcher or interviewer sets the

problems and questions to be asked. Structured interviews are

generally used if the entire research sample is considered to have the

same opportunity to answer the questions asked. This type of

interview aims to find answers to hypotheses. The advantage of this

interview is that there is no deepening of questions that allows for

incorrect responses from informants (Abdussamad, 2021 : 146).

b) Semi-Structured Interview

Semi-structured interviews are interviews that take place referring

to a series of open-ended questions. This method allows the

emergence of new questions from the answers given by the

interviewee, thus allowing the interviewer to explore new

developments (Alijoyo et al., 2021).

c) Unstructured Interview

Unstructured interviews are interviews that aim to find information

that is not single. The difference between this interview and a

structured interview is in terms of time and provides a more free-

response. In unstructured interviews, the questions are not prepared in

advance, and the questions are adjusted to the circumstances and

unique characteristics of the informants. Questions are asked fluidly,

like an everyday conversation in informal situations. In addition, the

informants in this interview were limited to only those selected,

namely those who were seen as having knowledge and exploring the

case and also have the necessary information. The results of

unstructured interviews emphasize exceptions, deviations, unusual

interpretations, new approaches, and expert views (Abdussamad, 2021

: 146).

In conducting this research, the researcher used structured interviews,

from the explanation above the researcher chose that method because it

had to focus on more specific things in researching the perceptions of

IAIN Salatiga students towards the use of English songs in enriching


Table 3.1 Interview questions on students’ interest in English Songs

No Question

1. What are your difficulties in English?

2. Do you use song media to enrich your vocabulary?

3. Can the use of English songs help improve English vocabulary?

Based on your experience, how do you enrich your vocabulary with

the help of English songs?

5. What other benefits do you get when you listen to English songs?

F. The Technique of Data Analysis

1. Data Reduction

Data reduction is the first component of qualitative data analysis. In

data reduction, the researcher carried out a process of selection, focusing,

simplification, and abstraction of all types of information that supported

the research data obtained and recorded during the data mining process in

the field. When data collection occurs, data reduction is carried out by

making summary notes of data acquisition in the area. The data reduction

process is a qualitative data analysis step that aims to sharpen, classify,

clarify, and create focus by reducing less important things, and

organizing data presentation in such a way that it can be understood well

and can lead to accountable conclusions (Nugrahani, 2014 : 174).

After the researcher collected data in the field using the interview

method, the researcher coded the data as needed. Organize data

according to categories and essential data based on research problems

that focus on students' perceptions of the use of English songs as an

attempt to enrich English vocabulary.

2. Data Display

The second component of qualitative analysis is data presentation.

The presentation of data is a collection of information that allows the

researcher to draw conclusions and take action. Data presentation in

qualitative research is an assembly of information in the form of a

complete description and narrative based on the main findings in data

reduction. It is presented using logical and systematic language to make

it easy to understand. The purpose of displaying data is to answer

research problems through the data analysis process. For this reason, data

presentation needs to be packaged systematically to assist the researcher

in the analysis process. By understanding this data presentation, the

researcher can conduct data analysis to formulate findings and present

the conclusions of the research (Nugrahani, 2014 : 175–176).

The focus of this study is to show students' perceptions of the use of

English songs as an attempt to enrich English vocabulary at the English

Education Department of IAIN Salatiga. In collecting data, the researcher

explained the data obtained through interview data that had been carried

out and then compiled it into a research report.

3. Conclusion Drawing/Verification

Drawing conclusions is essential in qualitative research. The

researcher must try to find meaning based on data that has been

thoroughly and thoroughly explored. Drawing conclusions is an activity

of interpreting the results of data analysis and interpretation. Conclusions

need to be verified during the research so they can be accounted for. The

verification process for the provisional conclusions can be carried out by

repeating the research steps, namely by tracing back all the research steps

that have been carried out, including examining data from the field,

reductions made based on field notes, and temporary conclusions that

have been formulated (Nugrahani, 2014 : 176–177).

The researcher collects the findings and then processes and

concludes them into the main conclusions as to the last step. The

researcher concludes the decision after the research is carried out, namely

to find out the perceptions of IAIN Salatiga students towards the use of

English songs as an effort to enrich English vocabulary.

G. Validity of The Data

Validity is the determination of research results and whether their

consistency is following what is being studied or not. Validation refers to an

act of proof that is carried out in a manner that follows the procedures and

processes until the research mechanism is used in production and also

supervision during the study (Nugrahani, 2014 : 114)

The researcher used data triangulation as a validation check of research

data. Triangulation is a verification method to increase the level of confidence

and accuracy of the data. Triangulation is a way to eliminate differences in

the construction of reality that exist in context when collecting research data

about events and relationships from various perspectives (Helaluddin &

Wijaya, 2019 : 135). The purpose of triangulation is not to find the truth

about some phenomena but to increase the researcher's understanding of what

has been found. Triangulation provides the following benefits:

1. Trying to atone for inconsistencies is an analysis information assortment


2. It can increase the confidence of the evidence in the results of research

data when several collection techniques give the same result.

3. Can ask follow-up questions when multiple tools fail to give the same


In this study, the researcher used triangulation to check the validity of the

research data. Make interviews to obtain valid, factual, reliable, and precise

information. To obtain validation data, the researcher was able to reinforce

the data findings by comparing and checking information from the data

obtained through interviews that have been conducted and as evidence that

the respondent is eligible to be used as a research subject.



A. Research Findings

After conducting interviews with twenty respondents who focused on

students' perceptions of the use of English songs as an effort to enrich

vocabulary, the researcher found various students' perceptions of the use of

English songs as an effort to enrich vocabulary. This research was conducted

on June 6, 2022, at IAIN Salatiga with face-to-face interviews with

respondents from students majoring in English (second semester). The

interview contained six structured questions having students' perceptions of

English songs as an effort to enrich vocabulary. All data results will be

explained below: The interviews to answer the problems in chapter 1.

1. Interview Result

Interviews were held to find out about students' perceptions of the

use of English songs as an effort to enrich vocabulary. The researcher

conducted face-to-face interviews at the IAIN Salatiga campus from 6-13

June 2022. Interviews were taken with 20 students willing to be

interviewed using structured interviews with the following questions from

the researcher and answers obtained.

Table 4.1 Table Codes of Respondents

Respondent Initial Code

Number Respondent’s Name

1. NR QA.1

2. AM QA,2

3. MNK QA,3

4. NF QA.4

5. NA QA.5

6. MHS QA.6

7. NLS QA.7

8. ASNL QA.8

9. FNM QA.9

10. APA QA.10

11. MRA QA.11

12. RAH QA.12

13. SA QA.13

14. RPP QA.14

15. AI QA.15

16. ZRF QA.16

17. SDH QA.17

18. YR QA.18

19. SWL QA.19

20 AKM QA.20

a) What are your difficulties in English?

In the first question, the researcher wants to know the students'

English difficulties as well as an explanation through the answers that

have been given.

“Kesulitan saya dalam bahasa inggris yaitu kekurangan kosa

kata sehingga saya kurang dalam melakukan speaking dan saya

kesulitan dalam hal penggunaan grammar.” (“My difficulty in

English is lack of vocabulary so that I am not good at speaking and I

have difficulty in using grammar.”) (QA.1)

“Kesulitan dalam bahasa inggris dari saya sendiri seperti

mengolah kata menjadi kalimat yang dipahami dan saya juga masih

merasa kurang dalam kosa kata.” (Difficulty in English from myself,

such as processing words into sentences that are understood and I also

still feel lacking in vocabulary) (QA.2)

“Kesulitan saya dalam bahasa inggris yaitu vocabulary yang

kurang dan pelafalan kosakata yang kurang.” (My difficulty in

English is lack of vocabulary and poor pronunciation) (QA.3)

“Kesulitan saya yaitu terbatasnya vocabulary saya.” (My

difficulty is my limited vocabulary) (QA.4)

“Kesulitan saya yaitu dalam hal speaking karena kurangnya kosa

kata yang saya punya.” (My difficulty is in speaking because of my

lack of vocabulary) (QA.5)

“Kesulitan saya yaitu listening dan pronunciation karena saya

merasa kurang nya pengetahuan dalam vocabulary.” (My difficulty is

listening and pronunciation because I feel that I lack knowledge in

vocabulary) (QA.6)

“Kesulitan saya yaitu dalam hal grammar dan listening karena

kosakata asing yang diucapkan lawan bicara sulit untuk dipahami

jadi saya merasa kurang dalam kosa kata.” (My difficulty is in terms

of grammar and listening because the foreign vocabulary spoken by

the other person is difficult to understand so I feel lacking in

vocabulary) (QA.7)

