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This paper seeks to compare the economic history, gross national product, gross domestic product,

natural resources, technology, human resources, international trade, poverty, environmental issues
and common issues of Japan and China.


Economic development is one of the most important factors in a country's growth because it
creates new job opportunities and raises the standard of living for its citizens. Aside from the current
citizens in that area, it also contributes to future generations having better access to various
opportunities. To achieve this standard of living, each community must provide assistance to the
people through government funds and job opportunities. With effective and sustainable economic
development, it is possible to maintain peace and order, increase employment, and invest more in the

China is well-known for having one of the fastest growing economies, with real annual GDP
growth averaging 9.5% through 2018. This rate has been described by the World Bank as "the fastest
sustained expansion by a major economy in history," allowing China to double its GDP every eight
years on average, lifting an estimated 800 million people out of poverty. Due to its intriguing
economic progress, other developing economies are influenced by it through investments, trades, and
ideas, which also helps them succeed. Changing to a new growth model and implementing a cost-
effective health system are only two of the difficult development difficulties that China is currently

On the other side, Japan boasts one of the biggest and most advanced economies in the
world. This nation is one of the world's top consumer marketplaces because of its well educated
populace, hardworking workforce, and sizable rich population. Japan's economy was only second to
that of the United States from 1968 until 2010, when China overtook it. Japan's 126.9 million citizens
enjoy a high quality of living, with a per capita GDP of slightly under USD 40,000 in 2015. The
country's GDP was expected to be USD 4.7 trillion in 2016.

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