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1. What is the colour associated with International Women's Day?

2. What percentage of parliamentary seats worldwide are held by women?

3. What is the symbol of International Women's Day?

4. The first Indian women to get Nobel prize

5. Which country was the first to grant women the right to vote?

6. Which country has the highest percentage of women in parliament?

7. The theme for International Women’s Day 2023

8. Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize?

9. The entire month of March is celebrated as ‘Women’s History Month’ in which country?

10. What is the name of the global movement that aims to end violence against women and girls?
11. Who was the first ever Miss Universe from India?

12. The first women Ambassadar of India

13. Which painting of Leonard de Vinci is also known as La Gioconda

14. Who is the current Vice President of the United States, making her the first woman to hold the

15. What is the name of the United Nations agency dedicated to gender equality and the
empowerment of women?

Select from the options :

16. In what year did the United Nations officially recognize International Women's Day?

a) 1945
b) 1955
c) 1965
d) 1975

17. Which country had the first female prime minister in the world?

a) India
b) Israel
c) Sri Lanka
d) United Kingdom

18. Who is the first woman to climb Mount Everest?

a) Bachendra pal
b) Louise Frechette
c) Junko Tabei
d) Maria Estela
19. The symbol for International Women's Day is which flower?

a) Mimosa
b) Lily
c) Crocus
d) Rose

20. Who was the first woman speaker of the Lok Sabha?

a) Shanno Devi
b) Meira Kumar
c) Sumitra Mahajan
d) Sarojini Naidu

21) Solve Sudoku

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