“Kesulitan saya adalah kurangnya kosa kata saya dalam bahasa

inggris.” (My difficulty is my lack of vocabulary in English) (QA.8)

“Kesulitan saya dalam bahasa inggris adalah pelafalan kata dan

kurangnya vocabulary sehingga ketika listening saya masih merasa

kesulitan.” (My difficulty in English is the pronunciation of words

and lack of vocabulary so that when listening I still find it difficult)


“Kesulitan saya dalam bahasa inggris adalah memahami

kosakata dan pengucapannya.” ( My difficulty in English is

understanding vocabulary and pronunciation) (QA.10)

“Kesulitan saya dalam bahasa inggris yaitu menyusun kata ke

dalam kalimat.” (My difficulty in English is arranging words into

sentences) (QA.11)

“Kesulitan saya dalam bahasa inggris yaitu dalam vocabulary

karena menurut saya, saya masih kurang dalam kosa kata jadi jika

akan berbicara saya sedikit kesulitan.” (My difficulty in English is in

vocabulary because in my opinion, I am still lacking in vocabulary so

if I want to speak I have a little difficulty) (QA.12)

“Ketika saya berbicara saya merasa kesulitan dalam menyusun

kalimat yang tepat dan vocabulary yang masih kurang saya kuasai.”

(When I speak I find it difficult to compose the right sentences and

vocabulary that I still don't master) (QA.13)

“Ada beberapa kesulitan saya dalam bahasa Inggris yaitu yang

pertama adalah speaking, saya mengalami kesulitan untuk

mengungkapkan suatu kalimat secara spontan. Alasannya karena

banyak kata yang saya tidak tahu bahasa Inggrisnya, saya juga

kesulitan menyusun kata menjadi kalimat yang benar dengan cepat.

Sehingga speaking adalah hal yang tersulit bagi saya. Kemudian,

listening, di beberapa waktu kadang saya kesulitan untuk

mendengarkan kata yang terdengar entah karena tidak jelas

pengucapannya, terus terdengar mirip dengan kata lainnya, dan tidak

tahu kata apa yg dimaksud karena tidak pernah mendengarkan kata

itu. Dan bisa disimpulkan kalau kesulitan saya dalam berbahasa

Inggris disebabkan oleh kurangnya vocabulary yg saya kuasai dan

kurang pahamnya ilmu tentang aturan berbahasa Inggris.” ( I have

some difficulties in English, the first is speaking, I have difficulty

expressing a sentence spontaneously. The reason is because there are

many words that I don't know in English, I also have difficulty

arranging words into correct sentences quickly. So speaking is the

most difficult thing for me. Then, listening, sometimes I have a hard

time listening to a word that sounds either because the pronunciation

is not clear, it keeps sounding similar to other words, and I don't know

what word is meant because I've never heard the word. And it can be

concluded that my difficulty in speaking English is caused by a lack of

vocabulary that I master and a lack of knowledge about the rules of

English) (QA.14)

“Kesulitan saya dalam bahasa Inggris adalah ketika saya ingin

berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris karena keterbatasan kosa

kata.” (My difficulty in English is when I want to speak in English

because of limited vocabulary) (QA.15)

“Kesulitan saya dalam bahasa inggris yaitu dalam hal speaking

karena vocabulary saya yang masih kurang dan ketika berbicara

didepan orang saya gugup sehingga membuat apa yang akan saya

katakan jadi hilang.” (My difficulty in English is in speaking because

my vocabulary is still lacking and when I speak in front of people I get

nervous so it makes what I want to say disappears) (QA.16)

“Kesulitan saya dalam bahasa inggris adalah masalah aksen,

vocabulary baru yang belum saya ketahui, lalu masalah lain yaitu

listening yang mana saya belum bisa menangkap apa yang dikatakan

orang lain.” (My difficulties in English are accent problems, new

vocabulary that I don't know, then another problem, namely listening,

where I can't catch what other people are saying.) (QA.17)

“Kesulitan saya dalam bahasa inggris yaitu speaking karena

saya masih merasa kurang dalam vocabulary dan juga saya kesulitan

dalam grammar.” (My difficulty in English is speaking because I still

feel lacking in vocabulary and also I have problem in grammar)


“Mungkin untuk kesulitan saya sendiri selama mempelajari

bahasa inggris yaitu seperti kurangnya vocabulary tentang

pengertiannya itu jadi kesulitan saya selama ini adalah berada di

vocabulary.” (Maybe for my own difficulties while learning English,

such as the lack of vocabulary about the meaning, so my difficulty so

far is in the vocabulary) (QA.19)

“Kesulitan dalam bahasa inggris yang saya alami yaitu dalam

speaking karena sulit dalam merangkai kata-kata.” ( The difficulty in

English that I experienced was in speaking because it was difficult to

string words together) (QA.20)

From the results of the first question interview, it can be

concluded that there are various difficulties experienced by students in

English, namely pronunciation of vocabulary, listening, speaking,

arranging words into sentences, and greetings with accents. However,

most of them have difficulty in their lack English vocabulary.

b) Do you use songs to enrich English vocabulary?

In the second question, the researcher wanted to know whether

the students used English songs to enrich their vocabulary.

“Ya, saya menggunakan media lagu bahasa inggris karena saya

suka mendengarkan lagu bahasa inggris” (Yes, I use English song

media because I like to listen to English songs) (QA.1)

“Ya, saya menggunakan lagu bahasa inggris untuk memperkaya

vocabulary.” (Yes, I use English songs to enrich my vocabulary)


“Ya, saya sering menggunakan lagu bahasa inggris untuk

memperkaya vocabulary, selain musik juga saya menggunakan film

untuk memperkaya vocabulary.” (Yes, I often use English songs to

enrich my vocabulary, apart from music, I also use films to enrich my

vocabulary) (QA.3)

“Ya, saya mendengarkan lagu bahasa inggris sebagai media

untuk memperkaya vocabulary.” (Yes, I listen to English songs as a

medium to enrich my vocabulary) (QA.4)

“Ya saya menggunakan lagu bahasa inggris dan menggunakan

video berbahasa inggris untuk menambah kosakata.” ( Yes, I use

English songs and use English videos to increase vocabulary) (QA.5)

“Ya, saya menggunakan lagu bahasa inggris untuk menambah

kosa kata.” (Yes, I use English songs to increase vocabulary) (QA.6)

“Ya, saya menggunakan lagu bahasa inggris untuk memperkaya

kosakata.” (Yes, I use English songs to enrich my vocabulary) (QA.7)

“Ya, saya menggunakan lagu bahasa inggris untuk memperkaya

kosa kata.” (Yes, I use English songs to enrich my vocabulary)


“Ya, saya menggunakan media lagu bahasa inggris untuk

memperkaya vocabulary karena menurut saya lebih enjoy dan

belajarnya tidak monoton.” (Yes, I use English song media to enrich

my vocabulary because I think I enjoy it more and the learning is not

monotonous) (QA.9)

“Ya, saya menggunakan lagu bahasa inggris untuk memperkaya

vocabulary.” (Yes, I use English songs to enrich my vocabulary)


“Ya, saya menggunakannya.” (Yes, I use it) (QA.11)

“Ya, saya menggunakan lagu bahasa inggris untuk belajar

vocabulary karena menurut saya lagu itu media pembelajaran yang

paling mudah di ingat.” (Yes, I use English songs to learn vocabulary

because I think songs are the easiest learning media to remember)


“Ya, saya menggunakannya karena metode tersebut menurut saya

lebih menarik daripada kita mencarinya satu per satu kata di sebuah

kamus.” (Yes, I use it because I find this method more interesting than

looking up words one by one in a dictionary) (QA.13)

“Ya, saya menggunakan lagu bahasa inggris untuk memperkaya

kosa kata.” (Yes, I use English songs to enrich my vocabulary)


“Ya, saya menggunakan lagu bahasa inggris untuk memperkaya

vocabulary.” (Yes, I use English songs to enrich my vocabulary)


“Ya, saya menggunakan lagu sebagai sarana untuk memperkaya

vocabulary bahasa inggris.” (Yes, I use songs as a means to enrich

my English vocabulary) (QA.16)

“Ya, saya menggunakannya agar vocabulary saya bertambah,

aksen dan pronunciation saya meningkat.” (Yes, I use it to increase

my vocabulary, improve my accent and pronunciation) (QA.17)

“Ya, saya biasanya mendengarkan lagu bahasa inggris.” (Yes, I

usually listen to English songs) (QA.18)

“Ya, saya sering menggunakan media lagu bahasa inggris untuk

menambah vocabulary.” (Yes, I often use English song media to

increase my vocabulary.) (QA.19)

“Ya, saya sering menggunakan media lagu bahasa inggris untuk

memperkaya vocabulary karena kebanyakan favorit singer saya itu

berasal dari barat sehingga setiap hari saya mendengarkan lagu

bahasa inggris.” (Yes, I often use English songs to enrich my

vocabulary because most of my favorite singers are from the west, so I

listen to English songs every day) (QA.20)

From the results of the second interview question, it can be

concluded that students use English songs as a medium to enrich

vocabulary. In addition, some of them said that apart from English

songs, they also used English films and videos to enrich their

vocabulary. By using this media, they can add vocabulary in a way

that is easy to remember and not monotonous.

c) Can the use English songs help improve English vocabulary?

