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Every business is started with some vision.

Firm objectives is the milestones

helping a business to fullfill the goals and objective of a business. Without it, a
firm is left direction or motivation. The primary objective of the firm is making
a profit. Because economic objectives are achieved to earn more profit and
expand the range and scale of firm. It helps firm generate revenue and survive,
grow in the competitive market. Besides, profits help in wealth creation,
investments, marketing, innovation, and increased social respnsibility. Profits
also make it easy to pave the way for social objectives of firm within and
outside the territory of the woking space. Profits are necessary to improve
production, distribution, and customer satisfaction. With profits, firm can grow
leaps and bounds and innovate ideas to widen their reach. In addition, more
money in the company’s coffers makes the firm look like a more attractive
prospect to potential investors. This can raise the share price, and attract
investment, which could create a cycle of growth. If there is no profit, the
company may lose money, in the worst case, go bankrupt. Firms always focus
primarily on maximizing for their owner or stakeholders. Therefore, no matter
what decision is made regarding investment, financing, etc. the aim is to
maximize profits to the highest level possible.

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