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Wendy Q.

Alcantara Empowerment Technology

G11- Quirino (HUMSS)

Letter dedicated for my Family

Dear Loved Ones,

I am now a 16 years old teenager and I know I still have a long way to go. Thanks to your love,
patience and hardwork. You are the reason that I am living and experiencing incredible things in this
world right now. I just wanna say that I am very much thankful for all your love and support. I am very
proud that I have a family like you. If there's one thing that I will always be proud of, that would be all of
you. My family. I am very thankful that you raised me into who I am today. I learned many lessons from
all of you. You teach me many good things that I know I can use until the very end. I am super blessed
to have a kind of family like you. Even if there's hard times sometimes we all stick together and fight
together. We did'nt let each other down. We could always count with each other in the face of
adversity. Whenever I feel down and sad, you always find a way to make me smile. Whenever I feel like
giving up, you're always there to lift me up from the darkness. I can't express how lucky and blessed I am
to have all of you. I am super grateful that I have a family like you. I couldn't ask for more but for a long
and peaceful life for all of you.

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