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Valeria is making a video call to Hellen.
Valeria: Hello Hellen.
Hellen: Hello Valeria.
Valeria: how are you?
Hellen: Good and you?
Valeria: Good and So, have you surfed today?
Hellen: Unfortunately not. It rained all day and I couldn't surf sadly.
Valeria: Oh. Is that normal in the area where you live?
Hellen: Yes, in winter it is not too cold, but it rains a lot. Sometimes we have
severe storms. We don't wear heavy coats like in other countries but we
always carry an umbrella in case of emergency in case it rains.
Valeria: And is it like this throughout the country?
Hellen: No, the south stays dry in winter, but the temperatures are really low.
It's weird because it's always sunny there, but it's very cold!
Valeria: Wow! I hate cold winters, when it's gray and windy. That's so
depressing and sad. But I like snow!
Hellen: Me too. do you ski?
Valeria: Yes, I do. It's really fun.
Hellen: So, how is the weather where you live?
Valeria: Well, sometimes it's very windy here, you know. That kind of weather
is not fun. But in the summer, it stays warm and sunny. It is my favorite
Hellen: Mine is the spring. That's when the weather is perfect here. Not too
hot, not too cold. Perfect for surfing.
Valeria: Yes, I have to say goodbye my mom calls me.
Hellen: Good bye David
Valeria: Bye Alex

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