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0 VERSION_V3.01.3068.3280_01.12.

1001 Actual file position invalid (file_seek()).
1002 File not found by a attempt to open it.
1003 Machine in error-state (file_open()).
1004 Inadmissible state of the machine (file_open()).
1005 Difference between the sum of sending and received bytes.
1007 Unknown PDU-code received as receipt (file_read).
1008 Machine in error state (file_read()).
1009 Invalid state of the machine (file_read()).
1010 Unknown PDU-code received as receipt (file_seek).
1012 Machine in error state (file_seek()).
1014 Unknown PDU-code received as receipt (file_close).
1015 Automate in error state (file_close()).
1016 Invalid state of the machine (file_close()).
1017 Automate in error state (file_gets()).
1018 Invalid state of the machine (file_gets()).
1019 Type of value not BOOLEAN.
1020 Input: number.
1021 The character string is too long.
1022 A leading 0 is illegal.
1023 Value exceeds maximum permissible upper limit.
1024 Value is below minimum permissible lower limit.
1025 Unknown state in utility routine atoREAL32.
1026 Indication of an adress without leading 0x.
1027 Exponent violates limit value.
1028 Size of number must be equal to 0 or a positive value.
1029 Number of axis in channel block wrong or not initaliozed.
1033 Unknown state in office function ascii_wr_regie().
1034 Unknown dimension id.
1527 Deceleration violates minimum value.
1528 Acceleration violates minimum value.
1529 Unknown acceleration mode.
1531 No more buffer location available.
1532 Pointer cannot be filed into FIFO.
1533 Initialization of management data fails.
1534 Routine sl_block() returns unknown value.
1535 Routine sl_fdrip() returns unknown value.
1536 Unknown state within SLOPE management.
1537 Initialization of block management fails.
1538 Cycle time equal to 0 within block management.
1539 Unknown state within block management.
1540 Illegal state within block management.
1541 Error within management of linked list.
1542 Error on calculating the deceleration capacity.
1543 Entry of boundary values impossible.
1544 Illegal set point for path feed.
1545 Illegal feed rate at end of block.
1546 Discriminant is negative.
1547 Illegal block length.
1548 Unknown type of segment.
1550 Writing into BLOCK to feed rate interpolator fails.
1551 Unknown state within the feed rate interpolator.
1552 Initialization of feed rate interolator fails.
1553 Feed rate at end of block not equal to 0.
1554 Unknown state of the segment.
1555 Block change within segment fails.
1556 Illegal state of the segment.
1557 Release of buffer location fails.
1558 Wrong boundary value concerning v0.
1559 Communication address to feed rate interpolator equal to 0.
1560 Communication address to SLOPE management equal to 0.
1561 Cycle time equal to 0 within feed rate interpolator.
1562 Communication address to block management equal to 0.
1563 Sequencing segment could not be read.
1564 Negative boundary value for time caused by override reaction.
1565 Routine sl_block_ovrd_calc() returns unknown value.
1566 Unknown state within feedhold reaction.
1570 Routine sl_block_rest_seg() returns unknown value.
1574 Unknown state within routine sl_block_supply().
1575 Renewed calculating of look ahead fails.
1579 Unknown strategy for set off.
1580 SLOPE calculates negative distance.
1581 Communication address to measuring functionality equal to 0.
1584 Unexpected rejection of the remaining segment.
1585 Remaining distance in SLOPE is smaller then permissible limit.
1586 Starting velocity in SLOPE is smaller than permissible limit.
1587 Command velocity in SLOPE is smaller than permissible limit.
1588 End velocity in SLOPE is smaller than permissible limit.
1589 Acceleration 1 in SLOPE is smaller than permissible limit.
1590 Acceleration 2 in SLOPE is smaller than permissible limit.
1591 Switching velocity in SLOPE is smaller than permissible limit.
1592 Cycle time in SLOPE is smaller than permissible limit.
1593 SLOPE calculates negative motion path.
1594 Block can not be enabled+F35.
1595 Transition velocity not allowed.
1596 Negative remaining block motion path.
1597 Fatal error in SLOPE kernel.
1598 Invalid state in switch-case construct of SLOPE controller.
1599 Not enough block motion path for position controlled stop.
1600 Path to go cannot be calculated.
1601 Error in time override function occured nonlinear SLOPE
1602 Error in time override function occured linear SLOPE
1603 Unknown return value of function sl_mv_block_prof_trans_calc().
1604 Negative start time for transition segment.
1605 Bad accuracy of the profile.
1606 A forbidden default-case was reached.
1607 Negative times occured (bad accuracy).
1608 Limits are out of range.
1609 Critical slope error.
1611 No more blocks available and velocity or acceleration != 0.
1613 Critical slope error.
1614 Invalid sampling mode.
1615 Error in block look ahead profile planing.
1616 Critical slope error.
1618 Maximum of velocity in block is less than 1.0E-6 um/s.
1619 Inconsistency in block counter after feedhold/override 0.
1620 Inconsistency in distance to target after feedhold/override 0.
1622 Negative Feedrate with feedhold or overide zero.
1623 Unknown state by reduced speed zone handling.
1624 Inadmissible feed.
1625 The LAH-Queue's first block has negative length.
1626 Error when calculating a STEP-profile.
1700 Velocity 0 is programmed.
1701 Single axis is commanded but not configured in axis data list.
1702 Limiting of path to the positiv work zone limit.
1703 Limiting of path to the negativ work zone limit.
1704 Buffer allocation for single axis command failed.
1705 Buffer allocation for job acknowledge of single axis failed.
1706 Buffer release for single axis command failed.
1708 Writing into job acknowledge FIFO failed.
1709 Single axis interpolation for active transformation axis not possible.
2001 ASCII-Interpreter is unable to open file.
2002 ASCII-Interpreter is unable to read from file.
2003 ASCII-Interpreter is unable to close file.
2004 No character string available.
2005 Unknown entry in the data file.
2006 Entry does not match requested type of variable.
2008 Line is too long. End of line missing in data file.
2009 Index exceeds the area defined.
2010 File can not be opened by ASCII-writer.
2011 Unknown token type.
2021 Unknown string.
2022 Invalid number format.
2023 Given string is too long.
2024 Given filename is empty.
2040 Error at parameter access, parameter not found.
2041 Error at parameter access, unknown dimension.
2042 Error when reading parameter value.
2044 Referenced parameter is obsolete.
2045 Wrong index in parameter array.
2046 Target string is too long.
2047 Parameterindex is too big.
2049 Parameter units do not match.
2050 Parameter reference table is not initialized.
2051 Reference points to itself.
2052 Found unsolvable references.
2053 No more elements available in reference table.
2056 Parameter already has a value.
2057 Table with parameter information is not initialized.
2058 No more elements available in parameter information table.
2059 Error while decrypting parameters.
3200 Logical axis number 0 was received.
3201 PDU with an unknown PDU-code was received.
3202 Invalid state in command stack of axis management process.
3203 Invalid state in the axis management process.
3204 Invalid reset state in axis management process.
3206 Gear cannot be requested, because axis state is not in state BFU_AXIS_STABL.
3207 Axis cannot be released, because internal axis state is not equal to expected
3208 Axis management process cannot send a PDU to BF AXV.
3209 Axis management process cannot send a PDU to the BF.
3210 Requested axis / gear is not available in the system.
3213 Invalid return value of the function.
3214 Reset-PDU was received although a reset is already going on.
3215 No more free element in list pool.
3300 PDU cannot be sent.
3301 There are no open axes requests.
3302 The last command was no axis request.
3303 Received axis was not requested.
3304 Received PDU has an invalid PDU-code.
3305 Gear step request for axis with logical number 0.
3306 Gear step number of an axis is 0.
3307 There are no open gear step requests.
3308 Received gear step was not requested.
3309 Interface for axis with logical number 0 is requested.
3310 Interface number of an axis is 0.
3311 There are no open requests for interfaces.
3312 Received interface was not requested.
3313 Logical axis number of the command is 0.
10000 Function selection/deselection not permitted.
10001 Unknown state within function selection/deselection handler.
10002 Function selection/deselection aborted since BF not initalized.
10003 Function selection/deselection STARTEN not permitted.
10004 Function selection/deselection STOPPEM not permitted.
10005 Function selection/deselection FORTSETZEN not permitted.
10006 Function selection/deselection ABBRECHEN not permitted.
10007 Unknown function selection/deselection.
10008 No job permitted.
10009 Unknown state of job handler.
10010 Job STARTEN not permitted.
10011 Job ABBRECHEN not permitted.
10012 Unknown job.
10013 BF not initialized.
10014 Job modifier unknown.
10015 BF specific job number unknown.
10016 Job did not terminate correctly.
10017 Aknowledgement of job is unknown.
10018 Illegal state within BF-handler.
10019 Unknown state during execution of a job.
10020 Unknown identifier for communication link of the BF-interface.
10021 Creating the BF-interface fails.
10022 Specified linear address cannot be converted.
10023 Identifier of receiver is missing.
10024 This functionality is not availabe yet.
10030 BF-instruction can not be acknowledge.
11000 Specied object is unknown.
11001 Failure to get the wire-address.
11002 Object has not read-access.
11003 Wire access specified without wire.
11004 Object has not write-access.
11005 Deactivation impossible, because sampling of object is not active.
11006 Can not create new object.
11007 Can not create new pin.
11008 Can not create new container.
11009 Not enough memory on heap.
11011 Object greater than container.
11012 Failure to write object.
11013 Can not create new wire.
11014 No unused object ID available.
11015 Different object with same name already existing.
11016 Same object ID already in use.
11017 Unknown state during interpretation of objectdescription.
11018 Requested wire not found.
11019 Post code error after interpretation of new list.
11020 Allocation of memory failed.
11021 Initialization of heap failed.
11023 Size 0 only for trigger object possible.
11024 Object type and size do not correspond.
11025 Interpretation failed.
11026 Objectrelation can not be established.
11027 At begin of logic only assignment is allowed.
11028 By beginning of logic, only IF-assoziation permissible.
11029 Logical combination of objects can not be established.
11030 Master objekt of logic is unknown.
11031 Slave object of logic is unknown.
11033 Server of wire specified without wire.
11034 Response not expected during creation of remote object.
11035 Can not create new remote object.
11036 Not allowed to generate new container.
11037 Object is in unexpected state.
11038 Can not delete object.
11039 Can not read object.
11040 Object has different type.
11041 Object has different size.
11042 Object has different offset in container.
11043 Container of object has different size.
11044 No address of build-in container given.
11045 No address of build-in wire given.
11046 Can not recover uninitalized object.
11047 Spooler for delete request active without any request.
11048 Could not create object twice.
11049 Object-ID at remote OAM could not be reserved.
11050 Specified object id is to big.
11051 Specified object ID not found in free-list.
11052 No empty object available.
11053 No heap configured and no memory requested.
11054 Specified container is not existing.
11055 Unexpected actibation of connect-thread.
11056 Missing Container for wire access.
11057 Object does not expect NEW-response.
11058 Failure to generate list.
11059 No method for generation of list given.
11060 Failure to generate default objects.
11061 NO receiver given for report of object change.
11062 Receive of get response PDU actually disabled.
11063 Timeout while trying to write SFIFO.
11064 Object greater than PDU.
11065 Requested data for synchronous GET greater than one PDU.
11066 Write operation is not possible, previous write operation is not complete.
11067 Timeout while waiting for response of SET-request.
11068 The actual Initialisation value overwrites the internal memory.
11069 The given log. axes number from the axes-interface is invalid.
11071 Initialisation of interface impossible. Size is 0.
11072 ASCII string ist is too big for PDU.
11073 NULLPTR during assignment of memory.
11074 Generate HMI interface with self-defined types of variables is not possible.
11075 Multiple use of external object ID.
11076 No space left in data base for ADS connection.
11077 Pointer to object data base is null.
11078 External object ID is invalid.
11100 File could not be opened for interpretation.
11101 Wrong state during interpretation of object-description.
11102 Expected delimeter not found.
11103 Expected text not found.
11107 Configured access from the object on the interface unknown.
11108 Configured parameter for interface access unknown.
11109 Configured data-type of the object unknown.
11200 Missing filename.
13100 Safety clearance not defined.
13101 Multiple definition of machining depth.
13102 Programmed machining depth exceeds permissible tool length.
13103 Number of infeed motions not defined.
13104 Infeed depth exceeds permissible machining stroke.
13105 Retraction distance/holding distance not defined.
13106 Reference and retraction planes incorrectly defined.
13107 Incorrect definition of the safety clearance.
13108 No or unknown machining direction defined.
13109 Unknown process defined.
13110 Machining depth not defined.
13111 Relative machining depth is zero.
13112 Retraction mode @P11 is defined incorrectly.
13113 Definition of final machining depth is incorrect.
13114 Required license key is missing.
13115 Use of cycle not permitted.
13120 Invalid spindle position defined.
13121 Spindle speed not defined.
13122 Thread pitch not defined.
13123 Thread size not defined.
13124 Thread type (@P10) for left-hand and right-hand thread is defined
13125 Number of infeeds for thread cutting (@P11) is incorrect, must be a positive
13126 Modus for thread drilling (@P13) is defined incorrectly.
13140 Helical radius not defined.
13141 Helical pitch not defined.
13142 Unknown direction of rotation defined.
13143 Blind hole during synchronous cycle operation not allowed.
13160 Pocket length not defined.
13161 Pocket width not defined.
13162 Corner radius not defined.
13163 Tool radius too large.
13164 Finishing allowance is zero.
13165 Unknown milling direction defined.
13166 Unknown machining mode defined.
13167 Tool radius greater than corner radius.
13168 Incorrect definition of the overlapping factor.
13169 Corner radius is limited because it is too large.
13170 Unknown plunging process defined.
13171 Pocket center point is not completely defined.
13172 Tool radius is zero. Set on default value 1mm.
13180 Parameter (@P1-@P4) not defined.
13181 Invalid value @P1(radius) <= 0.
13182 Invalid value @P2(number of measuring positions) <3.
13183 Invalid value @P3 (velocity) <= 0.
13184 Invalid tool number @P4 <= 0.
13185 Tool data of touch sensor are not active @P4 != D.
13186 Not touched.
13187 Measured radii for S0 and S180 are different.
13188 Variable for return of results is defined wrong.
13189 Reference size of 1st main axis is not defined @P84.
13190 Reference size of 2nd main axis is not defined @P85.
13191 Reference size of 3rd main axis is not defined @P86.
13192 Diameter of ball is not defined @P87.
13200 Start- or terminal point (@P1, @P2) of measuring not defined. .
13201 Traveling distance for measuring first edge of workpiece (@P3) not defined.
13202 Number of measuring points (@P4) for first edge is too small.
13203 Startpoint for measuring second edge (@P5) not/wrong defined.
13204 Number of measuring points (@P8) for second edge is too small.
13205 Terminal point for measuring second edge (@P6) not/wrong defined.
13206 Traveling distance for measuring second edge of workpiece (@P7) not defined.
13207 Angle of workpiece (@P11) not defined, 90 degree are assumed.
13208 Angle of workpiece (@P11) and several measuring points are given. Angle is
13209 Variable for return of results is defined wrong.
13210 Positioning velocity @P9 is not defined or wrong.
13211 Measuring velocity @P10 is not defined or wrong.
13220 Necessary parameters for friction measuring are not defined.
13221 Axis number (@P1) is wrong.
13222 Duration of measurement (@P2) is zero or negative.
13223 Driving distance (@P3) is too short.
13224 Negative backlash (@P7), set to standard value 5% of driving distance.
13225 Number of table entries (@P4) is wrong.
13226 Failure in programmed velocities (@P5, @P6).
13240 Necessary parameters for friction measuring sphere are not defined.
13241 Radius of the sphere (@P1) is defined negativ.
13242 Safety distance (@P2) is defined negativ.
13243 Radius of the touch probe (@P3) is defined negativ.
13244 Velocity for positioning (@P4) is wrong.
13245 Velocity for measuring (@P5) is wrong.
13246 Skaling factor (@P6) is not valid.
13247 Not touched.
13248 Failure in definition of variables for return values.
13260 Start angle for measurement is greater than end angle.
13261 Unknown rotational axis shall be measured.
13262 Maximum deviation of a measuring point from surface of sphere is exceeded.
13263 Maximum deviation of spherical shape isis exceeded.
13264 Number of spheres is defined wrong.
13265 Start angle is not defined.
13266 End angle is not defined.
13280 Measuring velocity @P9 is not defined.
13281 Positioning velocity @P8 is not defined.
13282 Measuring distance in x @P2 is not defined.
13283 Measuring distance in z @P10 is not defined.
13284 Safety distance @P1 is not defined.
13285 Mode @P11 is not defined or wrong.
13286 Prepositioning in z @P7 is not defined or wrong.
13287 Prepositioning in x @P5 is not defined.
13288 Prepositioning in y @P6 is not defined.
13289 Variable for return of results is defined wrong.
13300 Length of longhole is not defined or zero.
13301 Radius of circle is not or incorrect defined.
13302 Number of longholes or slots is not or incorrect defined.
13303 Width of slot is not defined or smaller than tool diameter.
13304 Contour violation between longholes or slots.
13305 Opening angle of longhole or slot is not defined or zero.
13306 Contour violation between first and last slot respectively longhole.
13307 Feed velocity is not defined or incorrect.
13308 Number of helical infeeds is defined incorrectly.
13320 Missing or invalid parameter for some cycle of the linalg package.
13321 An invalid number of matrix rows has been passed to a cycle of the linalg
13322 An invalid number of matrix columns has been passed to a cycle of the linalg
13323 There is not enough memory for the creation of a new matrix in the linalg
13324 To a cycle of the linalg package a required matrix id parameter has not been
13325 To a cycle of the linalg package an invalid matrix id parameter has been
13326 The sizes of two matrices are incompatible.
13327 Invalid matrix initialization.
13328 Invalid type of matrix norm.
13329 Missing variable V.CYC.CNC_LINALG.
13340 Either none or an invalid kinematic id has been passed to a cycle of the
calib package.
13341 Either none or an invalid kinematic variant has been passed to a cycle of the
calib package.
13342 A cycle expects an axis value parameter, but this value has not been passed.
13343 Unexpected number of measurement records.
13344 The given output format is invalid.
13345 Missing or invalid number of measurement records.
13346 Insufficient calibration precision.
13360 Mode for array operations is missing or defined wrong.
13361 A element of a vector is not defined.
13362 Length of vector is zero.
13363 Size of matrices is not consistent.
13364 The defined matrix is not a square matrix.
13365 It is impossible to calculate the inverse.
13366 Size of matrix exceeds maximum.
13380 The pattern is defined wrong or missing.
13381 Distance between positions is not defined.
13382 Number of positions is not defined or zero.
13383 Radius of circle is not defined.
13384 Neither incremental angle nor the end angle is defined.
13385 The end angle is smaller than the start angle.
13400 Measuring feed is not defined.
13401 Diameter of the hole is not defined @P2.
13402 Diameter of the stud is not defined @P2.
13403 Width of the slot is not defined @P3.
13404 Width of the web is not defined @P3.
13405 Measuring way in 1. main axis is not defined @P4.
13406 Measuring way in 2. main axis is not defined @P5.
13407 Measuring way in 3. main axis is not defined @P6.
13408 Origin is not or wrong defined @P7. Values 54-59 are allowed.
13409 Angle 1 @P14, angle 2 @P15 and angle 3 @P16 must be different.
13410 Position in 1. main axis is not defined @P17.
13411 Position in 2. main axis is not defined @P18.
13412 Position in 3. main axis e is not defined @P19.
13413 No workpiece detected, please check your measuring way.
13414 Collision at positioning, please check your move range.
13415 Angle 1 is not defined @P14.
13416 Angle 2 is not defined @P15.
13417 Angle 3 is not defined @P16.
13418 Length in 1. main axis is not defined @P30.
13419 Length in 1. main axis is not defined @P31.
13420 Something went wrong with the cycle.
13421 Either @P15 or @P30 define not both.
13422 The depth is not define @P22.
13423 Measuring point 1 will be overwritten.
13424 Diameter of the measuring plate is not defined @P21.
13425 Measuring position must be 0, 1, 2 oder 3 Sein @P25.
13426 Rotation direction must be 3(M3), 4(M4) or 5(M5) @P26.
13427 Max spindle speed for measuring is exceeded, it will be set to max.
13428 Diameter of the second hole is not defined @P29.
13429 Diameter of the stud is not defined @P29.
13430 Diameter of the second stud is not defined @P29.
13431 For the variable V.P.Sys_Probes_in_spindle only 0 or 1 permitted.
13432 Position feed is not defined.
13433 Position feed must be higher than the measuring feed.
13434 Radius is not defined.
13435 Number of measurements must be an integer.
13436 At least 3 measuring points are required.
13437 Invalid selection of measuring mode, only 1,2 or 3 are permissible.
13438 Measurement position is not available.
13439 The spindle speed must be higher than 0.
13440 At least one tool setting probe is needed.
13441 Sys_Plate_Diam can not be smaller than Sys_Diam_max.
13442 Wrong value in the additional parameters.
13443 Inadmissible value for specifying whether measurement is repeated @P88.
13444 2nd positioning of first main axis is not defined @P41.
13445 2nd positioning of second main axis is not defined @P43.
13446 3rd positioning of first main axis is not defined @P42.
13447 3rd positioning of second main axis is not defined @P44.
13448 ID of coordinate system is not defined @P39.
13449 The index of rotation axis to be measured is not defined @P89.
13450 Tool wear is outside the specified tolerance.
13451 No measurement signal was triggered.
13452 Invalid selection of the measuring mode, only 0 or 1 is permissible.
13453 Invalid selection of the measuring direction, only 0-3 is allowed.
13454 Scattering of the measurement outside the set tolerance.
13455 No or one wrong measurement type was specified. 0, 1 and 2 are allowed.
13456 For tolerance only positive values over 0 are allowed.
13457 For the Lengthnoffset only positive values above 0 are allowed.
13458 For radius offset only positive values> = 0 are allowed.
13459 For the repeats, only positive values above 0 are allowed.
13460 For tool diameter, only positive values above 0 are allowed.
13461 Tool breakage.
13501 Max spidle speed is not defined (Only positive values allowed).
13502 No or invalid input for the rotation direction. 2=M3+M4 3=M3 4=M4.
13503 No or invalid input for the full run (0=No 1=Yes).
13504 No or invalid input for the long run (0=No 1=Yes).
13505 No or invalid input for the time (Only positive values allowed).
13551 Invalid value at pre-positioning @P90.
13552 Incomplete or illigal vector of rotation axis.
13553 Incomplete or illegal vector of rotation axis when defining the inclination
of probe.
13554 Missing angle information between measurements during manual positioning.
13555 File access during automatical pre-positioning not possible.
13600 Timer-ID missing.
13601 Max. waiting time for service has been exceeded.
13602 Command for Mar-Wirless cycle has not been defined.
13603 Invalid command for the Mar-Wireless cycle.
13604 Missing device number in @P2 for Mar-Wireless cycle.
13605 Missing device type in @P3 for Mar-Wireless cycle.
13606 Invalid device type for the Mar-Wireless cycle.
13900 Unknown cycle ID.
13901 Ordered machining direction in channel not allowed.
13902 Unknown machining direction.
13903 Spindle speed is zero.
13904 Feed is zero.
13905 No suitable drill available.
13906 No suitable countersink available.
13907 No suitable reamer available.
13908 No suitable screw tap available.
13909 No suitable cutter available.
14000 Number of assigned positions is wrong.
14001 Assigned positions are wrong.
14002 Failure in definition of parameter for return values.
14020 Length of vector of direction of rotation axis or translation direction [@P4,
@P5, @P6] is zero.
14021 Unknown mode @P20 is defined.
14040 Missing index of Volumetric Compensation for logging/file archiving (@P1).
14041 Missing index of parameter file for Volumetric Compensation for logging/file
archiving (@P2).
14042 Invalid String in V.G.VOLCOMP[@P1].FILE[@P2] for Volumetric Compensation for
logging/file archiving.
14043 Undefined mode for handling of files (@P3).
14060 Kinematic is not defined or not supported.
14061 Missing measurement for calculation of compensation data.
14062 The errors of kinematic offsets are greater than allowed maximum.
14063 The sequence for measuring C0, A0 and A90 is not correct.
14064 Kinematic parameter HD1 has to be 0.
14080 One of the two main axis is missing.
14081 Main spindle not available.
14082 Thread depth @P22 not specified.
14083 Thread depth @P22 must be greater zero.
14084 Thread pitch @P82 not specified.
14085 Thread pitch @P82 must be greater zero.
14086 Thread end @P85 or @P92 not specified.
14087 Specification of @P83 for inside/outside thread is invalid (0=outside thread
1=inside thread).
14088 Thread start @P100 or @P101 not specified.
14089 Thread end given via end point @P92 and angle @P95.
14090 Cone angle @P95 must be greater than -89� and smaller than 89�.
14091 Start infeed @P51 must be greater or equal zero.
14092 Number of roughing cycles @P84 must be an integer and greater or equal zero.
14093 Start infeed @P51 or number of roughing cycles @P84 are missing.
14094 Specification of start infeed @P51 and number of roughing cycles @P84 are
mutually exclusive.
14095 Finishing allowance @P71 must be greater or equal zero.
14096 Infeed angle @P14 must be greater than -89� and smaller than 89�.
14097 Freerun distance @P51 must be greater zero.
14098 Number of threads @P90 must be integer and greater or equal zero.
14099 Number of empty cuts @P89 must be integer and greater or equal zero.
14100 Specification of infeed mode @P111 is invalid (0=constant 1=degressive).
14101 Forerun distance @P80 must be greater or equal zero.
14102 Backlash distance @P87 must be greater or equal zero.
14103 Feedrate @P5 must be greater or equal zero.
14104 Specification of alternating flank infeed @P110 is invalid (0=off 1=on).
14105 Specification for unit @P93 is invalid (0=default 1=mm 2=inch).
14106 Thread start angle offset @P112 must be greater/equal than 0� smaller than
14107 Specification of absolute/relative programming @P96 is invalid (0=absolute
14108 Thread change depth @P113 must be greater or equal zero.
14109 Specification @P114 for thread sequence is invalid (0=ascending 1=opposite).
14110 Plane specification @P115 is invalid (0=default 1=G17 2=G18 3=G19).
14111 Coneangle @P95 not specified.
14112 Threadlength to small.
14113 Thread end @P95 or @P116 not specified.
14114 Thread end given via endpoint @P95 and threadlegth @P116.
14300 Illegal machining mode.
14301 No valid starting point defined.
14302 No valid target point defined.
14303 Starting point and target point must be different.
14304 Finishing offset must be smaller than delta.
14305 Z coordinate must be greater at starting point than at target point.
14306 X coordinate must be smaller at starting point than at target point.
14307 Y coordinate must be smaller at starting point than at target point.
20002 Inadmissible internal state.
20003 G-code only sensible with programming of an axis.
20007 Spindle speed is 0.
20008 Feed rate in motion block is 0.
20010 Programmed function requires at least one more axis.
20011 Coordinate is out of data format.
20012 Radius or bevel is 0 in G301/302.
20014 Dwell time is not programmed with the coordinate of first axis.
20015 Dwell time is out of data format.
20016 First axis gaping! Dwell time via coordinate not possible.
20017 Negative dwell time programmed.
20020 Centre coordinate is out of data format.
20022 Negative software limit switch is out of data format.
20023 Positive software limit switch is out of data format.
20024 Measured value cannot be considered as it was not requested for.
20025 Negative ramp time weigthing programmed.
20028 Negative precontrol weigthing programmed.
20029 Illegal gear step.
20030 Gear step is out of data format.
20032 Slave axis is programmed, but moving distance is 0.
20033 Circle with programmed radius impossible.
20034 Circle starting point and circle end point are identical.
20035 Difference between programmed and calculated centre point too big.
20036 Radius of circle is 0.
20037 #ACHSE is programmed without G200/201/202.
20038 Programming G201 the definition of axes is expected.
20041 Motion information is required for MNE_SNS function.
20042 No face turning axis available for diameter programming.
20044 BAVO parameter is out of data format or out of range of permissible values.
20045 SLOPE parameter is out of data format.
20048 Centre point coordinate within linear motion block ignored.
20049 TRC selected within measuring cycle.
20050 Old measured value is still considered.
20051 Homing for axes in manual operation mode illegal.
20052 This NC-block requires axes being programmed.
20054 Corrected centre point is out of data format.
20055 Illegal state within ef_decoder().
20057 Tool compensation is out of data format.
20063 Considering the tool radius the data format is violated.
20064 Face turning axis is used twice in processing plane.
20065 Considering the tool offsets the data format is violated.
20066 Considering the zero offsets the data format is violated.
20068 Internal channel block buffer engaged.
20069 Illegal internal state.
20070 Response protocol for measured value does not coincide the request.
20071 Response protocol for command value does not coincide the request.
20072 Response protocol for offset value does not coincide the request.
20073 Channel block buffer engaged.
20075 Considering the measured value the data format is violated.
20076 Considering the command value the data format is violated.
20077 Illegal internal state.
20078 Clamp position index is out of range of permissible values.
20079 Coordinate initialization is out of data format.
20083 Write access to tool radius is not allowed with D-code in the same block.
20084 Value can not be written with format indication.
20085 Too many external variables declared.
20087 Maximum number of external variables in one NC-block exceeded.
20088 Data type of external variable unknown.
20092 Variable access on an unknown axis.
20095 Unknown type of address at address calculation.
20096 Illegal state within decoding of variables.
20097 Read access to variable denied.
20098 Missing initialization of variable.
20100 Write access to variable denied.
20101 Too many variables programmed in NC-block for report of changes.
20103 Too many parameters programmed in NC-block for report of changes.
20104 Illegal internal state.
20105 Double-programmed block number N.
20106 NC-block number is out of data format.
20107 G-code number is out of data format.
20108 Double-programmed block mode.
20109 Double-programmed prescription of feedrate.
20110 Double-programmed adaptation of the feed rate.
20111 Double-programmed plane.
20112 Double-programmed mirror function.
20113 Double-programmed TRC transition block mode.
20114 Double-programmed TRC selection.
20115 Double-programmed diameter selection.
20116 Double-programmed zero point offsets.
20117 Double-programmed block transition.
20118 Double-programmed unit declarations.
20119 Double-programmed working cycles.
20120 Double-programmed dimension declarations.
20121 Double-programmed feed rate declarations.
20122 Double-programmed spindle speed definitions.
20123 Double-programmed measuring functions.
20124 Double-programmed path preparation commands.
20125 Double-programmed precontrol function.
20126 Double-programmed TRC selection mode.
20127 Double-programmed center point selection.
20128 Double-programmed center point correction.
20129 Double-programmed manual mode selection/deselection.
20130 Double-programmed chamfer/phase selection.
20131 Unknown G-function.
20133 Plane selection not allowed during active TRC.
20136 Selection of TRC not possible with gaping main axis.
20137 G74 not allowed during active synchronous operation.
20138 G100 is not allowed with actual measuring type.
20147 After this G-function a '=' is expected.
20149 Value following G159 is out of range of permissible values.
20151 Unknown path preperation mode at G115.
20154 Value following 'M' is out of data format.
20155 Double-programmed M-function for spindles.
20156 Two M-functions with synchronisation mode MNE_SNS programmed.
20157 Unknown M-function, since not defined in the channel parameters.
20158 Double-programmed M02/M30 or M17/M29.
20160 Unknown internal M-function.
20161 Value following 'H' is out of data format.
20162 Unknown H-function, since not defined in the channel parameters.
20163 Unknown internal state.
20165 Double-programmed T-function.
20166 Value following 'T' is out of data format.
20167 Unknown T-function.
20168 Fault requesting a tool.
20169 Tool change not allowed during active synchronous operation.
20170 Double-programmed D-function.
20171 Value following 'D' is out of data format.
20172 Unknown D-function.
20175 Double-programmed F-word.
20176 Programmed feedrate is negative or 0.
20177 Programming of feed rate 'E' not allowed.
20178 Programmed E feed is not allowed.
20180 Unknown spindle name or equal sign is missing.
20181 Double-programmed spindle.
20182 No assignment after name of parameter.
20183 Parameter index is out of data format or out of range of permissible values.
20186 Syntax error after #GET CMDPOS or #SET IPO SOLLLPOS.
20187 Radius index is out of data format.
20188 Illegal radius index.
20191 Value following 'O' is out of data format.
20192 Unknown O-function.
20193 Percent sign not allowed within main routine part.
20194 Assignment operation missing or unknown.
20195 Overflow of variable stack.
20196 Unknown variable.
20197 Index of variable is out of data format.
20198 Missing ']' after variable.
20200 NC-command or name of axis expected.
20203 Double-programmed axis.
20205 Double-programmed centre point coordinate.
20206 $-command must be programmed exclusively in NC-block.
20207 #-command must be programmed exclusively in NC-block.
20209 Unknown NC-command.
20210 Illegal internal state.
20211 Control block depth not sufficient. Control block nesting too big.
20212 After 'IF' only the condition is permissible.
20213 Illegal internal state.
20214 Unexpected 'ELSE'. It does not match the actual control block.
20215 'ELSE' must be programmed exclusively in NC-block.
