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Extensive Reading

10th Grade Fall 2022

Lushan Zhang ·

Reading Questions, Part One

Chapter Two: For Your Own Good
The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog
Bruce Perry

1. Page 39: What was Sandy asked to do?

The prosecution wanted her to testify about it.

2. Page 39: What was Dr. Perry, the narrator and the author, asked to do?

The author was asked to help Sandy prepair for the court.

3. Page 39: Who was Stan Walker? What was his role in this story?

Stan was an attorney for the Public Guardian’s Office in Cook County.

4. Page 40: What happened to Sandy?

She witnessed the murder of her mother, and murderer cut her on the throat x2 .

5. Page 41-42: Why did the boys end up in this center?

Because they experienced threats and trauma in their early days.

6. Page 43, paragraph one, please translate the sentence

In some cases the brain systems associated with the stress response had become s
o active that they eventually burnt out and lost heir ability to regulate the ot
her functions they would normally mediate. 需要结合上下文理解,所以请带回到原文


7. Page 43: What did the author mean by “calm the stress system”?

Make it return to it’s original state.

8. Page 44: Did the author agree with the claim that children are resilient?


9. Page 45: Please explain how different patterns of the same amount of the same
drug create different result.

If you give a person small,frequent doses of drugs like heroin that act on the dopamine and opioid
systems, the drug loses it’s effect.
10. Page 46: how did our previous experience impact our reactions to stress?

Patterned experience influence on your actions,

For example, exercising frequently can make you strong

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