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Letter Vol. 46, No.

6 / 15 March 2021 / Optics Letters 1409

Single-shot interferometric measurement of

cavitation bubble dynamics
Bryce G. Wilson,1 Zhenkun Fan,1 Rahul Sreedasyam,2 Elliot L. Botvinick,2,3 AND
Vasan Venugopalan1,2,3, *
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of California, Irvine, California 92697-2580, USA
Department of Biomedical Engineering University of California, Irvine, California 92697-2715, USA
Beckman Laser Institute and Medical Clinic, University of California, 1002 Health Sciences Rd. E, Irvine, California 92697-3010, USA
*Corresponding author:

Received 8 December 2020; revised 5 February 2021; accepted 12 February 2021; posted 16 February 2021 (Doc. ID 416923);
published 11 March 2021

We demonstrate an interferometric method to provide frames available, diffraction-limited spatial resolution, and
direct, single-shot measurements of cavitation bubble significant expense and complexity. These limitations place
dynamics with nanoscale spatial and temporal resolution these high-speed photographic and holographic methods out
with results that closely match theoretical predictions. of the reach of most researchers in terms of cost and/or needed
Implementation of this method reduces the need for expen- expertise.
sive and complex ultra-high speed camera systems for the On the other hand, time-resolved photography, achieved
measurement of single cavitation events. This method through combining individual time-gated images from inde-
can capture dynamics over large time intervals with sub- pendent cavitation events, has been used by a larger number
nanosecond temporal resolution and spatial precision of investigators [7,13,25–29]. This approach has enabled the
surpassing the optical diffraction limit. We expect this reconstruction of complex bubble dynamics over long time
method to have broad utility for examination of cavitation intervals with high temporal resolution. However, this approach
bubble dynamics, as well as for metrology applications provides an “average” view of the phenomena, since the data
such as optorheological materials characterization. This acquisition utilizes images from different events. This effectively
method provides an accurate approach for precise mea- blinds the investigator to important factors that may cause
surement of cavitation bubble dynamics suitable for shot-to-shot variability such as the stochastic nature of laser-
metrology applications such as optorheological materi- induced plasma formation and the potential effects of medium
als characterization. © 2021 Optical Society of America under heterogeneity and/or impurities [30,31].
the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
As an alternative, investigators have developed optical techniques utilizing probe deflection or spatial transmittance
modulation to determine cavitation bubble dynamics [32–
Precise measurement of cavitation dynamics is relevant to 35]. However, these techniques appear to be best suited to
phenomena as diverse as sonoluminescence, sonochemistry, probe millimeter scale sized bubbles and generally lack the
molecular transport, fluidic mixing, and light–tissue inter- precision necessary to allow for detailed analysis. Moreover, to
actions [1–5]. These phenomena have been exploited in obtain quantitative bubble dynamics, these techniques require
numerous applications, including ultrasonic cleaning [6], calibration and/or pairing with photography.
microfluidic mixing [7] and pumping [8], tissue ablation In this Letter, we present a new method for precise mea-
[5], drug delivery [9,10], ocular surgery [11], microrheol- surement of cavitation bubble dynamics with nanoscale
ogy [12,13], screening of cellular mechanosignaling [14,15], temporal resolution and spatial precision. This method uti-
and measurement of mechanical properties of soft materials lizes a heterodyne interferometer in a modified Mach–Zehnder
[13,16,17]. configuration [36,37] as shown in Fig. 1. This configuration was
Empirical studies providing detailed measurement of selected due to its known sensitivity to small phase differences
cavitation bubble dynamics most often utilize high-speed between the reference and sample arm produced by localized
photographic methods [18,19]. Such measurements are critical changes in the refractive index such as those produced by a
to understanding complex fluidic processes, assessing compu- transient cavitation bubble [38].
tational fluid dynamics models, and optimizing applications To demonstrate its capabilities, we formed cavitation bubbles
that utilize cavitation bubbles [20]. While the capabilities of using laser-induced plasma generation by irradiation using a
high-speed photographic and holographic methods have had single 500 ps duration pulse emitted by a frequency-doubled
advanced formidably in recent years, with systems capable Nd:YAG laser (λ = 532 nm, Teem Photonics PNG-M03012)
of imaging rates as large as 1 trillion frames/second [21–24], laser with pulse energies of 2.5–20 µJ. The laser beam output
significant limitations remain, including the total number of was expanded and delivered to a water-filled cuvette using a 40x,