20216 Unexpected 'ELSE IF'. It does not match the actual control block.
20217 After 'ELSEIF' only the condition is permissible.
20218 Unexpected 'ENDIF. It does not match the actual control block.
20219 'ENDIF' must be programmed exclusively in NC-block.
20220 After 'SWITCH' only the condition is permissible.
20221 Unexpected 'CASE'. It does not match the actual control block.
20222 After 'CASE' only the condition is permissible.
20223 Unexpected 'DEFAULT'. It does not match the actual control block.
20224 'DEFAULT' must be programmed exclusively in NC-block.
20225 Unexpected 'ENDSWITCH'. It does not match the actual control block.
20226 'ENDSWITCH' must be programmed exclusively in NC-block.
20227 Wrong counting variable after 'FOR'. Name has to be P, V or R.
20228 FOR loop: After counting variable an equal sign '=' is expected.
20229 FOR loop: During initialization of counting variable a comma ',' is expected.
20230 After 'FOR' only the condition is permissible.
20231 Cache overflow, 'FOR' condition consists of too many characters.
20232 Unexpected 'ENDFOR'. It does not match the actual control block.
20233 'ENDFOR' must be programmed exclusively in NC-block.
20234 Continuation of parameter syntax is wrong.
20235 After 'WHILE' only the condition is permissible.
20236 Cache overflow, 'WHILE' condition consists of too many characters.
20237 Unexpected 'ENDWHILE'. It does not match the actual control block.
20238 'ENDWHILE' must be programmed exclusively in NC-block.
20239 'DO' must be programmed exclusively in NC-block.
20240 Unexpected 'ENDDO'. It does not match the actual control block.
20241 After 'ENDDO' only the condition is permissible.
20242 'BREAK' must be programmed exclusively in NC-block.
20243 Unexpected 'BREAK'. No valid/open control blocks.
20244 Unexpected 'CONTINUE'. No valid/open control blocks.
20245 'CONTINUE' must be programmed exclusively in NC-block.
20251 Illegal state within PDU-communication.
20254 The advanced functionality requires a minimum number of axes.
20255 Start of DECODER fails.
20256 Illegal state within creating an instance of DECODER.
20258 Unknown protocol during access to extern variable (V.E.).
20259 Unknown state within access to extern variable (V.E.).
20260 Writing from extern device caused error due to parameter number less than or
equal to 0.
20262 Impossible to file a PDU/pointer into a FIFO despite test.
20263 Reading from external device caused error due to parameter number less than
or equal to 0.
20264 External request of unknown parameter value.
20265 Reading of an external device caused error due to invalid parameter type.
20266 Too many files open. No more space for further files.
20267 The received manual block is too long.
20268 Illegal state within opening the file.
20272 Illegal state within request for sequencing NC-block.
20273 Request for data requires open file.
20275 Illegal state within reloading of NC-program.
20276 Stack underflow recognized at closing of file.
20277 Illegal state within closing the file.
20279 Illegal state within closing all files.
20280 Unknown PDU received.
20281 Illegal state within executing PDU jobs.
20282 ASCII-Interpreter can not evaluate given data file.
20283 Loading the zero point data to the DECODER failed.
20284 Impossible to file an acknowledgement PDU into a FIFO despite test.
20285 Illegal state within interpreting the zero point data.
20287 Illegal state within interpreting the channel parameter data file.
20288 Loading the tool data to the DECODER failed.
20289 Illegal state within interpreting the tool offsets.
20290 Loading the channel parameter data to the DECODER failed.
20291 llegal state within interpreting the clamp position offset data.
20292 Illegal state within interpreting the program paths.
20293 Decoder sends unknown PDU to request a tool.
20294 Internal tool management received unknown PDU.
20295 Illegal state within internal tool management.
20296 Invalid tool was sent from tool management.
20297 Unexpected tool was sent from tool management.
20298 Impossible to write a PDU/pointer into a FIFO despite test.
20299 Decoder sends unknown job to loader.
20301 No end of line detected. File format unknown.
20308 Illegal state within internal axis management.
20311 Axis received was never requested for (updating of axis data).
20312 The requested logical axis is unknown.
20317 Axis shift is out of data format.
20324 Illegal axes configuration. Received axis already considered.
20327 Pointer to axis data was not loaded during axis request.
20330 Received illegal gear step.
20333 Request for gear step impossible due to axis unknown.
20334 Handing over of unknown axis impossible.
20335 Axis to be handed over is missing in the axis management stack.
20336 Axis to be handed over is not of state "STABIL".
20338 Unknown modifier within reporting of changes.
20339 Overflow of output-FIFO for reporting of changes. Display data is getting
20341 Illegal state within reporting of changes.
20342 Unable to close file.
20343 Positioning of file pointer fails.
20348 Routine returns illegal value.
20349 Pointer-FIFO engaged, put-ptr() fails.
20350 Position of axes have to be initialized before sending "NC_KONTUR".
20351 No primary motion block for chamfer/rounding contouring available.
20352 Internal buffers should be cleared although chamfer/rounding contouring is
20353 Missing plane axis for chamfer/rounding contouring.
20354 Chamfer/rounding contouring impossible.
20355 Secoundary block has to be motion block.
20356 Primary block has to be motion block.
20357 Secoundary block has to be motion block.
20358 Impossible to write channel block despite test.
20359 Illegal internal state.
20360 Stack overflow for global sub-routines.
20361 Stack overflow for local sub-routines.
20362 File name too long.
20364 No file access possible.
20365 Overflow of sub-routine stack.
20367 Name of main program too long.
20368 Main program not found, syntax error at definition of program.
20369 Global sub-routine not found, syntax error at definition of program.
20370 Illegal internal state within opening the program.
20371 Overflow of program stack, too many local sub-routines opened.
20372 Name of local sub-routine too long.
20373 Local sub-routine not found.
20374 Underflow of program stack.
20375 There are valid open control blocks at program end.
20376 Unexpected M17 or M29.
20377 Unexpected M30 or M02.
20378 Illegal internal state within closing the program.
20381 Unknown axis designation in #-command.
20382 Illegal internal state.
20383 Removing of unknown axis from address manager of decoder fails.
20384 Inserting of too many axes into address manager of decoder fails.
20385 Coordinate is out of data format.
20386 Overflow of arithmetic stack.
20387 After function call an opening square bracket is expected.
20392 Unknown term in mathematical expression.
20394 Variable access caused syntax error, variable can not be identified.
20396 Division by 0.
20397 After the argument of the function call a closing square bracket is missing.
20398 Negative square root.
20399 Logarithm less than/equal 0.
20400 P parameter number is 0, negative or greater than maximum limit.
20401 R parameter number is negative or greater than maximum limit.
20402 Unknown radius syntax.
20403 Variable number is negative or greater than maximum limit.
20407 Zero point data contain errors.
20408 Tool data contain errors.
20409 Channel parameters contain errors.
20410 During the calculation of the actual coordinates the data format is violated.
20411 Unknown transfer modifier.
20418 Channel parameters: Number of spindles and number of configured spindle axes
do not coincide.
20419 Channel parameters: Name of spindle is used several times.
20420 Channel parameters: The same axis number has been assigned to two spindles.
20423 Channel parameters: Configured path axes have used axis number several times.
20424 Channel parameters: Configured path axes have used axis name several times.
20425 Channel parameters: Name of axis too long or starts with illegal character.
20427 Channel parameters: Number of axes of a group is out of range of permissible
20428 Channel parameters: Number of axes and number of configured path axes do not
20429 Channel parameters: Incorrect setting of number of groups.
20430 Channel parameters: Number of groups exceeds maximum limit.
20434 Channel parameters: The characteristic of P-parameters is not configured.
20435 Channel parameters: Value for the absolute centre point shift has not been
20436 Channel parameters: Value for the relative centre point shift has not been
20437 Channel parameters: Measuring type is illegal or not defined.
20438 Channel parameters: Axis number equal to 0 within master/slave coupling.
20439 Channel parameters: Number of master and slave axes is different.
20440 Channel parameters: Slave axis can not be its own master axis.
20441 Channel parameters: Slave axis can not be configured as slave axis several
20442 Channel parameters: Recursive master-slave assignment is not permitted.
20444 Illegal internal state.
20450 In NC block #-function has to be programed exclusively.
20457 De-/selection of synchronous operation not allowed during active TRC.
20461 Number of the coupling group is out of range of permissible values.
20464 No coupling condition for selected coupling group.
20465 Master axis not available as path axis.
20466 Slave axis not available as path axis.
20467 Slave axis is not allowed to be a main axis.
20468 Master and slave axis are of different axis type.
20469 Master and slave axis are of different axis mode.
20470 G201 may not be active for slave axis selecting coupling mode.
20472 Coupling description may not be changed.
20475 Master axis can not be its own slave axis.
20476 A slave axis is not allowed to be programmed as slave axis repeatedly.
20477 Master axis can not be slave axis in different assignment and vice versa.
20478 Two identical axes names after #ACHSE.
20480 Empty square brackets not allowed.
20481 Too many parameters after #SET HR.
20482 Hand wheel resolution has to be positive.
20483 Comma in front of closing brackets not allowed.
20485 Jog step width has to be positive.
20486 Jog feed rate has to be positive.
20487 Manual mode parameter is out of data format.
20488 Too many parameters after #SET JOG.
20490 Too many parameters after #SET TIP.
20491 Continuous jog feed rate has to be positive.
20493 Negative manual mode offset may not be positive.
20494 Negative offset value is out of data format.
20495 Positive manual mode offset may not be negative.
20496 Positive offset value is out of data format.
20498 Positive and negative offset limits equal to 0.
20499 Syntax error in command for position request.
20500 Too many parameters in command for position request.
20509 Unknown NC-command after #.
20521 Programmed shift mode unknown for this axis.
20524 Axis name too long or starts with illegal character.
20535 No axis requests during active tapping allowed.
20545 An axis involved in synchronous operation can not be released.
20546 Release of face turning axis not allowed during active diameter programming.
20547 An axis used in manual mode can not be released.
20551 Axis name too long or starts with illegal character.
20566 In NC block #COMMENT BEGIN has to be programed exclusively.
20567 #COMMENT END needs an accompanied #COMMENT BEGIN.
20568 Comment block contains end of file.
20569 In NC block #COMMENT END has to be programed exclusively.
20570 PDU received from tool management contains wrong tool number.
20571 PDU received from tool management contains illegal parameter index.
20573 Unknown or missing assignment characters.
20574 Division by 0.
20576 Unknown state within taking over the channel information for axes.
20577 No face turning axis configured for tool tip radius compensation.
20578 No longitudinal turning axis configured for tool tip radius compensation.
20581 Handing over the axis with illegal pointer to axis data.
20582 Value following G159 is out of data format.
20583 Value following G160 is out of data format.
20584 Value following G160 is out of range of permissible values.
20585 Default index is out of range of permissible values.
20587 This assignment or linking is not allowed with .ALL variables.
20588 Illegal internal state.
20589 Unknown type of conditional instruction.
20590 Nesting degree of conditional instructions too high.
20591 Missing corresponding #IF for current #ELSE.
20592 Unexpected #ENDIF. No conditional instruction open.
20593 Conditional instruction has to be the first command in NC-block.
20595 The block count for block search is inside illegal control block branch.
20596 Received unexpected illegal pointer within block search.
20597 Decoder sends unknown PDU to block search.
20598 Illegal state within block search.
20599 Writing of channel block fails due to FIFO engaged.
20600 Impossible to file a PDU/pointer into FIFIO despite test.
20601 Received PDU not permissible at active state of block search operation.
20602 Program job with illegal type of block search.
20603 Received unknown PDU from user interface during active block search.
20604 Actual value is out of data format.
20605 Including the actual value offset the data format is violated.
20606 Excluding the actual value offset the data format is violated.
20607 #PSET/PRESET can not be used in combination with path preparatory function.
20608 Setting of actual value not allowed during active TRC.
20610 Setting of actual value not allowed during active diameter programming.
20612 Setting of actual value not allowed during active mirroring.
20613 Missing quotation mark after macro name.
20614 Macro name too long.
20615 Missing quotation mark after macro NC-code.
20616 Nesting depth not completed at macro definition.
20617 Macro NC-code is too long.
20618 Overflow of string store.
20619 Unknown macro name. Macro is not defined.
20620 Missing quotation mark before macro NC-code.
20621 Modifier for the selective macro initialization is unknown.
20624 Channel parameters: No NC-code was assigned to the macro name.
20625 Mathematical expression not correctly terminated within macro NC-code.
20629 Missing quotation mark after macro name at definition.
20630 Double-programmed actual value.
20633 Position of face turning axis at G96 too small. Spindle speed is limited.
20634 No face turning axis is configured in the actual plane at G96.
20635 Tapping not allowed during active feedrate revolution.
20636 Tapping not allowed during active constant cutting speed.
20637 Selection of tapping and G196 in the same NC-block not allowed.
20638 Gear change not allowed during active constant cutting speed.
20639 Spindle stop not allowed during active constant cutting speed.
20640 Manual mode not allowed during active constant cutting speed.
20641 Release of face turning axis not allowed during active constant cutting
20642 M19 not allowed during active constant cutting speed.
20643 M19 and G196 in the same NC-block not allowed.
20644 The macro contains an exclusive NC-command.
20648 Axis specific acceleration weighting is programmed negative.
20650 Global acceleration weighting is programmed negative.
20651 NC command is not allowed during active TRC.
20652 Double-programmed pitch.
20653 Pitch is zero or not programmed.
20654 Pitch is out of data format.
20657 Kinematic type unknown.
20658 Not enough axes for RTCP/TLC.
20659 TLC offset is out of data format.
20660 For the cartesian transformation the first three primary axis are necessary.
20661 Illegal pointer passed to routine copy_4_4_matrix().
20662 TOOL ORI CS needs a rotatory axis.
20663 G-function not allowed during active (A)CS.
20664 G-function not allowed during active RTCP/TLC.
20665 Coordinate from RTCP forward transformation is out of data format.
20666 Active TLC can only be deselected with #TLC OFF.
20668 Deselection with #TLC OFF has no effect.
20669 Active RTCP can only be deselected with #RTCP OFF.
20671 Selecting TLC is not allowed during active TRC.
20675 Syntax error at #(A)CS [...].
20676 Illegal angle.
20679 Calculation of transformation impossible.
20680 Coordinate from forward transformation is out of data format.
20681 Calculation of transformation impossible.
20683 Axis exchange not allowed during active RTCP/TLC.
20684 Axis exchange not allowed during active (A)CS.
20685 Dwell time programmed with additional axes.
20686 Kinematic-ID is out of data format.
20687 Kinematic change not allowed during active RTCP/TLC.
20688 Manual block missing.
20689 Error while opening file for returning to contour.
20690 Missing program name for returning to contour after block search.
20691 Data set of programmed tool is not enabled.
20692 TRC selection during additive manual block mode. Channel buffers blocks.
20693 In actual state a manual block is expected.
20695 Action is not allowed within actual state of block search.
20697 There is already allocated an axis with the specified axis index.
20698 Axis data of axis are not registered.
20699 Number of parameter R is 0, negative or greater than maximum limit.
20701 Double programmed G301/G302 without motion block.
20702 End of program reached with active contouring mode.
20703 Machine axis position calculated by backward transformation is out of data
20704 Detected end of program without reaching bloch search breakpoint.
20705 Unknown type of block search received with program assignment.
20706 Unknown type of program path.
20707 Program pathes of the same type are not allowed to have the same priority.
20708 Adding program path to path list fails.
20709 Adding program path to specific path list fails.
20711 Actual value offset is out of data format.
20712 Value assigned to G-function is out of data format.
20713 Receiver ID of the message is out of data format.
20715 The message string must be enclosed in quotation marks.
20716 Close bracket or comma is expected.
20718 Unknown receiver ID during #MSG...
20721 Number of parameters and the number of format specifiers do not match.
20722 Overflow of the ASCII pointer stack during #MSG...
20723 The message string is too long.
20724 Too many parameters in the message string.
20726 After a comma a mathematical expression is expected.
20727 Position for further decoding could not be sent.
20728 Decoder can not file actual decoding position.
20729 Loader can not get actual decoding position.
20730 Error updating the section management.
20731 Section management does not contain requested section.
20732 Decoding position read is out of dynamic cache.
20733 Job for load_satz requires open file.
20734 Overflow of ASCII-pointer stack.
20735 Illegal internal state.
20736 Writing a channel block without allocating a buffer.
20737 Unable to open logfile for manual blocks.
20738 Write access to tool length is not allowed with D-code in the same block.
20739 Write access to tool shift is not allowed with D-code in the same block.
20740 Only one write access to tool radius is allowed per NC-block.
20741 Only one write access to tool length is allowed per NC-block.
20743 After the #-command an opening bracket is expected.
20744 Too many parameters with #-command.
20745 Too many parameters with #-command.
20746 SPLINE parameter is out of data format.
20747 Calling of subprogram from manual block fails due to too many opened files.
20748 While TRC is active information of additive manual block is buffered.
20749 Illegal internal state.
20750 Unknown error reaction level.
20751 Dwell time is out of range of permissible values.
20752 Dwell time is out of range of permissible values.
20753 Unknown state by handing out an error message.
20754 Channel block buffer engaged.
20756 Considering the tool coordinate the data format is violated.
20757 Decoder adress manager not consistent.
20758 Programming centre point coordinate of missing axis.
20759 Passing illegal pointer to routine matrix_mult.
20760 Channel parameters: Process time has to be 0 for synchronization mode MOS.
20762 Maximum number of M-/H-functions per NC-block reached.
20764 Channel parameters: Unknown synchronization mode.
20765 Double-programmed M-function.
20766 Double-programmed H-function.
20770 Illegal selection of mode of operation.
20771 Multiple use of same program path number.
20772 G-function with current measuring type not allowed.
20773 Measuring type is out of data format.
20774 Effector coordinate system may not be selected if (A)CS is already active.
20775 A rotary axis is missing for effector coordinate system.
20776 Effector coordinate system cannot be selected via parameters.
20777 Selection not possible because TRC does not exist.
20779 Error while preparing the tool change.
20780 Tool management was not able to prepare tool change.
20781 Cancellation of tool request was not possible.
20782 Reset of external tool management was not possible.
20783 Tool management did not acknowlede a PDU.
20786 Transformed tool offset is out of data format.
20787 Closing a file was commanded without ever opening one.
20788 Inadmissible character within name of external variable.
20789 In front of the string a quotation mark is missing.
20790 After the string a quotation mark is missing.
20791 Read string is too long.
20792 Double programming of spline interpolation
20794 Double programming of corner deceleration.
20795 Selection of corner deceleration without parameter not permitted.
20796 CORNER-parameteris out of data format.
20797 Unknown axis designation respectively character not allowed.
20798 Spindle value is out of range of permissible values.
20799 Feedrate is out of range of permissible values.
20800 Contouring value is out of data format.
20801 Remaining path for edge banding is out of data format or out of range of
permissible values.
20802 Coordinate system transition during active TRC not allowed.
20803 Temporary transition into machine coordinate system is already active.
20804 Temporary transition into machine coordinate system is inactive.
20805 Programmed function in temporary coordinate system not allowed.
20806 While changing kinematic transformation (RTCP) TRC may not be active.
20809 Slave axis must not participate at kinematic transformation.
20810 Double programming of contour masking mode.
20811 Error within job management of end of string handling.
20812 No file name was entered, therefore processing will not start.
20813 Too many actions within NC-block, no more job buffers available.
20814 Measuring offset was not included into the programmed axis.
20816 Coordinate for homing is out of data format.
20817 Setting of local block mode not allowed.
20818 Inadmissible reset state.
20819 Channel parameters: G- or M-function is not permitted as default value.
20820 Programmed CS-ID not allowed.
20821 (A)CS not defined.
20822 For the definition of a (A)CS parameters must be progammed.
20823 An ECS may not be defined with DEF.
20824 Deselection of (A)CS has no effect.
20825 Definition of (A)CS may not be changed if (A)CS is active.
20826 Overflow of defined (A)CS-stack.
20827 Nullpointer during initialization of matrix.
20828 Invalid internal state.
20829 Number of string labels to big for optimized program execution.
20830 String label could not be written.
20831 Number of expression labels to big for optimized program execution.
20832 Expression label could not be written.
20833 Label has too many characters.
20834 Value is out of data format.
20836 Multiple defined label.
20837 Label has too many characters.
20838 Expression-Label is out of data format.
20839 The character after $GOTO is not permitted.
20840 Label not found.
20841 Double programming of block number N.
20842 Value is out of data format.
20846 Double programming of override influence.
20847 Value of variable is out of data format.
20848 Error during PDU communication with flush & wait.
20849 Overflow during channel block output after flush and wait.
20850 Invalid internal state.
20851 Double programming of spindle position.
20852 Endless FOR-loop is programmed.
20856 G-function has no effect because no TRC in the system.
20860 Selection or deselection of mirroring not allowed.
20861 HUEMNOS-tool only allowed with the corresponding tool management.
20862 Factor to calculate tool life is out of range of permissible values.
20863 TOOL ID is out of data format.
20864 After axis designation an orientation operator is expected.
20865 While active TRC 1. or 2. main axis cannot be exchanged.
20868 Invalid symbol after EXIST.
20872 CLAMP-Offset: Coordinate is out of data format.
20873 Unknown offset type.
20875 Unknown axis designation.
20876 Additional text behind axis designation is not allowed.
20877 At the end of #CYL-command a ']' must be programmed.
20879 Axis name is already used.
20880 A comma must follow.
20881 No free axis index available.
20882 Index is already used for path axis.
20883 Logical axis number 0 not allowed.
20885 Both axes have axis mode C-axis.
20886 None of the programmed axes has axis mode C-axis.
20887 Unknown Face-ID was entered in channel parameters list.
20888 Logical axis number is already used.
20889 Channel parameters: Face-ID is out of range of permissible values.
20890 Selection has no effect.
20891 Deselection has no effect.
20893 #CAX OFF not allowed during active transformation.
20894 #FACE OFF has no effect.
20895 Type of kinematic not allowed at #FACE OFF.
20897 Plane change not allowed while machining on lateral surface.
20899 Axis position cannot be calculated during geometry function is active.
20900 #CYL OFF has no effect.
20901 Type of kinematic not allowed at #CYL OFF.
20902 Invalid cylinder radius.
20903 Negative axis position when starting #FACE.
20904 Invalid character in variable/ parameter declaration.
20905 Unknown node type.
20906 Invalid index value.
20907 Inadmissible return value of the function.
20908 Programmed variable type may not be declared in NC-program.
20909 Variable already exists.
20910 No more free nodes available.
20912 Too many values during array initialization.
20913 Error during read-access to a variable.
20915 Deleting of non-user defined variables not allowed.
20916 Invalid variable or parameter designation.
20917 Dimension is out of data format.
20919 Parameter already exists.
20920 Unable to create new parameter.
20921 Parameter array was not declared.
20924 Too many indices programmed within parameter array.
20925 Unknown parameter.
20926 Error in parameter handling.
20927 Parameter stack overflow.
20930 Invalid character during deletion of variables/parameters.
20931 Programmed type of variable may not be deleted in NC-program.
20932 Variable does not exist.
20933 Variable was not declared in the current subroutine level.
20934 Parameter does not exist.
20935 Parameter could not be deleted.
20938 One of the first 2 primary axes is missing.
20939 Tool change for this block mode not possible.
20940 Programmed spindle speed is out of speed ranges.
20941 Wrong or undefined gear range programmed.
20942 Gear change not allowed during active homing.
20943 Wrong or missing gear range.
20944 G-function not allowed during active C-axis machining.
20953 Double programming of interruptible block.
20954 Circular movement not permitted for measuring.
20955 NC-command not permitted together with interruptible block.
20956 Interruptible block not permitted for selected measuring type.
20958 Negative traverse path during relative modulo programming not permitted.
20961 Interpolation parameter was programmed for a secondary axis.
20962 Minimum radius is out of data format.
20963 Negative contour radius not permitted.
20965 Channel parameters: Synchronisation mode not permitted.
20966 Dimension values less than 1 not allowed.
20967 Memory for variables limited, allocation of new variable impossible.
20971 Channel parameters: Spindle designation does not start with an S.
20972 Variable arrays must be declared within a #VAR ... #ENDVAR-block.
20973 Invalid internal flag value.
20974 Too many indices in variable array programmed.
20977 Dopple programming of timeout correction.
20978 Term in logical operation is out of data format.
20984 Double programming of gear switch commands.
20985 Function is only available in absolute programming.
20989 Automatic gear change configuration improperly.
20990 Kinematics change for new tool with inactive kinematic transformation only.
20991 Negative spindle speed not permitted.
20994 Syntax error in #SIGNAL- or #WAIT-command.
20995 Signal number is out of data format.
20996 Channel number is out of data format.
20997 Too many channel numbers programmed.
20998 After #SIGNAL or #WAIT the keyword SYN or an open bracket must follow.
20999 Invalid weighting of ramp time.
21000 Thread tapping in combination with spindle movement not allowed.
21001 Signal number does not correspond to posted wait request.
21012 Logical axis number was not entered into axis exchange data.
21019 Sending of PDU to tool management not possible at program end.
21020 A GANTRY slave axis (Hard-Gantry) may not be configured as channel axis.
21022 Writing of a variable by active kinematic transformation not allowed.
21023 SIZEOF access not permitted for this variable.
21024 Circle center point and radius are not permitted at the same time.
21025 For kinematic configured min. axes number is greater than max. number of
21026 Function gives unknown value back.
21035 Unknown NC-command in spindle sequence.
21036 Double programming of the spindle speed.
21037 Channel parameters: Invalid log. axes number of the main spindle.
21038 Tool dynamic data for an unknown spindle.
21039 NC-command in this context not permitted.
21040 Double programming in #HSC-command.
21041 Invalid HSC-mode.
21042 Logical axis number is out of data format.
21043 Error during init. the spindle address management.
21044 DIN-syntax or programming only for main spindle.
21045 Channel parameters: Main spindle name used several times.
21046 Fatal error initializing the variable tree.
21047 Unknown spindle name or close bracket missing..
21050 Changing the main spindle not allowed during active turning functions.
21056 Double programming of signal number.
21057 Too many parameters in signal command programmed.
21058 No signal number was programmed.
21059 Parameter is already used in this command.
21060 No signal parameter available.
21061 HSC parameter is out of data format.
21067 Redundant information programmed.
21068 Syntax error while programming independent axis.
21071 Independent axes during active transformation not allowed.
21072 No independent movement of circle axes in the circle block.
21076 GANTRY limit is out of data format.
21077 Scaling factor is 0.
21078 File for writing the coupling could not be created.
21079 No synchronous operation active. Deselection has no effect.
21080 No file name for saving defined in channel parameters.
21081 Coupling command is too long for saving in file.
21083 In current state no independent axes may be programmed.
21086 Maximum number of M- and/or the H-functions per instruction exceeded.
21087 Value is out of data format.
21088 Declaration of decimal places is out of data format.
21089 Double programming in #IDENT-command.
21090 Error in identnumber.
21091 PDU cannot sent.
21092 Error by PDU-communication : drive parameter.
21093 Unvalid internal state.
21094 Fatal SERCOS-error.
21095 SERCOS-Parameter: Unknown SERCOS-ID.
21096 SERCOS-Parameter: Data size too short.
21097 SERCOS-Parameter: Data size too long.
21098 SERCOS-Parameter: Date cannot be changed.
21099 SERCOS-Parameter: Date at this time read only.
21100 SERCOS-Parameter: Date shorter as min. value.
21101 SERCOS-Parameter: Ddate greater than max. value.
21102 SERCOS-Parameter: Date incorrect.
21103 Other errors during transfer in service channel.
21104 NC-command is not complete.
21105 Unknown drive type.
21106 Axis name or NC-command not allowed.
21107 Syntax error during axis programming.
21110 Denominator of the scaling factor is missing.
21111 Invalid scaling factor.
21120 Double programming of counter parameter.
21121 Syntax error: Programming of this ID range not permitted.
21122 Syntax error: Double programming of ID range.
21123 Syntax error: Counter parameter not permitted.
21126 At current axis position kinematic transformation is undefined.
21128 Channel parameters: Channel specific override exceeds limit.
21129 M02/M30 is missing.
21130 M17/M29 is missing.
21131 Axis or spindle for axis specific M/H-function unknown.
21132 Double programming of spindle override.
21134 Syntax error when programming tracking of an axis.
21135 Parameter of axis tracking is out of data format.
21136 Unknown tracking axis.
21137 Axes exchange not allowed during axis tracking.
21138 Missing definition of default C-axis name.
21139 Channel parameters: C-axis activity requires a spindle.
21141 Invalid NC-command in manual block.
21142 Contour rotation not possible, if 1. or 2. main axis is not available.
21144 Loading the V.E.-Variables data to the DECODER failed.
21145 Illegal state within interpreting the V.E.-Variables data file.
21146 Syntax error within programming of contour rotation.
21147 Programmed rotation centre is out of data format.
21151 Invalid combination of spindle commands.
21152 Reset timeout for external tool data management.
21153 Unknown PDU-order received.
21154 Invalid state at PDU-order evaluation.
21155 A response PDU or the assigned pointer can't be sended in spite of test.
21157 SYN not permitted for this command.
21158 Read procedure command not possible (write only).
21159 Machine date could not be taken over.
21160 Unknown PDU during waiting on receipt of NC-command #SET MD.
21164 Missing absolute or relative programming.
21165 Missing feed- or time programming.
21167 TIMER-ID is out of range of permissible values.
21168 Missing the programming of linear interpolation type.
21169 Given path excceeds the max. internal length limit.
21170 Given filename exceeds the max. internal length limit.
21171 ERROR-ID is out of range of permissible values.
21173 Unknown error class in #ERROR command.
21174 The list contains an unknown element.
21175 NC-command #CAX only with main spindle allowed.
21176 Facing during active ACS or CS not allowed.
21177 Lateral surface processing during active ACS or CS not allowed.
21178 The NC-command ACS or CS cannot be used during active CAX-transformation.
21179 Axis of a predefined M/H-function is also programmed as independent axis in
the same NC-block.
21180 Unknown format token within the message string.
21182 The name of the external variable is too long.
21183 Unknown error identification from ef_lader().
21184 CAX spindle is not in axis mode CAX.
21185 Logical axis number is out of data format.
21187 Programmed NC-commands before label definition.
21188 SIGNAL for open WAIT from given channel not expected.
21189 Axis not found in command administration data.
21190 No more space in command administration data.
21191 Ident not found in command administration data.
21192 Channel parameters: Axis specific use of internal M-function not allowed.
21193 ECS: Tool vector has length 0 (KIN ID 0: see wz_kopf_versatz[0],[1],[2]).
21195 Permitted state: ECS cannot be determined. Value1: error identification.
21196 Scope of validity (channel / global) of external variable not configured.
21197 Too many external variables, no more internal memory.
21198 Feed link factor is out of data format.
21199 Compare operator '==' expected.
21200 At block search position no wait for enabling. Processing start is ignored.
21201 Double programming of spindle feed forward control.
21202 For a PLC-spindle this command is not available.
21203 Channel parameters: Synchronization mode MET_SVS needs pre output time
greater than or equal to NC-cycle time of control.
21204 Maximum number of Look-ahead M-/H-functions per NC-block exceeded.
21205 Velocitiy limit on the path is negative or zero. Channel parameter may be not
21206 Acceleration limit on the path is negative or zero. Channel parameter may be
not set.
21207 Channel parameters: Change in external tool management, new start of system
21208 Filename not defined.
21209 No feed axes defined. Main axes are set to feed axes.
21210 Too many hardware numbers programmed.
21211 Hardware ID is out of data format.
21212 Programmed HW-ID is not known (s. parameter list of NC).
21213 Double programming of AHEAD.
21215 Invalid ESC-parameter configured.
21216 Variable is an array, index not programmed.
21217 Closing bracket of index is missing.
21219 Double programming in #MACHINE DATA-command.
21220 Unknown or incomplete token in NC-command.
21226 Size of channel block too big for memory (FIFO).
21227 Size of channel block too big for memory (FIFO).
21230 Excursion of oscillation is 0.
21231 Missing zero position programming.
21232 Unknown format string.
21233 Wrong sequenze of channel block type received.
21235 Double programming in #WCS/MCS-command.
21236 NC-command during active transformation not allowed.
21237 Number of oscillations is out of data format.
21239 Spindle command is disabled.
21240 G-command has no effect, because precontrol is disabled in one axis.
21241 Value exceeds definition range of trigonometric function.
21242 Value programmed with D is out of data format.
21243 In spindle specific syntax the D-command for main spindle is not allowed.
21244 Channel parameters: T with implicit FLUSH without active "t_info_to_wzv" is
not useful.
21245 Channel parameters: Two spindles the same axis for consideration of tool
length was assigned.
21246 Channel parameters: A spindle an unknown axis for consideration of tool
length was assigned.