In the third question of the interview, the researcher wants to

know whether the use of English songs can help improve vocabulary


“Ya, menurut saya mendengarkan lagu bahasa inggris dapat

meningkatkan kosakata karena saya akan mendengarkan lagu

tersebut berulang-ulang sampai saya dapat mengingat kosakata

tersebut diluar kepala. Selain itu, kita dapat mempelajari kosakata

menggunakan lagu bahasa inggris tersebut dengan enjoy dan tidak

membosankan” (Yes, I think listening to English songs can increase

vocabulary because I will listen to the song over and over again until I

can remember the vocabulary by heart. In addition, we can learn

vocabulary using the English song with enjoyment and not boring)


“Ya, lagu bahasa inggris cocok untuk membantu meningkatkan

kosakata karena memakai lagu lebih asik dan mudah di ingat” (Yes,

English songs are suitable to help increase vocabulary because using

songs are more fun and easy to remember) (QA.2)

“Ya, dengan menggunakan lagu bahasa inggris dapat menambah

kosakata karena lebih mudah dalam mengingat dan menambah kosa

kata lain.” (Yes, using English songs can increase vocabulary because

they are easier to remember and add to other vocabulary) (QA.3)

“Ya, lagu bahasa inggris dapat membantu saya dalam

meningkatkan kosa kata. Karena ketika menyukai lagu bahasa inggris

akan mendengarkannya beberapa kali, karena sering

mendengarkannya kita akan terbiasa dengan beberapa kata yang

diucapkan dalam lagu tersebut yang mana terdapat beberapa kata

yang familiar dan beberapa kata yang asing bagi kita. Dengan

mendengarkan lagu secara terus menerus akan menjadikan kita tahu

akan makna dari kata tersebut.” (Yes, English songs can help me

improve my vocabulary. because when we like English songs, we will

listen to it several times, because we often listen to it we will get used

to some of the words spoken in the song which there are some words

that are familiar and some words that are foreign to us. By listening to

the song continuously will make us know the meaning of the word)


“Ya, dengan menggunakan lagu bahasa inggris sedikit demi

sedikit membantu dalam meningkatkan kosa kata.” (Yes, using

English songs little by little helps in improving vocabulary) (QA.5)

“Ya, lagu bahasa inggris dapat membantu meningkatkan

kosakata. Karena saat mendengarkan musik kita akan belajar banyak

kosa kata asing dan belajar listening agar terbiasa.” (Yes, English

songs can help to improve vocabulary. Because when we listen to

music we will learn a lot of foreign vocabulary and learn listening to

get used to it) (QA.6)

“Ya, lagu bahasa inggris dapat meningkatkan kosa kata. Karena

ketika mendengarkan lagu bahasa inggris dengan melihat lirik maka

akan menambah kosakata asing yang mungkin belum pernah

didengar.” (Yes, English songs can improve vocabulary. because

when listening to English songs by looking at the lyrics, it will add

foreign vocabulary that may have never been heard) (QA.7)

“Ya, menurut saya lagu bahasa inggris sangat membantu unuk

meningkatkan kosa kata. Karena bisa menikmatinya dan menyukai

lagu berbahasa inggris jadi lebih mudah untuk belajar serta

mengingat-ingat.” (Yes, I think English songs are very helpful for

improving vocabulary. because you can enjoy them and like English

songs so it's easier to learn and remember ) (QA.8)

“Ya, menurut saya lagu bahasa inggris dapat membantu

meningkatkan penguasaan kosa kata dan bisa ditambah dengan

menggunakan media lain seperti film berbahasa inggris untuk

meningkatkan kosakata.” (Yes, I think English songs can help

improve vocabulary mastery and can be added by using other media

such as English films to increase vocabulary) (QA.9)

“Ya, menurut saya menggunakan lagu bahasa inggris sangat

membantu untuk meningkatkan kosa kata. Karena saat mendengarkan

lagu dan terdapat kosa kata asing saya langsung mencari arti dari

kata tersebut jadi secara otomatis kosa kata saya juga dapat

bertambah.” (Yes, I think using English songs is very helpful to

improve vocabulary. Because when I listen to songs and there are

foreign vocabulary I immediately look for the meaning of the word so

automatically my vocabulary can also increase) (QA.10)

“Ya, lagu bahasa inggris membantu meningkatkan penguasaan

kosa kata bahasa inggris. Karena terdapat kata yang mungkin masih

asing bagi pendengar jadi dengan kosa kata asing tersebut dapat

menambah kosa kata baru.” (Yes, English songs help to improve

English vocabulary mastery. Because there are words that may still be

foreign to listeners, so using these foreign words you can add new

vocabulary) (QA.11)

“Menurut saya itu cukup membantu meningkatkan penguasaan

kosa kata tapi menurut saya kalau hanya lagu bahasa inggris saja

tidak cukup jadi harus ada media lain untuk menambah peningkatan

kosa kata dengan media lain seperti caption di media sosial dan

melalui film berbahasa inggris. Kosa kata yang terdapat dalam lirik

lagu itu mudah di ingat, dipahami dan tidak melulu bahasa yang

digunakan formal jadi bahasanya itu informal seperti percakapan

sehari-hari atau bahkan slang word dan idiom.” (In my opinion it is

enough to help improve vocabulary mastery but in my opinion only

English songs are not enough so there must be other media to increase

vocabulary with other media such as captions on social media and

through English films. the vocabulary contained in the lyrics of the

song is easy to remember, understand and not only use formal

language, so the language is informal like everyday conversation or

even slang words and idioms) (QA.12)

“Menurut saya, iya. Karena ketika saya menyukai lagu tersebut

maka saya akan mencari tahu isi dari lagu tersebut bagaimana

sehingga saya akan mencari arti dari lirik tersebut kemudian

menerjemahkan sehingga saya mendapat pemahaman kosa kata

baru.” (In my opinion, yes. Because when I like the song, I will find

out what the content of the song is so I will look for the meaning of

the lyrics then translate so that I get a new vocabulary understanding)


“Ya, menurut saya lagu bahasa inggris dapat membantu

meningkatkan penguasaan kosa kata. Alasannya karena lagu

merupakan salah satu hiburan yang disukai kebanyakan orang.

Dengan mendengarkan lagu otomatis orang-orang akan mengikuti

lagu tersebut dengan membaca liriknya. Kebanyakan lirik yang

dipakai dalam lagu bahasa Inggris bukan merupakan kata-kata yang

biasa digunakan dalam sehari-hari, sehingga ketidak unfamiliar

itulah yang menyebabkan orang akan mencari tahu arti dari kata

tersebut agar paham dengan makna lagu. Selain itu, dengan adanya

nada di lagu itu, orang-orang akan lebih bisa banyak mengingat kosa

kata daripada hanya membaca kosa kata bahasa Inggris biasa.

