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Appendix 1
Project Formatting Guidelines Checklist
Complete this checklist for your project documentation.
NOTE: This is assessable as part of your project plan and needs to be submitted with the plan

Format issue Details Checked

Format All assessment tasks should be submitted as a Word document. All tables
cannot be converted into images.

All documentation should be a single word processed document unless

special circumstances are required.

Project Title A title of not more than 16 words should be provided.

Title Page A Title Page should be submitted with each individual project submission.

Title page should have the following information:

 Assignment Title
 Author Details
 Abstract (Lit Review and the final Report)
 Keywords (Lit Review and the final Report)

Team Details Details should be supplied on the Title Page including:

 Team Number
 List of members’ Full names
 List of members’ Student ID

Abstract  A structured abstract should be included on the Title Page,

Abstract should address the following:
 Motivation or Problem Statement
 Objective of the project
 Methodology/Approach
 Results/Findings
 Implications
 Limitation
Please note -the list is suggestive and not mandatory

 Maximum 250 words in total (including keywords).

 Provide no more than 5 keywords on the Title Page,
 Keywords should encapsulate the principal topics of your project
 Include the original project topic outline that you chose for
Project Topic
your project

 This should be the second page of your document.

Headings  Headings must be 7 words or less

 There should be a clear indication of the distinction between the
hierarchies of headings.
 Headings should have a numbering system that matches
the heading levels.
 First level headings to be presented in bold format 18 pt

 Subsequent sub-headings to be presented in medium italics 14 pt.

 Further headings (level 3) should be bold 12pt

 Writing should be presented in clear, concise English.
 Fonts should be Calibri or Helvetica, 11 point font
 Spacing should be double or 1.5-line spacing throughout

- 33 -
 Margins: use standard margins
 Page numbers: All pages of your documents must be
numbered consecutively, including appendices and references
 Page numbers should appear in a footer on the right of
each page.
Notes/Endnotes  No notes or endnotes

Table of Contents  Table of Contents should be automatically generated based on

your Word headings.
 All Figures (charts, diagrams, line drawings, web
pages/screenshots, and photographic images) should be
in the body of your documents.
 Ensure that all images are of reasonable quality and
easily understood
 All figures should be labelled appropriately and referred to in the
body of the document.
 Tables should be included in the main body of the article.
 All Tables should be labelled appropriately and referred to in
the body of the document.
 Ensure that any superscripts or asterisks are shown next to the
relevant items
 References to all publications must be in Harvard style and
carefully checked for completeness, accuracy and consistency.
 In-text citations : Cite publications in the text:
 Citing one author- use the first named author's name and date
(Adams, 2006) Make sure you use the family name
 Citing two authors, (Adams and Brown, 2006)
 Citing three or more authors (Adams et al., 2006).
 Reference list should be at the end of each project document
before any appendices
 Reference list should be in alphabetical order
Books Formatting for books should be as follows:
Author/s Date Title Publisher

Norman, D 2002, The Design of Everyday Things, Basic Books.

Formatting for journals should be as follows:
Author/s Date Title of article
Patnaik, D & Becker, R 1999, ‘Needfinding: The Why and How of
Uncovering People’s Needs’, Design Management Journal, Spring ,
pp. 37-43.
Page nos Journal Title Volum

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