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When you think of the word 'technology', what comes in mind? It might sound like

something from a sci-fi show, or something that has to run on electricity. Technology makes

us think of the very complex, but energy doesn't have to be complex.

Technology is the use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes or applications, whether

in industry or in our everyday lives. So, basically, whenever we use our scientific knowledge

to achieve some specific purpose, we're using technology. Well, there is slightly more to it

than that. Technology usually involves a specific piece of equipment, but that equipment

can be incredibly simple or dazzlingly complex. It can be anything from the discovery of the

wheel, all the way up to computers and MP3 players.

Technology can be simple or complex, which is why many types exist. Discover the meaning

of technology, why it came to be, and the different kinds that surround us.

Since technology can be so simple or so complex, there are many types of technology. One

type is mechanical technology, which includes wheels, cams, levers, gears, belts, and

engines. Things that turn, or allow motion in one direction to cause a different kind of

motion, are mechanical. The wheel is probably one of the most important technological

advances in human history, and yet it's super simple.

Another type of technology that we're most familiar with in modern life is electronic

technology, usually just called electronics, which is a complex form of technology that uses

electric circuits to achieve a goal. Electric circuits can also vary in complexity. If you have a

look at a circuit board with dozens of apparently random pathways mixed in with various

components, you know how complex electronics can be. But anything that runs on

electricity is electronic. This includes computers, washing machines, dryers, MP3 players, car

radios, televisions anything you plug into the wall outlet. You can also split technology into

types based on purpose. There's industrial and manufacturing technology, medical

technology, communications technology, and others.


Industrial and manufacturing technology is technology with the goal of either producing

a product on a large scale, or performing another large-scale function where customers are

not directly present. For example, you might be manufacturing cars or generating electricity.

Cars are created using mechanical robots, which is very advanced technology.

Medical technology is technology that serves the purpose of diagnosing, treating, or

preventing disease. This can include things like MRI scanners, which take images of the

inside of the human body; ventilators, which breathe for people; or even simply drugs and

medicines that people take to make them better.


Technology can seem amazing or terrible, depending on your point of view. If you like video

games, or have a big screen TV, or just had life-saving cancer treatment, you probably think

technology is pretty incredible. On the other hand, if your home in the countryside just got

surrounded by a growing, polluted city, or if your town is a war zone being stalked by high-

tech drones, your view is probably quite different.

Technology is where we put our scientific knowledge to use for practical purpose. The truth

is, technology is neither good nor bad - it just is what it is. The effects of technology are

many and complex, they can be favourable or unfavourable, expected or unexpected.

The effect that technology has had on modern life cannot be understated. We are

surrounded by technology every moment of every day. We use technology to clean our

clothes, wash our dishes, and travel from place to place. Basic technology is found in places

where you take it for granted - doorknobs, locks, floor panels, paint, and furniture. These

are all technology. Some are just more dramatic and impressive than others.

There are many examples of favourable technology. The most obvious is the medical field,

where technology has saved millions of lives. We have MRI scanners that take pictures of

the inside of the human body, drugs that treat various diseases, and life-support machines

that keep our bodies functioning when years ago we would have died. Technology also

saves ourselves time with dishwashers, washing machines, cars, and computers that do

work in a fraction of the time. And thanks to the Internet, the entire world has access to free

information about any topic you can imagine. But technology has its unfavorable aspects

too. It has led to bad sleeping habits where humans stare at screens right up until bedtime,

reducing how much of the sleep hormone melatonin is released. Computers have also

caused some people to be more isolated than in the past, which has the potential to be

damaging to social skills. We're also becoming more sedentary, a huge risk factor for

everything from cancer to heart disease. And all this technology uses up energy - it takes

energy to build technological products and factories, not to mention the electrical energy

generated in power plants. Those power plants and factories produce greenhouse gases like

carbon dioxide and other pollutants, that heat up and otherwise damage our world. And

then there are weapons like drones and nuclear bombs, which have directly killed many

people, and give dangerous individuals the chance to do serious harm.

The effects of technology aren't always easy to predict. Sometimes we see a change coming,

and sometimes we don't. Some characters are great at predicting what would happen in the

future. Certain people in the computer industry (like Bill Gates) predicted that computers

would take over the workplace. Ray Bradbury predicted earbuds, flatscreen televisions, and

a sense of loneliness that comes from paying attention to screens more than the people

around you. Programs like Star Trek had pads that resemble tablet computers of today. And

when penicillin was discovered in 1928, it caused people to look forward to a world where

cures for a huge array of diseases might be found.



First, the evolution of technology is beneficial to humans for several reasons. At the medical
level, technology can help treat more sick people and consequently save many lives and
combat very harmful viruses and bacteria.

The invention of the computer was a very important point. Communication is thus enhanced,
and companies can communicate more easily with foreign countries. Research is also

For companies, like S/W development progress in implementing strategic technology trends

is helping them save time and therefore, money. Exchanges are faster especially with the
internet. Sales and purchases are now facilitated and possible worldwide. This allows
businesses to buy raw materials with discounts or at reduced prices. Similarly, global tourism
has grown.

Technology has also increased the productivity of almost every industry in the world. Thanks
to technology, we can even pay with bitcoins instead of using banks. The digital coin has
been such a game changing factor, that many realised that this is the right time to open a
bitcoin demo account.

When observed more closely, new things are discovered every day. Let’s take for instance
when radio waves were discovered, radio broadcasts followed suit almost immediately. The
same applies to the television and electricity. If no one had discovered that electricity could
be generated, then the entertainment industry wouldn’t be at its current stage of development.

Technology improves daily lives allowing to move physical storage units to virtual storage
banks and more. Scientists of the time are also able to send astronauts to the moon thanks to

In the modern industrial world, machines carry out most of the agricultural and industrial
work and as a result, workers produce much more goods than a century ago and work less.
They have more time to exercise and work in safer environments.


On the other hand, the evolution of modern technology has disadvantages, for example,
dependence on new technology. Man, no longer needs to think. Even if the calculator is a
good invention, man no longer makes mental calculation and no longer works his memory.
The decline of human capital implies an increase in unemployment. In some areas, devices
can replace the human mind.

The use of technology certainly needs rule and new laws. For example, internet use is an
individual freedom. However, the invention of the atomic bomb cannot be an individual
freedom. In fact, regulations are difficult to implement when these technologies are
introduced – such as regulation surrounding the impending arrival of autonomous vehicles.

Finally, as most technological discoveries aim to reduce human effort, it would imply that
more work is done by machines. This equates to less work for people: the human is becoming
ever so obsolete by the day, as processes become automated and jobs are made redundant.

The negative impact of the influence of technology on children should not be underestimated
as well.


Technology has been a double-edged sword for human civilization. On one side, it helped us
to make great progress. It took us to space and to depths of ocean, it helped us to build great
cities and fast transportation system.

But on the other side it made construction of nuclear and hydrogen weapons possible, it’s
responsible for increasing pollution and rise of new deadly diseases.

It is clear that good and controlled use of technology produces good results and bad,
uncontrolled use of technology is devastating.

So, the only practical solution to the problems we face today is to make the optimum use of
efficient technology that could guarantee long-term sustainable development of humanity.

There’s no doubt that technology has changed our world forever, both in good and bad ways. 

In a good way, it has given rise to a civilization that is smart, connected and free. It has made
our lives much easier and comfortable. Everyone has access to knowledge and information,
most of the countries are democratic and People have Right to freedom and equality.

In a bad way, technology has caused climate change, it has made us dependent on it. A.I and
robotics technologies have become a threat to millions of jobs. Pollution, nuclear wars and
cyber-attacks too are very dangerous.

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