Walaupun bagi saya pribadi lagu bahasa Inggris tidak terlalu

menyumbang banyak manfaat untuk memperkaya kosa kata saya”

(Yes, I think English songs can help improve vocabulary mastery. The

reason is because the song is one of the entertainment that most people

like. By listening to a song, people will automatically follow the song

by reading the lyrics. Most of the lyrics used in English songs are not

words that are commonly used in everyday life, so unfamiliarity is

what causes people to find out the meaning of the word in order to

understand with the meaning of the song. In addition, with the tone in

the song, people will be able to remember a lot more vocabulary than

just reading ordinary English vocabulary. Although for me personally,

English songs don't really contribute much to enriching my

vocabulary) (QA.14)

“Ya, lagu bahasa inggris dapat membantu meningkatkan

penguasaan kosakata. Karena selain mudah diingat memperkaya kosa

Kata menggunakan lagu juga menyenagkan dan tidak mudah bosan”

(Yes, English songs can help improve vocabulary mastery. because

besides being easy to remember, it enriches vocabulary using songs is

also fun and doesn't get bored easily) (QA.15)

“Ya, saya merasa sangat terbantu dengan lagu bahasa inggris

untuk menguasai kosa kata bahasa inggris. Karena saat

mendengarkan lagu bahasa inggris pasti akan melihat lirik dari lagu

tersebut dan jika ada satu atau dua kata yang asing akan segera

mencari arti dari kosa kata tersebut itu apa, jadi lebih banyak lagu

yang didengarkan maka lebih banyak lagi kosa kata yang

bertambah.” (Yes, I find it very helpful with English songs to master

English vocabulary. Because when listening to English songs, you

will definitely see the lyrics of the song and if there are one or two

foreign words, they will immediately look for the meaning of the

vocabulary, so the more songs you listen to, the more vocabulary you

will increase.) (QA.16)

“Ya, karena setiap saya mendengarkan lagu saya melihat lirik

yang dapat menambah kosa kata saya. Disatu sisi saya menyukai

musik dan seperti yang kita ketahui jika belajar dari hal yang kita

sukai pasti akan ada impact yang cukup baik.” (Yes, because every

time I listen to a song I see the lyrics that can increase my vocabulary.

On other hand I like music and as we all know if we learn from the

things we like, there will definitely be a pretty good impact) (QA.17)

“Ya, sangat membantu karena dengan mendengarkan lagu-lagu

bahasa inggris dapat menambah kosa kata baru. Karena selain bisa

menambah kosakata baru, belajar melalui lagu itu sangat asik dan

tidak mudah bosan.” (Yes, it is very helpful because listening to

English songs can add new vocabulary. because apart from being able

to add new vocabulary, learning through songs is very fun and not

easy to get bored) (QA.18)

“Menurut saya itu sangat membantu dalam meningkatkan

penguasaan kosa kata. karena biasanya belajar menghafal biasa itu

keberatan dan malas tapi kalau belajarnya sambil fun dan dengerin

musik bisa lebih banyak menemukan vocab-vocab yang belum pernah

ditemukan jadi lebih senang dan enjoy dan juga lebih mudah di

ingat.” (I think it is very helpful in improving vocabulary mastery.

because usually learning to memorize is usually objectionable and

lazy, but if you study it while having fun and listening to music, you

can find more vocabs that have never been found, so it's more fun and

enjoyable and also easier to remember) (QA.19)

“Kalau menurut saya tidak terlalu, lebih ke kayak story yang bisa

meningkatkan penguasaan kosa kata.” (I don't think so, more like a

story that can improve vocabulary mastery) (QA.20)

The results of the third interview questions, it can be concluded

that the use of English songs can help improve vocabulary mastery.

However, there are also those who say that using only songs is not

very helpful, so there must be other media to help improve vocabulary

mastery, such as using English films or stories. And it can be

concluded that the use of English song media is helpful in enriching

vocabulary because the use of the song method is an alternative to

learning vocabulary that is easy to remember and also learned with

pleasure and enjoyment, especially if you already like things related to


d) Based on your experience, how do you enrich your vocabulary

with the help of English Songs?

In the fifth question of the interview, the researcher wants to

know how the students experience using English songs as an effort to

enrich vocabulary.

“Pengalaman saya untuk memperkaya kosakata dalam

menggunakan lagu bahasa inggris biasanya saya mendengarkan lagu

tersebut berulang-ulang dengan media youtube yang terdapat

terjemahan dari kata tersebut sehingga saya dapat menemukan

kosakata baru.” (My experience is to enrich vocabulary in using

English songs, usually I listen to the song over and over again with

youtube media which has a translation of the word so that I can find

new vocabulary) (QA.1)

“Menurut pengalaman saya dengan mendengarkan lagu lalu

melihat lirik jika ada kata asing saya mencari terjemahan tersebut

lalu dihafalkan.” (According to my experience by listening to the

song and then looking at the lyrics, if there is a foreign word I look for

the translation and then memorize it) (QA.2)

“Cara saya adalah dengan mendengarkan berulang-ulang lagu

tersebut sehingga dapat mengingat kosa kata yang asing bagi saya.”

(My way is to listen to the song over and over again so that I can

remember vocabulary that is foreign to me) (QA.3)

“Mendengarkan lagu bahasa inggris berulang-ulang.” (Listening

to English songs over and over) (QA.4)

“Biasanya dalam lagu bahasa inggris ada kata asing yang tidak

saya ketahui arti nya,kemudian kata asing tersebut saya terjemahkan

menggunakan google translate.” (Usually, in English songs there are

foreign words that I don't know the meaning of, then I translate the

foreign words using google translate) (QA.5)

“Karena saya suka mendengarkan lagu bahasa inggris dan dari

lagu-lagu tersebut saya mendapatkan kosa kata-kosakata baru.”

(Because I like listening to English songs and the meaning of these

songs I get new vocabulary) (QA.6)

“Biasanya saya mendengarkan lagu secara berulang kemudian

jika ada suatu kosakata yang tidak diketahui saya langsung mencari

apa arti dari kosa kata tersebut.” (Usually I listen to songs repeatedly

then if there is a vocabulary that I don't know I immediately look for

what the meaning of the vocabulary is) (QA.7)

“Saya biasanya mendengarkan lagu tersebut kemudian mencari

lirik dan terjemahan dari kosakata asing.” (I usually listen to the song

then look for lyrics and translations of foreign words) (QA.8)

“Cara saya untuk memperkaya kosakata menggunakan bantuan

lagu bahasa inggris yaitu dengan mendengarkan dan mencari lirik

kemudian jika ada lirik yang asing saya mencari arti dari kata

tersebut.” (My way to enrich vocabulary using the help of English

songs is by listening and looking for lyrics then if there are foreign

lyrics I look for the meaning of the word) (QA.9)

“Saya mendengarkan lagu menggunakan platform musik yang

terdapat lirik yang asing kemudian saya menerjemahkannya dan

menghafalkannya. (I listen to a song using a music platform that has

unfamiliar lyrics then I translate it and memorize it) (QA.10)

“Berdasarkan pengalaman saya, jika ada suatu kata yang saya

tidak tahu arti nya saya akan mencari video lirik beserta

terjemahan.” (Based on my experience, if there is a word that I don't

know the meaning of I will look for the lyric video along with the

translation) (QA.11)

“Cukup dengan mendengarkan lagu tersebut setiap hari dengan

membuka lirik kemudian jika ada kosa kata yang tidak diketahui

langsung dicari terjemahannya.” (It is enough to listen to the song

every day by opening the lyrics, then if there is an unknown

vocabulary, the translation is immediately searched) (QA.12)

“Yang saya lakukan berdasarkan pengalaman saya yaitu saya

membuka lirik dari lagu tersebut, kemudian jika ada kata yang tidak

sata ketahui artinya maka saya akan mencari tahu apa arti kata

tersebut melalui google terjemahan.” (What I do based on my

experience is that I open the lyrics of the song, then if there is a word

that I don't know the meaning of then I will find out what the word

means through google translation) (QA.13)

" Cara saya memperkaya kosa kata dengan menggunakan lagu

yaitu setiap mendengarkan lagu berbahasa Inggris saya selalu

mencari lirik dari lagu tersebut agar bisa mengikuti lagunya,

kemudian saya baca lirik tersebut sambil memahami makna dari lagu,

apabila ada kosa kata yang saya tidak tahu artinya, saya akan

mencari lirik lagu itu beserta terjemahannya. Selain itu saya akan

menulis lirik yang menurut saya menarik di buku.” (The way I enrich

my vocabulary by using songs is that every time I listen to an English

song I always look for the lyrics of the song so I can follow the song,

then I read the lyrics while understanding the meaning of the song, if

there is a vocabulary that I don't know the meaning of, I will look for

it. the lyrics of the song and its translation. Besides that I will write

lyrics that I find interesting in the book) (QA.14)

“Dengan cara mencatat kata-kata baru kemudian

menghafalkannya.” (By recording new words and then memorizing

them) (QA.15)

“Biasanya saya mendengarkan lagunya itu sambil menyimak

lirik, terus jika ada kesulitan dalam memahami kemudian saya cari

apa arti dari lirik tersebut sehingga saya dapat menambah kosa

kata.” (Usually I listen to the song while listening to the lyrics, then if

there is difficulty in understanding then I look for what the meaning of

the lyrics is so I can increase my vocabulary) (QA.16)

