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I was hesitant to take the first step.

As they say, the first step may be difficult but it will be

worthwhile along the way. Life is a journey so keep going but sometimes as we go along with
our life. We find ourselves in a crossroads of questions; why am I doing these? What is the
purpose of doing these? And after doing these, what comes next? What is the essence of this
journey? These questions keep distracting me as I continue my footsteps. And I realized Life is
where your heart is happy. Life is where you have the peace of mind. I don't know how to feel.
frightened? enthusiastic? inquisitive? This journey is like journeying inside the tunnel and what
keeps us going is the light at the end of it. This light serves as hope and motivation. This journey
can also be like climbing mountains. Climbing mountains is hard and tiring so we need to trust
the process. There's no such thing as the tallest mountain because the top of that mountain is
the bottom of the next one, so keep on climbing.
Along our journey, we encounter different people. People that will teach us lessons. People will
hurt us. People will love us. And People that will eventually leave us. People come and go, so
we need to appreciate and value those who stay.
Along our journey, we may experience failure and downfall and that's why we should be fully
equipped not just with knowledge and skill but also with a strong heart to overcome obstacles.
Sometimes, we are stuck in a situation and we feel like giving up. We slowly lose our fire that
keeps on burning, we become lackadaisical, we immediately become taciturn with no reason.
All humans make mistakes. What determines a person's character aren't the mistakes we make.
It's how we make those mistakes and turn them into lessons rather than excuses.
When you're at the point of losing courage, think of the reasons why you started this journey.
Looking back to our old self we may "MALAYO PA PERO MALAYO NA." It's amazing to feel
how we embraced our flaws, conquered our fears and how we turned our weaknesses into
strength and how we were able to fight those battles. We may be far from our dreams, but we
are far enough to be grateful. We didn't come all this way to now settled into a new comfort
zone. We took that leap of faith knowing that our potential lives in the unknown, in the
undiscovered. Keep moving forward, keep exploring what excites us. trust our gut feelings and
keep pursuing our heart's deepest desires. Let's enjoy every moment of our life.

BUT? Why does giving up has a negative connotation? Why does giving up mean your weak?
I have come this far to only come this far. As a contrary to common belief, giving up doesn't
always mean being weak, giving up is strong, setting boundaries is strong, knowing when to
stop is strong. I do not wish to continue a journey just because i have started it. I can be halfway
for all i know but i can always turn back and take a different path. Do not put yourself on a
pedestal just because everyone is taking the same linear path. Do what sets your soul on fire.
Be comfortable with the raft, embrace the sharp corners of change, adjustment is temporary but
regrets are forever.

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