0146-9592/21/061409-04 Journal © 2021 Optical Society of America

1410 Vol. 46, No. 6 / 15 March 2021 / Optics Letters Letter

P2, S5973 Hamamatsu). The photodiode apertures are shielded

by long-pass filters (LP) [FGL590M, ThorLabs] to reject stray
light at wavelengths <590 nm that may emanate from the
Nd:YAG laser or plasma luminescence from reaching the pho-
todiodes. The photodiode detection circuit is enclosed in a steel
Faraday cage to reduce ambient electrical noise. The photodiode
output signal is amplified using a broadband low-noise ampli-
fier (AMP, Mini-Circuits ZFL-500LN), digitized by a 2 GHz
bandwidth oscilloscope (OSC, LeCroy WaveRunner 6200 A) at
a 5GS/s sampling rate, and processed using MATLAB’s Hilbert
transform function. Each measurement is initiated using a pulse
generator (Stanford Research Systems DG535) to externally
trigger the oscilloscope and the emission of a single pulse from
the Nd:YAG laser.
Prior to bubble formation, the detected interferometer signal
Fig. 1. Diagram of the Mach–Zehnder interferometric system. M1- consists of a sinusoidal oscillation at the 110 MHz modulation
M5 are 25 mm silver mirrors used to direct both the pump (Nd:YAG) frequency. The replacement of water with water vapor associ-
and interferometer probe (HeNe) beams. A linear polarizer (POL) is ated with bubble formation changes the optical path length of
used to adjust the power of the HeNe laser beam. 50 mm convex lenses
the sample arm, as the beam passes through the growing and
L1 & L2 are used to direct the interferometer probe beam through the
bubble. 10 mm convex lenses L3 & L4 are used to focus the combined
collapsing vapor cavity. This dynamic change in optical path
interferometer beams onto the Si-PIN diodes P1 and P2 whose aper- length is detected by the photodiodes. Prototypical waveforms
tures are shielded using LP filters. 50 mm concave (L5) and 125 mm of both the AOM reference and detected interferometer signals
convex (L6) lenses are used to expand and recollimate the Nd:YAG are shown in Fig. 2.
pump beam. The phase difference between the reference and sample arms
is directly proportional to the cavitation bubble size. Figure 3
illustrates the results of the Hilbert transform in which both
0.8 numerical aperture water immersion microscope objective
the phase of the AOM signal, which is equivalent to the phase
(OBJ, Leica HCX APO L 40 × /0.80 W U-V-I). The interfer-
of the interferometer reference beam, ϕref , and the phase of the
ometer was constructed utilizing a polarized continuous wave
helium–neon laser (He–Ne, λ = 632.8 nm, 12 mW, Newport detected interferometer signal, ϕint , are plotted versus time.
Optics, R-30993). The separate arms of the interferometer are The phase difference between these two signals is shown by
formed using a 110 MHz acousto-optic modulator (AOM, ϕbub . Prior to applying the Hibert transform, the raw interfer-
IntraAction, Inc., ATM-1101A1) such that the first-order ometer signal is processed using notch filters to exclude 314
frequency-shifted beam from the AOM serves as the reference and 629 MHz frequency peaks that correspond to the mode
arm, and the unshifted beam serves as the sample arm. The use hopping frequency of our He–Ne laser. Additionally, a bandpass
of the AOM to introduce optical frequencies offset by 110 MHz filter between 2.9 and 220 MHz is used to filter out electri-
into the two paths of the interferometer enables the use of opti- cal noise above and below the relevant frequency range of the
cal heterodyne detection to determine the phase difference system.
between the two arms of the interferometer [39]. The sample The time-resolved bubble radius R B (t) is obtained from the
arm is directed through the cuvette perpendicular so that it optical phase ϕbub (t) corresponding to the dynamic optical path
passes through the center of the bubble. The two beams are length difference between the reference and sample arms intro-
recombined using a non-polarizing 50/50 beam splitting cube duced by the bubble. This leads to the following relationship
(BSC, Thorlabs BS013). Dual-balanced detection [40] is per- between the time-resolved bubble radius R B (t) and the optical
formed using two 1 GHz bandwidth Si-PIN photodiodes (P1 & phase introduced by the bubble ϕbub (t) [38]:

Fig. 2. Measured photodiode signal (blue) and the AOM reference driving signal (orange) from oscilloscope following initiation of a cavitation
bubble using a 20 µJ pulse energy. Iint (blue) and Iaom (orange) are shown in segments corresponding to the (a) beginning, (b) middle, and (c) end of
a 175 µm diameter bubble created by a 20 µJ laser pulse. The AOM reference signal represents the heterodyne interferometer signal in the absence of
a bubble and whose frequency is identical to the photodiode signal prior to the formation of the bubble. Once bubble formation occurs, the detected
intensity of the photodiode signal is altered due to light scattering, and the phase is altered due to the varying optical path lengths. The red arrow on
the horizontal axis indicates the time of laser pulse delivery to the sample.
Letter Vol. 46, No. 6 / 15 March 2021 / Optics Letters 1411