“Berdasarkan pengalaman saya, cara saya untuk memperkaya

kosa kata dari lagu bahasa inggris adalah pertama saya

mendengarkan lagu sambil melihat liriknya, kemudian saya

terjemahkan perlahan dan jika ada kata yang tidak saya mengerti

saya akan langsung mentransletkannya.” (Based on my experience,

my way to enrich the vocabulary of an English song is first I listen to

the song while looking at the lyrics, then I translate it slowly and if

there is a word I don't understand I will immediately translate it)


“Biasanya saya mendengarkan lagu itu berulang-ulang sambil

saya tulis jika ada kata-kata yang kurang familiar kemudian saya cari

arti dari kata tersebut.” (Usually, I listen to the song over and over

again while I write if there are words that are less familiar then I look

for the meaning of the word) (QA.18)

“Cara saya yaitu misal dengan menggunakan aplikasi spotify

yang terdapat liriknya, saya mendengarkan lewat aplikasi tersebut

sambil membaca lirik terus menemukan vocabulary asing kemudian

saya terjemahkan.” (My way is for example by using the Spotify

application which has lyrics, I listen through the application while

reading the lyrics and continue to find foreign vocabulary then I

translate) (QA.19)

“Biasanya, jika mendengarkan lagu bahasa inggris berulang-

ulang kemudian mencari liriknya terus menemukan kosa kata asing

kemudian saya cari artinya lalu ditulis di buku dan

menghafalkannya.” (Usually, if I listen to an English song over and

over again and then look for the lyrics, I keep finding foreign

vocabulary, then I look for the meaning and then write it down in a

book and memorize it) (QA.20)

The results of the fifth interview question, there are many ways

they can enrich their vocabulary by using English songs. It can be

concluded that they listen to songs repeatedly using a music platform

that contains lyrics. If they find lyrics that are foreign to them, they

will find out what the vocabulary means and then memorize them or

write them down in their notes.

e) What other benefits do you get when listen to English songs?

In the last question of the interview, the researcher wants to know

what other benefits students get when listening to English songs.

“Manfaat lain yang saya dapat selain menambah kosakata yaitu

dapat meningkatkan skill pronunciation sehingga kita dapat

mengetahui pelafalan dari kosa kata-kosakata.” (Another benefit that

I get apart from adding vocabulary is that it can improve

pronunciation skills so that we can know the pronunciation of

vocabulary words) (QA.1)

“Manfaat lain yang saya dapat selain menambah kosakata yaitu

dapat mengetahui pelafalan dari kosa kata tersebut.” (Another

benefit that I get apart from adding vocabulary is being able to know

the pronunciation of the vocabulary) (QA.2)

“Selain menambah kosa kata, manfaat lain dari mendengarkan

lagu bahasa inggris yaitu dapat belajar pronunciation dengan mudah

dan enjoy.” (In addition to increasing vocabulary, another benefit of

listening to English songs is that you can learn pronunciation easily

and enjoy it) (QA.3)

“Manfaat lain selain mendapat tambahan kosakata juga

menambah pengetahuan saya tentang pengucapan dari suatu kata

yang tidak saya ketahui pelafalannya.” (Other benefits besides getting

additional vocabulary, it also increases my knowledge about the

pronunciation of a word that I don't know the pronunciation of)


“Manfaat lain selain memperkaya vocabulary yaitu dalam

pelafalannya.” (Another benefit besides enriching vocabulary is

pronunciation) (QA.5)

“Selain menambah kosakata, manfaat lain dari mendengarkan

lagu bahasa inggris adalah dapat belajar pronuciation dengan enjoy

dan good mood.” (In addition to increasing vocabulary, another

benefit of listening to English songs is that you can learn

pronunciation with enjoyment and in a good mood) (QA.6)

“Manfaat lain yaitu dapat belajar pronunciation, memperbaiki

mood dan lebih enjoy dalam belajar melalui lagu bahasa inggris.”

(Another benefit is that you can learn pronunciation, improve your

mood and enjoy learning more through English songs) (QA.7)

“Manfaat lain selain memperkaya kosa kata adalah dapat

mengetahui pelafalan dari kosa kata dengan baik.” (Another benefit

besides enriching vocabulary is being able to know the pronunciation

of vocabulary well) (QA.8)

“Manfaat lain yang didapat ketika mendengarkan lagu bahasa

inggris adalah dapat mengetahui bagaimana cara melafalkan kata

tersebut.” ( Another benefit you get when listening to English songs is

knowing how to pronounce the word) (QA.9)

“Selain untuk memperkaya kosakata, menurut saya dengan

mendengarkan lagu bahasa inggris dapat membantu pengucapan

kosa kata dan membantu untuk menghilangkan stres.” (In addition to

enriching vocabulary, I think listening to English songs can help

pronounce vocabulary and help relieve stress) (QA.10)

“Manfaat lain dari lagu bahasa inggris selain menambah kosa

kata yaitu bisa belajar pronunciation dari kosa kata yang ada di

dalam lagu bahasa inggris.” (Another benefit of English songs, apart

from increasing vocabulary, is being able to learn pronunciation from

the vocabulary in English songs) (QA.11)

“Manfaat lain selain memperkaya kosa kata menurut saya ada

banyak tapi yang paling utama itu bisa melatih pronunciation jadi

tidak kaku bicara bahasa inggris.” (In addition to enriching

vocabulary, I think there are many benefits, but the most important

thing is that it can train pronunciation so it's not hard to speak English)


“Manfaat lain yang bisa saya dapatkan dari hal tersebut adalah

bisa mengetahui pronunciation yang tepat dari kata tersebut.”

(Another benefit that I can get from this is knowing the correct

pronunciation of the word) (QA.13)

“Manfaat yang saya dapat dari mendengarkan lagu bahasa

Inggris adalah dapat meredakan stress karena lagu adalah hiburan

bagi saya, melatih skill listening saya untuk mengetahui kosa kata

apa saja yg disebutkan dalam lagu itu. Kemudian, saya jadi tau tahu

bagaimana cara mengeja suatu kata dalam bahasa Inggris dengan

benar.” (The benefit that I get from listening to English songs is that it

can relieve stress because songs are entertainment for me, practice my

listening skills to find out what vocabulary is mentioned in the song.

Then, I came to know how to spell a word in English correctly)


“Manfaat lainya yaitu untuk hiburan dan dapat mengetahui

pelafalan dari kata tersebut.” (Another benefit is for entertainment

and can know the pronunciation of the word) (QA.15)

“Selain memperbanyak vocabulary, karena sering mendengar

lagu berulang ulang jadi dapat menambah kosa kata dan juga

pronunciation.” ( In addition to increasing vocabulary, because you

often hear songs over and over again, you can increase vocabulary and

also pronunciation) (QA.16)

“Manfaat lain yang saya terima dari mendengarkan lagu bahasa

inggris adalah aksen, karena saya merasa setelah mendengarkan lagu

bahasa inggris itu saya mengalami peningkatan aksen walaupun tidak

terlalu signifikan.” ( Another benefit that I received from listening to

English songs was the accent, because I felt that after listening to the

English songs I experienced an increase in accent even though it was

not very significant) (QA.17)

“Yang pasti bisa membuat saya senang, terus meningkatkan

mood saya untuk belajar.” (Which can definitely make me happy,

continue to improve my mood to study) (QA.18)

“Selain dapat memperkaya kosa kata, saya dapat mengetahui

pelafalan dari vocabulary tersebut.” (Besides being able to enrich

vocabulary, I can find out the pronunciation of the vocabulary)


“Manfaat lain dari mendengar lagu bahasa inggris selain

memperkaya kosa kata juga menambah pengetahuan tentang

pronunciation dengan benar. Selain itu, juga menambah tentang slang

karena biasanya banyak lagu yang menggunakan slang.” ( Another

benefit of listening to English songs, apart from enriching vocabulary,

is also increasing knowledge about pronunciation correctly. In

addition, also about slang because usually many songs use slang)


The results of the last question of the interview show that students

have various benefits when listening to English songs. It can be

concluded that what are the benefits of listening to English songs

besides enriching the vocabulary, which can improve correct

pronunciation, as entertainment and improve mood, can add slang

words. In addition, some say that English songs can increase

knowledge about accents, although not so significantly.

B. Data Analysis

This study was conducted to find answers to the problems contained in

chapter 1. Based on the data analysis, the researcher obtained the following


1. Students' perceptions on the use of English songs as an attempt to enrich

English vocabulary in English Education Department second semester of

IAIN Salatiga.

