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W08 Assignment: Faith, Hope, and Charity

Student: David Antonio Fajardo Ponce

Assignment Lessons and Insights

Example: I carefully read each of the topics
Read about faithLinks to an external
listed. I loved learning that hope is a confident
site., hopeLinks to an external site.,
expectation and is not uncertain. When we have
and charityLinks to an external site. in the
hope, we can endure today because of our
Gospel Topics on
assurances of tomorrow.

Read or view ONE of the following talks:

Faith in God means that we believe in the
"Christ is Risen, Faith in Him Will Move existence of God, and that He is the rewarder of
MountainsLinks to an external site." by President them that diligently seek Him. To increase our
Russell M. Nelson faith in Jesus Christ, we must study diligently the
"The Infinite Power of HopeLinks to an external scriptures, follow the teachings of Jesus Christ,
site." by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf act in faith and partake of the sacred ordinances
"Charity Never FailethLinks to an external site." worthily.
by President Thomas S. Monson
The Lord always provides a way so we can
accomplish what He has commanded us to do.
For example, even though the commission of
taking the plates of brass from the hands of
1 Nephi 5:1–8 Laban, which contains the prophesies of Isiah,
was a hard task to do, Nephi did it because he
believed in the power of God, yea, he exerted
faith in God, and finally he accomplished God’s
A person with charity does not practice
priestcraft; I love to teach the Gospel of Jesus
Christ with the genuine interest of spreading the
2 Nephi 26:29–31 salvation principles to everyone, not because I
want to receive money or praise of the world, but
because I love Heavenly Father, and the Holy
Ghost so has inspired me to do.
After the baptism, we must keep working in the
Kingdom of God, with hope that all the promises
from God will be fulfilled; even though there
2 Nephi 31:19–20
shall be troubles beside the way we are walking
through, we must press forward, enjoying the
study of the canonic books.
Faith in Jesus Christ and in Heavenly Father, and
Mosiah 4 in the Holy Ghost, is an attitude that must remain
with us for the rest of our mortal life; we exert
faith when we keep diligently the commandments
of God, when we feed the hungry, cloth the
naked, aiding the sick and preaching the Gospel.
The faith is a hope for things that we cannot see
but are true; God is merciful to the ones who
have faith in His words; we must let the word of
God to be planted in our hearts, and continually
Alma 32
nourish it with patience and diligence, and good
works, or keeping the commandments of Jesus
Christ until we pluck the fruit thereof, which is
the company of the Holy Ghost.
Faith, hope, and charity are required to live in the
presence of God; we must keep all the
Ether 12
commandments of God; if we exercise enough
faith, we will see Jesus Christ.
It is by faith that miracles are wrought; we can
receive even the minister of angels because of
our faith; after the faith comes the hope; but, to
have faith and hope a person must be meek and
lowly in heart; to be meek, we must practice until
Moroni 7
we develop the virtue of meekness; sometimes I
have not behave meekly, due that I thought that I
had the reason to behave with wrath: I was
totally wrong; it is better to stay quite instead of
reacting with violence.
If a person lacks hope, this one will surely be in
despair, that is a sign of unbelieve and iniquity.
Moroni 10:20–24
We must repent daily until we are cleansed by
the influence of the Holy Ghost.
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland said: “Trust God, and
believe in good things to come.” Undoubtedly,
View "Good Things to ComeLinks to an external God has power to help us in any harsh
site." and consider the power of hope as you do. circumstance we face; but it is in us the
(04:55 mins, "Good Things to Come" opportunity to show loyalty and love for God,
TranscriptLinks to an external site.) and also to develop the faith as an attribute
that makes it possible the wrought of any

When we serve others according to our

View "God Will Lift Us UpLinks to an external
capacities, even when we are in very precarious
site." and ponder on how faith can change our
conditions, our Lord rewards us with the
influence of the Holy Spirit and treasures that
will remain with us forever.
View Manuel De Los Santos videoLinks to an The person who has lost one leg, still had a
positive attitude towards life challenge; he found
external site. replacing golf with having faith, a nice activity to keep his body and mind
hope, and charity through Jesus Christ. working in a sport: golf; he believed that he
could be happy by playing golf, and he did it!
President Harold B. Lee taught to the apostle
Boyd K. Packer: "The problem with you is you
View "Trial of Your FaithLinks to an external want to see the end from the beginning. You
site." (00:56 mins, "Trial of Your Faith" must learn to walk a few steps ahead into the
TranscriptLinks to an external site.) and ponder darkness, and then the light will turn on and go
on the ability to exercise faith. before you." This is a lovely example of
understanding that our faith will be tried before
we receive any blessing.
The act of leaving money for a poor man to
relieve his affliction, and the sincere prayer of
gratitude of the man who had his wife sick, and
moreover, not doing this act to receive any
View "Lessons I Learned as a BoyLinks to an
praise from the world, made me cried, and
external site." and ask yourself how your
impacted tremendously in my desire to have
actions would change if you possessed
charity for others; the suggestion of the older
greater charity. boy to not to made a tricky action to the afflicted
man to muck him, but to help him, was a
wonderful example of a person that has charity,
which is the pure love of Christ,

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