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Title: Movie Watching as a ‘Therapeutic Humour’ intervention in Severe Mental Illness: Can

we develop a “Service” based on patient feedback?

Authors: Nidhi Malhotra, Nitin Gupta, Rosy Arora


‘Therapeutic Humour (TH)’, though frequently used in psychiatric practice, has been
subjected to negligible study as mode of intervention in patients with Severe Mental Illness
(SMI). TH includes humour groups, medical clowns, stand up comedy, movie watching etc.
No evidence from India is available on using ‘comedy movie watching (CMW)’ as TH
intervention in patients with SMI.

Aims and hypothesis

To take feedback regarding the role of ‘comedy movie watching’ as a “Therapeutic Humour”
intervention in SMI. It was hypothesised that feedback will be positive and CMW can be
introduced as a regular service intervention.


36 SMI patients of Mental Health Institute (MHI), Chandigarh attended a single 150 minute
CMW session. Patient choice was sought regarding movie names. Subsequently, movie
selection was done based upon most popular vote by patients. Based on literature and
therapist experience, a 10-item patient feedback questionnaire was designed to evaluate
effects of this intervention on various parameters like - various types of positive and negative
mood states, bonding with others, suggestions for future screenings etc on a ‘service user led’
evaluation model. Questionnaire was administered by a Clinical Psychologist to all
participants within 72 hours of CMW using cross-sectional, exploratory interventional


72% participants reported reduction of negative emotions; 89% reported forgetting about
worries during movie screening. None reported experiencing negative emotions during or
after screening; 83% reported experiencing positive emotions after movie ended.
Improvement in bonding with other patients and staff was reported by 64% & 63%
respectively. 100% expressed that screening of comedy movies should be made a regular
activity (frequency = once/1-2 weeks).


‘Comedy movie watching’ as a TH positive psychological intervention in patients with SMI

has potential as a group-based, cost-effective service in LAMIC like India.

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