The results of the research that have been carried out show that this

study received a positive response from students who used English songs

as an effort to enrich their vocabulary. From the results of the interviews,

researcher found many perceptions of the respondents. According to

Samson Oyeniyi Akande & Kanneth Dike Library (2009), "perception is

the psychological ability to process information received by the senses

that affect actions and behavior towards objects related to understanding

the problem." From the data above, the researcher found many good

responses from the respondents. 18 respondents said that using English

songs can helpful to enrich vocabulary. One of their difficulties in

English is the lack of vocabulary, so they use various ways to enrich their

vocabulary, one of which is using English songs. From their perception,

the use of English songs is a method that is easy to remember, and this

method increases their enthusiasm for enriching vocabulary. And also,

from the song, there is a lot of foreign vocabularies, so they can enrich

the vocabularies from the vocabulary that they don’t understand the

meaning. Meanwhile, two respondents said that the use of English songs

can not helpful to enrich english vocabularies if there no other media

such as films/videos and short stories in English. And also, English songs

can improve their mood and make them feel happy at the same time as

entertainment for them and make their learning less monotonous.

2. The use of English songs can help the students to enrich their English


From the results of respondents' statements, researcher found

various reasons for respondents how English songs can help students to

enrich vocabulary. According to Nurhayati (2009), “the song is described

as a multipurpose medium for language learning where the features

contained in the song support the language learning process. All language

skills can be taught using songs included in the vocabulary”. Songs can

make a positive contribution in influencing students to learn the words

involved in a piece.

English songs can help them enrich their vocabulary in various

ways, and there are other benefits that they feel. English songs are very

helpful for enriching vocabulary in helping to enrich students' vocabulary

by playing English songs repeatedly by listening to the lyrics. Then, if

there are still foreign words, they will find out the meaning of the

vocabulary and then write them down in notes and memorize them. In

addition, they get several other benefits when listening to English songs,

namely improving correct pronunciation, listening skills, adding slang

words in songs, and certainly being able to entertain them and make them

feel happy and improve their mood.



A. Conclusion

This research finally reached the conclusion that the use of English

songs can helpful to enrich vocabulary based on the findings given. The

respondents said that the use of English songs are helpful to enrich

english vocabulary. 18 of the respondents said that because of a lot of

vocabulary that they still do not understand in English songs, then they

have effort to enrich their vocabularies. English songs can also be played

repeatedly, and it can improve pronunciation and listening skills.

Moreover, English songs can improve their mood and make them feel

happy at the same time as entertainment for them and make their learning

less monotonous. On the other hand, there is a perception from 2

respondents who said that using only English songs is less helpful, so

there must be other media to help enrich vocabulary, such as films/videos

in English and short stories in English.

The researcher also concludes that many ways are used in the use

of English songs to help students enrich vocabulary. The method they use

is to play English songs over and over, and then if there are foreign

lyrics, they will look for the meaning, write it down in a note, and then

memorize it and appreciate it in everyday life. And it is very helpful,

including there are lots of exciting English songs for students. In

addition, there are other benefits that they feel, namely improving correct

pronunciation and being able to add slang words. One respondents say

that English songs can increase accents, although not significantly.

B. Suggestions

1. For other Researcher

For other researcher, it is hoped that this research will provide new

ideas for future researcher. So future research is expected to be better and

more qualified than this.

2. For Students

Students are expected to improve and enrich their vocabulary in the

English songs they listen to because vocabulary is essential for the future

and especially for those who want to improve their English skills.

3. For IAIN Salatiga

This research is expected to be a reference used by researcher at

IAIN Salatiga, especially in the Department of English Education. In

addition, English songs can be used to improve learning English.


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Appendices 1 - Students’ Interview

Codes QA ( 6 Juni 2022)

QA.1 1. Kesulitan saya dalam bahasa inggris yaitu kekurangan kosa kata
(NR) sehingga saya kurang dalam melakukan speaking dan saya kesulitan
dalam hal penggunaan grammar.
2. Ya, saya menggunakan media lagu bahasa inggris karena saya suka
mendengarkan lagu bahasa inggris.
3. Ya, menurut saya mendengarkan lagu bahasa inggris dapat
meningkatkan kosakata karena saya akan mendengarkan lagu tersebut
berulang-ulang sampai saya dapat mengingat kosakata tersebut diluar
kepala. Selain itu, kita dapat mempelajari kosakata menggunakan lagu
bahasa inggris tersebut dengan enjoy dan tidak membosankan.
4. Pengalaman saya untuk memperkaya kosakata dalam menggunakan
lagu bahasa inggris biasanya saya mendengarkan lagu tersebut
berulang-ulang dengan media youtube yang terdapat terjemahan dari
kata tersebut sehingga saya dapat menemukan kosakata baru.
5. Manfaat lain yang saya dapat selain menambah kosakata yaitu dapat
meningkatkan skill pronunciation sehingga kita dapat mengetahui
pelafalan dari kosa kata-kosakata.

Codes QA ( 6 Juni 2022)

QA.2 1. Kesulitan dalam bahasa inggris dari saya sendiri seperti mengolah kata
(AM) menjadi kalimat yang dipahami dan saya juga masih merasa kurang
dalam kosa kata.
2. Ya, saya menggunakan lagu bahasa inggris untuk memperkaya
3. Ya, lagu bahasa inggris cocok untuk membantu meningkatkan
kosakata karena memakai lagu lebih asik dan mudah di ingat.
4. Menurut pengalaman saya dengan mendengarkan lagu lalu melihat
lirik jika ada kata asing saya mencari terjemahan tersebut lalu
5. Manfaat lain yang saya dapat selain menambah kosakata yaitu dapat
mengetahui pelafalan dari kosa kata tersebut.

Codes QA ( 6 Juni 2022)

QA.3 1. Kesulitan saya dalam bahasa inggris yaitu vocabulary yang kurang
(MNK) dan pelafalan kosakata yang kurang.
2. Ya, saya sering menggunakan lagu bahasa inggris untuk memperkaya

vocabulary, selain musik juga saya menggunakan film untuk
memperkaya vocabulary.
3. Ya, dengan menggunakan lagu bahasa inggris dapat menambah
kosakata karena lebih mudah dalam mengingat dan menambah kosa
kata lain.
4. Cara saya adalah dengan mendengarkan berulang-ulang lagu tersebut
sehingga dapat mengingat kosa kata yang asing bagi saya.
5. Selain menambah kosa kata, manfaat lain dari mendengarkan lagu
bahasa inggris yaitu dapat belajar pronunciation dengan mudah dan

Codes QA ( 6 Juni 2022)

QA.4 1. Kesulitan saya yaitu terbatasnya vocabulary saya.
(NF) 2. Ya, saya mendengarkan lagu bahasa inggris sebagai media untuk
memperkaya vocabulary.
3. Ya, lagu bahasa inggris dapat membantu saya dalam meningkatkan
kosa kata. Karena ketika menyukai lagu bahasa inggris akan
mendengarkannya beberapa kali, karena sering mendengarkannya kita
akan terbiasa dengan beberapa kata yang diucapkan dalam lagu
tersebut yang mana terdapat beberapa kata yang familiar dan beberapa
kata yang asing bagi kita. Dengan mendengarkan lagu secara terus
menerus akan menjadikan kita tahu akan makna dari kata tersebut.
4. Mendengarkan lagu bahasa inggris berulang-ulang.
5. Manfaat lain selain mendapat tambahan kosakata juga menambah
pengetahuan saya tentang pengucapan dari suatu kata yang tidak saya
ketahui pelafalannya.

Codes QA ( 6 Juni 2022)

QA.5 1. Kesulitan saya yaitu dalam hal speaking karena kurangnya kosa kata
(NA) yang saya punya.
2. Ya saya menggunakan lagu bahasa inggris dan menggunakan video
berbahasa inggris untuk menambah kosakata
3. Ya, dengan menggunakan lagu bahasa inggris sedikit demi sedikit
membantu dalam meningkatkan kosa kata.
4. Biasanya dalam lagu bahasa inggris ada kata asing yang tidak saya
ketahui arti nya,kemudian kata asing tersebut saya terjemahkan
menggunakan google translate.
5. Manfaat lain selain memperkaya vocabulary yaitu dalam pelafalannya.

Codes QA ( 6 Juni 2022)
QA.6 1. Kesulitan saya yaitu listening dan pronunciation karena saya merasa
(MHS) kurang nya pengetahuan dalam vocabulary.
2. Ya, saya menggunakan lagu bahasa inggris untuk menambah kosa
3. Ya, lagu bahasa inggris dapat membantu meningkatkan kosakata.
Karena saat mendengarkan musik kita akan belajar banyak kosa kata
asing dan belajar listening agar terbiasa.
4. Karena saya suka mendengarkan lagu bahasa inggris dan dari lagu-
lagu tersebut saya mendapatkan kosa kata-kosakata baru.
5. Selain menambah kosakata, manfaat lain dari mendengarkan lagu
bahasa inggris adalah dapat belajar pronuciation dengan enjoy dan
good mood.

