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Are Going to do
Am not going to do

Are going to visit

Are Going to go
Are going to take

Is going to work
Is is going to get

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Aren't going to win

Going to crash Is going to eat
Is going to make Is going to be late
Is going to cry Is going to be break
Who is he taking to the hospital on tuesday? He is taking his mom to the hospital at 10 a.m

When is he working? He is working from 9am to 12 pm on Monday and from 4 pm to 6 pm Wednesday

Is he having dinner with Frank on Monday? Yes, he is having dinner with Frank on Monday

What is he doing on Sunday morning. He is meeting Ellie at airport

What is he doing on Friday night? He is going to Frank’s party

When is he going to the dentist? he is going to dentist on Friday at 11:30 am

What is he doing on Saturday morning? He is going to shopping, he is buying Ellie ‘s present at 9 am

When is he playing tennis ? He is playing tennis on Tuesday at 3:00 pm

Who is he seeing on Saturday afternoon? He is seeing to George on Saturday afternoon in Cafe Trivoli at 4 pm

When is he helphis dad ? He is helping his Dad with the yard on Thursday at 10 am

Is he going to the theater on Wednesday ? Yes, he is going to the theater on Wadnesday at 7:00 pm with Yaz and Omar

Is he meeting George at the museum?No,he is not gong to the museum

What is he doing on Sunday afternoon? He is driving on Sunday afternoon with ellie at 5pm
lam going to have breakfast in Cafe Blossom

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