21247 Active cartesian transformations at program end.
21248 Deselection of axis tracking has no effect.
21249 Axis tracking during active (A)CS only for rotation around Z-axis allowed.
21250 Active axis tracking on program end.
21251 Missing comma between axis name and log. axis number.
21252 Missing comma between log. axis number and axis index.
21253 Logical axis number is out of data format.
21254 Axis index is out of data format.
21255 Missing comma between axis index and offset mode.
21256 Multiple use of the same axis name.
21257 Multiple use of the same axis index.
21258 Multiple use of the same log. axis number.
21259 Too many axes requested.
21260 Axis index is already used in channel.
21261 Axis name is already used in channel.
21262 Channel parameters: Default feedrate factor negative or 0.
21264 Initialisation of ZERO_TOKEN_TABS list impossible.
21265 Initialisation of TOOL_TOKEN_TABS list impossible.
21266 Initialisation of SDA_MDS_TABS list impossible.
21267 Initialisation of PZV_TOKEN_TABS list impossible.
21268 Initialisation of EXT_VAR_TOKEN_TABS list impossible.
21272 Shift operation impossible.
21273 Double programming in #SAVE/LOAD-command.
21274 No recoverable axes configuration found.
21275 No recoverable axes couplings found.
21276 Axis names have to be separated by commas or terminated by ']'.
21277 #LOAD CONFIG not allowed during active synchronous operation.
21278 NC_PDU_LEN must be adapted.
21279 Maximum number of oscillation axes exceeds limit.
21280 At #SAVE CONFIG too many coupling pairs shall be saved.
21281 Maximum number of coupling pairs exceeds limit.
21282 The slave axis to be blocked, is unknown.
21283 A slave axis is already programmed in an active coupling group as slave axis.
21284 A slave axis is already programmed in an active coupling group as master
21285 A master axis is already programmed in an active coupling group as slave
21286 Control area ID is out of data format.
21287 Definition of a previous control area has not been finished.
21288 No related definition of a control area. Command has no effect.
21289 Missing programming of control area mode.
21290 Missing programming of control area type.
21291 Control area has no excursion in the third dimension.
21292 Invalid Control-Area-ID programmed.
21293 Missing programming of Control-Area-ID.
21294 Double programming in #CONTROL AREA-command.
21295 Definition of a control area during active thread cutting or tapping is not
21296 Keyword value is out of data format.
21297 Requested data of a data base group are invalid.
21298 Number of received data exceeds number of data requested by #DB INFO-command.
21299 Double programming in #DB INFO-command.
21300 Axis is not homed! Programmed movement is not allowed.
21301 Starting keyword invalid.
21302 Maximum number of distance controlled axes exceeded.
21303 Automatic determination of feed coupling factor without selection not
21304 Channel parameters: SLOPE parameter is out of range of permissible values.
21305 Channel parameters: Default feed rate 'F' is negative.
21306 Invalid log. axes number of the main spindle.
21307 Axis tracking must be deactivated before enable/disable of this function.
21308 Double-programmed precontrol adaptation.
21309 Syntax check in channel must always be instructed with MACHINE_LOCK.
21310 Maximum number of non acknowledged SIGNAL/WAIT exceeded. SIGNAL could not be
saved anymore.
21311 Maximum number of non acknowledged SIGNAL/WAIT exceeded. WAIT could not be
saved anymore.
21312 Axis involved in synchronous operation may not be rearranged.
21313 Percent sign not allowed within global subroutine part.
21314 Singular position in kinematic transformation, no valid result.
21315 Removing of signals failed.
21316 Tangential selection or deselection during active inner corner selection not
21317 Inner corner selection during active TRC not allowed.
21318 Changing selection mode during active TRC not allowed.
21319 Full circle with radius greater than 214 m not allowed.
21320 Six axes are necessary for complete cartesian transformation.
21321 For effector coordinate system an active kinematic transformation is
21322 Implicit compensation of tool offsets with that block mode not allowed.
21323 For #TOOL ORI CS function active kinematic transformation is required.
21326 TRANS_ID is out of data format.
21327 Programmed TRANS_ID not allowed.
21328 ROT_ID is out of data format.
21329 Programmed ROT_ID not allowed.
21330 Programmed rotation coefficient not allowed.
21332 Invalid programming of translatory shifts.
21333 Invalid programming of rotatory orientation.
21335 Radius too small, circle is skipped.
21336 Invalid programming of positioning of an element.
21340 Double programming in #TRC-command.
21341 Cancellation of request without axis registration.
21342 Memory for external variables is not configured.
21343 Memory to store external variables is too small. Could not display layout of
external variables.
21344 Synchronous WAIT with parameters not allowed.
21345 No licence available for spline interpolation.
21346 No licence available for transformation.
21347 Slave axis is not allowed to be a main spindle.
21348 Helical interpolation with pitch but without 3. dimension not allowed.
21350 Programmed minimum path transition velocity is negative.
21351 Relative programmed moving distance not allowed with that variable.
21352 Invalid programming of #SCENE-command.
21353 Double programming in #SCENE_command.
21354 Too many link points programmed.
21355 Too many grafic objects programmed.
21356 Too many groups programmed.
21357 Invalid programming of #GROUP-command.
21358 Double programming in #GROUP-command.
21359 Value of the parameter set is out of data format.
21360 Motor number is out of data format.
21362 Double programming in #DRIVE-command.
21364 Requested position value for transformation not provided.
21366 Illegal PDU-assignment is received.
21367 Inadmissible state in PDU-assignment management.
21368 A response PDU or its pointer can't be sended in spite of test.
21369 PDU received from tool management contains illegal parameter index.
21370 Tool structures are not identical!
21371 NC command requires SYN.
21372 Unknown or invalid logical axis number programmed.
21373 Double programming in SAI command sequence.
21374 Programmed SAI value is out of data format.
21375 Invalid SAI value programmed.
21376 No master axis programmed.
21379 Double programming in CYCLE call.
21380 Cycle call during active thread cutting or tapping is not allowed.
21381 Cycle call during active modal cycle not allowed.
21382 Invalid read/write access on cycle parameter.
21383 Invalid use of a cycle axis name.
21384 Invalid use of a cycle center point coordinate.
21385 Invalid use of a cycle spindle name.
21386 Wrong sequence of channel specific signal-/wait requests.
21387 Conditional interpretation: #IF without corresponding #ENDIF programmed.
21388 Double programming in #OTC-command.
21389 Parameter setting during active OTC not allowed.
21390 OTC is already active. Renewed call not allowed.
21391 Invalid tool type for OTC operation.
21393 Response protocol for OTC offset value does not coincide the request.
21394 Active OTC on program end.
21395 Plane selection during active OTC not allowed.
21396 Changing kinematic transformation (RTCP) during active OTC not allowed.
21397 Coordinate system transition during active OTC not allowed.
21398 Tool change during active OTC not allowed.
21399 Start position of block search is inside a locked program area.
21400 Global feed weighting is programmed negative.
21401 Programmed PATH_DEV not allowed.
21402 Requested position value is out of modulo range.
21403 The compensation settings of an axis involved in synchronous operation may
not be modified.
21404 Channel parameters: Multiple axes programming without active
"multi_dimension_in_block" is not useful.
21405 Double programming in #FGROUP-command.
21406 No license available for extended HSC programming.
21407 WCS target value is out of data format.
21408 #GET WCS POSLIMIT not allowed during active synchronous operation.
21409 Current MCS position outside software limits.
21410 Movement direction vector is 0.
21411 Double programming in #FILTER command.
21412 Second main axis not allowed.
21413 WAIT without SYN is not allowed.
21414 Spindle axis is not allowed.
21415 Axis not referenced! Automatic trafo selection not possible.
21418 Double programming in #MEAS command.
21419 Override factor is out of range of permissible value.
21420 Double programming in #OVERRIDE command.
21422 Double programming in OVERRIDE command sequence.
21423 Helpchannel without license, move only with link axis(see. P-AXIS-00101).
21424 Channel parameters: Invalid parameter setting of edge banding.
21425 Axis not referenced! Automatic trafo selection not possible.
21426 Tool length is smaller than minimum limit value.
21427 Tool radius is smaller than minimum limit value.
21428 Double programming in #SYNC command.
21429 Name of external variable structure too long.
21430 Invalid character in the name of the external variable structure.
21431 Name of external variable structure corresponds elementary data type.
21432 Name of the structure element too long.
21433 Invalid character in the name of the structure element.
21434 Variable type identifier of structure element too long.
21435 Invalid character in the variable type of the structure element.
21436 No elements in external variable structure.
21437 Variable type of external variable too long.
21438 Invalid character in the variable type of the external variable.
21439 Memory index of the external variable exceeds valid range.
21440 Maximum nesting depth in external variable structure exceeded.
21441 Variable type in external variable structure unknown.
21442 No variable type for structure element specified.
21443 Incompatible variable types. Assignment operation not possible.
21444 Structure copy only possible with equal structure types.
21445 Different size of variable structures or arrays. Copying not possible.
21446 Assignment operation not permitted for variable structures or arrays.
21447 Structure copy only possible with two external variables.
21448 Invalid scope of validity of source variable at structure copy.
21449 Source address of structure copy outside of V.E. variable memory.
21450 Destination address of structure copy outside of V.E. variable memory.
21451 Maximum number of tools per unit exceeds limit.
21452 Illegal UNIT value programmed.
21453 Double programming in #TOOL DEF command.
21454 For the T function in NC channel still no complete tool data set is
21455 Combined string exceeds maximum permissible string length.
21456 Assignment operation not permitted for string variables.
21457 Incompatible data types in mathematical calculation or string operation.
21458 Operator not permitted for string expressions.
21459 Invalid argument type for function call.
21460 String expression expected.
21461 Mathematical term expected.
21462 String for variable too long.
21463 Argument of integer string conversion exceeds valid range.
21464 Numeric character for string to number conversion expected.
21465 String too long for string to number conversion.
21466 Result of string to number conversion exceeds valid range.
21467 Exponent of string to floating point number conversion exceeds valid range.
21468 'REPEAT' must be programmed exclusively in NC-block.
21469 Unexpected 'UNTIL'. It does not match the actual control block.
21470 After 'UNTIL' only the condition is permissible.
21471 Not enough parameter for function call.
21472 Parameter value for number of characters in string operation invalid.
21473 Arithmetic stack underflow.
21474 Too many parameters for function call.
21475 Arithmetic stack inconsistent.
21476 Streaming data has no correct end-of-line mark.
21477 Backward jump during streaming not allowed.
21478 Loop during streaming not allowed.
21479 Call of local sub program during streaming not allowed.
21480 Jump inside a loop is not allowed.
21482 Channel parameters: Invalid parameter setting of synchronization tolerance.
21483 Channel parameters: Invalid parameter setting for velocity factor on hold
21484 Channel parameters: Invalid parameter setting of hold limit tolerance.
21485 Name of the external variable is defined twice.
21486 Double programming in #MIRROR-command.
21487 Linkage of (A)CS during active #MIRROR not allowed.
21488 Value for the maximum radius difference exceeds limit.
21489 Double programming in #ORI MODE-command.
21490 Invalid number of transformation axes at ORI MODE selection.
21491 Invalid kinematic type for ORI MODE selection.
21492 Error in calculation angle from vector components.
21493 Value for the maximum relative radius difference excceds limit.
21494 Additive 'M' value is out of data format.
21495 Additive 'H' value is out of data format.
21496 Coupling group is already active. Selection is ignored.
21497 Channel parameters: Number of channel axes exceeds permissible limit of the
CNC export version.
21498 Contouring mode in combination with a lead axis is not allowed.
21499 Channel parameters: Restoring of default axes configuration after reset with
active "reset_no_axis_to_axv" not allowed.
21500 There are pending invalid control blocks at local sub program end.
21501 There are pending invalid control blocks at main program end.
21502 There are pending invalid control blocks at global sub program end.
21503 Orientation angle calculation error.
21504 Invalid index for fixed rotation axis.
21505 Invalid mode for rotation sequence.
21506 Maximum number of channel axes exceeds limit.
21507 Double programming in #CHANNEL INIT-command.
21509 In NC block #ADD must be the last NC command.
21510 Read access on distance value in combination with active unit "time" not
21511 Read access on time value in combination with active unit "distance" not
21512 Read access on pre output value "path" in combination with synchronization
mode not allowed.
21513 Read access on pre output value "time" in combination with synchronization
mode not allowed.
21514 Invalid programmed orientation vector .
21515 Invalid plane mode for tool coordinate system axes.
21516 INPUT value is out of data format.
21517 Invalid combination of keywords in #-command.
21518 Channel-specific external variable exceeds valid address range. Variable not
21519 Global external variable exceeds valid address range. Variable not created!
21520 Memory for external variables too small! Not all external variables
21521 Negative FEED_CONT not allowed.
21522 Negative CONV_VEL not allowed.
21523 Trafo PTP programming is already active.
21524 Trafo PTP programming is already inactive.
21525 Trafo PTP programming during active TRC not allowed.
21526 Trafo PTP programming during active OTC not allowed.
21527 Trafo PTP programming is allowed during active kinematic transformation only.
21528 Deselection of kinematic transformation during active trafo PTP programming
not allowed.
21529 Deselection of cartesian transformation during active trafo PTP programming
not allowed.
21530 Circular interpolation during active trafo PTP programming not allowed.
21531 Coordinate system transition during active PTP programming not allowed.
21532 Commanded start block number not found.
21533 Commanded abort block number not found.
21534 Double programming in #EXPORT-command.
21535 Error during writing of export file.
21536 Response protocol for min/max axis positions does not coincide the request.
21537 Double programming in #TIMER-command.
21538 Channel parameter: Table of path dependend dynamic weightings contains an
active row with invalid parameter value.
21539 Spline or polynomial contouring during relative orientation programming not
21540 Double programming of a thread offset angle.
21541 Programmed thread offset angle is out of data format.
21542 No further NC commands allowed after sub program or cycle call.
21543 Tool dynamic data for PLC spindle not effective.
21544 Invalid write/read access on cycle parameter data.
21545 Invalid position in character string for string operation.
21546 Deceleration limit on the path is negative or zero. Channel parameter may not
be set.
21547 Double programming in #VECTOR LIMIT-command.
21548 M function is not freely available or requires a configured spindle.
21549 Assignment from left to the right requires a parameter or variable.
21550 Selection of cartesian transformation during active trafo PTP programming not
21551 Axes, involved in contour rotation may not be moved independently.
21552 Selection of kinematic transformation during active trafo PTP programming not
21553 The requested gear data are not available.
21554 #CAX is not allowed for a PLC-spindle.
21555 TRC selection when 1. or 2. main axis is a modulo axis is not allowed.
21556 During coordinate system transition a (A)CS axis may not be a modulo axis.
21557 Maximum lift heigth POS_LIMIT not specified.
21558 LIFT command already activated. LIFT_END is expected.
21559 LIFT command already turned off. LIFT_START is expected.
21560 Invalid programming of #CACHE-command.
21561 Double programming in #CACHE-command.
21562 Maximum permissible number of files, to be stored in local cache, exceeded.
21563 File, to be stored in local cache, not found.
21564 Indicated file exceeds the maximum permissible size of local cache.
21565 Channel parameter: Feed of edge machining falls below minimum permissible
21566 Channel parameter: Limit angle exceeds maximum permissible value.
21567 Logical axis number is out of data format.
21568 Double programming in #-manual mode command.
21569 Double programming in #SLOPE-command.
21570 Double programming in #AKIMA-command.
21571 Double programming of axes during manual mode selection.
21572 Position request during active OTC not allowed.
21573 Channel parameter: Table of radius dependend dynamic weightings contains an
active row with invalid parameter value.
21574 Channel parameter: Parallel activation of multiple decoder ahead operations
is not allowed.
21575 Parallel activation of multiple decoder ahead operations is not allowed.
21576 Double programming in #CYL-command.
21577 Invalid edge number in profile description.
21578 Double programming of H-function by tube profile parameter.
21579 Invalid setting of H-function by tube profile parameter.
21580 Double programming in #EDM-command.
21581 Feed coupling on main axes without selection not allowed.
21584 #-command only allowed during active contour rotation.
21585 Number of rotational axes pair is out of data format.
21586 Unknown rotational axes pair. No axes pair defined.
21587 Variable stack overflow.
21588 Incorrect measuring type for independent measurement.
21589 Only axes of the active rotational axes pair may be programmed.
21590 Invalid type setting of M/H-function by tube profile parameter.
21591 This axis may not be programmed in this path.
21592 G function is not allowed during active 2 path programming.
21593 Path specific programming of G function not allowed.
21594 NC command is not allowed in the same block with path specific programming.
21595 #-command is not allowed during active 2 path programming.
21596 Axis for mirroring not available.
21597 Distance value is out of data format.
21598 CS name too long.
21599 CS name is already in use.
21600 CS stack is full. CS can not be stored.
21601 CS name not found.
21602 Variable exceeds maximum permissible data size.
21603 Data type of variable is invalid.
21606 Error while acknowledgement of a message.
21607 Unexpected acknowledgement PDU for message.
21608 Modal edge banding not active. TRIGGER has no effect.
21609 Intersection calculation during cartesian forward transformation impossible.
21610 Intersection calculation during cartesian backward transformation impossible.
21611 Invalid circular mode.
21612 Double programming in #SEGMENTATION-command.
21614 Kinematik-ID was not programmed.
21617 Can't overwrite the file.
21618 The target file already exists.
21620 Source file does not exist or can't be accessed.
21621 File has write-protection and can't be renamed.
21622 Directory does not exist or has write-protection.
21623 Double programming in #FILE-commmand.
21624 OVRMODE only allows value 1 and 0.
21625 File does not exist.
21627 Source-File could not be accessed.
21628 Unknown SLOPE type.
21629 Unknown identifier for SLOPE type.
21630 Unknown Kinematic-ID. Is not defined in channel parameters.
21638 Invalid error class in error message detected.
21646 Effective distance is negative or zero.
21647 Double programming in #VECTOR OFFSET-command.
21648 Negative software limit switch is out permissible value range.
21649 Negative software limit switch greater than positive software limit switch.
21650 Positive software limit switch is out of permissible value range.
21651 Online TRC mode out of permissible value range.
21655 Skip level is out of permissible value range.
21656 Copying of multiple elements only possible between array variables.
21657 Different number of array elements. Array copy not possible.
21658 Copy of complete variable arrays only possible with two external variables.
21659 Copy of complete arrays or strutures only possible between V.E array or
structure variables.
21662 Not supported variable typ ocurred.
21673 Invalid modulo range for tube profile machining.
21674 Invalid calculated modulo parameters.
21680 Double programming in #LEAD-command.
21682 One of the programed deviation parameters is zero.
21683 The encryption password was not set.
21684 The maximal length of the extension for encryption files has been exceeded.
21686 Decryption key for upper program could not been found.
21687 Factor programming not allowed during active scaling function.
21688 Axis exchange not allowed during active scaling.
21689 Scaling factor is negative or zero.
21690 Scaling for modulo or spindle axes not allowed.
21691 Update of channel parameters during active NC program not possible.
21692 Found double programmed token open brace in NC command.
21693 Found double programmed token close brace in NC command.
21694 Found double programmed token PATH in NC command.
21695 "Size of"-operator for static variable not allowed.
21696 Double programming in L SEQUENCE command.
21697 Sequence end not found.
21698 Sequence start not found.
21701 Double programming in polynom definition.
21702 Number of programmed axis specific polynomials not allowed.
21703 L parameter of axis specific polynomial has to be greater than zero.
21704 #CS uses 2nd path, but multi-path programming is not enabled (check channel
21705 A0 has to be programed.
21706 Not allowed parameter setting for machine-type.
21709 Invalid combination of parameters or missing parameter in #MSG-command.
21710 Found double programmed token in #MSG-command.
21711 Unexpected token in #MSG-command.
21712 Encryption is not initialized.
21713 Error while decoding a number.
21714 Double programming of e-word.
21715 Error during encryption process.
21716 Error during encryption of trace-data.
21717 E Feedrate is out of permissible value range.
21718 Selection of chamfers/roundings not allowed, since disabled with channel
parameter "disable_chamfers_roundings".
21719 #OPTIONAL EXECUTION has to be set to OFF before sub-program end.
21720 #OPTIONAL EXECUTION was not set to ON on this current program level.
21721 Double programming in #FRICTION-command.
21723 Double programming in #AX LOCK-command.
21724 Double programming in #AX LOCK-command.
21725 #AX LOCK must be programmed after #PTP ON.
21726 #AX UNLOCK must be programmed before #PTP OFF.
21729 Negative acceleration weigthing programmed.
21730 Double programming in #PUNCH or #NIBBLE-command.
21731 Definition of a previous STROKE sequence has not been finished.
21732 No related definition of a STROKE sequence. Command has no effect.
21734 Thread tapping in combination with spindle specific programming not allowed.
21735 Axis in preceeding function block not present.
21736 Axis commands exclude each other.
21737 Double programming in acceleration weighting.
21738 Double programming feed foward weighting.
21739 Mathematical function leads to a over/under flow operation.
21740 Status & Turn may only be used with #PTP ON.
21741 Status command missing.
21742 Turn command missing.
21743 Double programming in #SINGLE STEP-command.
21744 Invalid token combination in #ADD-command.
21745 Double programming in #DCC-command.
21748 Double programming in #VOLCOMP-command.
21749 VOLCOMP-ID is out of permissible value range.
21751 Invalid definition for 3D circles.
21752 Double programming in #EDGE MACHINING-command.
21756 Cycle axis under given index in current plane not available.
21757 Double programming in #DEBUG-command.
21758 Maximum difference of radii exceeded.
21767 Parameter update not allowed during active volumetric compensation.
21768 Variable is no array, but index is programmed.
21777 Key word index is out of data format.
21778 Key word index out of permissible value range.
21779 Double programming in #GEO FEED ADAPT-command.
21780 Double programming in #DYNAMIC WEIGHT-command.
21781 Default values have higher priority. Programmed modulo limits are skipped.
21784 For the currently active kinematic or axes link the programmed variable may
not be used.
21785 Multiple programing of dwell time.
21786 G04 has to programed with a value.
21788 The given size of the varialbe with type VSTRING is too big.
21789 Double programming in #STOP REVERSIBLE-command.
21790 The given index for the compensation is out of permissible value range.
21791 The given index of the file for the compensation is out of permissible value
21792 Wrong edge definition for open profile.
21793 G function during control area definition not allowed.
21794 #-command during control area definition not allowed.
21795 No axis of type rotator for C-axis found.
21796 No file name for V.G.VOL_COMP[i].FILE[j].
21797 Too many axes for the definition of a control area. Maximum two permitted.
21798 Byte Order Mark for UTF detected, please save the file as ASCII-file.
21800 Invalid variable type. V.E.-variables are allowed only.
21801 V.E.-variable structure for surface scanning has no write access.
21802 V.E.-counter variable for surface scanning has invalid data type.
21803 V.E.-measuring point variable for surface scanning is no structure.
21804 V.E.-measuring point variable for surface scanning is no array.
21805 An element of V.E.-measuring point variable for surface scanning has invalid
data type.
21806 V.E.-measuring point variable for surface scanning has too much elements.
21807 V.E.-measuring point variable for surface scanning has too less elements.
21808 No V.E.-measuring point variable for surface scanning configured.
21809 No V.E. counter variable for surface scanning configured.
21810 Unknown axis identifier in kinematic chain of Volumetric Compensation.
21811 Channel number is out of data format.
21812 Channel number is out of permissible value range.
21813 Double programming in #TRACK CS-command.
21814 Double programming in #CHANNEL INTERFACE-command.
21815 Double programming in #CLAMP-command.
21816 Maximum count of tools reached. Count is set to maximum value.
21817 C-axis is no modulo axis.
21819 Factor for axis resolution may not be negative.
21820 The read floating point number of the external variable is infinite.
21821 The read floating point value of the external variable is not a number (NaN).
21822 Double programming in #CHANNEL SET-command.
21823 Double programming in #FILE NAME-command.
21826 Negative programed feedrate factor not allowed.
21827 Axis exchange while tracking of coordinate system (#TRACK CS) not allowed.
21828 Option while tracking of coordinate system (#TRACK CS) out of data format.
21829 Filter while tracking of coordinate system (#TRACK CS) out of data format.
21830 Not enough entries in ADS table for variables available.
21831 Insufficient memory for ADS variable names.
21832 Axis factor is out of data format.
21833 Programmed value exceeds valid data range in #FILE NAME cmd.
21834 The programmed BACKUP_COUNT_MAX is too big.
21836 Error while creating the backup.
21837 No licence available for option CuttingPlus.
21838 No access to external variable data, initialisation not possible.
21840 External variable could not be initialised.
21841 Variable for initalisation of external variables not permitted.
21842 Configuration list of external variables could not be opened. Initialisaition
of the variables not possible.
21843 Could not read from the configuration file of the external varialbes.
Initialisaition of the variables not possible.
21848 Overlapping memory area of external variable. Variable will be deleted!
21849 Deselection of tracking axis while active edge cutting correction not
21850 Missing axis may not be part of ratotion or translation.
21851 Programing of closing bracket expected in #CS-command.
21852 Programing of opening bracket expected in #CS-command.
21853 To many postions programed in #CS TRACK-command.
21854 Coordinate System could not be set active.
21855 Unexpected token in #CS TRACK-command.
21856 Incosistent axis positions in #CS SHIFT-command.
21857 Unexpected token in #CS SHIFT-command.
21858 Distance between MCS reference and secondary plane is zero.
21859 Implicit Kinematic-ID may not be selected directly.
21860 Double programming in #DIST2GO-command.
21861 Missing parameter in #DIST2GO-command.
21862 Unexpected token in #DIST2GO-command.
21863 The program was externally changed during the runtime.
21864 HSC Slope not allowed with G95/G96.
21865 Double programming in #GET MOVING FRAME-command.
21866 Double programming of cycle synchronisation on block end.
21867 An unknown was found during programming spindle axis.
21868 Variable could not be created, there is not enough memory.
21869 Internal working data inconsitent.
21870 String exceeds the maximal length.
21871 For #CYL 2ROT the second rotary axis is missing.
21872 Double programming in #FACE-command.
21873 For #FACE 2ROT the second rotary axis is missing.
21874 Machine coordinate system is already active. Re-selection because of local
offsets not allowed.
21875 Length is out of permissible value range.
21876 The axis is in NC channel not available.
21877 Double programming in #TIME TO DISTANCE-command.
21878 Positive software limit switch smaller than negative software limit switch.
21880 The result of the addition is too large to calculate.
21881 The result of the subtraction is too large to calculate.
21882 The result of the multiplication is too large to calculate.
21883 The result of the division is too large to calculate.
21884 An argument of the calculation is not a valid number.
21887 Double programming in #-Command.
21888 Angle is out of permissible value range.
21889 Feedrate is out of permissible value range.
21891 Double programed keywords in the same NC-Block.
21892 Identical angles in contour path are not allowed.
21893 Plane change not allowed contour path programming.
21894 Programmed angle with given coordinate not possible.
21895 Programming angle with two coordinates not allowed.
21896 Illegal counter during verification of programmed axes.
21897 Axis position is out of permissible value range.
21898 Movement block without angle programmed.
21899 Axis position received for programed axis.
21900 No axis found for this index.
21901 Position of contour for further decoding could not be sent.
21902 I_O pointer is NULL.
21903 Circular block in contour path not allowed.
21904 Contour path is not completely defined.
21905 Contour path with given angles and end position not possible.
21906 Buffer release failed.
21907 At least one main axis is missing for the function.
21908 Incomplete contour path can not be given out.
21909 Flush channel with incomplete contour path not possible.
21910 The 2nd block of contour path with two blocks may not be relative.
21911 Measuring with multiple movement blocks only posssible for type 8.
21912 Invalid combination of keywords in L SEQUENCE command.
21913 Invalid label identifier in L SEQUENCE command.
21914 Identical tool number specified multiple times, tool will be deleted.
21915 Unknown tool id.
21916 Channel parameters: Parameter can't be changed, value won't be changed.
21919 Inserting the programmed chamfer not possible.
21920 Array-Initialisation has to begin with '[' .
21921 Orientation programming with different dimensions (G90/G91) not allowed.
21922 Unknown unit for #VECTOR LIMIT ACC/DEC.
21923 Memory for variables is inconsistent.
21924 Variable size negative.
21925 Keywords are incompatible with the used measure type.
21926 Double programming in #SHIFT-command.
21928 Array index is out of data range.
21930 Maximum distance is out of permissible value range.
21931 Some kinematic ID has been configured more than once.
21932 Angle programming, selection of chamfers/roundings not allowed, since
disabled with channel parameter "disable_chamfers_roundings".
21935 Missing identifier in additional axis command.
21936 Axis has no SAI characteristic.
21945 Radial acceleration limit on the path is negative or zero.
21946 Expected one of the first two main axes.
21947 Unknown axis identifier found.
21955 Loading of NC program data not possible anymore. File size exceeds limit.
21959 Denominator is zero.
21960 Double programming in #GEAR LINK command.
21961 Channel parameters: Main spindle not available.
21962 Double-programmed coordinate system.
21963 Incomplete programming of the joint axes.
21964 Actual position request for axis moving to fixed stop not possible.
21965 Axis not available.
21966 Activation of movement towards fixed stop requires movement information.
21967 Axis moving to fixed stop can not be programmed again.
21968 Start-/end value of torque limit monitoring for movement to fixed stop is
21969 Moving to fixed stop already active.
21970 An axis moving to fixed stop may not be released.
21971 Deselection with #GEAR LINK OFF has no effect.
21975 Roll radius is negative.
21976 #SHIFT function is already active.
21980 Main spindle exchanged to channel. Feed per revolution without main spindle
not possible.
21987 Feed factor is out of permissible value range.
21989 Non-positive parameters not permitted.
21990 ORDER_TIME or TIME_CONSTANT smaller than cycle time. Filter not active.
21991 Order of filter too high. Maximal possible order is used.
21994 Path from startup-list will be ignored.
22007 Programmed stretch factor is out of permissible value range.
22008 Multiple implicit calls of sub programms or actions on NC block end.
22011 #FILE DELETE was programed without path.
22012 Count of programed indeces at #MACHINE DATA does not match the count of
indeces at the parameter.
22013 Inconsistent state in #MACHINE DATA.
22014 Missing meas signal in trafo axis. Calculation of meas values not possible.
22015 The nc prog version number was programmed in a wrong scheme.
22016 If P-CHAN-00253 is active, A1 to A32 may only be configured as aliases.
22018 Release of C axis not allowed while active C axis processing.
22019 Deselection of face machining during active contour rotation not permitted.
22020 Deselection of surface machining during active contour rotation not
22024 Parameter of the tool has an invalid value.
22025 Error while encrypting data of the nc program.
22026 Error while decrypting data of the nc program.
22027 Channel parameters: Parallel definition of the fix rotation axis by
"fixed_ax_idx" and "tool_ax_in_plane" is not allowed.