Codes QA ( 6 Juni 2022)

QA.7 1. Kesulitan saya yaitu dalam hal grammar dan listening karena kosakata
(NLS) asing yang diucapkan lawan bicara sulit untuk dipahami jadi saya
merasa kurang dalam kosa kata.
2. Ya, saya menggunakan lagu bahasa inggris untuk memperkaya
kosakata. Karena ketika mendengarkan lagu bahasa inggris dengan
melihat lirik maka akan menambah kosakata asing yang mungkin
belum pernah didengar.
3. Ya, lagu bahasa inggris dapat meningkatkan kosa kata.
4. Biasanya saya mendengarkan lagu secara berulang kemudian jika ada
suatu kosakata yang tidak diketahui saya langsung mencari apa arti
dari kosa kata tersebut.
5. Manfaat lain yaitu dapat belajar pronunciation, memperbaiki mood
dan lebih enjoy dalam belajar melalui lagu bahasa inggris.

Codes QA ( 7 Juni 2022)

QA.8 1. Kesulitan saya adalah kurangnya kosa kata saya dalam bahasa
(ASNL) inggris.
2. Ya, saya menggunakan lagu bahasa inggris untuk memperkaya kosa
3. Ya, menurut saya lagu bahasa inggris sangat membantu unuk
meningkatkan kosa kata. Karena bisa menikmatinya dan menyukai
lagu berbahasa inggris jadi lebih mudah untuk belajar serta
4. Saya biasanya mendengarkan lagu tersebut kemudian mencari lirik

dan terjemahan dari kosakata asing.
5. Manfaat lain selain memperkaya kosa kata adalah dapat mengetahui
pelafalan dari kosa kata dengan baik.

Codes QA ( 7 Juni 2022)

QA.9 1. Kesulitan saya dalam bahasa inggris adalah pelafalan kata dan
(FNM) kurangnya vocabulary sehingga ketika listening saya masih merasa
2. Ya, saya menggunakan media lagu bahasa inggris untuk memperkaya
vocabulary karena menurut saya lebih enjoy dan belajarnya tidak
3. Ya, menurut saya lagu bahasa inggris dapat membantu meningkatkan
penguasaan kosa kata dan bisa ditambah dengan menggunakan media
lain seperti film berbahasa inggris untuk meningkatkan kosakata.
4. Cara saya untuk memperkaya kosakata menggunakan bantuan lagu
bahasa inggris yaitu dengan mendengarkan dan mencari lirik
kemudian jika ada lirik yang asing saya mencari arti dari kata
5. Manfaat lain yang didapat ketika mendengarkan lagu bahasa inggris
adalah dapat mengetahui bagaimana cara melafalkan kata tersebut

Codes QA ( 7 Juni 2022)

QA.10 1. Kesulitan saya dalam bahasa inggris adalah memahami kosakata dan
(APA) pengucapannya
2. Ya, saya menggunakan lagu bahasa inggris untuk memperkaya
3. Ya, menurut saya menggunakan lagu bahasa inggris sangat membantu
untuk meningkatkan kosa kata. Karena saat mendengarkan lagu dan
terdapat kosa kata asing saya langsung mencari arti dari kata tersebut
jadi secara otomatis kosa kata saya juga dapat bertambah.
4. Saya mendengarkan lagu menggunakan platform musik yang terdapat
lirik yang asing kemudian saya menerjemahkannya dan
5. Selain untuk memperkaya kosakata, menurut saya dengan
mendengarkan lagu bahasa inggris dapat membantu pengucapan kosa
kata dan membantu untuk menghilangkan stres.

Codes QA ( 8 Juni 2022)

QA.11 1. Kesulitan saya dalam bahasa inggris yaitu menyusun kata ke dalam

(MRA) kalimat.
2. Ya, saya menggunakannya.
3. Ya, lagu bahasa inggris membantu meningkatkan penguasaan kosa
kata bahasa inggris. Karena terdapat kata yang mungkin masih asing
bagi pendengar jadi dengan kosa kata asing tersebut dapat
menambah kosa kata baru.
4. Berdasarkan pengalaman saya, jika ada suatu kata yang saya tidak
tahu arti nya saya akan mencari video lirik beserta terjemahan.
5. Manfaat lain dari lagu bahasa inggris selain menambah kosa kata
yaitu bisa belajar pronunciation dari kosa kata yang ada di dalam
lagu bahasa inggris.

Codes QA ( 8 Juni 2022)

QA.12 1. Kesulitan saya dalam bahasa inggris yaitu dalam vocabulary karena
(RAH) menurut saya, saya masih kurang dalam kosa kata jadi jika akan
berbicara saya sedikit kesulitan.
2. Ya, saya menggunakan lagu bahasa inggris untuk belajar vocabulary
karena menurut saya lagu itu media pembelajaran yang paling mudah
di ingat.
3. Menurut saya itu cukup membantu meningkatkan penguasaan kosa
kata tapi menurut saya kalau hanya lagu bahasa inggris saja tidak
cukup jadi harus ada media lain untuk menambah peningkatan kosa
kata dengan media lain seperti caption di media sosial dan melalui
film berbahasa inggris. karena kosa kata yang terdapat dalam lirik
lagu itu mudah di ingat, dipahami dan tidak melulu bahasa yang
digunakan formal jadi bahasanya itu informal seperti percakapan
sehari-hari atau bahkan slang word dan idiom.
4. Cukup dengan mendengarkan lagu tersebut setiap hari dengan
membuka lirik kemudian jika ada kosa kata yang tidak diketahui
langsung dicari terjemahannya.
5. Manfaat lain selain memperkaya kosa kata menurut saya ada banyak
tapi yang paling utama itu bisa melatih pronunciation jadi tidak kaku
bicara bahasa inggris.

Codes QA ( 8 Juni 2022)

QA.13 1. Ketika saya berbicara saya merasa kesulitan dalam menyusun kalimat
(SA) yang tepat dan vocabulary yang masih kurang saya kuasai.
2. Ya, saya menggunakannya karena metode tersebut menurut saya
lebih menarik daripada kita mencarinya satu per satu kata di sebuah

3. Menurut saya, iya. Karena ketika saya menyukai lagu tersebut maka
saya akan mencari tahu isi dari lagu tersebut bagaimana sehingga saya
akan mencari arti dari lirik tersebut kemudian menerjemahkan
sehingga saya mendapat pemahaman kosa kata baru.
4. Yang saya lakukan berdasarkan pengalaman saya yaitu saya membuka
lirik dari lagu tersebut, kemudian jika ada kata yang tidak sata ketahui
artinya maka saya akan mencari tahu apa arti kata tersebut melalui
google terjemahan.
5. Manfaat lain yang bisa saya dapatkan dari hal tersebut adalah bisa
mengetahui pronunciation yang tepat dari kata tersebut.

Codes QA ( 9 Juni 2022)

QA.14 1. Ada beberapa kesulitan saya dalam bahasa Inggris yaitu yang
(RPP) pertama adalah speaking, saya mengalami kesulitan untuk
mengungkapkan suatu kalimat secara spontan. Alasannya karena
banyak kata yang saya tidak tahu bahasa Inggrisnya, saya juga
kesulitan menyusun kata menjadi kalimat yang benar dengan cepat.
Sehingga speaking adalah hal yang tersulit bagi saya. Kemudian,
listening, di beberapa waktu kadang saya kesulitan untuk
mendengarkan kata yang terdengar entah karena tidak jelas
pengucapannya, terus terdengar mirip dengan kata lainnya, dan tidak
tahu kata apa yg dimaksud karena tidak pernah mendengarkan kata
itu. Dan bisa disimpulkan kalau kesulitan saya dalam berbahasa
Inggris disebabkan oleh kurangnya vocabulary yg saya kuasai dan
kurang pahamnya ilmu tentang aturan berbahasa Inggris
2. Ya, saya menggunakan lagu bahasa inggris untuk memperkaya kosa
3. Ya, menurut saya lagu bahasa inggris dapat membantu
meningkatkan penguasaan kosa kata. Alasannya karena lagu
merupakan salah satu hiburan yang disukai kebanyakan orang.
Dengan mendengarkan lagu otomatis orang-orang akan mengikuti
lagu tersebut dengan membaca liriknya. Kebanyakan lirik yang
dipakai dalam lagu bahasa Inggris bukan merupakan kata-kata yang
biasa digunakan dalam sehari-hari, sehingga ketidak unfamiliar
itulah yang menyebabkan orang akan mencari tahu arti dari kata
tersebut agar paham dengan makna lagu. Selain itu, dengan adanya
nada di lagu itu, orang-orang akan lebih bisa banyak mengingat kosa
kata daripada hanya membaca kosa kata bahasa Inggris biasa.
Walaupun bagi saya pribadi lagu bahasa Inggris tidak terlalu

