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317723, 258. AM Modile 1.5 System software and computer management MENU: 04 COAT FLEX 12E ZOOM 1 001 AHAT Module 1.5 System software and computer management MENU Module 1.5 - System software and computer HOME page) management (https://teneo , ALLOCATED TIME 160 mins v Module 1.5 Content >» Module overview Vv Operating systems hnlps:teneo instructure.comicoursesi86123ipagestmadule-1-dl-5-system-saftware-and-compuler-management-ment ona 317723, 2:58AM Modile 1.5 System software and computer management MENU: 04 COAT FLEX 12E ZOOM 001 AHAT Module 1.5 = Operating Syste The operating system is system software that controls all activities that take place in a computer. It is sometimes referred to as a software platform as it controls and supports all the other software and hardware on the computer. When a computer is switched on, the operating system must first be loaded to control all the activities What happens when a computer is switched on? (Booting up) bps: tango instructure.comicoursesi86123ipagestmadule-1-d\-5-system-saftware-and-compuler-management-ment 317729, 258 AM Modile 1.5 System software and computer management MENU: 04 COAT FLEX 12E ZOOM 1 001 AHAT Computer looks for instructions to follow (on ROM) Instructions perform some basic hardware tests SPUR Ue Re acl Load operating system into memory - control of the computer handed over Re ee) eres eee eta) The role of the operating system Providing the user interface e Allows users and computer to interact via GUI Managing Programs © Allocates time and resources (eg CPU, RAM, Video Card) used by each application Managing Hardware e Disk, Memory and Input/Output Management Providing basic security User profiles and basic security e Basic protection against general threats Multitasking refers to the ability of the operating system to load and process multiple tasks at the same time The Task Manager + Ctrl + Alt + Del/ Right click Task Manager hnps:teneo instructure.comicoursesi86122ipagestmacule-1-d\-5-system-saftware-and-compuler-management-ment 317723, 258. AM Modile 1.5 System software and computer management MENU: 04 COAT FLEX 12E ZOOM 1 001 AHAT + Provide information about computer performance/ resource allocation/ application status + Often used to end unresponsive applications Proceses Refomince Apphisony Srp Uses Detail Services 1% 47% AIK ‘pps (5) © eopiecnome co BB Mics Romer % 1B tcoset wort ox 4 Seip Tot on 19 Tsk Manager om Background processes (74) 9) cess Poitngéntan % OMe Om TT sone Aerbst Update Series oe DN Om 1 Applicaton Frame Hest % ON Om bono Seis * OMe Ok S cciaree % Noes oe COM Suooate * Meo Om Single User vs Multi-user Operating systems + Single-user operating system © Can only be used by a single user at a time + Multi-user operating systems © Allows multiple users to access a computer system at the same time v Operating system utilities hnps:teneo instructure.comicourses(86123ipagestmadule-1-dl-5-system-saftware-and-compuler-management-ment ana 317723, 2:58AM Modile 1.5 System software and computer management MENU: 04 COAT FLEX 12E ZOOM 1 001 AHAT Adjust your computer's settings Module 1.5 i= oye aewe NAT e) li Programs that perform system maintenance and administrative tasks ©» FB» Contot Panel > AI1 Control Panel terns vo Search Control Panel B tr Adminitatve Tos 15 Auoey 3p Back and Restore (Windows 7) R bitocter Dive Encyption 3 Color Management © Credentit Manager B® Date and Time 1G Default Programs: & Device Manager Devices ae Priters & Dispby © tase of Access Center [Fie epore Options 1% FieHistory Brash Payer 2-00 IK roms 4 Homesroup & Indesing Optons D iotrared Birtete HD Graphics © internet Options © 100i Uninstaier ~ Keyboard $F Language @ Mai Wicosoh Outlook 2016) 22:68) Mowe {F retwrk nd Shaving Center 8 Personalization \@ Phone and Modem W Power Options & Programs and Features 1 eae HO Audio Manager B recovery 9 Region & RemoteApp and Desktop Connecti... YF Security and Maintenance Sound 8 specen Recognition EB Storage Spaces ¥ File management hnps:teneo instructure.comicoursesi86122ipagestmadule-1-d\-5-system-saftware-and-compuler-management-ment 317723, 2:58.AM Modile 1.5 System software and computer management MENU: 04 COAT FLEX 12E ZOOM 1 001 AHAT + Naming files o File Names « File name & full stop & file extension (3-5 letters .docx .pdf “ipg etc) © File Extensions & File Types = Identifies the file type or format and is automatically added