22028 Invalid angle programming mode with tube kinematic active.
22029 No key for encryption of a string was defined.
22030 No key for decryption of a string was defined.
22031 No license for use of calibration cycles.
22040 During active #ACS SECTION relative programming is not allowed.
22042 The V.E-Variable memory is configured too big. Memory will be limited.
22043 Invalid realingnment detected, check CAD data generation.
22044 Active feed per revolution at programmed spindle speed 0.
22054 Commanded and acknowledged gantry command is inconsistent.
22055 Double programming in #GANTRY-command.
22057 Number of master axes exceeds limit.
22058 A disengaged gantry master or slave axis can not be released.
22059 Number of slave axes exceeds limit.
22061 Axis specific weighting of maximum feed is programmed negative.
22069 Position request for single transformation axis not possible
22070 Transition acceleration limit on the path is negative or zero.
30000 Heap for process data flow engaged.
30002 Updating of pointer not successful.
30003 Configuration list incorrect.
30005 Identifier "LISTE_" missing.
30006 FB-IO list could not be interpreted correctly.
30007 Configuration could not be initialized correctly.
30008 Pointer could not be supplied correctly.
30010 Specified type of BF is unknown.
30011 Specified number of BF is not allowed.
30012 Installation routine not specified for BF-type.
30013 Number of BF already used.
30014 Heap for BF data engaged.
30015 Installation of BF terminated incorrect.
30016 FB-IO list contains illegal pointer.
30017 Updating of FB-IO pointer incorrect.
30018 BF number in BF-IO list exceeds range of permissible data.
30019 BF type does not conincide type of installed BF.
30020 No BF with specified BF-number installed.
30021 BF type supplies no routine to install pointer.
30022 Routine to install pointer terminated incorrectly.
30023 Storage location could not be allocated for structure KONF_INFO.
30024 Number of BF within inclusion list exceeds range.
30025 BF to be included is not installed.
30026 Routine xx_bst_ptr() terminated incorrectly.
30027 Pointer of BF is not initialized.
30028 Unknown inclusion type within inclusion list.
30029 Routine to initialize BF terminated incorrectly.
30030 Address could not be converted.
30033 Initialization of function block terminated incorrectly.
30034 Initialization of function block terminated incorrectly.
30035 Type of list unknown.
30036 Interpretation of installation list for BF terminated incorrectly.
30037 Interpretation of BF-IO list terminated incorrectly.
30038 Interpretation of inclusion list terminated incorrectly.
30039 Routine bf_fkt_init() terminated incorrectly.
30040 Interpretation of BF receiver list terminated incorrectly.
30041 Number of BF within BF receiver list exceeds range.
30042 BF type does not conincide type of installed BF.
30043 No BF with specified BF-number installed.
30044 BF type supplies no routine to install pointer.
30045 Routine to install pointer terminated incorrectly.
30046 Specified BF type does not supply routine to initialize BF.
30047 Initialization of function block terminated incorrectly.
30049 Unknown state during initialization.
30050 Invalid internal state.
30051 Return value of function not allowed.
30052 Invalid state while installing a BF.
30056 PDU to register could not be sent.
30061 Unknown PDU-code was received.
30062 Invalid state while working a job.
30063 Acknowledge for receiving the path cannot be sent.
30065 Declared communication number of the BF instantiation list is 0.
30066 FB-No. of BF-install-liste is not equal to the BF-configuration.
30067 FB-No. of FB-IO-install-liste is not equal to the BF-configuration.
30068 FB-No. of BF-IO-install-liste is not equal to the BF-configuration.
30069 FB-No. of BF-Empf-install-liste is not equal to the BF-configuration.
30070 The BF-callstack to determine general BF_DATA is not registered.
40001 Axis specific MC error.
40002 Axes group specific MC error.
40003 Platform specific MC error.
40004 Copying of version string from HLI into PLC's string variable failed.
40005 Different size of axis or channel specific HLI section of PLC and MC.
40006 Different HLI version string of PLC and MC.
40007 Checking of HLI version string impossible, because interface is occupied.
40008 Error occured while copying PLC's version string to HLI.
40009 Can't acknowledge check of PLC's HLI version string.
40010 Not defined state of the state machine of a FB.
40011 CU mc_check_plc_version: state variable is FALSE.
40012 MC doesn't run.
40013 MC isn't started already.
40014 Pointer to platform specific HLI section is 0.
40015 Version string of HLI of MC and of PLC are different.
40016 HLI of MC and PLC has different specification.
40017 Axis specifc HLI section of MC and PLC differ concerning the amount of bytes.
40018 Channel specifc HLI section of MC and PLC differ concerning the amount of
40019 Pointer to structure containing information about the HLI specification is 0.
40020 Number of detected axes differ from configured axes.
40021 Number of detected channels differ from configured channels.
40022 Platform specifc HLI section of MC and PLC differ concerning the amount of
40023 Pointer to global external variables HLI section is 0.
40024 Pointer to channel specific external variables HLI section is 0.
40025 Invalid handle to HLI during setup of HLI.
40026 Pointer to HLI is 0.
40027 Invalid handle to description of HLI configuration.
40028 Error occured during setup of HLI. HLI not accessible.
40030 Pointer to HLI channel interface is 0.
40031 Pointer to HLI axis interface is 0.
40032 Axis is not configured to be used as motion axis.
40033 Registering at HLI control units failed.
40034 MC doesn't run cyclic already.
40035 MC hasn't finished the startup phase already.
40036 While initialising MCP a reference is detected, that references to a HLI
interface that isn't used.
40037 Pointer to platform specific HLI section is 0.
40038 Axis reference: addresses a HLI section that exceeds HLI definition.
40039 Axis reference: addressed HLI section doesn't exist.
40040 Axes group reference: addresses a HLI section that exceeds HLI definition.
40041 Axes group reference: addressed HLI section doesn't exist.
40042 Pointer to table manager memory is 0.
40043 Pointer to named shared memory identified by PLCIO_INTF_SHM_NAME is 0.
40044 FB error: MCV_TRACE. Got new trace command, but trace runs already.
40045 FB error: MCV_TRACE. Writing to file is impossible.
40046 FB error: axis techno unit of that number isn't available.
40047 FB error: axes group techno unit of that number isn't available.
40048 HLI HMI: addresses a HLI section that exceeds HLI definition.
40049 HLI HMI: addressed HLI section doesn't exist.
40050 obsolete.
40051 No drive with SERCOS interface within all axis specific interfaces.
40052 Value of SERCOS phase exceeds range 0..4.
40053 Error occured while setting or commanding SERCOS phase.
40054 FB error: MCV_PartTracker.
40055 FB error: MCV_PartTracker. Maximal number of tracked parts exceed number of
administrated parts.
40056 FB error: MCV_PartTracker. Position of next part is requested, but there is
no part anymore available.
40057 Error while reading sercos ident.
40058 Error while writing sercos ident.
40059 Error occured while setting or getting SERCOS ident.
40060 Index of input station exceeds value of global constant
40061 Index of input slot exceeds value of global constant
40062 Index of input data exceeds value of global constant
40063 Index of output station exceeds value of global constant
40064 Index of output slot exceeds value of global constant
40065 Index of output data exceeds value of global constant
40066 FB error: MCV_AddCmdValues. Value at input "Mode" is invalid.
40067 FB error: MCV_RedSpeedZone. Value at input "ZoneNr" is invalid.
40068 FB error: MCV_DriveWord. Value at input "DriveWordNr" is invalid.
40069 FB error: MCV_Mode. Value at input "ModeNr" is invalid.
40070 FB error: MCV_GrpRedSpeedZone: value at input "ZoneNr" is invalid.
40071 FB error: error id 1 of FB STRING_TO_BUF.
40072 FB error: error id 2 of FB STRING_TO_BUF.
40073 FB error: error id 3 of FB STRING_TO_BUF.
40074 FB error: error id 4 of FB STRING_TO_BUF.
40075 FB error: error id 5 of FB STRING_TO_BUF.
40076 FB error: error id 6 of FB STRING_TO_BUF.
40077 FB error: error id 7 of FB STRING_TO_BUF.
40078 FB error: error id 8 of FB STRING_TO_BUF.
40079 FB error: error id 9 of FB STRING_TO_BUF.
40080 FB error: error id 10 of FB STRING_TO_BUF.
40081 FB error: error id 11 of FB STRING_TO_BUF.
40082 FB error: STRING_TO_BUF. Copying of IEC string to buffer failed.
40083 FB error: BUF_TO_STRING. Copying buffer to a IEC string failed.
40084 FB error: STRING_TO_BUF. Returns unknown error id.
40085 FB error: MCV_GetParamType. Assigned empty string to input "Param".
40086 FB error: Platform specific control unit can't take order.
40087 FB error: Axis specific control unit can't take order.
40088 FB error: Channel specific control unit can't take order.
40089 FB error: Value that classifies the axis type is invalid.
40090 FB error: Value that classifies the type of value is invalid.
40091 FB error: Searched axis at HLI by logical axis number, but didn't find such
an axis.
40092 FB error: Searched axis within axis references by logical number, but didn't
find such an axis.
40093 FB-error: Configured drive type doesn't support the configured drive
40094 FB-error: Configured drive type doesn't support a plc drive interface.
40095 FB-error: Bus state notifies that bus communication is invalid.
40096 FB-error: FB can't send changed data to CNC, because the control unit is
40097 System error: More configured spindles notified as axes configured.
40098 System error: Number of configured channels and available HLI channel
interfaces differs.
40099 System error: Number of configured axes and available HLI axis interfaces
40100 System error: Number of configured spindles and available HLI axis interfaces
for spindles differs.
40101 FB-error: Only one instance of the function block is allowed in PLC
40102 FB error: logical channel number is invalid.
40103 FB error: index of axis within axes group is invalid.
42000 FB error: Value at pin "BufferMode" is invalid.
42001 System error: Internal state of FB has invalid value.
42002 System error: Job acknowledge returns with invalid value.
42003 FB error: Didn't find cam table with given CamTableID.
42004 FB error: Cam table contains to few columns.
42005 FB error: Value at input "Mode" is invalid. Doesn't assign a defined cam
table element.
42006 FB error: Cam table contains an undefined (interpolation) function type.
42007 FB error: Cam table contains fewer lines as given at input "CamTableLine".
42008 FB error: Cam table contains an undefined table type.
42009 FB error: At input "Mode" assigned cam table element isn't handled by FB.
42010 FB error: Cam table contains table type, that isn't handled by FB.
42011 System error: Number of instantiated platform FBs greater than handled FB.
42012 FB error: platform specific PLCopen interface couldn't overtake a new
request. Request FIFO full.
42013 FB error: Cam table ID is less or equal 0 and therefore invalid.
42014 FB error: value at input "VelFactor" exceeds allowed value range.
42015 FB error: Not able to push a job to local request job stack.
42016 FB error: value at input "TimeFactor" exceeds allowed value range.
44000 FB error: axis specific PLCopen interface couldn't overtake a new request.
Request FIFO full.
44001 FB error: axis reference changed, but former order isn't acknowledged.
44002 FB error: order isn't acknowledged within a defined amount of PLC cycles.
44003 FB error: position exceeds allowed range.
44004 FB error: velocity exceeds allowed range.
44005 FB error: acceleration exceeds allowed range.
44006 FB error: deceleration exceeds allowed range.
44007 FB error: MC_Home. Homing is still active, but is commanded again.
44008 FB error: MC_Stop. Stop command is still active, but is commanded again.
44009 FB error: MC_TouchProbe. Touch probing is still active, but commanded again.
44010 FB error: MC_AbortTrigger. Aborting touch probe is still active, but
commanded again.
44011 FB error: MC_TouchProbe. Touch probe channel changed, but former order isn't
44012 FB error: MC_TouchProbe. Touch probe mode changed, but former order isn't
44013 FB error: order not allowed, because an initialisation error occured.
44014 FB error: order not allowed, because axis is in state STANDSTILL.
44015 FB error: order not allowed, because axis is in state HOMING.
44016 FB error: order not allowed, because the axis is in state STOPPING.
44017 FB error: order not allowed, because MC notifies already an axis error.
44018 FB error: order not allowed, because axis is in state DISCRETE_MOTION.
44019 FB error: order not allowed, because axis is in state CONTINUOUS_MOTION.
44020 FB error: order not allowed, because axis is in state SYNCHRONIZED_MOTION.
44021 FB error: order not allowed, because axis is in unallowed state.
44022 FB error: order not allowed, because axis state is invalid.
44023 FB error: order not allowed, because FB is in state IDLE.
44024 FB error: order not allowed, because touch probing is still active.
44025 FB error: order not allowed, because aborting touch probing is still active.
44026 FB error: order not allowed, because not defined touch probing state
44027 FB error: order not allowed, because input "Execute" of any MC_STOP instance
is TRUE.
44028 FB error: couldn't command axis, because axis is in state DISABLED.
44029 FB error: job nr is 0, that's an unallowed identification number for a job.
44030 FB error: job nr at HLI for acknowledge differs from job nr of active job.
44031 FB error: want acknowledge active job, but at HLI no job is notified for
44032 FB error: MCV_ForceJobAck. Value at input "NrChkCycles" is 0.
44033 FB error: value at input "Distance" is out of range.
44034 FB error: value at input "Jerk" is out of range.
44035 FB error: value at input "MasterOffset" is out of range.
44036 FB error: value at input "SlaveOffset" is out of range.
44037 FB error: value at input "MasterScaling" is out of range.
44038 FB error: value at input "SlaveScaling" is out of range.
44039 FB error: value at input "PhaseShift" is out of range.
44040 FB error: value at input "RatioDenominator" is 0.
44041 FB error: value at input "start_ignore" is out of range.
44042 FB error: value at input "stop_ignore" is out of range.
44043 FB error: value 0 at input "GearNr" is not a valid identification number for
a gear.
44044 FB error: MC_GearShift. Gear shift command is still active, but is commanded
44045 FB error: logical axis number s 0 and therefore invalid.
44046 FB error: MC error occured while reading/writing of configuration parameters.
44047 FB error: MC warning occured while reading/writing of configuration
44048 FB error: inconsistent parameter while changing configuration parameters.
44049 FB error: MCV_SetDriveMode. Value at input "DriveMode" is invalid.
44050 FB error: order not allowed, because axis is in state TORQUE_CONTROL.
44051 FB error: follow up mode not possible, because interpolation is active.
44052 FB error: Axis reference has to point to a SAI axis or reference.
44053 FB error: Axis reference has to point to a SAI axis, a axes group axis or an
IO station.
44054 FB error: Axis reference has to point to a SAI axis or an encoder axis.
44055 FB error: Axis reference has to point to a SAI axis or an axes group axis.
44056 FB error: Axis reference points to an axis that isn't configured as spindle.
44057 FB error: MC_Power. Power can't be switched on for a CANopen drive, because a
drive bus error occurred.
44058 FB error: MC_Power. CANopen drive isn't ready to switch power on.
44059 FB error: MC_Power. Power for a CANopen drive can't be switched on, because
drive release isn't set by the hardware.
44060 FB error: MC_Power. State machine implemented within CANopen drive doesn't
react as exspected.
44061 FB error: MC_Power. CANopen drive signals a drive error. Not until error is
cleared power can be switched on for that drive.
44062 FB error: MC_GearIn. Value at input pin "Mode" has to be one of type
44063 FB error: MC_Reset. Couldn't transmit command, because reset CU is occupied.
44064 FB error: Functionality is not implemented.
44065 FB error: Axis reference of slave axis has to point to a SAI axis.
44066 FB error: Axis reference of master axis has to point to a SAI axis.
44067 FB error: Axis is not in state STANDSTILL. Therefore disabling of axis not
44068 FB error: CamTableID changed, but former order isn't acknowledged.
44069 FB error: Trigger of FB dismissed, because we are busy with former order.
44070 FB error: value at input of type LREAL exceeds allowed value range of -
2147483648.0 .. 2147483647.0.
44071 System error. Number of instantiated FB greater than handled FB.
44072 FB error: MC_GearIn oder MC_GearInPos. Value at input "Mode" is invalid.
44073 FB error: MC_GearInPos. Value at input "MasterStartDistance" = 0.0.
44074 FB error: MC_GearInPos. Value at input "SyncMode" is invalid.
44075 FB error: Axis specific PLCopen interface can't take order, because it's
occupied by another order.
44076 FB error: MCV_ConveyorControl. Value at input "ControlMode" is invalid.
44077 FB error: The motor is decoupled already.
44078 FB error: The motor is coupled already.
44079 FB error: For coupling or decoupling MC_Power must be deactivated.
44080 FB error: MC_WriteLrealParameter. String at input "ParameterType" is invalid.
44081 FB error: MC_WriteLrealParameter. String at input "ParameterNumber" exceeds
allowed length.
44082 FB error: MC_Power. Not allowed value at input PowerDefaultState. Valid value
is forced.
44083 FB error: MC_Power. Not allowed value at input PowerDefaultState, while drive
is already operational.
44084 FB error: MC_Power. Not allowed value at input PowerDefaultState, while drive
is not operational.
44085 System error: Size of requested data of an axis exceeds size of the
definition at HLI.
44086 System error: Size of responded data of an axis exceeds size of the
definition at HLI.
46000 FB error: axes group specific PLCopen interface couldn't overtake a new
request. Request FIFO full.
46001 System error: An unknown PLCopen Part4 function block type was requested.
46002 FB error: order not allowed, because axes group is not in state
46003 FB error: order not allowed, because axes group is in state GroupDisabled or
46004 FB error: order not allowed, because axes group is not in state GroupStandby.
46005 FB error: order not allowed, because axes group is neither in state
GroupStandby nor in state GroupMoving.
46006 FB error: order not allowed, because axes group is in state GroupErrorStop.
46007 FB error: order not allowed, because axes group is not in state
46008 FB error: order not allowed, because axes group is not in state
46009 FB error: order not allowed, because given axis index is out of range.
46010 FB error: order not allowed, because such a function isn't available for an
axes group.
46011 System error: Number of instantiated axes group FBs greater than handled FBs.
46012 FB error: MC_AddAxisToGroup. Assigned no name for the axis.
46013 FB error: MC_AddAxisToGroup. Assigned axis name is incorrect.
46014 FB error: MC_AddAxisToGroup. Inserting an axis at assigned position within
axes group fails, because that position is already occupied.
46015 FB error: axes group reference changed, but former order isn't acknowledged.
46016 FB error: Didn't find axis with such name within axes group.
46017 System error: Size of requested data of an axes group exceeds size of the
definition at HLI.
46018 System error: Size of responded data of an axes group exceeds size of the
definition at HLI.
46019 System error: An unknown function block type was send. Platform specific
46020 FB error: order not allowed, because axes group is not in state GroupStandby
or GroupDisabled.
46021 FB error: counter of axes group errors is negative.
46022 FB-error: index of axis within axes group at IdentInGroup reference exceeds
the limits.
46023 System error: response of a not connected function block was submitted.
46024 System error: Number of FBs of type MCV_GrpReadJobAck greater than handled
46025 Number of jobs in PLCopen-job-stack exceeds maximum.
46026 PLCopen Part4 reset active while new request is received.
46027 PLCopen Part4 Reset requested but job interface not empty.
46028 PLCopen Part4 : The specified type of group configuration is not known.
46029 PLCopen Part4 : The specified data type of group configuration is wrong.
46030 FB error: reading axes group specifc job state list.
46031 The acknowledgement of the remote job includes an unknown status.
46032 PLCopen Part4 : Still waiting for acknowledgement of dispatcher.
46033 Invalid pointer to axes group specific control unit.
46034 Read CNC object error: MCV_OBJ_CMD_BS_TYPE_R.
46035 Write CNC object error: MCV_OBJ_CMD_BS_TYPE_W.
46036 Write CNC object error: MCV_OBJ_CMD_BS_COVERED_DISTANCE_W.
46037 Write CNC object error: MCV_OBJ_CMD_BS_DISTANCE_PROG_START_W.
46038 Write CNC object error: MCV_OBJ_CMD_BS_AUTO_RETURN_W.
46039 Write CNC object error: MCV_OBJ_CMD_BS_NO_HOLD_AT_RETURN_W.
46040 Write CNC object error: MCV_OBJ_CMD_BS_DEVIATION_MAX_W.
46042 Write CNC object error: MCV_OBJ_CMD_BS_INTERN_BLOCK_COUNT_W.
46043 Write CNC object error: MCV_OBJ_CMD_BS_BLOCK_NR_W.
46044 Write CNC object error: MCV_OBJ_CMD_BS_BLOCK_NR_PASS_W.
46045 Write CNC object error: MCV_OBJ_CMD_BS_START_FILE_OFFSET_W.
46046 Write CNC object error: MCV_OBJ_CMD_BS_START_FILE_NAME_W.
46047 Write CNC object error: MCV_OBJ_CMD_BS_START_PATH_TYPE_W.
46048 Write CNC object error: MCV_OBJ_CMD_BS_START_PASS_COUNTER_W.
46049 Write CNC object error: MCV_OBJ_CMD_BS_END_FILE_OFFSET_W.
46050 Write CNC object error: MCV_OBJ_CMD_BS_END_FILE_NAME_W.
46051 Write CNC object error: MCV_OBJ_CMD_BS_END_PATH_TYPE_W.
46052 Write CNC object error: MCV_OBJ_CMD_BS_END_PASS_COUNTER_W.
46053 During processing the START command the operation mode changed.
46054 Operation mode of axes group doesn't allow the Start command.
46055 Actual operation mode of axes group is not defined.
46056 Changing operation mode is dismissed, because in same plc cycle more than one
operation mode was commanded.
46057 No filename or filepath was assigned to input ParamAuto.
46058 No NC block was assigned to input ParamMdi.
50000 Last setpoint was not picked up.
50003 No axes specified for homing.
50004 IPO-CTRL information unknown.
50007 Unknown measureing type selected.
50008 Missing primary axis for circular interpolation.
50009 Synchronous mode: slave axis may not be interpolated.
50010 Motion path of the measurement block is too small.
50011 Measurement function is not initialised.
50012 TECHNO-FIFO engaged.
50013 Unknown channel block data within turning.
50014 Channel block was not recognized by former module.
50015 Measurement is already active.
50017 Unknown channel block type.
50018 Fatal error within linear SLOPE.
50019 Fatal error within jerk limiting SLOPE.
50020 Fatal error within motion block change.
50021 Illegal type of interpolation.
50022 Received unexpected channel block type.
50023 Illegal SLOPE type.
50025 No interpolation for axis in tracking mode.
50026 IPO-FIFO engaged.
50029 Illegal acknowledgement.
50030 Unknown type of shift.
50031 Block from Interpolator to decoder engaged.
50032 Missing master axis.
50033 Missing master axis.
50034 Unknown coupling mode.
50038 Unknown state.
50041 Positive software limit switch tripped.
50042 Negative software limit switch tripped.
50043 No axes programmed in manual mode.
50044 IPO-FIFO engaged.
50045 Negative PDU acknowledgement received from BF manual operation.
50046 Buffer location for PDU could not be allocated.
50047 Unable to send PDU.
50048 Illegal PDU received from BF mmanual operation.
50049 Unknown state within measuring function.
50050 Probing cycle not initialized.
50051 Probing cycle not initialized within position control.
50052 Probe already actuated.
50053 Received probe before reaching the measuring motion block.
50054 Check for probe actuated missing.
50057 Measuring not executed.
50058 Measurement function is already selected (edge banding).
50059 Unable to measure with specified axis.
50060 No axis programmed within measureing block.
50061 Number of programmed axes exceeds range within measuring block.
50063 Measurement is not effected.
50064 Measurement value not provided while edge banding.
50065 Remaining interpolation path greater than remaining braking distance.
50066 Unknown measuring type.
50067 No motion information available.
50069 Illegal state within initialization.
50072 Unknown state within machine reference search.
50074 Unknown type of drive.
50084 Illegal internal state.
50089 Axis number not recognized within management data.
50092 Detected error within position control.
50095 Axis already considered within BF data.
50102 Received wrong gear step.
50104 Axis missing within management data.
50106 At least one illegal pointer to axis data.
50110 Unknown type of drive within job execution.
50116 Emergency stop actuated.
50118 Axis velocity exceeds maximum limit.
50119 Axis velocity exceeds maximum limit.
50120 Axis acceleration exceeds maximum limit.
50121 Axis acceleration exceeds maximum limit.
50122 Axis jerk exceeds maximum limit.
50123 Axis jerk exceeds maximum limit.
50124 Received unknown channel block from position control.
50129 Error occured within select_next_state().
50130 Corrected dynamical parameter of axis.
50131 Acceleration step 1 less than or equal to 0.
50132 Acceleration step 1 exceeds maximum limit.
50133 Acceleration step 2 less than or equal to 0.
50134 Acceleration step 2 exceeds maximum limit.
50135 Switching velocity exceeds maximum limit of feed rate.
50137 Unknown state within initialization of dynamical parameter (linear SLOPE).
50138 Fatal error within utility routine l_SLOPE_init_achs_mds().
50157 Cycle time is 0.
50168 Machine reference search is omitted at block search.
50169 During block search not allowed interpolator control data received.
50170 Block search already active.
50172 Measurement while block search not allowed.
50180 Setted spindle speed not reached.
50181 Programmed revolution feed rate too small.
50182 Cutting speed is 0.
50183 Maximum spindle speed is 0.
50184 Missing interface to spindle.
50185 Missing face turning axis.
50186 Unable to allocate interface element.
50187 Interface already considered.
50188 Illegal pointer at interface to spindle.
50189 Interface was never requested for.
50195 Writing to spindle pointer FIFO fails.
50196 Illegal pointer within data to face turning axis.
50204 Selection of threading within motion block change.
50206 Spindle distance per cycle is 0.
50207 Fatal error initializing the axis position.
50209 Gaping axis within sofware limit switch supervision.
50210 Selection of (A)CS fails due to gaping axis.
50213 Transformation routine detected illegal pointer.
50214 Positive software limit switch tripped within active RTCP.
50215 Negative software limit switch tripped within active RTCP.
50216 Illegal entry within channel block to initialize axes positions.
50217 Unknown type of compensation.
50219 Fatal error calculating the TLC offset.
50220 No free PDU-buffer.
50221 Impossible to send the PDU.
50222 Received a wrong PDU-code.
50233 Functionality is not supported by machining simulation.
50246 Writing motion block to jerk limiting SLOPE fails.
50250 Correcting set point value the position difference exceeds range.
50251 MSG pointer fifo is full, message can not be sent.
50255 Array size of IF_FILE_NAME in machining simul. interface to small.
50256 Array size of IF_PROG_NAME in machining simul. interface to small.
50258 RTCP-selection error because of a gaping axis.
50259 Array size of IF_MAX_M_H_FKT in machining simul. interface to small.
50260 Non linear SLOPE while homing not allowed.
50262 Virtual and other axes are take part mixed at measurement.
50263 Moved main axis in MDS not marked as KASTO-axis.
50264 No PDU-buffer place free.
50265 PDU can not be written.
50267 Single block fifo is full.
50271 In the actual state not allowed compensation type selected.
50272 Tool change with new kinematic at active KS not allowed.
50276 SLOPE type not allowed.
50278 Selection of manual mode in the turning center.
50279 Acceleration less than 0 in dynamic table.
50280 Velocity for manual mode cannot be reached in given cycles.
50284 Length of protocol is longer than block length in protocol FIFO.
50285 Unknown synchronization request received.
50288 Input-Fifo full.
50290 Synchronization prozess received unknown PDU.
50291 Synchronization prozess received a PDU containing false settings.
50318 Incorrect number of w-coordinate.
50319 Incorrect number of RTCP-coordinate.
50335 Feed forward cannot be selected because not enough buffer available.
50342 Error in initialization of orientation interpolation.
50343 Error in execution of orientation interpolation.
50344 Buffer for independent axes are full.
50345 Pointer-FIFO for independent axes are full.
50346 Fatal error by single movement in non linear SLOPE.
50350 Time for movement too short.
50351 Fatal SERCOS-error.
50352 Wrong PDU-code from BF ANTRIEBEVERWALTUNG.
50354 SERCOS-Param.: Unknown SERCOS-id.
50355 SERCOS-Param.: Data size too short.
50356 SERCOS-Param.: Ddata size too long.
50357 SERCOS-Param.: Ddate cannot be change.
50358 SERCOS-Param.: Date is in this time write protect.
50359 SERCOS-Param.: Date shorter as min. value.
50360 SERCOS-Param.: Data size too long.
50361 SERCOS-Param.: Date incorrect.
50362 Other error by data transfer in service channel.
50363 Inadmissible state.
50364 Inadmissible number of techno blocks (channel).
50365 Inadmissible number of techno blocks (axes).
50366 Inadmissible number of techno blocks (spindle).
50367 Axis does not exist.
50369 Inadmissible function block.
50371 Axis does not exist.
50372 Inadmissible synchonisation type.
50373 No techno buffer free.
50374 Inadmissible block type.
50375 Inadmissible block type by active synchronisation.
50376 Inconsistency in akt_techno.
50377 Memory(Block) not empty.
50378 Memory(Block) not empty.
50379 Max. number of couple-pair over limit.
50381 Spindle Fifo full.
50384 Inadmissible number of late sync function reached.
50385 Inadmissible number of sychronsations (implicit or expicit).
50386 Error of initialisation.
50387 Error of list management.
50388 Inadmissible number of late sync function in the channel.
50389 Inadmissible number of late sync function in axes.
50391 Inadmissible techno channel block type.
50396 Changing the logical spindle number by active turning.
50397 Logical axis number of the programmed spindle not found in spindle management
50398 No edge banding axes in MDS marked.
50399 Inadmissible movement block guided by c-axis.
50400 Initialisation error in kinematic transformation.
50401 Axes data of tracked axis not found.
50403 Probe is already in operation.
50404 Initialisation error in kinematic transformation.
50405 Gear step does not exist.
50408 Illegal PDU-assignment is received.
50409 Inadmissible state in PDU-assignment management.
50410 A response PDU or its pointer can't be sended in spite of test.
50411 Timeout by PLC reset channel.
50412 Timeout by PLC reset axes.
50417 SERCOS-command not feasible.
50418 Machine data cannot be take over.
50419 Unknown PDU by waiting of receipt for NC-command #MACHINE DATA.
50421 Fatal error by block management of independent axes.
50422 Channel override is 0.
50423 No independent axis techno-buffer free.
50424 No independent axis techno-buffer free.
50425 Inadmissible internal state.
50426 Inadmissible M-function for independent axes.
50427 Block managment error by independent axes.
50429 No drive guided referencing for GANTRY axis permissible.
50430 Release for min. one axes in manual mode unsuccessful.
50431 Drop for min. one axes out of manual mode unsuccessful.
50432 Position jump by modulo axis.
50433 Inadmissible channel-id of late sync acknowledgement.
50434 Block end trigger already active, whether new M-code MNS_SNS arrives.
50438 Edge banding incorrect or finished.
50439 Edge banding: wrong sychronisation.
50440 Axis not found in command management data.
50441 Command management data memory full.
50442 Ident not found in command management data.
50443 Path to go for edge banding to small.
50444 No further link entry possible.
50445 Unknown state.
50446 Clearing of buffer for channel block not possible.
50449 Start of storage reached during backward movement, no further backward
movement possible.
50450 Given storage for backward movement smaller than minimum limit.
50451 Internal error: axis specific T-number can not be saved.
50452 Axis moved during suppress of program lines.
50453 Change impossible, because backward storage is off.
50454 No clear of storage during backward on path possible.
50455 Turn storage on/off not possible if program is in execution.
50456 Movement block by measurement not found.
50457 No buffer for parallel techno process available.
50458 Input techno fifo of parallel techno process full.
50459 Channel block not allowed.
50460 Unknown state.
50461 Error in linked list.
50462 Logical interpolator axis cannot be connect with the physical position-
controller axis.
50463 Platform inclination angle exceeds limit.
50464 Not all axis known for automatic return to contour after block search.
50465 Block forerun parameter : driven way outside the valid range.
50466 Fatal error in manual mode speed generation.
50467 Decelaration step 1 less than or equal to 0.
50468 Decelaration step 1 greater than maximum acceleration.
50469 Decelaration step 2 less than or equal to 0.
50470 Decelaration step 1 greater than maximum acceleration.
50471 WAIT must be receipted. Open synchronisation is inadmissible.
50473 Switch on the backwards drive memory without memory impossible.
50474 Deviation from contour exceeds limit after manual back to contour during
block mode.