menyumbang banyak manfaat untuk memperkaya kosa kata saya
4. Cara saya memperkaya kosa kata dengan menggunakan lagu yaitu
setiap mendengarkan lagu berbahasa Inggris saya selalu mencari
lirik dari lagu tersebut agar bisa mengikuti lagunya, kemudian saya
baca lirik tersebut sambil memahami makna dari lagu, apabila ada
kosa kata yang saya tidak tahu artinya, saya akan mencari lirik lagu
itu beserta terjemahannya. Selain itu saya akan menulis lirik yang
menurut saya menarik di buku.
5. Manfaat yang saya dapat dari mendengarkan lagu bahasa Inggris
adalah dapat meredakan stress karena lagu adalah hiburan bagi saya,
melatih skill listening saya untuk mengetahui kosa kata apa saja yg
disebutkan dalam lagu itu. Kemudian, saya jadi tau tahu bagaimana
cara mengeja suatu kata dalam bahasa Inggris dengan benar.

Codes QA ( 9 Juni 2022)

QA.15 1. Kesulitan saya dalam bahasa Inggris adalah ketika saya ingin
(AI) berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris karena keterbatasan kosa kata.
2. Ya, saya menggunakan lagu bahasa inggris untuk memperkaya
3. Ya, lagu bahasa inggris dapat membantu meningkatkan penguasaan
kosakata. Karena selain mudah diingat memperkaya kosa Kata
menggunakan lagu juga menyenagkan dan tidak mudah bosan.
4. Dengan cara mencatat kata-kata baru kemudian menghafalkannya.
5. Manfaat lainya yaitu untuk hiburan dan dapat mengetahui pelafalan
dari kata tersebut.

Codes QA ( 10 Juni 2022)

QA.16 1. Kesulitan saya dalam bahasa inggris yaitu dalam hal speaking karena
(ZRF) vocabulary saya yang masih kurang dan ketika berbicara didepan
orang saya gugup sehingga membuat apa yang akan saya katakan jadi
2. Ya, saya menggunakan lagu sebagai sarana untuk memperkaya
vocabulary bahasa inggris.
3. Ya, saya merasa sangat terbantu dengan lagu bahasa inggris untuk
menguasai kosa kata bahasa inggris. Karena saat mendengarkan lagu
bahasa inggris pasti akan melihat lirik dari lagu tersebut dan jika ada
satu atau dua kata yang asing akan segera mencari arti dari kosa kata
tersebut itu apa, jadi lebih banyak lagu yang didengarkan maka lebih
banyak lagi kosa kata yang bertambah.

4. Biasanya saya mendengarkan lagunya itu sambil menyimak lirik,
terus jika ada kesulitan dalam memahami kemudian saya cari apa arti
dari lirik tersebut sehingga saya dapat menambah kosa kata.
5. Selain memperbanyak vocabulary, karena sering mendengar lagu
berulang ulang jadi dapat menambah kosa kata dan juga

Codes QA ( 10 Juni 2022)

QA.17 1. Kesulitan saya dalam bahasa inggris adalah masalah aksen,
(SDH) vocabulary baru yang belum saya ketahui, lalu masalah lain yaitu
listening yang mana saya belum bisa menangkap apa yang dikatakan
orang lain.
2. Ya, saya menggunakannya agar vocabulary saya bertambah, aksen
dan pronunciation saya meningkat. Karena setiap saya mendengarkan
lagu saya melihat lirik yang dapat menambah kosa kata saya.
3. Ya, karena setiap saya mendengarkan lagu saya melihat lirik yang
dapat menambah kosa kata saya. Disatu sisi saya menyukai musik dan
seperti yang kita ketahui jika belajar dari hal yang kita sukai pasti
akan ada impact yang cukup baik.
4. Berdasarkan pengalaman saya, cara saya untuk memperkaya kosa kata
dari lagu bahasa inggris adalah pertama saya mendengarkan lagu
sambil melihat liriknya, kemudian saya terjemahkan perlahan dan jika
ada kata yang tidak saya mengerti saya akan langsung
5. Manfaat lain yang saya terima dari mendengarkan lagu bahasa inggris
adalah aksen, karena saya merasa setelah mendengarkan lagu bahasa
inggris itu saya mengalami peningkatan aksen walaupun tidak terlalu

Codes QA ( 10 Juni 2022)

QA.18 1. Kesulitan saya dalam bahasa inggris yaitu speaking karena saya masih
(YR) merasa kurang dalam vocabulary dan juga saya kesulitan dalam
2. Ya, saya biasanya mendengarkan lagu bahasa inggris.
3. Ya, sangat membantu karena dengan mendengarkan lagu-lagu bahasa
inggris dapat menambah kosa kata baru. Karena selain bisa
menambah kosakata baru, belajar melalui lagu itu sangat asik dan
tidak mudah bosan.
4. Biasanya saya mendengarkan lagu itu berulang-ulang sambil saya

tulis jika ada kata-kata yang kurang familiar kemudian saya cari arti
dari kata tersebut.
5. Yang pasti bisa membuat saya senang, terus meningkatkan mood saya
untuk belajar.

Codes QA ( 10 Juni 2022)

QA.19 1. Mungkin untuk kesulitan saya sendiri selama mempelajari bahasa
(SWL) inggris yaitu seperti kurangnya vocabulary tentang pengertiannya itu
jadi kesulitan saya selama ini adalah berada di vocabulary.
2. Ya, saya sering menggunakan media lagu bahasa inggris untuk
menambah vocabulary.
3. Menurut saya itu sangat membantu dalam meningkatkan penguasaan
kosa kata. Karena biasanya belajar menghafal biasa itu keberatan dan
malas tapi kalau belajarnya sambil fun dan dengerin musik bisa lebih
banyak menemukan vocab-vocab yang belum pernah ditemukan jadi
lebih senang dan enjoy dan juga lebih mudah di ingat.
4. Cara saya yaitu misal dengan menggunakan aplikasi spotify yang
terdapat liriknya, saya mendengarkan lewat aplikasi tersebut sambil
membaca lirik terus menemukan vocabulary asing kemudian saya
5. Selain dapat memperkaya kosa kata, saya dapat mengetahui pelafalan
dari vocabulary tersebut.

Codes QA ( 10 Juni 2022)

QA.20 1. Kesulitan dalam bahasa inggris yang saya alami yaitu dalam speaking
(AKM) karena sulit dalam merangkai kata-kata
2. Ya, saya sering menggunakan media lagu bahasa inggris untuk
memperkaya vocabulary karena kebanyakan favorit singer saya itu
berasal dari barat sehingga setiap hari saya mendengarkan lagu
bahasa inggris.
3. Kalau menurut saya tidak terlalu, lebih ke kayak story yang bisa
meningkatkan penguasaan kosa kata.
4. Biasanya, jika mendengarkan lagu bahasa inggris berulang-ulang
kemudian mencari liriknya terus menemukan kosa kata asing
kemudian saya cari artinya lalu ditulis di buku dan menghafalkannya.
5. Manfaat lain dari mendengar lagu bahasa inggris selain memperkaya
kosa kata juga menambah pengetahuan tentang pronunciation dengan
benar. Selain itu, juga menambang tentang slang karena biasanya
banyak lagu yang menggunakan slang.

Appendices 2 – Appointment of Counselor

Appendices 3 – Consultation Sheet of Graduating Paper

Appendicess 4 – Satuan Kredit Kegiatan (SKK)



Name : Mudrikatul Fadhilah aladawy

Place and Date of Birth : Boyolali, 17-06-2000

Address : Kab. Boyolali. Kec. Andong. Desa Senggrong RT

04/RW 01

Sex : Female

Status : Single

E-mail :


No Institution Graduated in

1. TK Pertiwi Senggrong 2006

2. SD Negeri 2 Senggrong 2012

3. MTs Ma’arif Andong 2015

4. MA Al-Azhar Andong 2018

5. English Education Department, Teacher

Training and Education Faculty, IAIN



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