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12 August 2022

Optional Named Parameters

In Dart optional parameters are divided into three different categories and we have already covered other two

 Optional Positional Parameters

 Dart Optional Named Parameters

 Optional Default Parameters

Characteristics of Optional Named Parameters

 Named Parameters help to avoid the errors if there are a large number of parameters

 In the case of named parameters, the sequence does not matter.

 Variable names of the named parameters should be same.

A curly bracket is placed around the named parameters. Here breadth and height are named parameters.

int findVolume(int length, {int breadth, int height}) {

return length*breadth*height;

and this is how named parameter function is invoked. For the first parameter there is jus literal value but for
the 2nd and 3rd parameter names are written as these two variable are named parameter in the function.

var result=findVolume(3,breadth:6,height:9);

As mentioned before position or sequence of named parameter does not matter.

var result=findVolume(3,height:9,breadth:6);
Breadth value will be assigned to the breadth parameter as it is recognized by its name. Time to complete the
cuboid volume example.

void main() {
var result=findVolume(3,breadth:6,height:9);
//Changing the parameter's sequence
var result2=findVolume(3,height:9,breadth:6);
int findVolume(int length, {int breadth, int height}) {
return length*breadth*height;



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