50475 Block search position contents too many blocks without movement information.
50482 Size of channel block too big for memory (FIFO).
50485 Indpependent axis working-fifo full.
50486 Invalid parameter.
50487 Maximum permissible axis velocity is limiting.
50489 Unexpected block in techno sequence
50490 No measurement movement block.
50491 Wrong sequence of channel block type received.
50492 Difference between actual number of axis in channel block type and BF.
50493 Inadmissible type of channel block type.
50494 Axis acceleration is limiting.
50496 Ambiguous axis position by selection of RTCP.
50497 Deceleration calculation with unexpected return value.
50498 Deceleration path greater than path to go.
50499 Spindle speed is 0.
50500 Maximum permissible number of PLC spindle links exceeded.
50501 Error in time override function occured linear SLOPE.
50502 Error in time override function occured nonlinear SLOPE.
50504 Before deactivation of transformation.manual mode has to be disabled.
50507 Unknown homing_type at homing.
50508 Torque homing: Reference position not detected.
50509 Insufficient memory for axis interface.
50511 Pointer-Fifo for independent axis is not empty.
50512 Transition impossible, because of active position offset.
50513 Position offset is still active.
50515 Maximal number of unacknowledged SIGNAL exceeds the limit.
50516 Maximal number of unacknowledged WAIT exceeds the limit.
50517 Error in consistency of block management with buffer and linked list.
50519 Cancellation of request without axis registration.
50520 Invalid relative position value.
50521 Invalid absolute position value.
50522 Error while acknowledgement of a message.
50523 Unexpected acknowledgement PDU for message.
50524 Unknown axis number in acknowledge PDU for #DRIVE command.
50525 Confirmation PDU with unknown invoke id received.
50526 Illegal PDU-assignment is received.
50527 Inadmissible state in PDU-assignment management.
50528 A response PDU or its pointer can't be sended in spite of test.
50529 Incorrect parameter setting for touch probing.
50530 State after drive to measurement point must be NC_SET_READ.
50531 Axis channel block type not executed from position control.
50532 Illegal axis channel block type.
50534 Invalid axis type for selected kinematic transformation.
50535 Illegal axis configuration using conventional mode.
50536 Illegal OTC type.
50537 Illegal OTC mode.
50538 Pointer INO_BAHN_SATZ is a NULLPTR.
50539 Undefined internal OTC state.
50540 Angle of inclination of grinding disc exceeds limit.
50541 Maximal permissible discrete offset exceeds limit.
50542 Illegal bit combination in CTRL of the NC_IPO_CTRL.
50543 Maximal permissible discrete radius offset exceeds limit.
50546 Turning on/off axis compensations not permissible with active transformation.
50547 Unexpected type of function block discovered.
50548 Invalid bit field of function block LR_NC_CTRL.
50550 Denominator of filter transfer function is zero.
50551 Error during computation of filter coefficients.
50552 Invalid filter prototpye.
50553 Invalid filter order.
50554 Unknown filter type.
50555 Value of reciprocal filter bandwidth invalid.
50556 Cycle time equal or smaller zero.
50557 Characteristic filter frequency greater than half of sampling rate.
50558 Filter design with given parameters not possible.
50559 Value for filter share invalid.
50560 Unknown error during filter computation.
50561 Programmed feed rate or maximum permissible path velocity zero.
50562 Drive command could not be written.
50563 Division by zero during calculation of filter coefficients.
50564 Stability reserve of designed filter not sufficient.
50565 Internal error: Link description can not be saved.
50566 Internal error: Link description not available.
50567 Timeout: Axis filter not within tolerance window.
50568 WCS transformation of display-data impossible.
50569 WCS transformation with actual axis configuration impossible.
50570 Frames per second no multiple integer of CNC-cycletime.
50571 Frames per second can not be smaller than CNC-cylcetime.
50572 The given neg. offset limit is greater than the positiv offset limit.
50573 Edge banding measurement cycle still active.
50574 It is not allowed to switch on the HSC-filter by referencing.
50575 FIFO for IN-controller synchronisation is full.
50576 FIFO for OUT-controller synchronisation is full.
50577 Inadmissible motion block type for the IN synchroisation.
50578 No buffer for synchron axis available.
50579 Pointer-Fifo for synchron axis is full.
50580 Pointer-Fifo for conveyor synchron axis is full.
50582 Invalid movment job for conveyor synchron axis.
50583 Invalid block type for conveyor sync in axis.
50584 Invalid block type for conveyor sync out axis.
50585 Invalid state of synchronisation process.
50586 Missing Measure interface for synchronisation process.
50587 Maximum velocity of synchron axis to small.
50591 Inadmissible motion block type for the OUT synchroisation.
50593 Oscillation feed is zero.
50594 Transformation of current positions not possible.
50595 Trafo for conveyor sync. with axis config. and kin. structure not possible.
50596 Inadmissible slope type by band synchronisation.
50597 Conveyor velocity [CONV_VEL] for #SYNC IN not programmed or equal 0.
50599 Act.-/Deactivation of kin. trafo not permissible by active bandsync.
50601 Inadmissible command after Sync. OUT.
50602 Axis is not programmed.
50603 Inadmissible instruction for independent axis.
50604 The order of the position filter is greater than the acceptable maximum.
50605 The order of the position filter is odd numbered.
50606 Inadmissible type of position filter.
50607 The order of the velocity filter is greater than the acceptable maximum.
50608 The order of the velocity filter is odd numbered.
50609 End of motion range in direction of positiv software limit switch reached.
50610 End of motion range in direction of negativ software limit switch reached.
50611 The number of look-ahead blocks are to small.
50612 The number of look-ahead blocks are to large.
50613 Axis can't reach the moving pcs-origin.
50614 Unknown case when synchronizing.
50615 Command syncronization without a function-block or with zero jerk.
50616 The velocity of the conveyor belt exceeds the axis' G0-feedrate.
50618 Axis exceeds its range during Sync-Out or Sync-Stop.
50619 The velocity of the conveyor belt exceeds the axis' maximum feedrate.
50620 Error when calculationg a Sync-Profil.
50622 Axis not available for multi axlink functionality.
50624 Command actual value drift in link-input axis exceeds maximum limit.
50625 Axis exchange during "suppress psi" not allowed.
50626 Gear change during "suppress psi" not allowed.
50627 Coupling on a conveyor is active at program end.
50629 Axis is controlled by single ax IPO.
50630 nil pointer with probing, no channel block.
50631 Moved axis is not at the position before the retraction.
50633 Sync IN/OUT is interrupted by single axis movement.
50634 Sync-IN/OUT commanded during error.
50635 Forced error during SYNC IN.
50636 Transfer of measuring parameters not possible since axis not available.
50637 Changing measuring parameters only allowed for measuring axes.
50638 Drive type does not support selected measuring signal input.
50639 Selected measuring input of drive is invalid.
50640 Edge banding cannot be activated since function not selected in axis
50641 Adoption of new measuring parameters not possible during active measurement.
50642 Maximum number of timer for conveyor synchronization exceeded.
50643 Positive soft limit exceeded with automatic repositioning in block search.
50644 Negative soft limit exceeded with automatic repositioning in block search.
50645 Buffer for PLC-commands fails.
50646 Buffer for acknowledement of PLC-commands fails.
50647 No valid block pointer changing forward/backward direction.
50648 LIFT in actual channel block activ, althought no LIFT-polynom in
NC_ADD_MOVE_POLY initialisated.
50649 Single axis movement interrupts the LIFT-function.
50650 New Neues LIFT-Polynom read, even though previous LIFT-movement not yet
50651 Inconsitency or overflow in MOS_TS rest time array.
50652 Specified methode after ready UPLOAD data transmission unknown.
50653 Current velocity of band is greater than the programmed velocity of band.
50654 Error in OTC profile generator.
50655 Not enough block path available for path edge band path.
50656 Initialization of axis positions during active OTC not allowed.
50657 Illegal plane selection during circular interpolation.
50658 Program call stack inconsistent.
50659 Program call stack overflow.
50660 Feedforward parameter could not be written to position controller.
50662 Inconsitence in modulo parametern.
50663 Given filter time constant is invalid.
50664 Measuring in independent axis not initialized.
50666 Interpolation type is not supported for npath IPO.
50667 Main axis is missing for circular interpolation in npath IPO.
50668 Alignment of SDA channele-block type incorrect. Please check elements.
50669 Alignment of GEO channele-block type incorrect. Please check elements.
50670 Unknown state.
50671 Error in linked list.
50673 CS can not be stored because stack is full.
50674 CS can not be stored because the CS name is not known.
50675 Synchronisation: Sync-axis in Error! Movement will be stopped.
50676 Intersection calculation during cartesian forward transformation impossible.
50677 Intersection calculation during cartesian backward transformation impossible.
50678 Virtuel lead axis not available.
50679 Error while searching for function block!
50680 Synchronisation: error while starting. This should never happen!
50681 Virtual lead axis not moved.
50682 Error occured in cartesian trafo.
50683 Cart. or kin. trafo between DECODER and BAHN inconsistent.
50684 Warning: Sync-Movement inacurate.
50685 Synchronisation: error to high acceleration needed for sync-axis-move.
50686 Homing of axis not possible since homing is disabled in axis parameters.
50688 Axis not in standstill! Update of filter parameters not possible. Changes are
50689 Calculation of the online tool radius compensation reports an error.
50690 Error in profile generator for angle smoothing.
50691 Angle smooting while inactive kinematic transformation not possible.
50692 Online tool radius compensation returns error during activation.
50693 Error during calculation of normal to contour tangent.
50694 Command position of axis exceeds maximum range.
50695 Programmed function not available in this configuration.
50696 Synchronisation error.
50697 The commanded positive /negative ACS limitation ecxceeds soft limit range.
50698 The commanded negative ACS limitation is above of positive ACS limit .
50700 Reserved memory for TwinCAT3 TcCOM transformation interface too small.
50701 Reserved memory for TwinCAT3 TcCOM tool radius compensation interface too
50702 Overflow of coordinate system stack in interpolator.
50703 Underflow of coordinate system stack in interpolator.
50704 Function block NC_KOORD_SYS::CS_CMD_DEL_ALL unexpected
50705 Commanded feed to small for indp. movement.
50706 End of movement range reached, measureing not executed.
50707 Polynomial axis not found.
50708 Axis polymomial wihout main axis paht programmed.
50709 No solution for poynomial roots.
50710 Invalid circle plane for lead axis interpolation.
50711 Sync in position was reached too late, tool is already in contact.
50712 Forward-/ backward transformation decoder/interpolator inconsistent. Check
the transformation.
50713 Between SYNC OUT and SYNC IN must be programmed an independent movement.
50715 Error during SYNC/LIFT-movement! Axis missing!
50716 Error during profile calculation.
50717 Homing (G74) not allowed during block search.
50718 Measurement function (G100) not allowed during block search.
50719 SYNC_IN time marker passed. Target position not reached.
50720 Manual mode PCS movement limit reached.
50721 Manual mode ACS movement limit reached.
50722 LIFT_DOWN movement does not fit!
50723 Error in calculation block transition velocity.
50724 Max. permissible velocity exceeds the limit.
50725 Independent movement of synchronous axis after #SYNC OUT not programmed.
50727 ISG_ERR_TXT: Axis noumber in drive command not found.
50728 Error within time calculation function.
50729 Moving direction could not be changed while delete distance to go.
50730 To many polynomial axes programmed.
50731 Inadmissible trafo selection in level zero.
50732 Reserved memory for TwinCAT3 TcCOM dynamic contour control interface too
50733 Dynamic contour control returns error during activation.
50735 CalculateOnNewGeometry() of dynamic contour control returned an error.
50736 CalculateOrientation() of dynamic contour control returned an error.
50737 CalculateOffset() of dynamic contour control returned an error.
50738 An error occured in a Volumetric Compensation.
50739 Check real-time influence: No Stop after defined time.
50745 Block search with covered distance and distance from program start double
50746 Restart position of block search not found within program.
50747 Block search to given distance from program start not possible, distance to
50750 Scene database is not present.
50752 Geometric feed adaptoni returns error during activation.
50753 Negative path travel.
50754 Missing logical axis number for lead axis.
50757 Kinematic information of display and interpolator inconsistent.
50758 New FRICTION command read, even though previous FRICTION command not yet
50759 Not all buffers released at program end.
50760 Modulo setting must not be changed during gear coupling.
50761 Deviation of Master Slave offset exceeds restart limit.
50762 Block search with permille-block-split to position request not possilbe.
50763 Switch of IPO/LR axis interfaces can not be done during measurement.
50764 Dwell time bigger maximum allowed value.
50765 Lift command was not executed.
50766 Axis movement not possible because single axis interpolation is active.
50769 Invalid operation mode.
50770 Gear information is faulty.
50771 Delete distance to go impossible, because backward storage is off.
50772 Unknown sync data type.
50773 Area not saved / maxium number areas exceeded.
50774 Area not saved / active area can not be overwritten.
50775 Axis for workspace monitoring not present.
50776 Not all three axes of the control area present. No monitoring possible.
50777 No plane definition in channel block data.
50778 Z-plane definition incorrect / minimum greater than maximum.
50779 Start and endpoint must be the same for defining a polygonal area.
50780 Definition of Polygon is invalid. No intersections permitted.
50781 For circualar area definition Second block have to be a circular block.
50782 No area with this id available.
50783 Active areas could not be cleared.
50784 Movement limitation because of work area.
50785 Only linear movement blocks G00/G01 can be used to define polygon areas.
50786 Maximum number of points for polyon definition reached.
50787 Plane change in work or protection area definition not permitted.
50788 Axis of the third control area direction (EXCUR) may not be used for the
definition of the base plane.
50789 The definition of the control area base plane requires the specification of
two axes.
50790 Too many control area groups.
50791 Control area group not found.
50792 For circular area one linear and one circular block needed.
50793 For circular area a full circle without endpoint needed.
50794 For starting a circular area definition first block have to be linear.
50795 Axis for defintion of cylindrical work or protection area not permitted.
50797 Axis specific command FIFO from IPO to LR not free.
50798 Invalid number of active MCS / IMCS areas.
50799 Unknown command for some Volumetric Compensation.
50806 Programmed channel-ID of #TRACK CS ON is out of valid range.
50807 No interface known for programmed channel-ID of #TRACK CS ON.
50808 Invalid return value in dynamic position limit function.
50810 Program end reached without detection of end of delete distance to go.
50812 Maximal number of M/H-blocks in Time-To-Distance functionality exceeded.
50819 Time-To-Distance-Berechnung cannot be enabled, since the channel does not
contain a TCP path axis.
50820 Invalid combination of the frequency und damping parameter.
50824 At the moment the functions FCT_CALC_TIME and FCT_CALC_STATE_AT_T are
exclusive. Please check startup-list.
50825 Unknown state.
50826 No buffer available.
50827 Fifo of shift lah is full.
50829 No pointer.
50831 Movement block in shift sequence.
50832 Invalid shift sequence.
50833 Measurement function is already active.
50834 Initialisation of measurement function was not excecuted.
50835 Measured value not available.
50836 No measure control block.
50837 Time-To-Distance-Berechnung cannot be enabled, since the channel does not
contain a contour path axis.
50838 Axes actual position request during active Lift or pedulum operation.
50841 Could not determine actual edge joint.
50842 Channel does not contain a contour path axis, function not active.
50843 The measurement parameters DISTANCE and/or OFFSET are invalid.
50849 SET_POSITION for interpolated axis programmed.
50851 Acceleration of axis is limited.
50852 Maximum shift value exceeded.
50853 Index Achse does not exist in PTR_ACHSE.
50870 Shift of control block not done.
50871 Path not available for Shift.
50873 Kind of orientation can not be changed while dynamic CS is active.
50878 Function is not available -> has to be configured in startup parameters.
50881 Moving to fixed stop with deactivated backward memory not possible.
50882 Delete distance to go during movement to fixed stop not possible.
50883 Invalid state in delete distance to go function.
50884 Actual position request for axis moving to fixed stop not possible.
50885 Moving to fixed stop already active.
50886 Fixed stop not detected.
50887 Fixed stop before start of monitoring detected.
50888 Position of fixed stop not provided.
50889 During movement towards fixed stop axis may not be programmed.
50890 Writing to axis command fifo not possible.
50891 The probe for Edge Joint has been misconfigured or has delivered wrong
measurement values.
50894 No axis return with active programmed gear link.
50896 TRC can here only be selected with perpendicular tool.
50901 The Time-To-Distance computation has to be based on the active slope profile.
P-CHAN-00209 must have value 1.
50902 The Time-To-Distance computation has to be based on the TCP path, not the
contour path. P-CHAN-00340 must have value 0.
50903 Static memory for FBC controller not provided.
50905 Invalid parametrization for computation of shift parameter, TC radius must
not be zero.
50906 Unknown command for #CHANNEL SET.
50909 Error in calculation / preparation of shift value.
50910 Warning: order_time or time_constant smaller than cycle time. Filter not
50911 Warning: Order of filter too high. Maximal possible order is used.
50912 Invalid control information
50913 Frequency value for Vibration Guard is too high. Please check limit value.
50948 Single axis interpolation for active transformation axis not possible.
50958 Invalid axis movement by deactivation of manual operation mode.
50960 Error in function for movement limitation.
50961 Start position not in workspace.
50962 Start position in protection space.
50963 Axis for workspace monitoring not present.
50964 Movement limitation because of work area / protection area.
50974 Command position outside valid range.
50976 Timeout, measurement not done or with error.
50977 Timeout, waiting for more movement blocks.
50978 Timeout, program mark #MARK[SHIFT_POS] not found.
50980 Gantry can only released in stillstand
50981 Too many gantry systems should be released
50982 Gantry axis expected.
50983 Unknown command in gantry acknowledge.
50984 Axis is no gantry master axis.
50985 Mismatching number of gantry master axis
50986 Error in linked list.
60004 Unable to write to block despite test.
60006 Emergency stop actuated.
60007 Received unknown acknowledgement block from position control.
60014 Illegal state initializing the PDU-process.
60016 Last set point was not requested for.
60017 Fatal error within linear SLOPE.
60018 Feed rate is 0.
60019 Programmed feed rate greater than maximum limit.
60020 Interpolation of spindle impossible with tracking mode active.
60024 Control already deselectet.
60025 Control already selectet.
60026 Unable to select control due to vb_regelgrenze exceeds range.
60027 Unknown instruction to position control.
60031 Illegal channel block type.
60040 Indexing position not reached for spindle.
60041 Unknown gear information.
60049 Axis number not recognized within BF SPINDLE.
60053 Error within position control detected.
60054 Axis has to be of type spindle.
60061 Axis number missing within working data.
60063 Axis already considered within working data.
60067 Received illegal gear step.
60071 Axis number not recognized within management data.
60074 Illegal axis pointer.
60078 Illegal state.
60081 Former absolute set point was not requested for.
60084 Cycle time is 0.
60085 Maximum spindle speed is 0.
60086 Unknown type of channel block at turning.
60087 Illegal type of channel block within actual state.
60088 Missing interface to interpolator.
60093 Impossible to file pointer into FIFO.
60100 Homing not possible for this type of drive.
60101 Maximum permissible axis speed was exceeded.
60102 Maximum tolerable axis speed was exceeded.
60103 Maximum permissible axis acceleration was exceeded.
60104 Maximum tolerable axis acceleration was exceeded.
60105 Maximum permissible axis jerk was exceeded.
60106 Maximum tolerable axis jerk was exceeded.
60107 It is impossible to switch on feedforward in this Version.
60109 Pointer on channel block cannot write in techno FIFO.
60110 Error by techno-transfer.
60111 Channel number from channel block out of range.
60112 Techno interface not initalisated.
60113 Pointer for DZ-controlling not exist.
60127 Synchronisation interface does not exist.
60130 Selection of cutting speed by stationary spindle.
60131 Selection of feedrate in millimeter per revolution by stationary spindle.
60134 Providing of inadmissible channel.
60135 Invalid interfaceindex for synchronisation.
60136 Invalid interfaceindex for synchronisation.
60137 Call for axis: unselect during endlessly turning rotary axis.
60138 M-function for spindle admissible, if spindle not exist.
60139 Timeout by plc reset.
60141 Spindle is in too many channels configured.
60142 Position with unreferenced spindle not allowed.
60146 Maximum count of open late sync functions exceeded.
60147 Inadmissible instructions for guide spindle.
60148 Illegale PDU received.
60149 Inadmissible state in PDU-order management.
60150 A response PDU or her pointer can't be sended in spite of test.
60151 Can't release internal channel block buffer.
60154 Selection of thread cutting with stopped spindle.
60155 Thread cutting and spindle speed 0 programmed.
60156 IPO-FIFO of BF SPINDLE is full.
60157 Job acknowledge FIFO can not be written.
60158 Positive software limit switch exceeded.
60159 Negative software limit switch exceeded.
60160 distance to go and target position with ADD not consistent.
60161 turning interface to channel not available.
60162 Auto homing impossible. Homing direction not moving direction.
60163 Cannot write acknowledge because axis is not present.
60164 Error in table manager function.
60165 Pointer for window check not present.
60166 No Buffer Available for abort of MoveSuperImposed.
60167 NC-block type only permitted in IPO 1.
60168 No Buffer Available for abort of Phasing.
60169 Positionsdifference after implizit phasing during CamIn.
60170 spdl_chk_in_cam_gear activated without any according interpolation.
60171 CAM/GEAR: can not read master configuration data.
60172 CamIn: table type does not fit to the selected Cam Interpolation type.
60173 Phasing not possible, because synchonized motion is not active.
60174 Master Phasing not possible, because synchronization is not reached.
60175 Slave Phasing not possible, because synchronization is not reached.
60176 Impl. slave phasing active, super imposed not possible.
60177 Master phasing active, super imposed not possible.
60179 Interpolationmode unknown.
60180 Unknown return value for abort of SI.
60183 CAM/GEAR: the selected master axis is not configured as a master.
60184 Homing during synchronized motion not allowed.
60185 Invalid state in spdl_chk_vel_sync_reached.
60186 Slave could not follow the master velocity.
60187 Unknown block type for update of SLOPE dynamic data.
60197 Autom. link factor calculation not possible.
60198 Spindle velocity to small for autom. link factor calculation.
60199 CAM/GEAR: Interface to master axis is NULLPTR.
60200 SuperImposed IPO not configured.
60201 Axis is not referenced yet, vb_prog was limited to vb_not_referenced.
60202 Invalid state at supplying diagnosis data of BF SPINDLE.
60203 Meas value was not provided.
60204 Invalid measuring state in SAI.
60205 Measure parameters can not be written to LR.
60206 Parameters for measure abort can not be written to LR.
60207 Measure not allowed when already active or abort active.
60208 Measure abort can not be retriggered.
60209 Axis exchange not allowed while measure is active.
60211 Resulting programmed velocity exceeds maximum.
60212 Velocity for the movement is 0.
60213 Spindle is already in error state when commanding.
60214 Homing during motion not allowed.
60215 Overflow in relative position variable.
60216 Filter initialisation error.
60218 Invalid filter cofficients.
60219 Filter prototype not supported.
60220 Filter order not allowed.
60221 Filter type not supported.
60222 Filter quality not allowed.
60223 Sample time to small.
60224 Filter parameteriztion error.
60225 Filter return value error.
60227 Acceleration is out of limits.
60228 Deceleration is out of limits.
60229 Ramp time increasing acceleration is out of limits.
60230 Ramp time decreasing acceleration is out of limits.
60231 Ramp time increasing deceleration is out of limits.
60232 Ramp time decreasing deceleration is out of limits.
60234 Not allowed spindle-instruction by active feed coupling.
60235 Torque homing: Reference position not detected.
60236 Feed forward cannot be selected because not enough buffer available.
60237 Too low characteristic frequency of axis filter.
60238 No Job-Abort Block availabe at IPO transition.
60239 SGN32-Overflow in positioning distance.
60240 Illegal bit combination commanded in CamIn startmode.
60241 Programmed velocity exceeds speed monitoring limit.
60242 Command acceleration while synchronized in camming or gearing exceeded.
60243 Command velocity exceeded while synchro catch up.
60244 Command velocity exceeded while camming.
60246 SGN64-overflow in virtual master position.
60247 SGN64-overflow in virtual master position with gear factor.
60248 SGN64-overflow in delay time compensated virtual master position.
60249 No block for init. of dynamic data available.
60250 Axis which is not referenced, exceeds velocity limit.
60251 Camming is only allowed with a referenced slave axis.
60252 Feed enable in slave axis not set.
60253 Positionining of spindle not possible, no actual position value configured.
60254 Direction of move is against to preferential direction.
60255 It is impossible to interpolate an axis, if it is in torque control.
60256 Unknown homing type.
60257 Jerk is 0, ramp time set to default values from MDS.
60259 Received acknowledge PDU with unknown invoke id.
60260 Interval length in camming table smaller than permitted.
60261 Number of lines in camming table not permitted.
60262 Spindle axis is exchanged. Action cannot be executed.
60263 Camming is only allowed for closed interpolation.
60265 CAM table does not exist.
60266 CAM table cannot be used in the moment.
60267 Axis exchange not allowed while active turning function with block search.
60268 Spindle in machine lock was commanded from a channel which is not in machine
60269 An active spindle not in machine lock was commanded by a channel in machine
60270 Touch probe cannot be aborted because of error in SAI.
60271 Value for filter share invalid.
60272 Division by zero during calculation of filter coefficients.
60273 Stability reserve of designed filter not sufficient.
60274 Timeout: Axis filter not within tolerance window.
60275 Invalid absolute position value.
60284 Invalid state for request of axis positions.
60285 Gear change during movement is not allowed.
60286 SPDL-BAHN interface not available.
60287 Block interface for measure value to BAHN is occupied.
60288 Measure value can not be written to BAHN.
60289 Block search error. Saved function block still available at program end.
60290 Tool change with changing gear ratio only permitted in standstill.
60291 Gear change not possible since axis was released.
60292 Position controller could not excecute gear change request.
60293 Unexpected acknowledge for gear change received.
60296 Invalid dynamic parameters for spindle.
60297 Axis release during tool gear change.
60298 Tool gear change requires standstill because drive rotating direction
60299 Movement command during inverted rotating direction due to tool gear not
60300 Motor or parameter set switching while endloess movement not allowed.
60301 Pointer to PLC interface for late sync not present.
60302 Drive power off during positioning.
60303 Offset angle for thread cutting is outside modulo area.
60304 Permitted number of correction cycles for master position exceeded.
60305 Buffer for acknowledement of PLC-commands fails.
60306 Ratio denominator zero while gearing not allowed.
60307 I/O-interface of cam-table not configured.
60309 Axis not present, transfering of feedforward weighting factor not possible.
60310 Could not write feedforward weighting factor to position controller.
60311 Given filter time constant is invalid.
60312 Programmed spindle speed is outside the admissible tool speed range.
60313 Homing of axis not possible since homing is disabled in axis parameters.
60314 Axis not in standstill! Update of filter parameters not possible. Changes are
60315 Selection of default dynamic data not allowed while axis is moved.
60316 NC-command not allowed while axis is moved.
60317 State interpolation during suppression of homing not permitted.
60318 Spindle interface not available.
60319 Master axis reports error during active coupling.
60320 Slave axis reports error during active coupling.
60321 Inconsistency zwischen v(Slope) und v(Ipo).
60322 Invalid job with command #DRIVE WR.
60327 Gear change during active spindle job or interpolation not possible.
60328 Invalid gear resolution for tool change.
60332 Invalid minimal velocity in dynamic data for spindle.
60333 Invalid minimal velocity in dynamic data for spindle.
60334 Invalid maximal acceleration in dynamic data for spindle.
70000 Unknown state within initializing the PDU-process.
70001 Unknown type of drive.
70002 Illegal state within initialization.
70007 Unknown type of drive.
70008 Number of axis group exceeds range or is 0.
70009 Axis number exists already.
70010 Axis number in group exceeds ANZ_ACHSE_IN_GR or is 0.
70011 Axis index already used within group.
70012 No axis specified within axis data.
70013 Number of axis groups not coherent.
70014 Number of axis not coherent within group.
70018 Job "LR_HOLE_ACHSEN" has to be executed before "FAA_STARTEN".
70020 Dynamical position lag exceeds range.
70021 Positive software limit switch actuated.
70022 Negative software limit switch actuated.
70023 Sign error: trend guard actuated.
70024 Error in SERCOS drive. Check S-0-0011 and S-0-0095.
70026 Unknown type of drive.
70027 Former set point was not requested for.
70028 Illegal LR_STEUER.
70029 Illegal state within machine reference search.
70030 Error within machine reference search for SERCOS drive.
70031 Error within machine reference search for SERCOS drive.
70032 Received illegal PDU.
70033 Error in the SERCOS drive during initialisation of the measured traverse.
70034 Unable to continue without machine reference search.
70035 Error within machine reference search for SERCOS drive.
70036 Received illegal return value within measureing.
70038 Unknown state at measuring.
70039 Error occurred resetting the SERCOS drive.
70040 Error within drive could not be debugged by reset.
70041 Unknown state within resetting the drive.
70042 Received illegal PDU.
70043 Axis number not recognized.
70045 Unknown state.
70048 Unknown type of drive.
70049 Missing controller release.
70050 Using illegal bit within position controller.
70057 Axis number not recognized within management data.
70062 Axis already recognized within working data.
70067 Received illegal axis number.
70069 Received illegal gear step.
70071 Axis missing within management data.
70073 Illegal axis pointer.
70080 Received PDU with unknown SERCOS-ID.
70081 Position lag exceeds range within idle state.
70082 Axis not within position window at end of transient time.
70083 Missing table for leadscrew error compensation.
70084 Plausib. error in leadscrew error compensation at inversion of direction.
70085 Fatal error in CAN drive.
70086 Flag 'axis on' not set.
70087 Calculated KW number is out of the defined range.
70088 range of values exceeded.
70090 Position deviation between master and slave axis exceeds permissible range.
70091 Position deviation after tracking operation too big.
70092 Collision of two axes detected.
70093 No collision partner found.
70094 Write in GANTRY slave axis block impossible.
70097 SERCOS: Number of configured block data too big.
70098 SERCOS: Configured reference not availble.
70099 Difference of command and feedback value too big.
70100 Difference of position of master and slave axis too big. No reset possible.
70101 Drive shall be moved, but it is not enabled yet.
70103 Inconsistency in absolute positions between interpolator and pos. controller.
70104 Error in PROFIDRIVE.
70105 Sensor error in PROFIDRIVE.
70106 Life sign from PROFIBUS slave missing.
70118 Unknown PROFIBUS state.
70119 Using illegal bit fom HLI osition controller.
70120 Collision partner reports axis error.
70121 Timeout while resetting axis.
70123 No slave axis for GANTRY master configured.
70124 Entered master axis not configured as GANTRY master.
70125 For GANTRY slave axis the configured master axis was not found.
70126 Axis is similarly configured as GANTRY master and slave.
70127 SERCOS drive shall be moved, but communication phase is less than CP 4.
70158 System error cannot set back by reset.
70159 Error in digital drive cannot set back by reset.
70160 Configured SERCOS-ID not in use by the CNC.
70161 Unknown internal state.
70162 Collision offsets different.
70164 Own axis number is defined as collision axis.
70165 Pointer to collision axis already initialized.
70166 Collision check was switched on/off.
70167 Number of collision axis changed.
70168 Error in Lightbus drive.
70169 Drive not enabled.
70170 Drive is not initialized.
70171 Axis movement is not allowed.
70172 Logical interpolator axis can not be connected to the phy. position
controller axis.
70174 Unknown PDU-order recieved.
70175 Inadmissible state in the PDU-order management.
70176 It is impossible to send a PDU for receipt.
70177 Axis number for recovery not available.
70178 Recovery position greater than positive limit switch.
70179 Recovery position smaller than negative limit switch.
70180 Recovery-PDU is NULL-pointer.
70181 ISG_ER_TXT: A recovery PDU can not be output.
70182 Invalid logical axis number for plane compensation.
70183 No correction table available for plane compensation.
70191 Axes have been moved. Recovery not possible.
70192 SLOPE error at interpolation to selection position after end of tracking
70194 Setting reference position while active NC-program not possible.
70195 Distance to software limit switch too small for actual command position.
70196 Unknown channel block in axis command Fifo.
70197 Unknown coupling mode for axis coupling.
70198 Target axis for axis coupling not found.
70199 Source axis for axis coupling not found.
70200 Activation of axis coupling for moved axes not possible.
70201 Writing to order fifo not possible.
70202 Modulo range for master-/slave axis not identical.
70204 Reset is locked, since a preceding exceedance of maximum permissible
master-/slave path distance occurred.
70205 Maximum acceleration (a_max) of master-/slave axis is different.
70206 Emergency acceleration (a_emergency) of master-/slave axis is different.
70207 Error reaction (cnc_controlled_stop_after_error) of master-/slave axis is
70208 Maximum acceleration too small (smaller 1 increment per cycle).
70209 Emergency deceleration too small (smaller 1 increment per cycle).
70210 Terminal KL2521 signals error. (state in wert_1).
70211 Master-axis for cross-compensation not present.
70212 Value of 'field_bus_allows_optimized_schedule' is not identical for all axes.
70215 Interface to CANopen axis not available.
70216 Interface from CANopen axis not available.
70217 Torque limit prematureally exceeded.
70218 HLI activates torque limit while torque homing.
70220 Maximum speed was exceeded while torque limit is active.
70222 Error in CANOpen drive.
70225 Maximum speed was exceeded while speed monitoring is active.
70229 Number of cycles for smooth coupling/decoupling exceeds max limit.
70230 GANTRY slave axis exceeds by referencing the maximum permissible path.
70231 Axis shall be moved although drive does not supply valid actual data.
70242 The unit of the correction values is invalid.
70243 Invalid resolution of slave axis for plane compensation.
70244 No correction table available for cross compensation.
70245 The command positions for cross compensation are not sorted in an ascending
70246 Logical axis number of master axis for cross compensation is invalid.
70249 Invalid resolution of slave axis for cross compensation.
70250 Invalid resolution of master axis for cross compensation.
70251 Invalid resolution of master axis for plane compensation.
70252 Counter axis can not be commanded with command values.
70253 Active program in channel: Switch on/off of axis compensation is delayed.
70254 Axis is to be compensated, although the required drive releases are missing.
70255 Axis is to be compensated, but a movement of the drive is not possible.
70256 Number of cycles for smooth coupling/decoupling of plane comp. exceeds max
70259 Coefficient (gradient) of temperature compensation exceeds valid range.
70261 Terminal signals error.
70262 No position encoder configured for this axis.
70263 Homing method (homing_type) of master-/slave axis is different.
70264 An axis collision was detected for an axis of a GANTRY system.
70265 Parked drive shall be moved.
70266 Drive shall be moved although encoder is parked.
70267 Timeout while reading absolute position from drive.
70268 No actual position configured in the cyclic telegramm for this operation
70269 No command velocity configured in the cyclic telegram for this operation
70270 Filter cut_off frequency bigger than half of sampling frequency.
70271 Got no base pointer for input/output value.
70275 Timeout during execution of a #DRIVE command.
70276 Invalid parameter set number at parameter set switching.
70277 Invalid motor number at motor switching.
70278 The command #DRIVE is not supported by this drive type.
70279 Programmed telegram element not found in configured telegram.
70280 ISG_ERR_TXT: Value of user ident out of range.
70281 Drive not ready for zero-pulse search.
70282 Drive error during initialization of zero pulse search.
70283 Drive error during zero pulse search.
70284 Calculated absolute position out of range.
70285 Programming motion function not found in configured data.
70286 Communication type not supported by drive type.
70287 Different data types in parameter list and configured telegram.
70288 Configured data type is not supported.
70289 Acknowledge-PDU with unexpected ident number received.
70290 Error while writing a SERCOS-Ident.
70291 The fuctionality is not suupported by this drive type.
70292 Reference cam signal is not configured in cyclic telegram.
70293 Error when starting probing command in the drive.
70294 Correction movement was aborted.
70295 No homing on zero pulse possible with the configured telegram.
70296 The wr_ident[0] set up has no valid format.
70297 Traversing range of axis is bigger than the value range of the absolute
70298 The operation mode of the drive could not be read.
70299 The operation mode of the drive could not be changed.
70300 A drive error occured during homing.
70301 Invalid operation mode of the drive at start of homing.
70302 Drive controlled homing could not be terminated.
70303 Filter cut_off frequency is zero.
70304 Axis command positions inconsistent after abortion of an correction movement
70305 PROFIDRIVE axis not ready at ende of control startup.
70306 Unrecoverable error. Reboot of control required.
70307 Homing on encoder overflow is not possible for this drive type.
70308 Unknown touch probe mode for probing or zero pulse search.
70309 Touch probe function in drive at start of measurement already activated.
70310 Activation of leadscrew error compensation not possible since it is not
selected in axis parameter list.
