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This "Define the word/s which are difficult to understand", I don't see this objective
being proposed in this detailed lesson plan and in creating objectives, a teacher should
always think about the students. How will the students accomplished those objects, how
will they apply and how will it affect the learners. Instead the only thing I know about
this lesson plan is that it is more focused on identify the difference between reality and
fantasy which is not shown in the presented objectives. Clearly unrelevant.

As soon as I read the subject matter, the question "what is this?" sprang to me. As I've
chosen a detailed lesson plan in English, I'm curious what the connection between the
nentioned content "Fantasy and Reality Relationship" is to English subject. And, after
reading and comprehending the entire DLP, I now understand what the teacher meant by
fiction and reality in this DLP. But, I've noticed that the topic isn't entirely connected to
the desired consequences or aims. The objectives make no mention of students
identifying or distinguishing between reality and imagination. One of the factors in
selecting lesson plan content is that it should be related to the curriculum's outcome.

As I analyze the procedure, the teacher did employ the teacher-centered method. He or
she is in charge of the learning environment or of giving courses. He or she is in charge
of activities. I also saw that the teacher used a student-centered approach to aid in the
development of the learner's knowledge of the book or story. It is fantastic that the
teacher employed a range of strategies that will undoubtedly benefit the pupils.

Moving on to evaluation, I believe the subject matter and assessment are related since
they discuss the concepts of reality and fiction. To be honest, I also think the assessment
is too easy and dull for me, and I believe the students would agree. I believe it is too
straightforward. As a result, the intended outcomes should be visible in the assessment,
and I plainly see that the evaluation is unrelated to the objectives and is simply related to
the subject matter or content.

I think the assignment is so easy to do and I guess the students won't be having a hard
time answering it. I also just want to add that, teachers should at least make the
assignment more creative or more relevant to the objectives.

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