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Agrawal Janvi Rajeev



Should sex education be compulsory in school?

Sex Education should be compulsory in schools because teens need to know what it is actually about
and it doesn’t encourage sex. Also, another reason being is that parents don’t teach their children
about sex education. As of today’s date, many teens are not having the right education regarding sex
and they were not being taught about the same in schools. Not even parents thought of letting their
children make aware of it. But especially in India, sex education has always been kept on the darkest
side of society.

Sex education must be compulsory in schools as they teach teens about their reproductory health,
the causes of having sex, sexually transmitted diseases, how it can be conducted safely with
contraceptive methods, etc. Because of this, the teacher should also encourage students to know
about sex education instead of not telling them anything about the same. Parents also play a huge
role in educating their children who are in the teenage phase about sex education which will in order
help them become good humans, also they will know what actually sex about and along with that if
this could happen, they would also take the initiative to teach the society and bring sex education
back to a brighter side. Thus, sex education must be compulsory in schools in order to let each and
every person know about sex education.

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