70311 Activation of leadscrew error compensation not possible since compensation
table is invalid.
70312 Activation of leadscrew error compensation not possible since axis is not
70313 Activation of temperature compensation not possible since it is not selected
in axis parameter list
70314 Activation of temperature compensation not possible since compensation table
is invalid.
70315 Activation of temperature compensation not possible since axis is not
70316 Activation of cross compensation not possible since it is not selected in
axis parameter list
70317 Activation of cross compensation not possible since compensation table is
70318 Activation of cross compensation not possible since master axis is not
70319 Activation of plane compensation not possible since it is not selected in
axis parameter list
70320 Activation of plane compensation not possible since compensation table is
70321 Activation of plane compensation not possible since master axes are not
70322 Invalid identifier for axis compensation.
70323 Invalid order for axis compensation received.
70324 Encoder overflow offset bigger than encoder range.
70325 Axis movement from axis compensation while feedhold.
70326 Timeout while drive operation mode switch.
70328 Too many actual positions configured in input telegram.
70329 Sensor signal: step of actual value oversized.
70330 Sensor complete drop out.
70331 Tactile divergence oversized.
70332 Function DIST_CTRL ON at program end.
70333 Function DIST_CTRL ON and release axis.
70334 Function DIST_CTRL ON by actual deselection.
70335 Function DIST_CTRL ON witout SET_POS.
70336 Function DIST_CTRL is not activated.
70337 Time delay for disabling drive after PLC watchdog error is different for
master-/slave axis.
70338 No actual position configured for input axis os axwise trandformation.
70339 Invalid axis number configured for input axis of axwise transformation.
70340 Error by initialisation of axis transformation.
70341 Homing is not supported for this kind of axis specific transformation.
70342 Axis transformation error.
70343 For this operation mode the position lag has to be configured in the command
value telegram.
70344 For this operation mode the position controller gain has to be configured in
the command value telegram.
70345 Only spindles can be operated in open position loop mode.
70346 For this operation mode the command position has to be configured in the
command value telegram.
70347 Master axis of axis link not available.
70348 Delay time for acceleration feedforward is bigger than cycle time.
70349 Delay time for velocity feedforward is bigger than cycle time.
70350 Velocity feedforward with additiv command value activ, but none configure
additiv velocity command value.
70351 Acceleration or jerk feedforward with additiv command value activ, but none
configure additiv torque command value.
70355 Timeconst for balancing filter (P-AXIS_00361) is to small.
70357 Invalid probing channel programmed.
70358 X-axis is not programmed after the Sync-In command.
70359 X-axis is not programmed after the Sync-Out command.
70360 Plausibility error in rounding function.
70361 Length of output process data excceeds length of configured process data.
70362 Attempt to write process data while axis is moving.
70363 Tool change with changing gear ratio only permitted in axis standstill.
70364 Invalid gear ratio during tool change.
70365 Gear change not possible.
70366 Permissible range execeeded during tool gear change.
70367 Tool change with changing gear ratio not permitted for gantry axes.
70368 Change of movement direction only permitted in axis standstill.
70369 Tool gear change not possible. Gear ratio not active!
70370 Setting reference position not possible because bus does not deliver valid
70371 Restoration of axis position not possible.
70372 Shifting of reference offset for axes with power not possible.
70378 Invalid start position in axis specific active position transformation
70379 Maximum distance for zero pulse search is less than the encoder range.
70380 Maxium admissible distance for zero pulse search resp. encoder overflow
search exceeded.
70381 Request af actual position while active back interpolation.
70382 Maximum permissible axis velocity exceeded.
70383 The scaled limit value is bigger than the maximum value of the configured
data type.
70384 The scaled limit value is smaller than the minimum value of the configured
data type.
70385 The configured maximum value is less than the configured minimum value.
70386 Usage of DC brake is only for spindles possible.
70387 Invalid bitnumber for control af DC-brake.
70388 DC-brake control is not supported for this drive type.
70389 Axis reference due to bus failure removed. Position monitoring functions
(e.g. software limit switch) not active!
70390 Changing measuring input for drive probing not possible for this drive type.
70391 Changing measuring edge for drive probing not possible for this drive type.
70393 No acceptance of new measuring parameters during active measurement.
70394 Maxium admissible distance for homing exceeded.
70395 Life sign error pbrofibus slave.
70396 Denominator of axis coupling factor is zero.
70397 Coupling factor for the axis is bigger than the permissilbe maximum value.
70399 Invalid transition for distance control.
70400 Axis lost its reference.
70401 Ident for axis reference test not configured in cyclic input process data.
70402 Setting/resetting of bits is not supported for this communication type.
70403 The configured bitmask is to big for the configured data type.
70404 Configured bitmask contains bits, that are used also from the CNC.
70405 The telegram element configured for the #DRIVE command is used exclusively
from the CNC.
70406 Number of configured user idents exceeds limit.
70410 Target axis is its own source axis, calculaltion of command position is not
70411 Filter of additional command values interface could not be generated.
70412 Denominator of filter transfer function is zero.
70413 Error during computation of filter coefficients.
70414 Division by zero during calculation of filter coefficients.
70415 Invalid filter prototpye.
70416 Invalid filter order.
70417 Unknown filter type.
70418 Value of reciprocal filter bandwidth invalid.
70419 Cycle time equal or smaller zero.
70420 Characteristic filter frequency greater than half of sample frequency.
70421 Filter design with given parameters not possible.
70422 Value for filter share invalid.
70423 Stability reserve of designed filter not sufficient.
70424 Unkown error during filter computation.
70425 Timeout after deactivation of additive command value interface. Filter not
within position window.
70426 Timeout while reading or writing the drive operation mode.
70427 Invalid operation mode.
70428 No information about bus state (WC_SATE) present in the drive telegram.
70430 Distance between two interpolation points of plane compensation is zero
70431 Compensation table of lead screw error compensation incorrect.
70432 Parametrized greatest index of cross compensation table exceeds limits.
70433 Parametrized greatest index of plane compensation table exceeds limits.
70434 Coupled axis has to be homed after error.
70435 Not all for program processing required axis compensations active.
70436 Drive following error not configured in cyclic process data.
70437 Drive following error cannot be used in this operation mode.
70438 Drive following error cannot be used with PROFIDdrive MC.
70439 Invalid error reaction class.
70440 Mode change while distance control is active.
70441 Distance control turned on without set distance given.
70442 Distance control not initialized. PLC-command could not be executed.
70443 Invalid calling sequence in input control bit field.
70444 Requeset position controller value unknown.
70448 Feature Bit set but P-0-4078 not configured.
70449 Feature Bit set but P-0-4077 not configured.
70450 Timeout during SERCOS homing.
70451 Given filter time constant is invalid.
70452 Activation of axis coupling not possible, because axis position is not
70453 The cnc configured homng encoder des not fit to the homing encoder set up in
the drive.
70454 Axis coupling for gantry slave is defined by master.
70458 Generation of low pass filter coefficients with given parameters not
possible. Use mean value filter.
70459 Position overflow in axis forward transformation.
70460 Argument of exponential function in in axis forward transformation to big.
70461 An error occured while writing a CANopen object.
70462 Parameter set switching not possible because process data is incomlete.
70463 Could not open parameter file for Volumetric Compensation.
70464 Syntax error in parameter file for Volumetric Compensation.
70465 Division by zero during Volumetric Compensation.
70466 Unknown interpolation mode for Volumetric Compensation.
70467 Too many columns in a CSV file.
70468 Unknown identifier.
70469 An identifier occurred more than once.
70470 Too many records for Volumetric Compensation.
70471 The parameter values are not on a grid.
70472 Unknown axis identifier in kinematic chain of Volumetric Compensation.
70473 Invalid logical axis number for axis in Volumetric Compensation.
70474 The parameter values are on a grid, but are not interpolated linearly.
70475 Insufficient memory for the Volumetric Compensation.
70476 HLDX-interface for external probing control already occupied.
70478 The given grid for plane compnesation is invalid.
70479 Volumetric Compensation: invalid compensation value.
70480 P-AXIS-00519 set but no actual velocity configured in process data.
70481 Volumetric Compensation: Computation of compensation values failed.
70482 Drive instruction without commands received.
70483 Volumetric Compensation: invalid compensation ID.
70485 The Volumetric Compensation cannot be updated, because it is already in an
update process.
70487 The Volumetric Compensation cannot be updated, because it is in an error
70488 After modification of absolute encoder position offset P-AXIS-00403 a
position request (#CHANNEL INIT) required.
70489 Modification of absolute encoder position offset (P-AXIS-00403) permitted in
axis standstill only.
70492 The update of the Volumetric Compensation failed.
70493 For the axis that takes part in a Volumetric Compensation some dynamic limit
s, v is unconfigured.
70494 For the Gantry axis that takes part in a Volumetric Compensation some dynamic
limit s, v is unconfigured.
70495 Activation of friction compensation not possible since it is not selected in
axis parameter list.
70496 Error commanding #FRICTION, token is not retrieved.
70497 The command #FRICTION has not been terminated.
70498 The SELECT statement for querying position control data is unknown.
70499 Ident for additional Ready for Power test not configured in cyclic input
process data.
70500 Second encoder for distance control not configured. Distance control is
70501 Given modulo range of drive encoder exceeds valid range of configured actual
70502 Axis shall be moved while active frequency response measurement.
70503 Axis is while active frequency response measurement not ready for
70504 Error during frequency response measurement occurred.
70505 Position deviation during frequency response measurement exceeds permissible
70508 A Volumetric Compensation is still enabled during program end.
70509 Missing license for Volumetric Compensation.
70510 The exchange of an axis for the Volumetric Compensation is not allowed while
the compensation is active.
70511 Activation of measurement in actual state of distance control not possible.
70512 No measure variable for the measured values given.
70513 No minimum height difference for capturing the measured values given.
70514 No minimum distance for capturing the measured values given.
70515 No maximum distance for capturing the measured values given.
70516 Master axis for measurement not given.
70517 Axis not available. Activation of measurement not possible.
70518 Memory for measuring variable not available.
70519 Too many measured values. Measuring is aborted.
70520 Activation of measurement not possible, because distance control on master
axis is already active.
70521 Activation of distance control not possbile, since axis is part of active
70523 Permissible distance for movement from reference cam exceeded.
70524 Unknown sync data type.
70525 Clamped axis shall be moved.
70526 The axis should be compensated with a Volumetric Compensation but is not
ready to move.
70528 The axis could not be compensated since it is not referenced.
70529 The axis could not be compensated since it is in an error state.
70530 The axis could not be compensated since it moves in another channel.
70531 The Volumetric Compensation could not be inverted, hence it cannot be enabled
without movement.
70532 The Volumetric Compensation cannot be enabled/disabled, because it is either
not configured or in error.
70533 Distance control active but encoder delivers no valid actual positions.
70534 Upper modulo linit in increments is outside valid range.
70535 Lower modulo limit in increments is outside valid range.
70536 The Volumetric Compensation may not be enabled or disabled, since the given
axis moves.
70537 An error occured while reading a CANopen object.
70538 Moving to fixed stop already activated.
70539 Moving to fixed stop not supported for configured drive type.
70540 Configuration of drive idents for movement towards fixed stop incorrect.
70541 Drive ident for torque limitation during fixed stop movement not configured.
70542 Asynchronous reading/writing of drive data for fixed stop movement not
supported for this drive type.
70543 Fixed stop function for reading/writing drive data already active.
70544 Timeout during reading/writing drive data for fixed stop movement.
70545 Invalid state during movement to fixed stop.
70546 Movement to fixed stop aborted by missing drive releases.
70547 Movement to fixed stop aborted from follow-up operation.
70548 Permissible tolerance window exceeded during movment to fixed stop. Check the
fixed stop.
70549 Traversing to fixed stop aborted by CNC reset.
70550 Moving to fixed stop still active, fixed stop was detected.
70551 Scaling factor for reading drive idents is smaller than permissible.
70552 Multiple drive idents for torque limitation given.
70553 Data type of user telegram element invalid.
70554 Programmed axis coupling active at program end.
70555 Filter of additional command values interface is active and could not be
70556 Modulo range in increments is outside valid range.
70557 IPO and LR are not in sync.
70558 Missing drive releases for driving out gantry difference.
70559 Drive not ready for driving out gantry difference.
70561 Reference position could not be written to drive.
70562 The function for writing drive parameters is allready in use.
70563 Axis shall be referenced while active frequency response measurement.
70564 Gantry coupling deactivated, config mode may not be left.
70565 Invalid command in control block gantry control received.
70566 Too many gantry slave axes. Command execution not possible.
70567 Config mode P-AXIS-00704 for gantry slave axis not activated.
70568 Changing gantry link during active homing not possible.
70569 Changing gantry link only in standstill possible.
70570 Gantry axis already in error state.
70571 Command fifo not empty.
70572 This job is only allowed for a gantry master axis.
70573 Changing gantry link during active probing not possible.
70574 Changing gantry link during movement to fixed stop not possible.
70575 Objects 0x6060 and 0x6061 are configured inconsistently (SDO/PDO).
70576 Sensor complete retracted.
70577 PDU with SERCOS Mess-ID S-0-0170 received with delay, will be dismissed.
80000 Dead time exceeds maximum value.
80001 Illegal state within initialization.
80004 Unknown state within initializing the PDU-process.
80005 Number of axis group exceeds range or is 0.
80006 Axis number already used.
80007 Number of axis within group greater than ANZ_ACHSEN_IN_GR or equal to 0.
80008 Axis index already used within group.
80009 No axis specified within axis data.
80010 Number of axis groups not coherent.
80011 Number of axis not coherent within group.
80016 Job "FT_HOLE_ACHSEN" has to be executed before "FAA_STARTEN".
80023 Axis number not recognized within management data.
80032 Axis already used.
80035 Received illegal axis number.
80036 Axis missing within management data.
80043 Error occured within PDU-process.
80044 Attenuation greater than 1.
90002 Illegal error state within ef_wrk().
90004 Initialization of internal FIFO fails.
90005 Initialization of internal buffer fails.
90008 Selection of TRC within circular motion block.
90009 Unable to write to outped pointer FIFO.
90010 Uable to write to correction pointer FIFO.
90011 Block memory for non-relevant channel blocks engaged.
90012 Unknown internal state.
90013 Deselection of TRC within circular motion block.
90014 Deselection of TRC not permitted using direct selection.
90015 Change of selection mode not permitted using direct selection.
90016 Change of selection mode not permitted at circular motion block.
90017 Tool radius greater than (or same as) contour radius.
90018 Difference between radius of start circle and end circle exceeds range.
90019 Contour error due to compensation motion within linear motion block.
90020 Unknown type of channel block.
90021 Calculation of intersection point straight line-straight line fails.
90022 Calculation of intersection point straight line-circle fails.
90024 Illegal internal state.
90025 Illegal internal state.
90026 De-/selection without valid feed rate.
90029 Unexpected number of intersection points within circle-circle transition.
90032 Detected concentric circles calculating intersection points.
90033 Detected eccentric circles calculating intersection points.
90034 Denominator for calculating the normal direction is 0.
90035 Missing compensation channel block.
90036 Tool radius exceeds range at channel block sequence circle-circle.
90037 Illegal interim result calculating intersection points between circles.
90038 Compensation motion within circular motion block.
90040 Buffer engaged.
90041 Removed non relevant channel block.
90042 Length of orientation vector is 0.
90044 Received NC_INIT_ACHSPOS without recognizing axis configuration.
90045 Received NC_INIT_ACHSPOS within selected state.
90046 Radius within circular motion block is 0.
90048 Illegal internal state.
90049 Program ends within selected state.
90050 Received NC_KANAL_CTRL within selected state.
90051 Internal output pointer FIFO empty.
90052 Circular motion block marked as non-relevant block.
90053 Counter of output blocks negative.
90054 Error writing to output FIFO.
90055 Unable to free block buffer.
90056 Unknown internal modifier for type of channel block.
90057 Adapting of feed rate impossible within G05 (tool radius exceeds range).
90059 Fatal error within initialization of axis position.
90065 Compensation movement found, activate contour masking process.
90066 Compensation movement found, impossible to activate cont.mask.-process.
90067 Error while writing on the EF contour masking input pointer fifo.
90068 The EF contour masking is not IDLE in program start.
90070 Error in writing on internal fifo of the EF contour masking.
90071 Error while getting e new list elements.
90072 Empty list while internal fifo not empty.
90073 No previous block in the list of loop search.
90074 EF CONT_MASK: Compensation movement could not be removed.
90075 No block between intersection and processed block in the list.
90077 A loop was removed from the contour masking.
90079 Unknown block type in loop search.
90080 Error during check for intersection.
90081 Invalid combination of block types in loop search.
90082 Error in validation of an intersection.
90083 Unknown number of intersections in loop search.
90085 Irrelevant circular block in the internal pointer fifo.
90087 Program end in state ready of EF contour masking.
90088 Program end during active contour masking process. (contour error).
90090 Clear buffer during active contour masking process. (contour error).
90091 Error while reading from the internal pointer fifo of contour masking.
90092 Error while opening log-file of the contour masking.
90093 Block has no definition of plane selection.
90094 Wrong type of block.
90095 EF CONT_MASK: Block pointer is NULLPTR.
90096 EF CONT_MASK: Number of output blocks not valid.
90097 EF CONT_MASK: Activation block is not marked as compensation block.
90098 EF CONT_MASK: Deselection of WRK while contour masking process is active.
90099 EF CONT_MASK: Deselection of contour masking while process is active.
90100 EF CONT_MASK: Block buffer full and no more block output possible.
90101 Buffer administration is inconsistent.
90102 Invalid #INFO-Parameter.
90103 Size of channel block too big for memory (FIFO).
90104 Size of channel block too big for memory.
90106 Error undefined internal state while deselection perpendicular WRK.
90109 Number of nonrelevant blocks was exceeded.
90110 Nonrelevant block is missing.
90111 Unknown internal state.
90112 Block 2 intersect the course of block 1.
90114 During active inner corner selection the number of buffered blocks was
90115 During active inner corner selection changing side of selection is not
90116 No relevant motion block available.
90117 Inadmissible internal identification of fifo.
90118 Source and destination identifier are identical.
90119 The programmed contour is not closed.
90120 Unknown internal identifier while assign intersection point.
90121 Unknown internal identifier while searching blocks.
90122 Error during check for intersection.
90123 Contour error through selection point of TRC.
90124 Single full circle as closed contour is not permissible.
90125 Length of the selection block with inner corner selection is less than tool
90126 The side of selection of TRC is wrong.
90127 During active inner corner selection changing the tool radius is not
90128 Inadmissible intersection between motion block and selection block.
90129 Inadmissible number of intersection points.
90130 Angle exceeds upper limit while inner corner selection of TRC is active.
90131 Compensation movement of the TRC selection block not allowed.
90135 Block pointer is NULLPTR.
90136 Blocklength of the relevant motion block is zero.
90137 Contour error due to selection block.
90144 Position of TRC for further decoding could not be sent.
90145 EF CONT_MASK: Deselection of TRC with mode G239 while contour masking process
is active.
90146 Program end during active inner corner selection.
90147 Tool radius is greater than the programed radius of the full circle.
90148 Illegal type of block in internal fifo.
90149 Illegal number of blocks in internal fifo.
90150 Illegal internal state (state_repeat_calculation).
90151 Generated zircular motion block could not be corrected through TRC because of
programed #FLUSH CONTINUE.
90152 Illegal number of generated motion blocks through TRC.
90155 Inconsistency in modulo parametern.
90156 SGN32 overflow in modulo parametern.
90165 Multi path is not enabled to use active TRC.
90166 Wrong parameter or mode at selection time of TRC active.
90167 Illegal state at verification of the black list.
90168 Illegal state of merge blocks during output check.
90169 G239: Requested position only from one channel received.
90170 G239: Expected position message not received.
90171 Illegal internal state in plane check.
90172 Release a main axis in plane with active TRC not allowed.
90173 Selection of TRC a main axis of plane is missing.
90174 Illegal block type at TRC axes check.
90176 Illegal return value at determination of selection point.
90177 Illegal return value at determination of deselection point.
90178 Illegal combination of parameters in multipath configuration.
90179 No valid intersection point with G236 selection found.
90180 No valid intersection point with G236 deselection found.
90181 Circular selection with G236 and 2 path programming is not allowed.
90182 Circular deselection with G236 and 2 path programming is not allowed.
90183 Circular selection of TRC with active online TRC is not allowed.
90184 Circular deselection of TRC with active online TRC is not allowed.
90186 Illegal return value of buffer_release().
90187 At TRC selection block memory for non-relevant channel blocks is not empty.
90190 Tool radius is greater than the programmed radius of circle at TRC selection.
110005 Number of external interfaces exceeds range of permissible values.
110007 Unknown state within initialization.
110008 Number of external interfaces exceeds range of permissible values.
110009 Trying to install interface for unknown axis number.
110010 Installation of external interface fails using the specified number.
110011 Reconfiguration of external interfaces illegal.
110012 Illegal state within initialization.
110013 Unknown interface number within initialization.
110014 Error initializing the interface.
110015 Error allocating the heap for axis data.
110018 Interpretation of list header fails.
110019 Unknown type of list.
110020 Reconfiguration of list not allowed.
110021 Number of gear steps exceeds range of permissible values.
110023 Unknown type of list.
110024 All axis index engaged.
110025 List with compensation values may not be reconfigured.
110026 Compensation value list can not be installed due to axis index engaged.
110027 Unknown state within interpretation of axis data list.
110028 Unknown begin of list.
110029 Unknown list.
110031 Unknown state within job execution.
110032 Calculation of axis index impossible for axis number.
110033 Unknown state within initialization of PDU-process.
110034 Illegal denominator for damping value.
110035 Illegal numerator for damping value.
110036 Illegal denominator for inner frequency.
110037 Illegal numerator for inner frequency.
110038 Illegal denominator for time constant.
110039 Illegal numerator for time constant.
110040 Simu drive: dead time exceeds maximum limit.
110042 D/A-converter resolution is illegal (numerator).
110043 D/A-converter resolution is illegal (denominator).
110048 SERCOS-drive: illegal type of protocol.
110051 Illegal axis modifier for axis of type "TRANSLATOR".
110052 Difference of modulo less than or equal to 0.
110053 Axis modifier illegal.
110054 Axis position greater than software limit switch.
110055 Axis position smaller than software limit switch.
110059 Limit of velocity for stand still is above maximum velocity of axis.
110060 Unknown drive type.
110061 Turning rate at modulo error less than 0.
110062 Modification of the logical axis number requires restart of the
110063 Changing the drive type requires restart of the control.
110064 All axis have to have different axis numbers.
110065 Unknown drive type.
110066 Missing gear with specified number.
110067 Axis data for gear step incomplete.
110068 Hardware independent axis dates for position controller incomplete.
110069 Hardware dependent axis dates for position controller incomplete.
110070 Machine dates for path controller incomplete.
110071 Axis dates for acceleration and velocity precontrol incomplete.
110073 Parameters for digital drive interface incomplete.
110074 Parameters for manual operation mode incomplete.
110075 Parameters for position controller and interpolator incomplete.
110076 Axis number is 0.
110077 Gear switch position exceeds positive software limit switch.
110078 Gear switch position exceeds negative software limit switch.
110079 maximum speed is not allowed to be 0.
110080 maximum speed is greater than the maximum CNC internal speed limit.
110081 maximum acceleration is not allowed to be 0.
110082 maximum acceleration is greater than the maximum CNC internal
acceleration limit.
110084 Rapid feed rate is not allowed to be 0.
110085 Rapid feed rate is greater than maximum feed rate.
110086 Implausible contour resolution.
110087 Implausible controller window.
110088 Acceleration step 1 is 0.
110089 Acceleration step 1 is greater than maximum acceleration.
110090 Acceleration step 2 is 0.
110091 Acceleration step 2 is greater than maximum acceleration.
110092 Acceleration limit step 1 is 0.
110093 Acceleration limit step 1 is greater than maximum acceleration.
110094 Acceleration limit step 2 is 0.
110095 Acceleration limit step 2 is greater than maximum acceleration.
110096 Switching feed rate is 0.
110097 Switching feed rate is greater than maximum feed rate.
110098 Switching feed rate is 0.
110099 Switching feed rate is greater than maximum feed rate.
110100 Acceleration is 0.
110101 Acceleration is greater than maximum acceleration.
110102 Deceleration is 0.
110103 Deceleration is greater than maximum value.
110104 SLOPE time for increasing acceleration is too small.
110105 SLOPE time for decreasing acceleration is too small.
110106 SLOPE time for increasing deceleration is too small.
110107 SLOPE time for decreasing deceleration is too small.
110110 Difference of software limit switches is 0.
110111 Speed override is 0.
110112 Speed override exceeds limit.
110113 Measureing feed rate is 0.
110114 Measureing feed rate exceeds limit.
110115 Number of gear step is 0.
110117 Measuring via SERCOS protocol only for drives of type SERCOS.
110118 At least one measureing method has to be defined.
110119 Assignment of 0 to parameter is not permitted.
110120 Parameter value exceeds limit.
110121 Illegal modifier of precontrol.
110122 Numerator of velocity feed forward factor is 0.
110123 Denominator of velocity feed forward factor is 0.
110124 Hand wheel resolution is smaller than lower limit.
110125 Maximum velocity for manual mode is not allowed to be 0.
110126 Maximum velocity for manual mode exceeds limit.
110127 Maximum acceleration for manual mode is not allowed to be 0.
110128 Maximum acceleration for manual mode exceeds limit.
110129 Percentage for manual mode feed rate in manual mode too small.
110130 Percentage for manual mode feed rate in manual mode too big.
110131 Percentage for manual mode acceleration in manual mode too small.
110132 Percentage for manual mode acceleration in manual mode too big.
110133 Percentage for interpolation feed rate in manual mode too small.
110134 Percentage for interpolation feed rate in manual mode too big.
110135 Percentage for interpolation acceleration in manual mode too small.
110136 Percentage for interpolation acceleration in manual mode too big.
110137 Filtering time is not allowed to be 0 for operating mode "hand wheel".
110138 Filtering time is exceeds limit for operating mode "hand wheel".
110139 Rapid feed rate for operating mode "incremental mode" is 0.
110140 Rapid feed rate for operating mode "incremental mode" exceeds limit.
110141 Incremental feed rate greater than maximum incremental feed rate.
110142 Jog step distance has to be positive.
110143 Incremental jog velocity is greater than maximum incremental jog
110145 Positive manual mode offset limit negative.
110147 maximum feed rate in machine reference search greater than vb_max.
110148 minimum feed rate in machine reference search greater than vb_max.
110149 minimum feed rate in machine reference search greater than maximum feed
110150 Amplifier factor is 0.
110151 D/A converter resolution (denominator) is 0.
110154 Dynamical position lag exceeds range of permissible values.
110162 Interpreter can not evaluate given list.
110163 Unknown state.
110166 Unknown type of BF.
110167 Received illegal PDU.
110168 Received illegal axis number.
110169 Buffer location can not be allocated.
110170 The same type of BF already requested for an axis.
110173 Inadmissible type of BF.
110176 Error occured within initializing the interface.
110178 Received unknown PDU.
110179 Received unknown PDU.
110180 Received PDU participant number does not coincide the expected.
110181 Error within acknowledgement PDU.
110182 Factor for spindle speed is 0.
110183 Changing the axis type requires restart of the control.
110184 Number of reservations exceeds maximum limit.
110185 Participant gives back axis, which he does not own.
110186 Supply state has to be "AXV_TEILN_LEER" if participant ID is 0.
110187 Inadmissible supply state within participant list.
110188 Gaping participant within list.
110189 Illegal entry within participant list of axis management.
110190 Axis already requested by BF.
110192 Participant has entered multiple requests for the same axis.
110193 Dead lock within axes management: error within NC-program.
110194 Participant acknowledges receipt of axis, which he does not own.
110195 Acknowledgement for delevery of axis will not be waited for.
110196 Table for reservation entries has to be empty.
110197 Requesting BF already owns the axis.
110198 Unknown state.
110199 Received unknown axis.
110200 Specified communication participant illegal.
110207 PDU contents too big.
110209 PDU to send with illegal address.
110210 Corrected unknown type of axis to axis type translator.
110211 Corrected unknown drive type to drive type simulation.
110212 Not enough memory to install new axis.
110213 Unknown characteristic acceleration curve.
110214 Limit of rotational speed is smaller than permissible value.
110215 Acceleration limit is greater than permissible value.
110216 Acceleration minimum is smaller than permissible value.
110217 Number of sections within list for leadscrew error compensation.
110218 Illegal grating of sections for leadscrew error compensation.
110219 Maximum speed of manual mode exceeds axis limit.
110220 Rapid traverse rate of manual mode exceeds axis limit.
110221 Tip speed exceeds max. speed of axis.
110222 Jog speed exceeds max. speed of axis.
110225 Receiving unexpected MDS-acknowledge-PDU.
110226 Receiving unexpected KW-acknowledge-PDU.
110227 Unexpected sender-ID in KW-acknowledge-PDU.
110228 Logical axis number in axis parameter list and in command-PDU not
110229 Logical axis number in compensation data list and in command-PDU not
110230 Number of gear steps of a C-axis out of range.
110231 A translatory axis cannot be a C-axis.
110232 hw_addr_index out of range.
110233 Number of encoder exceeds limit.
110236 Led screw error compensation without correction value list.
110237 Order of filter too big.
110238 Filter prototype not permitted.
110239 Filter type not permitted.
110240 Filter share exceeds permissible range.
110241 Acceleration at current limit is 0.
110242 Acceleration at current limit is greater than axis acceleration.
110243 Ramp time for acceleration at current limit too small.
110244 Logical axis number of master axis is missing for GANTRY operation.
110250 Revolution limit N1 greater N2.
110251 Acceleration limit greater than permitted value.
110253 Writer-interface is 0.
110254 Master-spindle not found.
110264 Unknown entry in configuration list for PROFIBUS telegramm
110267 Min position lag is greater than max. position lag.
110268 Inadmissible value for time base of velocity.
110269 Inadmissible value for time basis of velocity.
110270 Inadmissible value for velocity resolution (Nenner).
110271 Inadmissible mode for output position setpoint.
110272 Inadmissible mode for input position actual value.
110273 Invalid value for incr_per_rev, value corrected.
110274 Value for parameter feinaufloesung too big.
110275 Number of delay cycles is over limit.
110276 Illegal geometry ramp time.
110277 After initialisation of one axis, it is not allow to work with default
axis MDS.
110278 Changing digital drive type requires restart of the control.
110281 Changing GANTRY master axis requires restart of the control.
110282 Changing the possibility for direct access of cam requires restart of
the control.
110283 Changing the hardware cam id requires restart of the control.
110286 Changing the counter channel requires restart of the control.
110288 Changing the hardware counter id requires restart of the control.
110292 Changing the D/A-Channel requires restart of the control.
110294 Changing the D/A-hardware id requires restart of the control.
110297 Changing the hardware number requires restart of the control.
110298 Changing sign of actual value requires restart of the control.
110299 Changing sign of the control value requires restart of the control.
110300 Logical axis number of default-MDS must be 0.
110301 Change of resolution numerator requires restart of control.
110302 Change of resolution denominator requires restart of control.
110303 The list contains an unknown list element.
110304 Ask for spindle interface, but axis is no spindle.
110305 Changing parameter feinaufloesung requires restart of the control.
110306 Exclusive return without ID.
110307 Hardware description with that index not present.
110308 Modulo difference over limit.
110309 Factor for speed monitoring over limit.
110310 Modulo difference weight with path resolution less than or equal to 0.
110311 vb_max_red exceeds maximum axis velocity
110312 Invalid type for position lag monitorinig selected.
110316 rapid_speed_red exceeds maximum axis velocity
110317 SGN32 Underflow: Negativer SWE - Toleranz less than MIN_SGN32.
110318 SGN32 Overflow: Positiver SWE + Toleranz greater than MAX_SGN32.
110319 Unknown entry in configuration of input telegramm.
110320 Unknown entry in configuration of output telegramm.
110321 emergency deceleration must not be 0.
110322 emergency deceleration is greater than max. deceleration.