when you save the file » Also determines which program will open the type of file by default e Path « ‘Succession’ of folders that leads to the location of a specific file + Inform: © File property «= Basic information about files, name, size and date modified n File attribute = Property of file that can be set « Read-only: read-only file cannot be modified or saved under same name in same folder « Hidden indicates if a file is visible or not, some system files are hidden o Metadata = Additional data stored about a file: describes contents such as author and title of the file + File manager functions Searching = File Explorer allows you to search for a file based on certain criteria: file size, type of file, partial file name, date accessed and even text in file © Compressing « Process of reducing the size of a file « Also referred to as ‘zipping Extracting/Decompressing i723, 2:58 AM Module 1.5 System software ana computer management MENU: 04 COAT FLEX 12E ZOOM 1 001 AHAT = Refers to the process of converting (extracting) a compressed file back to the original size + Converting files from one format to another © Exporting = Saving data in a format that can be read by a different version of the same application or a new application. Menu option ‘Export’ or ‘Save As’ Importing = Opening or ‘reading’ data created in a different version of the same application or new application. Scheduling + Program that is used to run certain programs at specific times + Automatically checks for updates + Automatically perform certain routine housekeeping tasks + Schedulers can be set to run in off-peak times Printer management ‘FS HP officejet 6200 series teil Panter Document View Document Name - Status Pages Sue {BiMicrosot Word 1.8 SystemSoftware XOOOOOOOOUGUOK door) Eor- Printing 35S BA MB {Full page photo Poured 1 366 K8 {Bk Microsoft Word - COMPUTER APPLICATIONS TECHNOLOGY -... Spooting 1 319MB 3 document(s) in queue + Once the PRINT option is selected, the file is sent to the printer memory (Spooling) and is then added to the printer queue. + Once a file has been added to the Printer Queue, Print Manager allows tasks to be removed, paused and restarted m4 317723, 2:58.AM Backup Backup Software + Most operating systems provide backup utilities. + Third-party vendors have specialised backup programs © scheduling when to back up the files © choosing to do a full backup of all the files or just those that have been changed since the last backup © encrypt backups to prevent unauthorised access © compress the files to save space on the backup media, etc. Backup Tips + Use software that automatically manages your backup process. Only back up your data not programs. Back up your files onto external portable media. Keep the backups off-site. Consider option of using a cloud backup service. Perform ‘housekeeping’. Consider archiving large files. Check that the backups are actually working Modile 1.5 System software and computer management MENU: 04 COAT FLEX 12E ZOOM 1 001 AHAT 317723, 2:58AM Modile 1.5 System software and computer management MENU: 04 COAT FLEX 12E ZOOM 1 001 AHAT Module 1.5 jm Security Tools CJ Pf Security measures and facilities to help control and prevent the spread of malware Access Control + Access control means that the operating system specifically asks your permission before any software can be installed. + The purpose of access control is to try to make it impossible for malware to be secretly installed on your computer without your knowledge. + Reason why your day-to-day account is not administrator level account. Firewall + A firewall acts as a barrier between your computer and the internet. Checks which programs are trying to access your computer via the internet, or internet via your computer. + Built into most operating systems, can be included in anti-virus software. + Hardware firewalls can be stand-alone hardware devices, usually used in a network. bps: tango instructure.comicoursesi86123ipagestmadule-1-d\-5-system-saftware-and-compuler-management-ment 317723, 258. AM Modile 1.5 System software and computer management MENU: 04 COAT FLEX 12E ZOOM 1 001 AHAT OB Aon [Seon Hee | What isa firewall? ‘frais seftware or hardware that checks information coming fom the ntemet or network and then ether blocks or ‘ilo to pats tough to your compute depending on your frewal setting - Grea can help prevent hackers or malicious software auch as worm) fom gaining acces ta your computer through & ‘etwerkorthelnteet A frewal cn aso help stop you computer rom sending mabious eftwareto ether computes @ Your computer |S Offre Hep Security + Update & Security is section under \dows Settings where you can check, find recommendations for actions you need to take in response to warning messages © firewall © Windows automatic updates ° anti-malware (virus and spyware) v Factors influencing performance hnps:teneo instructure.comicourses(86123ipagestmadule-1-dl-5-system-saftware-and-compuler-management-ment ron 317723, 2:58AM Modile 1.5 System software and computer management MENU: 04 COAT FLEX 12E ZOOM 1 001 AHAT Module 15 im Factors influencing nerformance Memory (RAM) - More = better, always! Programs and data need to be loaded from disk into RAM (memory). If memory is full, parts of the data/programs that the computer is not currently busy with are stored on an area on the hard disk. These have to be loaded back into memory again when needed — slows down the computer as accessing disk is slow compared to accessing memory. Caching e Cache memory is built into various components on a computer, including the processor. © It stores frequently or recently accessed data, based on the assumption that it will probably be accessed again soon © This memory is more expensive, because it is faster than normal memory (RAM) but it can increase the overall performance of a computer quite dramatically. Central Processing Unit (CPU) + The speed (measured in GHz) hllps:eneo instructure.comicoursesi86123ipagestmadule-1-dl-5-system-saftware-and-compuler-management-ment nine i723, 2:58 AM Module 1.5 System software ana computer management MENU: 04 COAT FLEX 12E ZOOM 1 001 AHAT © In general, the higher the speed of the CPU, the faster it will perform + The number of cores, e.g. dual-core or quad core © Number of physical processors included in a single ‘chip’ Each core is a complete processor - works independently of any other core on the CPU chip. + Cache size Aspecial high-speed memory used to store recently or frequently accessed data. © The larger the cache memory on the CPU, the faster it is likely to perform. Storage (Hard Drive/Solid State Drive) + Data and programs need to be loaded from disk into memory. Changes to files need to be written back to disk. A ‘faster’ hard drive can improve the overall performance of a computer system. Electronic storage (SSDs) — no moving parts, much faster than magnetic hard drives. More expensive. New laptops only have SSDs, many computers have both types of storage. Small SSD for operating system and apps, larger HDD for data Remember also: When a hard drive is fragmented, the files will take longer to retrieve. Fragmentation does not affect speed of SSDs. Influence of Malware (Viruses, Spyware, Adware, etc) + Malware can slow your computer down by using up resources such as free memory and hard drive space. + Spyware can slow your Internet connection down if it frequently connects to the internet. + Your computer can become part of a botnet, without your knowledge and slow your computer down. von 317723, 258. AM Modile 1.5 System software and computer management MENU: 04 COAT FLEX 12E ZOOM 1 001 AHAT l v Troubleshooting using utility software Moye is 5 im Troubleshooting using Utility Software Poe Troubleshooting describes a systematic process of locating issues and solving them - something that is made much simpler with the use of utility software provided as part of your operating system Disk Scanning + Generally, it is not recommended that you repair a hard drive that you suspect is faulty, unless you are sure you know how to do it. + Problems on flash drives can be fixed quite easily by running a disk scanner. «+ Checks a drive for errors and ‘bad sectors’ and tries to fix them Disk Defragmentation hllps:eneo instructure.comicoursesi86123ipagestmadule-1-dl-5-system-saftware-and-compuler-management-ment ran 317723, 2:58 AM + Adisk defragmenter is a tool that reorganises the y parts of files and speeds your computer up. + Defragmentation does not free up disk space. + Possible to schedule the running of a defrag - operation Disk Cleanup «+ Windows - Disk Cleanup Wizard: o Removes temporary files downloaded from the internet or temporary files created by Windows © Removes installed programs that you no longer or seldom use. Modile 1.5 System software and computer management MENU: 04 COAT FLEX 12E ZOOM 1 001 AHAT sana

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