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North by Northwest Review:

I had never watched an Alfred Hitchcock’s movie before and this was definitively
something I was not used to seeing before because thriller and suspense movies
are not my favorites. First of all, after watching the movie, I understood why the
Spanish title was translated as “With the death behind”; Roger Thornhill is often
just about to die in this movie, going from mistake to other mistake and ending up
in surrealist situations, like almost get murdered by a fumigation plane. Another
remarkable topic is the spy games related in the movie, I think more like a critic to
the US Government Internal Security Affairs. However, the movie catches you with
its mix of thriller, adventure and kind of weird comedy.
I liked the movie, not one of my favorites, but I have to acknowledge that details as
the camera framing, the movie setting (pretty nice for that time) and the merge of
many genres, make the film funny, sober and entertaining for the audience.

Luis Parra

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