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Python Programming

Grade 8
1. Python code to print string characters
# declaring & initializing two strings
print (str1) # printing complete str1
print (str1[0]) # printing 0th (first) elements of str1
print (str1[0], str1[1]) # printing first & second elements
print (str1[2:5]) # printing elements from 2nd to 5th index
print (str1[1:]) # printing all elements from 1st index
print (str2 * 2) # printing str2 two times
print (str1 + str2) # printing concatenated str1 & str2

2. Python code to create number variables, print types and values

# creating number variables and assigning values
a = 10 #integer
b = 10.23 #float
c = “Hello” #string
# printing types
print("type(a): ", type(a))
print("type(b): ", type(b))
print("type(c): ", type(c))
# printing values
print("value of a: ", a)
print("value of b: ", b)
print("value of c: ", c)
type(a): <class 'int’>

type(a): <class 'float’>

type(a): <class 'string’>

value of a: 10
value of a: 10.23

value of a: Hello

3. Python program for using formulas

(a) # Python program to find simple interest

p = float(input("Enter the principle amount :”))

r = float(input("Enter the rate of interest : "))

t = float(input("Enter the time in the years: "))

# calculating simple interest

si = (p*r*t)/100

# printing the values

print("Principle amount: ", p)

print("Interest rate: ", r)

print("Time in years: ", t)

print("Simple Interest : ", si)

First run:

Enter the principle amount : 10000

Enter the rate of interest : 3.5

Enter the time in the years: 1

Principle amount: 10000.0

Interest rate : 3.5

Time in years : 1.0

Simple Interest: 350.0

Second run:

Enter the principle amount : 250000

Enter the rate of interest : 36

Enter the time in the years: 1

Principle amount: 250000.0

Interest rate : 36

Time in years : 1.0

Simple Interest: 90000.0

(b) ) # Python program to find compound interest

p = float(input("Enter the principle amount :”))

r = float(input("Enter the rate of interest : "))

t = float(input("Enter the time in the years: "))

# calculating compound interest

ci = p * (pow((1 + r / 100), t))

# printing the values

print("Principle amount: ", p)

print("Interest rate: ", r)

print("Time in years: ", t)

print("Compound Interest : ", ci)

First run:

Enter the principle amount : 10000

Enter the rate of interest : 3.5

Enter the time in the years: 1

Principle amount: 10000.0

Interest rate : 3.5

Time in years : 1.0

Compound Interest: 10350.0

Second run:

Enter the principle amount : 250000

Enter the rate of interest : 36

Enter the time in the years: 1

Principle amount: 250000.0

Interest rate : 36

Time in years : 1.0

Compound Interest: 339999.99999999994

4. Find the Leap year (conditional statement)

# input the year
y=int(input('Enter the value of year: '))
# To check for non-century year
if y%400==0 or y%4==0 and y%100!=0:
print('The given year is a leap year.')
print('The given year is a non-leap year.')
Run 1:
Enter the value of year: 2020
The given year is a leap year
Run 2:
Enter the value of year: 2022
The given year is a non-leap year
1. Write a python program to Input age and check eligibility for voting
2. Write a python program to print values with different data types (int, float, Boolean, etc)
3. Write a python program to input three integers and output the greatest of three

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