150 180 Camera

5 Interferometer
ref 160
int Rayleigh–Plesset

Bubble Radius [µm]

4 140

Phase [krad/2
Phase [rad/2

50 2 80
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 20
Time [µs] 0
Fig. 3. Measured ϕref and ϕint corresponding to the formation of a
0 10 20 30 40 50
141.3 µm diameter cavitation bubble using a 10 µJ laser pulse. ϕbub is Time [µs]
the phase difference between the reference and interferometer signals. Fig. 4. Time-resolved bubble dynamics for bubbles formed using
pulse energies of 2.5, 10, and 20 µJ resulting in maximum bubble radii
λϕbub (t) of 77, 136, and 172 µm, respectively, are shown with theoretical bub-
R B (t) = , (1) ble radius predicted by the Rayleigh–Plesset model. In the case of 10 µJ
4π(n G − n W )
pulse energy, we also show data acquired using images captured from
where λ is the wavelength of the probe beam, and n G and n W are separate events using an intensified CCD camera (Stanford Computer
the refractive indices of the gas within the bubble and surround- Optics, 4Picos).
ing water, respectively.
Once the bubble is initiated and growing in size, the instanta-
maximum radius can range from ±3 µm at times when the
neous frequency of the interferometer signal Iint falls below the
bubble is changing size slowly, to a maximum bubble radius of
110 MHz heterodyne frequency, since the optical path length
±40 µm during bubble collapse [27,29]. This large variation
in the sample arm is decreasing with time. Conversely, once the
is primarily due to shot-to-shot variability in the phenomena.
bubble reaches its maximum size and begins to collapse, the
However, we do find that our interferometric method has dif-
instantaneous frequency of the interferometer signal Iint rises
ficulty unwrapping the phase during the final stages of bubble
above a 110 MHz heterodyne signal. The detection limit of our
collapse once the velocity of the bubble wall exceeds approx-
bubble measurement is dependent on the root-mean-square
imately 84–94 m/s. This collapse velocity corresponds to a
(RMS) phase noise associated with the baseline interferometer
heterodyne detection frequency in excess of 154–159 MHz.
signal without bubble formation. This phase noise amounts to
0.1 radians and corresponds to a detection limit of 15 nm. Interestingly, we have an unidentified source of ambient elec-
To assess the measurement accuracy of the interferometer, we tronic noise located at 156 MHz. This leads us to believe that
compare the bubble dynamics measurements with predictions our difficulty in resolving the bubble collapse is not intrinsic to
provided by the Rayleigh–Plesset model [41], which has been our overall approach, but may instead be resolved through better
demonstrated to provide accurate predictions for the cavitation electrical isolation or by using an AOM operating at a lower
bubble dynamics in this case [13,27]: modulation frequency.
In summary, we have demonstrated an accurate interfero-
metric method for obtaining the complete cavitation bubble
"  #
d 2R B 3 dR B 2

2σ 4µ dR B
ρ RB + = p B − p∞ − − , dynamics from a single cavitation event with 15 nm radial preci-
dt2 2 dt RB RB dt sion and sub-nanosecond temporal resolution. This approach is
(2) more accurate, less costly, and simpler to operate as compared to
where R B (t) represents the time-resolved bubble radius, µ rep- fast-frame photographic and holographic methods. Moreover,
resents the viscosity of water, ρ represents the density of water, unlike probe beam methods, our method requires no calibration
and σ represents the surface tension at water/vapor interface, to obtain quantitative measurements. This approach allows for
with p B and p ∞ representing the pressure inside the bubble and capturing of the full cavitation bubble dynamics extending over
surrounding liquid, respectively. Figure 4 shows excellent agree- tens of microseconds while retaining sub-nanosecond temporal
ment between the predictions made by the Rayleigh–Plesset resolution. We anticipate these capabilities will be of broad
model and the interferometric measurement. As a point of com- utility for examination of cavitation bubble dynamics, as well
parison, we also provide bubble dynamics data obtained under as for metrology applications such as optorheological materials
similar conditions obtained by taking a single bubble image at characterization.
different time points using time-resolved photography [13,27].
A comparison of the two data sets clearly illustrates the Funding. National Institutes of Health/National Institute of General
increased measurement uncertainty that is incurred when Medical Sciences (R01 GM129426); National Science Foundation (Graduate
Research Fellowship Program (BGW)).
determining the bubble dynamics using time-resolved images
obtained using multiple independent trials. Specifically, typical Acknowledgment. B. G. Wilson acknowledges support of a National
measurement uncertainties for cavitation bubbles of ∼140 µm Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship.
1412 Vol. 46, No. 6 / 15 March 2021 / Optics Letters Letter

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