110323 Terminal KL5111 can not be used for probing.
110324 Axis-axis interface not found.
110326 Axis for duplication (Clone) is intern unknown.
110327 Invalid number for SERCOS-realtime bit [1 ... 2].
110328 Percentage value Vdiff for cam-/gearing is greater than 100%.
110329 cam_gear: time_in_window timeout value is smaller than time_in_window
110330 Deceleration step 1 greater than maximum axis acceleration.
110331 Deceleration step 2 greater than maximum axis acceleration.
110332 Feedhold acceleration is greater than max. permissible axis
110333 Ramp time for feedhold acceleration to small.
110334 Reduced speed zone limit pos. greater than pos. software limit switch.
110335 Reduced speed zone limit negative less than negative software limit
110336 Limit-deceleration step 1 greater than maximum axis acceleration.
110337 Limit-deceleration step 2 greater than maximum axis acceleration.
110339 Terminal KL5001 can not be used for probing.
110340 Velocity dependent position loop gain for SERCOS OR CANOPEN drives not
110341 Velocity dependent kv: v2 has to be greater than v1.
110342 Value for GANTRY master 'axis has to be 0.
110343 If global feedforward is switched off, the value of list parameter
'vorsteuerung' must be 0.
110344 Drive controlled measuring only possible with digital drives.
110345 Unknown PDU-order was received.
110346 Inadmissible state in the PDU-order management.
110347 An acknowledged PDU is impossible to transmit.
110348 Terminal KL2521 can not be used for probing.
110349 Terminal KL2521 can not home with zero pulse.
110351 Max. of vel. for axis, which is not refrenced, greater than max. vel.
110352 Axis mode not permitted for spindle.
110353 Unknown axis mode corrected.
110354 Global_enable and global_disable activated at the same time for this
110355 Feedforward can not be activated because of to few buffer places.
110356 Feedforward permanently enabled but no mode selected.
110357 Initialisation of ACHSMDS_TOKEN_TABS liste impossible.
110358 Initialisation of KW_TOKEN_TABS liste impossible.
110359 Feedhold acceleration is greater than max. permissible axis
110360 The value of the parameter 'op_mode_for_velocity_control' is invalid.
110361 Minimum cut-off/center frequency of filter is to low.
110362 Number of cycles for in-/out coupling by temperature compensation are
over size.
110363 Unknown mode for set reference position.
110364 torq_max_distance less than torq_min_distance.
110365 torq_min_distance less than 0.
110366 torq_max_distance less than 0.
110367 torq_detect_velocity_limit less than 0.
110368 retraction_distance less than 0.
110369 Torque homing with GANTRY axes not possible.
110371 Torque homing with this drive type not possible.
110373 Admissible value range exceeded.
110376 torq_move_acceleration greater than dynamik.a_max.
110378 torq_move_torque_limit greater than 1000.
110379 torq_detect_torque_limit greater than 1000.
110380 Numerator of acceleration feed forward factor is 0.
110381 Denominator of acceleration forward factor is 0.
110382 D/A converter resolution (numerator) is 0.
110384 This drive type does not support the parametrized homing type.
110385 The value of a_min is smaller as the lower limit value.
110386 Adjusted resolution is 0.
110388 Max. path of referencing GANTRY slave is less than 0.
110389 Feedhold acc. jerk limiting SLOPE is greater than max. permissible axis
110390 1st proportional gain of the dynamic gain adaption is initialized with
110391 2nd proportional gain of the dynamic gain adaption is initialized with
110392 Number of cycles for driving out backlash at inversion of direction too
110393 acceleration for homing greater than maximum permissible value.
110394 ramp time smaller than minimum value.
110397 cam_gear: unknown type for mean value calculation.
110398 cam_gear: Number of values for means value calculation not allowed.
110399 Illegal measureing method. Only one method may be selected.
110400 Illegal measureing method. Only one method may be selected.
110401 Illegal measureing method. Only one method may be selected.
110402 Illegal measureing method. Only one method may be selected.
110403 The value of max. slave velocity is 0.
110404 The value of max. slave acceleration is 0.
110405 Maximum for weighted acceleration time is to big.
110406 Minimum for weighted ramp time is to small.
110409 Phasing-velocity is inadmissible.
110410 Phasing-acceleration is inadmissible.
110411 Phasing-deceleration is inadmissible.
110412 Coefficient (gradient) of temperature compensation exceeds valid range.
110413 torq_move_velocity > dynamik.vb_not_referenced.
110414 This terminal can not be used for probing.
110415 This Terminal can not be used for homing with zero pulse.
110416 Homing with evaluation of encoder overflow is not supported.
110417 Invalid value for parameter probing_input_number corrected.
110418 Value for encoder_range is outside permissile range.
110419 Changing of encoder_range requires restart of the control.
110420 Invalid value for parameter max_reference_position_offset entered.
110437 Speed monitoring parameter was corrected from zero to
110443 The axis management could not open the file.
110445 Phasing jerk inadmissible.
110446 Jerk for velocity synchronisation inadmissible.
110447 Invalid value for parameter P979_3 was corrected.
110448 Invalid value for parameter P979_4 was corrected.
110449 Invalid value for parameter read_abs_pos_mode was corrected.
110450 Modification of parameter p1042 requires restart of the control.
110451 Modification of parameter p1043 requires restart of the control.
110452 Modification of parameter read_abs_pos_mode needs requires restart of
the control.
110453 Changing of parameter read_abs_pos_from_drive requires restart of the
110454 Value for quantization of the measuring system increments is zero.
110455 A specification for a link is not allowed for GANTRY slave axis.
110456 Changing the operation mode requires restart of the control.
110457 This drive type does not support the parameterized operation mode.
110459 Conventional and adaptive feedforward activated at the same time.
110460 Limiting velocity of regulation (vb_regelgrenze) equal zero expected
for spindles without sensor.
110461 Number of configured user idents exceeds limit.
110462 User ident with zero length configured.
110463 Additive torque command is greater than nominal torque.
110464 Additive torque command is not supported by this drive type.
110465 Denominator for torque scaling must not be zero.
110466 Illegal measureing method. Only one method may be selected.
110467 Invalid value for ref_cam_input.
110468 Homing on hardware limit switch without reversing is not possible.
110469 Homing on hardware limit switch without cam is not possible.
110470 Homing on hardware limit switch is only with CNC controlled homing
110471 Invalid value for feed constant nominator.
110472 Invalid value for feed constant denominator.
110473 Demominator of scaling factor for jerk feedforward must not be zero.
110474 Backlash in leadscrew error compensation exceeds range of values.
110475 Signal length configured in user ident is not supported.
110476 Compensation value change in leadscrew error compensation exceeds range
of values.
110477 Position of interpolation point in leadscrew error compensation exceeds
range of values.
110478 Compensation value in leadscrew error compensation exceeds range of
110479 Distance of interpolation points in leadscrew error compensation
exceeds range of values.
110480 Distance of interpolation points in leadscrew error compensation
exceeds range of values.
110481 Modification of parameter abs_pos_revolutions requires restart of the
110482 Invalid range of values for homing with encoder overflow evaluation.
110483 Different latch methods for probing/zero pulse search in telegram
110484 Unknown touch probe mode for probing or zero pulse search.
110485 Invalid value for latch input used in zero pulse search is corrected.
110486 Feedforward balancing not supported.
110487 Changing the operation mode "Gantry master axis" requires restart of
the control.
110488 Changing the operation mode "Gantry slave axis" requires restart of the
110489 Invalid value for parameter edge_bending_input_number corrected.
110490 Reciprocal of filter bandwidth below minimum.
110491 Value of filter time constant invalid.
110492 Axis parameter measurement simulation are incomplete.
110493 Axis parameter for axis-filter are incomplite.
110494 Axis parameter for camming and gearing are incomplete.
110496 Position window of axis filter too small.
110497 v-monitoring: factor for warning greater than for error.
110498 a-monitoring: factor for warning greater than for error.
110499 r-monitoring: factor for warning greater than for error.
110500 Only one HSC-filter is allowed per axis.
110501 Only first axis filter can be a HSC-filter.
110502 Unknown transformation id for axwise current position transformation
110503 Enable/Disable of axis specific current values transformation requires
restart of the control.
110504 Change of id axis specific current values transformation requires
110505 Change of parameters of axis specific current values transformation
requires restart of the control.
110506 Change of inputs of axis specific current values transformation
requires restart of the control.
110507 Parameter id for axwise current position transformation invalid.
110508 Probing is not supproted for this transformation.
110509 Inadmissible transfornation id ID by command value transformation.
110510 Invalid value for velocity base value.
110511 Only spindles can be operated in open position loop mode.
110512 Homing on encoder overflow and homing on zero pulse can not be active
at the same time.
110513 Homing on zero pulse is only possible with cnc controlled homing.
110514 Invalid value for assignment of control and status bits for homing.
110515 Realtime bits are used for probing and homing.
110516 This parameter is not supported for this drive type.
110517 Invalid reference value for scaling of acceleration feedforward.
110518 Invalid value for motor load.
110519 No memory for kw-list requested.
110520 Not enough moemory kw-list available.
110521 Homing on zero pulse is not enabled.
110522 CNC controlled homing with zero pulse search in the drive is not
supported for spindles.
110523 Software limit switch was adjusted because of resolution settings.
110524 Modulo range exceeds data range because of resolution settings.
110526 Axis parameter for axis transformation uncomplete.
110527 Axis parameter for Conveyer complete.
110528 The parametrized controller deadband is bigger than the position
110529 Controller deadband is zero after incrementzal conversion.
110530 Axis during parameterupdate not in standstill.
110531 Inadmissible operating mode by manual mode.
110532 This parameter is not supported for this drive type.
110533 Sign of actual/set value must be changed jointly.
110538 Changing the coarsening factor of encoder resolution requires a
110539 This drive type does not support a coarsening factor for encoder
110540 Coarsening factor for encoder resolution exceeds valid range.
110541 Coarsening of encoder resolution requires drive command/actual values
without modulo treatment.
110543 Parameter permissible_telegram_failures only used for EtherCAT drive
110544 Parameter permissible_telegram_failures exceeds valid range.
110545 Monitoring of homing movement distance is only for spindles and
rotatory axes possible.
110546 Fatal error during initialization of axis.
110547 Distance control not supported for this drive type.
110548 Axis reference test is not supported for this drive type.
110549 Invalid bit number for axis reference test.
110550 Changing of requires new start of control.
110551 Decreasing path parameter not allowed.
110552 Invalid number format in list or permissible range of value exceeded.
110553 Link to axis not allowed (link_to) with multi axis link (multi_link[]).
110554 Invalid value for parameter P-AXIS-00451 was corrected.
110555 Invalid value for parameter P-AXIS-00450 was corrected.
110556 Invalid value for parameter P-AXIS-00448 encoder was corrected.
110557 Coarsening of encoder resolution for encoder with modulo positions not
110558 Denominator of scaling factor for predictive command velocity is zero.
110559 Denominator of scaling factor for predictive command acceleration is
110560 Position window for rapid movement can not be used with spindles.
110561 The parametrized controller deadband is bigger than the rapid movement
position window.
110562 Value for drive reset timeout is less than minium value.
110563 Relative homing of gantry slave axis is not supported for this drive
110564 Time delay for position lag error greater than permitted.
110566 Invalid override mode.
110567 Change of feed_const_num requires restart of control.
110568 Change of feed_const_denom requires restart of control.
110569 Positive absolute ACS manual mode limit is smaller than negative limit.
110570 Negative absolute ACS manual mode limit is smaller than neg. limit
110571 Positive absolute ACS manual mode limit exceeds positive limit switch.
110572 Number of filter cycles for distance control exceeds valid range.
110573 Switch on delay for I position controller exceeds maximum value.
110574 Integral time for I position controller exceeds maximum value.
110575 Integral time for I position controller is below minimum.
110576 Limit for I position controller output exceeds maximum.
110577 Invalid value for Parameter P-AXIS-00388.
110578 Error action DRIVE_ERROR_FROM_MESSAGE configured but error code not in
cyclic telegram.
110579 Setup value of P-AXIS-00511 is zero.
110580 Setup value of P-AXIS-00512.
110581 Change of P-AXIS-00511 requires restart of control.
110582 Change of P-AXIS-00512 requires restart of control.
110583 Only the last filter can be a delay for positions filter.
110584 Suppression of homing only possible for axis with absolute path
measuring system.
110585 Selected source for the measuring signal is invalid.
110587 Selected measuring intput is unsupported by the drive.
110588 The given, relevant measuring edge is invalid.
110589 Parameter P-AXIS-00519 can only be used for spindles.
110590 The set positions for leasdscrew error compensation are not sorted in
an ascending order.
110591 The velocities for friction compensation are not sorted in an ascending
110592 The parameterization of friction compensation is not correct.
110593 Additional Ready for Power test is not supported for this drive type.
110594 Invalid bit number for additional Ready vor Power test.
110595 Value for drive_encoder_modulo_range is outside permissile range.
110596 Modification of drive encoder modulo range requires a restart.
110597 List interpretation for log. axis number zero commanded.
110598 Rapid feed rate for manual operating mode "incremental jog" is 0.
110599 Rapid feed rate for manual operating mode "incremental jog" exceeds
110600 Invalid value for maximum movement distanc from reference cam.
110601 Initialisation of VOL_COMP_TABS list unpossible.
110602 Weighting factor for velocity of distance control for downward movement
exceeds maximum permissible value.
110603 Weighting factor for acceleration of distance control for downward
movement exceeds maximum permissible value.
110604 Velocity for distance control must be greater zero.
110605 Acceleration for distance control must be greater/equel zero.
110606 Invalid combination of P-AXIS-00704 und P-AXIS-00261 configured.
110607 Functionality 'Drive disable on position lag error' is not supported
for this drive type.
110608 The process data for the 'value_latched' signal was not found in the
cyclic process data.
110609 An invalid bitnumber was entered for the 'value_latched' signal.
110610 The process data for the 'probe_actuated' signal was not found in the
cyclic process data.
110611 An invalid bitnumber was entered for the 'probe_actuated' signal.
110612 The process data for the 'start_probing' signal was not found in the
cyclic process data.
110613 An invalid bitnumber was entered for the 'start_probing' signal.
110614 Parameter P-AXIS-00539 is not supported for this drive type.
110615 Invalid value for parameter P-AXIS-00539 is corrected.
110616 Deceleration for manual mode exceeds limit.
110617 Process datas element for the 'probing_command_start' was not found in
the cyclic process data.
110618 For the 'probing_command_start' signal was a invalid bit number
110619 Given setting 'Drive disable on bus error' is not supported for this
drive type.
110620 Reduced acceleration for manual mode exceed limit value.
110621 Invalid parameterisation of spindle homing. Homing switch evaluation
will be activated.
110622 Value in P-AXIS-00583 not supported.
110623 Invalid parameter P-AXIS-00556.
110624 Feedforward without delay is possible only with velocity feedforward.
110625 Parameter P_AXIS_00584 is not supported for this drive type.
120000 Type of channel block less than permissible type.
120001 Type of channel block greater than permissible type.
120002 Positive software limit switch exceeded.
120003 Negative software limit switch exceeded.
120006 Master axis missing for synchronous operation.
120007 Slave axis missing for synchronous operation.
120008 Unknown coupling mode.
120011 Positive software limit switch smaller than actual position.
120015 Negative software limit switch greater than actual position.
120016 Axis for changing software limit switch missing.
120017 Axis for setting of operating mode missing.
120018 Programmed unused modifier.
120019 Selected acceleration mode unknown.
120020 Selected SLOPE time mode unknown.
120021 Unknown SLOPE profile type.
120022 Programmed feed rate less than or equal to 0.
120023 Number of primary axes too small for circular interpolation.
120024 Radius of circle start point too small.
120025 maximum difference of radii exceeded.
120026 Illegal state within preperation of circle path.
120027 Acceleration step 1 is greater than maximum acceleration.
120028 Acceleration step 1 is 0.
120029 Acceleration step 2 is greater than maximum acceleration.
120030 Acceleration step 2 is 0.
120031 Acceleration is greater than maximum value.
120032 Acceleration is 0.
120033 Deceleration is greater than maximum value.
120034 Deceleration is 0.
120035 SLOPE time for increasing acceleration is too small.
120036 SLOPE time for decreasing acceleration is too small.
120037 SLOPE time for increasing deceleration is too small.
120038 SLOPE time for decreasing deceleration is too small.
120039 SLOPE time for increasing acceleration is too big.
120040 SLOPE time for decreasing acceleration is too big.
120041 SLOPE time for increasing deceleration is too big.
120042 SLOPE time for decreasing deceleration is too big.
120050 Unknown state within initializing the PDU-process.
120053 Unknown state within statical process.
120058 Initialization of internal FIFO fails.
120059 Initialization of internal buffer fails.
120060 Unknown state within initialization.
120070 Axis number not recognized within management data.
120075 Axis already used within working data.
120082 Received illegal gear.
120084 Missing axis within management data.
120086 Illegal pointer to axis data.
120091 Error while writing block.
120092 Unknown state.
120093 No starting value set for spline interpolation.
120094 Tangential transition not possible.
120095 Deselection only possible while active spline interpolation.
120096 Selection of spline not possible in this state.
120097 Unknown transition type.
120099 Invalid start tangent.
120100 Invalid destination tangent.
120101 Unknown programmed spline parameter.
120102 Flushing buffers not allowed while spline interpolation is active.
120104 Cannot get axis positions.
120105 Program start not allowed in this state.
120106 Program end while spline interpolation is active.
120107 Buffer FIFO full.
120108 Fatal error in spline generator.
120110 Wrong block type.
120111 Error at tangent calculation.
120112 No preciding block programmed.
120115 Positive software limit switch exceeded.
120116 Negative software limit switch exceeded.
120117 Spline interpolation requires at least 2 axes.
120118 Illegal circle plane.
120119 Spline-calculating in error state.
120120 Unknown block state.
120122 Distance between two points are is 0.
120123 Circle radius is 0.
120125 Features of tangent not complete.
120126 Illegal state.
120129 Corner deviation too small.
120130 Percentage feed value too small.
120131 Distance of corners too small.
120133 Program start within polynomial contouring active.
120139 Fatal error calculating the contouring path.
120140 FIFO for non-relevant blocks engaged.
120141 Buffer location can not be allocated.
120143 Polynomial contouring within error state.
120144 Positive software limit switch exceeded.
120145 Negative software limit switch exceeded.
120146 Tangential transition not permitted.
120147 Curvature too big.
120148 At least two axes must be available.
120149 Unknown plane for circular interpolation mode.
120150 Permissible curvature is 0.
120152 Unknown polynomial contouring type.
120154 Unknown calculation type of intermediate point.
120155 Iteration limit reached.
120156 Radius 0 in circular block.
120157 Unknown circular mode.
120158 Unknown circular plane.
120163 Multiple activation of block search not permitted.
120164 Multiple deactivation of block search not permitted.
120166 Unknown mode in channel block for turning.
120167 Programmed cutting speed less than or equal to 0.
120169 Programmed maximum spindle speed less than or equal to 0.
120170 Axis number of face turning axis is 0.
120171 Missing face turning axis.
120172 Unknown shift.
120173 Missing pitch axis.
120174 No motion programmed in pitch axis.
120175 Axis number of pitch axis is 0.
120176 Pitch can not be reached due to limit in axis dynamic.
120178 Unknown SLOPE time weighting mode.
120179 Unknown acceleration weighting mode.
120180 Deselection of spline not possible.
120183 Tangent specification invalid.
120185 Gaping axis selecting RTCP.
120188 Incomplete coordinate system.
120191 Illegal pointer to axis data detected within transformation.
120192 Fatal error occured initializing the axis position.
120193 End of program while active spline interpolation.
120199 Change of coordinate system with spline interpolation active.
120200 Unknown initialization state.
120202 Arc length is 0.
120205 Unknown block state.
120206 Program ends during active G61 round corner.
120207 Unknown check parameter.
120208 Received PDU-code is wrong.
120209 No free PDU-buffer place.
120210 PDU can not be written.
120211 Calculated deceleration capacity may not be negative.
120212 Calculated deceleration capacity may not be negative.
120213 Corrected programmed feed rate due to stroke of probe.
120214 Unknown type of acceleration calculating deceleration capacity.
120215 Stroke of probe is 0 in axis data.
120216 Length of block is too small for polynomial contouring.
120237 Fatal error calculating measureing feed rate.
120251 Calculated feed rate is negative.
120253 Fatal error while calculating acceleration.
120254 Circular blocks not allowed while spline interpolation is active.
120255 Polynomial blocks not allowed while spline interpolation is active.
120256 Trying to call an abstract method.
120257 Buffer for block specific working data is full.
120258 Error in ring buffer management.
120259 Selection of spline not possible.
120260 Deselection of spline not possible.
120261 Unknown spline type.
120262 Error in segment calculation.
120263 Buffer FIFO empty.
120264 Spline could not be instantiated.
120265 Cannot get axis count.
120266 System error while checking software limit switches.
120267 Braking distance is to small to reach the correct corner velocity.
120268 Change of spline type while spline interpolation is active.
120269 System error while checking software limit switches.
120270 Error while changing spline type.
120272 Leaving specified working area.
120276 Unallowed block type at segmentation.
120277 C-axis does not exist.
120278 Angle greater than 2*Pi.
120279 Splitting FIFO full.
120280 Fatal error in C-axis process.
120281 Buffer full.
120284 Block contains no plane information.
120285 Axis exchange while active spline interpolation.
120287 Fatal error at distance calculation.
120288 Polynomial degree less than 1.
120289 Fatal error at distance calculation.
120290 Fatal error using method of mueller.
120291 Unknown error using method of mueller.
120292 Fatal error using method of newton.
120293 Change of RTCP mode while active spline interpolation.
120296 Unallowed kinematic ID.
120297 Flushing buffers not allowed while polynomial contouring is active.
120298 Unknown block state.
120299 Polynomial contouring could not be instantiated.
120302 Unknown block state.
120310 EF CAX could not be instantiated.
120312 Number of segments is not allowed (less than 1).
120316 FIFO cannot be initialized.
120317 EF is in error state.
120318 Unknown state.
120319 Buffer-FIFO full.
120320 Buffer-FIFO emtry.
120321 EF Segmentation cound not be instanced.
120322 C-axis not found or more than one C-axis present.
120323 No free buffer.
120324 Segmentation path is 0.
120325 Minimum segmentation path not available.
120326 Start position not in turning center (RCP)
120328 Error in spline generator process.
120332 De-/Selection of synchronous operation during active spline
120333 De-/Selection of contouring during active spline interpolation.
120334 Inadmissible number of axes for transformation axes.
120335 Fatal error by konfiguration of kinematic transformation
120336 Inadmissible number of axes for transformation axes.
120337 Error while gear request.
120338 Error while axis return.
120339 Error while axis request.
120340 Error while waiting for axis.
120341 Error while waiting for gear.
120342 Static process cannot accept blocks.
120343 Error while initializing FIFOs of final process.
120344 Final process is in error state.
120345 Unknown state.
120346 Buffer FIFO full.
120347 Buffer FIFO empty.
120348 No buffer for axis splines available.
120349 Error in segmentation.
120350 Fifo initialization error.
120351 Unknown block state.
120352 Unknown state.
120353 Dynamic buffer full.
120354 Error in buffer management.
120355 Buffer FIFO full.
120356 Buffer FIFO empty.
120357 Static process cannot be instatiated.
120358 Dynamic process cannot be instanciated.
120359 EF Finalization cannot be instantiated.
120360 EF FFM cannot be instantiated.
120361 Flush process cannot be instantiated.
120362 Buffer management for axis spline coefficients cannot be instantiated.
120363 AXV process cannot be instantiated.
120364 Error in list operation.
120365 Unknown state.
120366 List full.
120367 Block does not exist.
120368 No more buffer available.
120369 Fatal error in polynomial calculation.
120370 Selection/deselection of spline interpolation wile free form mode is
120371 Buffer FIFO full.
120372 Buffer FIFO empty.
120373 Generated blocks FIFO full.
120374 Generated blocks FIFO empty.
120375 Unknown block state.
120376 Unknown block state.
120377 Trying to select free form mode while spline generation is active.
120378 Trying to change free form mode in active state.
120379 Maximum contour error is 0 or negative.
120380 Invalid control block.
120381 Invalid start tangent.
120382 Selection of polynomial generator not possible.
120383 Invalid end tangent.
120384 Deselection of polynomial generator not possible.
120385 Invalid point.
120386 Invalid free form mode.
120387 Fatal error in segment data calculation.
120388 System error in software limit switch monitoring.
120389 Positive software limit switch exceeded.
120390 Negative software limit switch exceeded.
120391 Invalid value for cosine of angle between blocks.
120392 Maximum factor block length is 0 or negative.
120393 Invalid value for order of block length filter.
120394 Maximum factor angle between blocks is 0 or negative.
120395 Maximum factor prod. of angle times block length is 0 or negative.
120396 Invalid value for angle filter order.
120422 Nullpointer in orientation axis.
120423 Fatal error at initialization of orientation interpolation.
120424 Fatal error in orientation interpol.
120425 An axis is missing for the coordinate system.
120426 FIFO initialization error.
120427 Unknown block state.
120428 Unknown block state.
120429 Unknown block state.
120430 No relevant NC-block for deselection.
120433 Programmed functions not supported in FFM Mode 2.
120434 Flush buffers not allowed in Mode 2.
120435 Block type not allowed in FFM Mode 2.
120436 Fifo initialization error.
120437 EF caxtrack is in error-state.
120438 Unknown state.
120439 buffer fifo full.
120440 Buffer FIFO empty.
120441 EF CAX_TRACK impossible to install.
120443 Illegal tracking axis.
120444 No buffer for tracking block.
120445 Initalisation- or parameter error for kinematic transformation.
120446 Illegal PDU-order received.
120447 Illegal state in the PDU-order management.
120448 A response PDU or her pointer can't be sended in spite of test.
120449 No buffer to produce axis change block.
120450 Unknown block state.
120451 Unknown block state.
120452 Unknown block state.
120459 Corner deviation of tracking axis during G61 exceeds limit.
120460 Intermediate position during G61 round corner not to calculate.
120462 Feed axis transformation with selected axis group not possible.
120463 Corner distance for iterative calculation of intermediat point to
120464 Negative path to go.
120465 Size of channel block too big for memory (FIFO).
120466 Size of channel block too big for memory.
120468 Circle path below minimum.
120469 Circle angle below minimum.
120470 No oscillation path.
120471 Oscillation position exceeds software limits.
120472 Ambiguous axisposition by selection of RTCP.
120473 Area not saved / active area can not be overwritten.
120474 Area not saved / maxium number areas exceeded.
120475 Z-plane definition incorrect / minimum greater than maximum.
120476 Start and endpoint must be the same for defining a polygonal area.
120477 Definition of Polygon is invalid. No intersections permitted.
120478 No area with this ID available.
120479 For starting a circular area definition first block have to be linear.
120480 For circualar area definition Second block have to be a circular block.
120481 For circular area one linear and one circular block needed.
120482 For circular area a full circle without endpoint needed.
120483 Point violates protection area.
120484 Point out of work area.
120485 Motion path violates protection area.
120486 Motion path leaves work area.
120487 No workspace monitoring for this type of blocks available.
120488 Maximum number of points for polyon definition reached.
120489 No movement block while in defining area process permitted.
120496 Data inkonsistency in SLOPE block working data.
120498 No workspace monitoring if CS is active.
120499 Active areas could not be cleared.
120501 Invalid target position for tracking axis.
120502 Unknown PDU-order received.
120503 Invalid state in the PDU-order processing.
120504 Interpreter can not evaluate given list.
120505 Error while transfer scene-/collision-MDS to Bavo.
120506 Impossible to send an acknowledgement PDU.
120507 Inadmissible state by interpetation of collision-data.
120508 List contains unknown list element.
120509 Initialisation of COLLMDS_TABS list impossible.
120513 Distance beetween two solids in collision detection smaller than
120514 Invalid pointer for axis spline coefficients.
120515 Cancellation of request without axis registration.
120524 Intermediate point of contour mode not within start-/end-/corner-point.
120525 Synchronous operation in Mirror Link Mode not allowed with polynomials.
120526 Illegal PDU-assignment is received.
120527 Inadmissible state in PDU-assignment management.
120528 A response PDU or its pointer can't be sended in spite of test.
120542 Parameter change during active b-spline interpolation not possible.
120543 After deselection of spline function an unexpected movement block is
120544 Given number of blocks for merge above limit.
120545 FIFO can not be initialized.
120546 PSG prodess is in error state.
120547 Invalid bavo state.
120548 Buffer of FIFO is full.
120549 Buffer of FIFO is empty.
120550 To create an instance from a single function pre-segmentation is
120553 Wrong function block for spline segment. Block numbers not identical.
120554 Mirror link operation mode not allowed with oscillation axis.
120555 Preceeding segment during BSpline calculation unknown, even start point
is modified.
120556 Output of BSpline-segment without check of deviation.
120557 Could not allocate new BSpline-segment.
120558 No intersection found during distance calculation of track axis.
120560 Counter value exceeds permissible number of segments.
120561 Counter value for number of segments smaller zero.
120562 Error during writing in file.
120563 The weighting factor for jerk is oversize.
120564 The minimum block length for dynamic segmentation is undersize.
120565 Motion path is zero, no axis is moving.
120566 The contouring mode is only possible in the default config. of feed
120567 The change of feed axis is impossible by active contouring mode.
120568 Buffer for axis splines exist.
120569 Buffer for axis splines could not be released.
120570 Weighting factor for jerk is oversized.
120571 Weighting factor for jerk with kinem. transformation is undersized.
120572 Weighting factor for jerk with kinem. transformation is oversized.
120576 It is unpossible to cancel this system-error by reset.
120578 Error by calcution of the contouring curve in mode DIST_SOFT.
120579 Plane change in work or protection area definition not permitted.
120580 Base plane of work/protection area invalid.
120581 No plane definition in block data.
120582 Maximum number of transformed work/protection areas exceeded.
120583 Invalid number of transformed work spaces.
120586 Necessary function of path preparation not enabled in CNC-configuration
120587 Max. axis acceleration of contouring curve in mode DIST_SOFT is zero.
120588 Max. axis jerk of contouring curve in mode DIST_SOFT is zero.
120595 Invalid movement block type for ptp mode.
120596 Invalid control information for transformation.
120598 Micro joint function could not be instantiated.
120599 Internal block counter is inconsistent.
120600 Lift up / Lower down-function could not instantiated.
120603 Bound axis must not programmed during bound movement.
120604 LIFT-movement START is not alowed to programmed by running LIFT-
120605 Different axis by <axis>[LIFT_START] and <axis>[LIFT_END] programmed.
120606 Programmed NC-block is not allowed by active LIFT-movement.
120607 Axis-change of active LIFT-axis not allowed.
120608 LIFT-START/END-point not found, to fix in linear axis movement.
120611 In this moment in the LIFT-segments is a Akima-Spline not allowed.
120613 Error in the contour calculation for the lift movement.
120614 Invalid coordinate system change.
120615 Programming of MNS_NS with/without pre-output not possible in the same
120617 It is unpossible to produce a poly channel block type.
120618 Error in the index administration.
120619 Calculated contour irregularity of spline segments under maximum value.
120621 Diverge between Target position of channel block and in polynom.
120622 Maximum lift height POS_LIMIT not specified.
120623 Maximum lift height POS_LIMIT is above positive software limit switch.
120624 B-spline segment during split unknown.
120625 Programming of MNS_SNS with pre-output and #FLUSH CONTINUE not possible
in the same NC-block.
120626 Tracking axis on main axis index.
120627 rapid mode acceleration is greater than maximum value.
120628 rapid mode acceleration is zero.
120629 rapid mode ramp time is smaller than minimum value.
120630 rapid mode ramp time is greater than maximum value.
120631 Specified method after finish of data upload unknown.
120632 Divergence of calculated axis movement path too large.
120635 EF EMF could not instantiated.
120636 Error by initialisation of list.
120637 Error by initialisation of FIFOs.
120638 EF EMF in error state.
120639 Inadmissible state.
120640 Buffer FIFO full.
120641 Buffer FIFO empty.
120642 No buffer for insertion of wait time.
120643 Error in consistency of block management/buffer with linked list.
120648 Solid figure definion by #SCENE RESTORE incorrect recessed.
120649 Coordinate plane definion by #SCENE RESTORE incorrect recessed.
120651 Inconsitence in modulo parametern.
120652 Measuring with active polynom contouring not possible.
120653 Geometry filter function could not be initialized.
120656 No free space in queue. This should never happen.
120658 This NC-function is not allowed while active geometry filtering.
120659 Geometry filter: Error in block management. This should never happen.
120660 Error in polynomial calculation. This should never happen.
120661 Endpoint of block outside safety tolerance. This should never happen.
120662 Warning: Geometry is already active. This NC-command has no impact.
120663 Error initializing of kinematic transformation.
120665 Maximal multi turning number per block exceeded.
120666 To many axes in channel for geometry filtering. Please use a different
120667 While lifting an additional movement of lifting axis is requested by
transformation. This is not allowed.
