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Literature Review Covid-19 Bring Impact to All Economy Covid-19 is a pandemic disease that will be transmitted through droplets or physical contact from person-to-person, this virus is origin from Wuhan, province of China (Wu, Chen & Chan, 2020). ‘The pandemic disease had affected the global economy condition including Malaysia. To against the transmit ion of the virus in Malaysia, the local government had enforced social distancing and idents in Malaysia. The enforcement of the MCO had obviously decreased the number of infected cases in Malaysia, In the MCO period, all the business are movement control order (MCO) to the r required to stop their operating system except for those businesses who provide the essential services and goods in the daily routine (Daniel Tang, 2020). The recession of the economic growth had affected the working capital management of the company. The insufficient of cash in a business could ultimately lead to critical restructuring by selling of the company’s assets or reorganization through bankruptcy proceedings. Impact of Covid-19 to Construction Industry According to (Sivalingam, 2020), construction industry has facing predicament situation during the spreading of pandemic disease, Covid-19 especially after the onset of the MCO. Most of the construction company will be hire foreign labor as they required a lower salary compared to the local labor (Hamid, Singh & Jamadi, 2013), Some of the foreigner decide to return their hometown due to the uncertainties with the current situation. During the MCO period, all the business chain forced to be stop, this give impacts on the supply chain for the key building materials such as cement, equipment used and et cetera as these material might not be rebuild in the short term. This situation will caused a delay schedule on the constructions work. SME has been affected heavily by the pandemic disease due to the movement control order and reducing working hours in the workplace to avoid the transmission of virus among the company environment. Regarding to Ng (2020), there will be seventeen thousands of company will be affected by this pandemic disease. If contractors fail to produce on time, this may weaken the willingness of property developers to produce to their customers on the scheduled hand over date — particularly for housing projects, which accounts for a large portion of the construction industry. At the meantime, in this particular period contractor might facing problems such as insufficient of raw materials as there is a crisis in the supply chain, the increasing price on materials and some of the labour might be force to adopt quarantine. Based on the statistics provided by the Department of Statistics Malaysia, the ‘economy of Malaysia have slightly increased in the first quarter, but not construction industry has declined by 7.9%. This scenario had appered in prior of the Covid-19 outbreak. According to the information provided by TheStar (2020), they determined that there will have a slower recovery for the consturction sector in Malaysia after the MCO no matter it is a company that 2 owned a better financial position or vice versa. All the construction industry has been critically get impacted by the pandemic disease and restriction during MCO as all the development project including the small, medium or large size of project were enforced to be suspended during the servere period (Lai, 2020). Fortunately, government had provided special incentive to specified company that fulfill the requirement. ‘Regarding to Kaur (2020), he stated that there will have a negative impact on earning per share for all the constractors around 14 to 22 percent, The contractor association had urged the government of Malaysia to send the latest standard operating precedures (SOP) which allowed certain industry to ‘operate during the 3" phase of the MCO due to avoid the liquidated and ascertained damages (LAD) (Yusof, 2020). Impact of Covid-19 to Ki Hon Constru nm During the MCO period, all the renovation work has been forced to be stop. All the worker are not able to work at home as all the works is based on practical not on paper work. All the work need to be reschedule and clients need to be wait for the renovation go on after the MCO. This might cause client's dissatisfaction due to the delay of work but it could not be avoided as it has enforced by Malaysia's government. Through the short conversation in mobile phone with the workers in KI HON, he said that the revenue of the company had dropped compared to previous year and the number of projects also decreased as well. During the MCO, while KI HON wan to apply for the permission by the government to continue the project to avoid the LAD, but the SOP had stopped KI HON. This is because the SOP had included to provide workers to go for investigation on COVID-19 screening, transportation, practice social distancing and sanitize all transportation used by them. All of these expenses will be a large amount of ‘cost and burden to the company under the worn economy. SWOT & Analysis SWOT is the acronyms which stands for Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. It is designed to organize a list on these four items for the company’s business as it can be a part on the planning process of the company’s future. SWOT can be divided into two different parts which is internal and external of the company. Strengths and Weaknesses are categorize in the internal part of the company. In vice versa, the opportunities and threats will be categorize in the external part of the ‘company. In this changing environment due to the pandemic disease, the construction company can adopt this analysis to evaluate according to the transformation of the environment and actively respond to the situation proactively.

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