120668 No axes in channel for geometry filtering. Please deactivate this
120669 Number of axis changed while geometry filtering is active. This is not
120671 Tube projection, programmed contour excceds Y-limits with tube
120674 Inadmissible motion-block type.
120676 Intersection calculation during cartesian forward transformation
120677 Intersection calculation during cartesian backward transformation
120678 This command is not allowed between Sync-in and Sync-out.
120679 Program end while active Sync-in. Please insert Sync-out command.
120680 Timeout while waiting for sync-out: Is sync-out programmed?
120681 Invalid superimposed movement with independent axis.
120682 Dynamic calculation: calculated feasable maximal velocity to small.
120683 Maximal feasable pathfeed in synchronisation area to small!
120684 Transition velocity smaller then synchronisation velocity!.
120685 Invalid tool orientation.
120686 Too many intersection pionts during interscection calculation.
120687 Invalid state during intersection calculation in workspace monitoring.
120688 Fatal error within interscection calculation.
120689 Motion path violates protection area. PCS coordinates.
120690 Motion path leaves work area. PCS coordinates.
120691 Only linear movement blocks G00/G01 can be used to define polygon
120692 Unknown protection/work area type.
120693 Programmed pre-output of M-function not possible (Lookahead-range to
small, P-STUP-00061).
120694 Circle contour overlaping on lateral surface.
120695 Sync-in missing before sync-out.
120696 Start position outside soft limit range.
120697 Indpendent axis movement during active spline interpolation not
120698 Contour mode change during active DIST_SOFT polynom contouring not
120699 Dummy movement block is inconsistent.
120701 Maximum lift height POS_LIMIT is below negative software limit switch.
120702 Conversion of LIFT command not possible.
120703 Lift movement already active.
120704 Unexpected LIFT_END since lift movement not active. LIFT_START
120705 Lifting axis is a transformation axis. Lifting therforen not possible.
120706 Start of LIFT movement not possible since a SYNC movement is already
120707 Start of SYNC movement not possible since a LIFT movement is already
120708 SYNC-axis not present.
120709 Position change due to position request during lift not allowed.
120710 No buffer for lift block available.
120711 LIFT and SYNC with HSC-slope not possible.
120712 During G61 too many blocks without movement have been programmed
between the movement blocks.
120714 Punch-function can not be installed.
120715 STROKE sequence is to long.
120716 Function not allowed in STROKE DEF.
120717 STROKE sequence moves axis in active plain.
120718 Invalid measure movement on profile rounding.
120719 Error in cartesian trafo.
120720 Error in kinematic trafo.
120722 Error in intermediate point calculation: Segment not available.
120723 Error in intermediate point calculation: No free buffer vailable.
120724 Error in intermediate point calculation: No free segment available.
120726 Error in intermediate point calculation. Calculated distance too large.
120727 Error in intermediate point calculation.
120728 Error in tangent calculation.
120729 Tangent initialization of following geometric block not possible.
120730 Error in store: Buffer place already occupied.
120731 Error in restore: Access to null pointer. No movement block available.
120732 Error in spline generator. Calculation of spline curve not possible.
120733 Feed axis transformation only with main axis and selected additional
axis possible, group was fixed.
120734 Axis of the third control area direction (EXCUR) may not be used for
the definition of the base plane.
120735 Axis for workspace monitoring not present.
120736 The definition of the control area base plane requires the
specification of two axes.
120737 Too many control area groups.
120738 Control area group not found.
120739 Work or protection area not found.
120740 Not all axes required for the workspace monitoring are available. No
monitoring possible.
120741 Not all three axes of the control area are present. No monitoring
120742 Independent axis movement not permitted for axes belonging to an active
work or protection area.
120743 Axis for defintion of cylindrical work or protection area not
120744 Invalid scaling for modulo tracking axis.
120745 Normal vector is (0.0,0.0,0.0).
120746 Radius factor of virtual circle ist negativ.
120747 Maximum iteration steps during arc length calculation exceeded.
120748 Invalid number of active MCS / IMCS areas.
120749 Auxiliary point correction could not instantiated.
120750 Administration error in PTP movement generation.
120751 Too many non movment NC-blocks: Not possible to create smooth block
120752 Error during MCS linear factor calculatation.
120754 Error during transformation of output data.
120755 Error in derivation calculation. Cartesian transformation not possible.
120756 Error in spliting of block.
120758 Error in dwell time calculation for SYNC-IN.
120759 Length of B-Spline segment is zero.
120760 Warning: Tolerance is programmed to zero, tolerance is set to 0.1E-6 m.
120761 Inconsistency in circular block.
120764 Detecting singularity of transformation in movement command. Please
check programming.
120766 Invalid channel block type in shift sequence.
120767 Warning: Detected nc block with axis polynomial and no main axis path.
Block was removed.
120768 Invalid channel block type inside shift begin / end.
120769 Programm end with active shift lah detected.
120770 Invalid Shift On outside Shift Begin / End sequence.
120771 Axis not available.
120773 Error initializing of FIFO.
120774 Error initializing linked list.
120775 Inkonsistency in block management/buffer with linked list.
120776 EF GEN_SEG_CHECK is in error state.
120777 Buffer-FIFO is full.
120778 Buffer-FIFO is empty.
120779 EF GEN_SEG_CHECK cannot be instantiated.
120780 Unknown state.
120781 Warning: To many non movement blocks programmed (CAX TRACK).
Calculation interrupted.
120782 Error in spliting of block.
120783 #STROKE DEF CAXTRACK: Move inside active plane not allowed.
120784 #STROKE DEF CAXTRACK: z-axis not the same at start of sequence vs end
of sequence.
120786 #STROKE DEF CAXTRACK: programmed block not allowed.
120787 #STROKE DEF CAXTRACK: Progammed sequence too long.
120788 #STROKE DEF CAXTRACK: Polynomial contouring into sequence not allowed.
120789 #CAXTRACK: Command not allwoed for optimized c-axis tracking
120790 Invalid control info.
120793 Geometry element in invalid zone.
120794 PTP cannot be instantiated.
120795 Error by calculation of ACS target position.
120796 Note: Do not use together #HSC[SURFACE] and #SEGMENTATION[CIR].
130000 Missing memory initializing the PDU-process.
130001 PDU-process could not be initialized completely.
130002 Missing configured process for internal participant.
130003 Illegal configuration of processes.
130004 Configuration of output device missing.
130005 Internal participant unknown.
130006 Receiver port missing for internal participant.
130008 Buffer counter of internal participant too small.
130009 Buffer for internal PDU could not be released.
130010 Communication process not initialized.
130011 Received illegal acknowledgement PDU within enrolement for
130012 Buffer of sended PDU could not be released.
130101 Illegal PDU received within enrolement state.
130102 Paricipant ID exceeds range of permissible values.
130103 Paricipant ID exceeds range of permissible values.
130104 Unable to write to receiver FIFO of participant within enrolement.
130105 Timeout for writing PDU to receiver.
130106 Timeout for writing PDU to receiver.
130107 Temporary buffer storage of communication engaged.
130108 Block management of internal participant inconsistent.
130110 Unknown state within communication.
130119 PDU-process not active at passing PDU.
130120 Invalid receiver of PDU-message.
130121 Message can not be handled by receiver.
130122 PDU-type greater than STD-PDU.
130123 Participant sends an uninitialized FIFO.
130124 No space left for new participant in participant registry.
130125 PDU-receiver not announced or unknown.
130126 PDU not deliverable. PDU dismissed.
130127 Participant already announced.
130128 First announcement is not own interface.
130129 Second announcement with different paramenters.
130130 Unknown type of command for icp_control().
130131 Invalid return value.
130132 Funktions-ID within PDU-process out of valid range.
130133 Function for internal PDU-process not known.
130134 New SIGNAL/WAIT-event could not be saved.
130135 PDU-end mark not found. PDU-End may be overwrite by content.
130136 IS_BIG_ENDIAN precompiler setting is wrong. Please adapt.
140000 Illegal state within command execution.
140001 Illegal service class (job) for command execution.
140002 Illegal state within initialization.
140005 Unknown state within initialization of PDU-process.
140006 Job "ANTR_MDS_AKTUALIS" has to be executed before "FAA_STARTEN".
140011 Buffer for variable service data not available.
140012 Dismatch of field definition and working data of field administration.
140013 The requested variable service ident isn't red , yet.
140014 The buffer field contains a wrong status.
140015 No field for IDN with variable length available.
140016 Inconsistence in requested field for IDN with variable length.
140017 Index of field data requested exceeds the limit of field definition.
140018 Internal channel FIFO full.
140021 Start of procedure command not possible.
140023 Procedure command active for requested service channel.
140024 A command which is requested to be erased is allready erased.
140027 Abort of procedure command not possible, because there is no command
140028 Different definitions for PDU-content for flexible arrays.
140029 Error while phase switch to CP 0.
140030 Error while phase switch to CP 1.
140031 Error while phase switch to CP 2.
140032 Error while reading ident.
140033 Error while reading slave arrangement.
140034 Error while time slot calculation.
140035 Error while writing an ident.
140036 Error while writing a drive telegram.
140037 Error while writing MDT start adress (IDN 9).
140038 Error in transition check for communication phase 3 (command 127).
140039 Error while phase switch to CP 3.
140040 Error in transition check for communication phase 4 (command 128).
140041 Error while phase switch to CP 4.
140048 You can switch to CP2 only in the moment. Instruction was corrected.
140052 Given address of SERCOS-instruction (via PDU) is unknown.
140053 Multiple use of same SERCOS drive address (configuration error).
140054 Timeout: Not terminated procedure command is abortet.
140055 Invalid SERCOS service channel.
150000 Interpreter can not evaluate given list.
150001 Unknown operation mode.
150002 Can not write to FIFO of manual mode.
150003 Assignment error within table of operation modes.
150004 Resolution of hand wheel is 0.
150005 Number of hand wheel increments per cycle exceeds range.
150006 Feed rate in continuous jog is 0.
150007 Distance or feed rate in jog mode is 0.
150008 Offset limit reached in jog mode.
150009 Programmed feed rate in jog mode too small.
150010 Unknown axis number.
150011 Unknown hand wheel number.
150012 Unknown inching key number.
150013 Unknown state within initialization of PDU-process.
150014 Received unknown PDU.
150015 Unknown state.
150016 Request for offset fails.
150017 PDU-output FIFO engaged.
150018 Error sending offset values.
150022 Configuration of axes inconsistent.
150023 Missing axis.
150025 Missing programming of manual mode parameter.
150026 Actual state of a manual operation mode doesn't allow commanded state
150027 Axis number is 0 in PDU received.
150028 Data of offset request inconsistent.
150029 Impossible to file pointer into IPO-BF-FIFO.
150030 Axis offset was never requested for.
150031 Received illegal PDU.
150032 Unable to allocate element from stack.
150033 Interpretation of hand data fails.
150034 Sending acknowledgement PDU fails.
150035 Unknown state within interpretation of hand data.
150036 Received unknown PDU.
150037 Received unknown PDU.
150038 Unknown state.
150039 Axis number is 0 within hand wheel mode.
150040 Resolution of hand wheel is 0.
150041 Index of resolution is 0.
150042 Selection of active state fails.
150043 Selection of ready state fails.
150044 Marker "aktiv" ambigous within PDU.
150045 Unable to send acknowledgement PDU.
150046 Error within hand wheel operation occured.
150047 Axis number is 0 in continuous jog mode.
150048 Selection of operating mode illegal within continuous jog mode.
150049 Activated continuous jog mode with feed rate is 0.
150050 Feed rate in continuous jog mode greater than maximum feed rate.
150051 Index of continuous jog feed rate illegal.
150052 Activation of continuous jog mode with ambigous command.
150053 Axis number is 0 within jog mode.
150054 Unable to select jog mode.
150055 Offset within jog mode not updated.
150056 Inconsistent modifier in jog mode.
150057 Distance or velocity is 0 in jog mode.
150058 Jog feed rate greater than maximum value.
150059 Illegal activation modifier within jog mode.
150060 Activation of jog mode with ambigous command.
150063 Error occured within initialization of BF.
150064 Unknown state within initialization of BF.
150078 Request for axis not recognized within working data.
150079 Axis already recognized.
150080 Axis not recognized.
150087 max_inkr_pro_takt greater than maximum value.
150088 Number of hand wheels does not coincide number of logical hand wheels.
150089 Number of inching keys does not coincide number of logical inching
150090 Illegal resolution of hand wheel in hand data.
150091 Multiple assignment of logical hand wheel number.
150092 Multiple assignment of logical inching key number.
150096 Initialization of manual mode fails.
150099 max_inkr_pro_takt is 0.
150100 Number of hand wheels biger than maximum value.
150101 Number of inching keys greater than maximum value.
150103 Received PDU with unknown axis number.
150104 Element adr_hr_zaehler in HAND_MDS greater than HLI array for hand
150105 Live cycle of key push finished.
150106 Unexpected repeat of push switch.
150107 List contains unknown list element.
150108 Unknown PDU-order are received.
150109 Inadmissible state in the PDU-order management.
150110 Impossible to transmit PDU.
150111 Initialisation of HAND_TOKEN_TABS List impossible.
150112 Parameters for handwheel are not initilized.
150113 Parameters for continuous jog are not initilized.
150114 Parameters for incremental jog are not initilized.
150115 Calculation of actual distance as product of handwheel increments and
resolution exceeds value range.
220000 Unknown state while initialisation.
220001 Unknown state while initialisation of the PDU-process.
220020 By configuring of BF HNI unknown pdu received.
220028 Allocation of ojbect data base for ADS connection failed.
230000 No PDU in the fifo of the sub process.
230001 A PDU-buffer should be set up for the API-process.
230002 The BF-type is unknown in ASCII-HMI.
230003 No index found for the given channel number.
230004 No BF-type is specified for getting BF-state.
230005 Set /reset of the feedhold not specified.
230006 Unknown state in ACT-function.
230007 Illegal feedhold PDU-code.
230008 Unknown feedhold type.
230009 Set /reset of the channel block report not specified.
230010 A PDU should be received for the API-process.
230011 Unknown override type.
230012 Unknown return value from the API-process.
230013 Set /reset of the override not specified.
230014 Illegal override PDU-code.
230016 Wrong response PDU received.
230017 Unknown state in API-process.
230018 Set or reset ob single block mode not specified.
230019 Unknown state in the flow control of the ASCII-HMI.
230020 Unknown return value.
230021 No process description specified for the ICP-Control process.
230022 Binary data was not complitly transmited.
230023 The specified process ID has no akitv API-Process running.
230024 No process description for the list actualization process.
230025 Unknown liste type within ASCII-HMI.
230026 No process description specified for block search process.
230027 Unknown block search PDU-code.
230028 The logical axes number is not specified in the index table.
230029 Illegal list type for axes specific list interpretation.
230030 Unknown manual mode PDU-code.
230031 No PDU-code specified for the job.
230032 No free elements rest in the job list.
230033 No free elements rest for the new job level in the list.
230034 No more job level in the job-level list.
230035 The PDU-code is unknown in process fill PDU.
230036 Set or reset of the servo control job is not specified.
230037 Set or reset of skip block mode is not specified.
230038 Sub job not initialized.
230039 API-prozess is an NULLPTR.
230040 Timeout: PDU come not back in the defined timespace.
240001 Illegal return value of the process.
240002 Process terminates with an error.
240003 Different override types where detected.
240004 Different feedhold types where detected.
240005 Commu id of the BF not found.
250000 Invalid PDU-code for event manager.
250001 Number of unacknowledged SIGNAL/WAIT exceeds limit.
250002 Unnecessary SIGNAL in list detected.
250003 SIGNAL/WAIT receipt connot send.
250004 Connection to given hardware at #SIGNAL-programming unknown.
250005 Acknowledgement of driver to remote hardware during reset timed out.
250008 Given channel number if SIGNAL&WAIT is above maximum number of CNC-
250009 Number of unacknowledged BROADCAST SIGNAL/WAIT exceeds limit.
250010 The initialization of the event manager is not correct. (Phase 1).
250011 The initialization of the event manager is not correct. (Phase 2).
250012 PDU can not be transfered. Receiver-Fifo is NULLPTR.
260089 MDT-Configuration of SERCOS telegram 7 wrong.
260090 AT-Configuration of SERCOS telegram 7 wrong.
270000 Unknown state during initialisation of PDU-process.
270001 Unknown state during initialisation.
270018 Object does not exist.
270021 Transition for this mode in actual state not allowed.
270022 Unknown state or mode.
270023 Choosen mode is invalid.
270024 Object cannot be written.
270029 Different definitions in KERN and HLI.
270030 BF-Pin cannot connect with HLD-channel.
270031 BF-Pin cannot connect with HLD from an axis.
270034 Unknown PDU-order received.
270035 Illegal state in the PDU-order management.
270036 A response PDU or her pointer can't be sent in spite of test.
270041 Initialisation of work data from HLDX (in PLC_TEST_MODE) failed.
270045 Chan_hmi_display: unkown state input in the state-machine.
270053 CNC monitors PLC - No sign of life of PLC.
270054 Illegal state in HLD - channel.
270059 The actual operation mode differs from the expected one.
270060 The actual state differs from the expected one.
270061 Given destination state in transition not allowed.
270062 Destination state could not be reached in an appropriate time.
270070 An error message could not be written to the HLI (channel interface).
270071 An error message could not be written to the HLI (axis interface).
270075 Key index from achnowledge PDU out of range.
270076 CNC-reset triggered by user.
270077 Activation job for manual mode was not processed by PLC (control unit
not empty).
270078 Continuous jog parameter was not processed by PLC (control unit not
270079 Incremental jog parameter was not processed by PLC (control unit not
270080 Handwheel parameter was not processed by PLC (control unit not empty).
270081 Key press was not processed by PLC (control unit not empty).
270082 Rapid mode key press was not processed by PLC (control unit not empty).
270083 Wrong PLC version string detected.
270091 BF-Pin cannot connect with HLD from platform.
270096 Trace of IPO data in zero channel configuration not possible.
270098 Invalid state in HLD platform.
270099 No PDU buffer for cam table access available.
270100 Error in HLD platform, HLI is blocked.
270101 Error in HLD platform, no PLC present anymore.
270102 Error in HLD platform, PDU has no answere code.
270104 Timeout: Message dismissed by HLD.
270105 Error in the MCM input process. Transition lost.
270106 Memory of control unit channel too small.
270109 Initialisation of channel can not be finished within expected time.
270110 Unknown channel block type in EXT_TO_IPO-interface.
292000 Kinematic transformation: Unknown return value of the transformation.
292001 Kinematic transformation: Division by 0.
292002 Kinematic transformation: Negative root.
292003 Kinematic transformation: Illegal argument for asin.
292004 Kinematic transformation: Illegal argument for acos.
292005 Kinematic transformation: Illegal kinematic ID.
292006 Kinematic transformation: Transformation not available.
292007 Kinematic transformation: Illegal vector.
292008 Kinematic transformation: Illegal angle phi.
292009 Kinematic transformation: Inadmissible number of transformation axes.
292010 Kinematic transformation: Inadmissible kinematic parameter.
292011 Kinematic transformation: Inadmissible axis position.
292012 Kinematic transformation: Illegal argument for ATAN.
292013 Kinematic transformation: Illegal argument for TAN.
292014 Kinematic transformation: Invalid WCS orientation.
292015 Kinematic transformation: Iteration counter overflow.
292016 Kinematic transformation: Singular matrix.
292019 Requested kinematic transformation has not been configured.
292020 Insufficient memory for managment of kinematic transformation.
292021 Given channel number is not known.
292022 Interface to kinematic transformation has not been configured.
292023 Backwardtransformation after forwardtransformation results in different
292024 The directory of the TcCom-CNC-iterface objects not exist.
292025 ISGCtrl uninitialized.
292026 Specified kinematic-ID is not configurated.
292027 Specified kinematic-transformation could not saved internal.
292030 Error by request of configuration data of kinematic transformation.
292031 Error by initialisation of kinematic transformation.
292032 Error of the kinematic forward-transformation.
292033 Error of the kinematic backward-transformation.
292034 Actual MCS-input position of the kinematic forward-transformation.
292035 Actual WPCS-output position of the kinematic forward-transformation.
292036 Actual WPCS-input position of the kinematic backward-transformation.
292037 Actual MCS-output position of the kinematic forward-transformation.
292038 Requested tool radius compensation has not been configured.
292039 ID of tool radius compensation is not configured.
292040 Invalid axis configuration prgrammed.
292041 Kinematic transformation: Too many additional inputs.
292042 Interface to kinematic transformation has not been configured.
292043 Kinematic transformation: Invalid axis pointer.
292044 CNC interface version is too old. Does not match to the actual TcCOM-
292045 Selected orientation mode or rotation sequence unsupported by the
292046 CNC base-interface of the transformation not available.
292047 CNC interface version is too old. Does not match to the actual OTRC-
292048 CNC base-interface of Online-Tool-Radius-Correction not available.
292049 CNC interface version is too old. Does not match to the actual
292050 CNC base-interface der Geometric-Feed-Adaption not available.
292051 CNC interface version is too old. Does not match to the actual
292052 CNC base-interface der Dynamic-Contour-Control not available.
292053 Kinematic transformation: singular position.
292058 General error in external kinematic trafo.
292059 User error in external kinematic trafo.
293000 HW-device-type for counter-interface unknown.
293001 HW-device-type for D/A-interface unknown.
293002 HW-device-type for cam-interface unknown.
293003 HW-device-type for counter-interface not in allowedly range.
293004 HW-device-type for D/A-interface not in allowedly range.
293100 Requested COM-interface has not been configured.
293101 Insufficient memory for managment of COM-interface.
293102 The directory of the TcCom-CNC-interface objects not exist.
293103 ISGCtrl uninitialized.
293104 Specified ID of COM-interrfadce is not configurated.
293105 Specified COM-interface could not saved internal.
293109 Specified COM-interface for dynamic contour control is not available in
actual CNC.
293110 Specified COM-interface for geometric feed adaption is not available in
actual CNC.
293111 Specified COM-interface for online TRC is not available in actual CNC.
295000 Unknown state while homing of generic drive.
295001 Homing error of generic drive.
295002 Unknown service of generic drive.
295003 Position lag error in generic drive interface.
295004 Homing error in generic drive interface.
295005 Error in generic drive interface.
295006 Error while unhoming a generic drive.
295007 Homing is only possible in operation mode T1.
295008 Error while aborting homing procedure of generic drive.
295009 Error while aborting unhoming a generic drive.
295010 Selected operation mode is not available.
295011 ISGNC Wrapper: Thread could not be startet.
295012 ISGNC Wrapper: Check for ProConOS failed.
295013 ISGNC Wrapper: Check for CNC adapter failed.
295014 ISGNC Wrapper: Shared memory for HLI could not be created.
295015 ISGNC Wrapper: HLI could not be registered to ProConOS.
295016 ISGNC Wrapper: EMI-/PLC Platform Interface could not be registered to
295017 ISGNC Wrapper: Initialization of kernel failed.
295018 ISGNC Wrapper: Error in Bootphase 'AttachingData'.
295019 Invalid measuring channel.
295020 The axis has already an active job in this measuring channel.
295021 Measuring channel is occupied.
295022 Service channel error while measuring.
295023 Error while couple or decouple of generic drive.
295024 Drive is in state RampStopped.
295025 Warning in generic drive interface.
295026 Kernel could not be loaded.
295027 Axis interface could not be connected.
295028 Measuring channel could not be connected.
295029 Diagnose interface could not be connected.
295030 Non cyclic interface could not be connected.
295031 Axis interface could not be disconnected.
295032 Measuring channel could not be disconnected.
295033 Diagnose interface could not be disconnected.
295034 Non cyclic interface could not be disconnected.
295035 Axis is locked by drive controller.
295036 Common error.
295037 Axis reset required after returning from hibernation.
295038 For tool change CNC EMI interface must be active.
295039 NC program start while active tool change is not permitted.
295040 TorqueLimit is not available while TorqFreeStop is active.
295041 EMI/PLatform PLC Interface version does not match expected version.
295042 HLI version does not match expected version.
295043 The ProConOS firmware FB could not be installed.
296000 Specified error log file could not be opend.
296001 Could not read ProfiDrive-error information within expected time.
296002 Too many error messages. No splace left in index directory.
296003 Stack overflow.
297012 Only linear movement blocks G00/G01 can be used to define polygon
297014 Plane change in work or protection area definition not permitted.
297015 Axis of the third control area direction (EXCUR) may not be used for
the definition of the base plane.
297016 The definition of the control area base plane requires the
specification of two axes.
301000 Specified 'LINKPOINT' unknown.
301001 Specified 'mountpoint' unknown.
301002 No memory to create further linkpoint.
301004 No memory to create further axis as linkpoint input.
301005 Group of new grafical object could not be generated.
301006 New grafical object could not be generated.
301007 Grafical object could not be inserted in group.
301008 Specified 'LINKPOINT' of grafical object not known.
301009 Specified grafical object not known.
301010 Specified group not known.
301011 Content of scene function block unknown.
301012 Gobject could not have more group definitions.
301015 Type of collision pair is unknown.
301016 No name of graphical object given during adding new object.
301017 Specified 'LINKPOINT' not moved over an axis.
301018 Grafical object not to add to group, maximum number of groups per
object reached.
301020 Try to initialize scene-DB without having been configured.
400000 TcCOM kinematic transformation: Input parameter reference is NIL.
400001 TcCOM kinematic transformation: Reference of Inputvector is NIL.
400002 TcCOM kinematic transformation: Reference of Outputvector is NIL.
400003 TcCOM kinematic transformation: Type of parameter is unknown.
400004 TcCOM kinematic transformation: Wrong dimension of Inputvector.
400005 TcCOM kinematic transformation: Wrong dimension of Outputvector.
400006 TcCOM kinematic transformation: Value of inputvector is out of range.
400007 TcCOM kinematic transformation: division by zero.
400008 TcCOM kinematic transformation: Negative argument of square root.
400009 TcCOM kinematic transformation: Argument of arcssine out of range.
400010 TcCOM kinematic transformation: Argument of arcscosine out of range.
400011 TcCOM kinematic transformation: Argument of arcstangent out of range.
400012 TcCOM kinematic transformation: Argument of tangents out of range.
400013 TcCOM kinematic transformation: Overflow during iteration.
400014 TcCOM kinematic transformation: singularity in kinematic
401000 TcCOM online TRC: Input parameter reference is NIL.
401001 TcCOM online TRC: Reference of Inputvector is NIL.
401002 TcCOM online TRC: Reference of Outputvector is NIL.
402000 TcCOM dynamic contour control: Input parameter reference is NIL.
402001 TcCOM dynamic contour control: Reference of Inputvector is NIL.
402002 TcCOM dynamic contour control: Reference of Outputvector is NIL.
403000 TcCOM geo feed adapt: Input parameter reference is NIL.
403001 TcCOM geo feed adapt: Reference of Inputvector is NIL.
403002 TcCOM geo feed adapt: Reference of Outputvector is NIL.
1000000 Channel must have interpolator.
1000001 Routine init_all() terminated with error.
1000005 Number of function block exceeds range.
1000006 Illegal pointer to interface of decoder.
1000007 Illegal pointer to interface of tool radius compensation.
1000008 Illegal pointer to interface of path preperation.
1000009 Illegal pointer to interface of interpolator.
1000010 Illegal pointer to interface of spindle.
1000011 Received illegal pointer to system channel data.
1000012 Received illegal pointer to function block data.
1000013 Channel number exceeds range of permissible values.
1000014 Number of BF exceeds range of permissible values.
1000015 Illegal communication ID.
1000016 Unknown type of BF.
1000017 Channel must have decoder.
1000018 Channel must have path preperation.
1000019 Received illegal pointer to system channel data.
1000020 Selected illegal type of feedhold.
1000021 Selected illegal type of feedhold.
1000022 Selected illegal type of feedhold.
1000023 Selected illegal type of feedhold.
1000024 Selected illegal type of override.
1000025 Selected illegal type of override.
1000026 Selected illegal type of override.
1000027 Selected illegal type of override.
1000028 Unknown state.
1000029 Job instruction impossible.
1000030 Error occured within waiting for termination of all jobs.
1000031 Routine geo_stoppen() did not terminate correctly.
1000032 Routine sda_abbrechen() did not terminate correctly.
1000033 Routine sda_schnittst_loesch() did not terminate correctly.
1000034 Routine geo_schnittst_loesch() did not terminate correctly.
1000035 Routine geo_warmstart() did not terminate correctly.
1000037 Routine geo_fortsetzen() did not terminate correctly.
1000038 Routine sda_starten() did not terminate correctly.
1000039 Routine prog_abbrechen() did not terminate correctly.
1000040 Routine fb_synch() did not terminate correctly.
1000042 Received illegal PDU.
1000043 Error starting asynchronous task.
1000044 PDU-job to interprete data list fails in decoder.
1000045 Channel parameter list exceeds maximum length of configuration list.
1000047 Job to interprete data list fails in decoder.
1000048 Tool data list exceeds maximum length of configuration list.
1000049 Zero point data list exceeds maximum length of configuration list.
1000050 Clamp position data list exceeds maximum length of configuration list.
1000051 External parameter data list exceeds maximum length of configuration
1000053 Synchronization mode of NC fails.
1000054 Error within configuration of NC.
1000055 Error within initialization of NC.
1000056 Error interpreting axis data.
1000057 Error interpreting leadscrew error compensation data.
1000058 Error interpreting channel parameter data.
1000059 Error interpreting tool data.
1000060 Error interpreting clamp position data.
1000061 Error interpreting zero point data.
1000062 Error interpreting external parameter data.
1000064 Error sending program pathes.
1000065 Error starting NC.
1000066 Initialization of system control fails.
1000067 Initialization of MMI handler fails.
1000068 System boot fails.
1000069 Timeout for system boot.
1000070 Interpretation of system boot data fails.
1000071 Interpretation of axis data fails.
1000072 Interpretation of channel parameter data fails.
1000073 Number of specified pointers too big.
1000077 Number of specified pointers too big.
1000079 Assignment of channel data fails.
1000080 Received PDU contains wrong PDU-code
1000081 Error occurs during reading a PDU.
1000082 Logging of an external user went wrong.
1000083 To announce the external participant has failed.
1000084 Unknown list-type.
1000085 Error while interpret the HAND-MDS list.
1000086 Error while interpret the RT operating system settings.
1000087 Error while interpret the HMI object list.
1000090 The given startup procedure is unknown.
1000091 The cannel could not aborted.
1000092 The cannel could not started.
1000093 It is not possible to send the configuration path to the BF KONFIG.
1000096 Illegal protocol mode for monitoring the dynamic range.
1000097 The expected PDU has a wrong ID number.
1000098 Error in the token table for the ASCII-Interpreter.
1000099 Logical axes number dues not exist.
1000117 The data type of IDENT is wrong.
1000119 The possibel length of IDENT exceeds the limit.
1000120 The size of IDENT list is greater than 64 bytes.
1000121 The name of the file list is too long.
1000122 Cannot open the named file.
1000123 Illegal modificator.
1000124 Illegal phase for IDENT.
1000127 The value transfer of spindle data went wrong.
1000128 Error by interpretation of channel object list.
1000142 Configuration or mapping went wrong.
1000143 Error by interpretation of the hardware configuration.
1000144 Timeout by all the hardware initalisations of the task.
1000159 To many axis as spindle configured.
1000160 For BF spindle no configuration list available.
1000163 Illgale DEC protocol type.
1000168 Error: Parametrization of the driver for transmission to the remote
1000171 Collision parameter list exceeds maximum length of configuration list.
1000172 Interpretation of collision-data fails.
1000174 Specified number of channels exceeds the maximum number.
1000175 Error by update of PLCopen resolution units.
1000176 The define FB_PTR_MAX in must be a higher value.
1000177 Axis with logical number zero is not permissible.
1000178 Structure memeber alignment of external variables invalid.
1001082 FIFO full at wr_fifo (init_serc_antr).
1001083 Wrong PDU came back.
1001084 Return_code_1 is wrong.
1001085 Drive reports an error.
1001086 Drive initialization is incomplete.
1001099 The optional digital drive driver is not available.
1001100 Received illegal PDU.
1001102 Block-interface for manual-mode not available.
1001103 The function fb_synch() couldnot finished in the given time.
1001105 The fibre-optic transmission rate is wrong.
1001106 The number of SERCOS rings is wrong.
1001109 The optional AT- time value calculation not exist.
1001111 Choose interrupt number is over limit.
1001113 Illegal computer address.
1001117 List contains unknown elements.
1001118 List contains unknown elements.
1001119 List contains unknown elements.
1001120 List contains unknown elements.
1001121 The same log. axis number is used several times.
1001122 Axis for duplication is internally unkown.
1001125 Number of channels does not match to configuration.
1001129 Maximum number of axes exceeded, no licence available.
1001130 Maximum number of channels exceeded, no licence available.
1001136 No valid licence for CNC export version.
1001137 Valid licence only for CNC export version.
1001138 Invalid number format in list or permissible range of value exceeded.
1001139 Maximum number of channels exceeded.
1001140 Maximum number of axes exceeded.
1001200 PDU-job to interprete data list fails in decoder.
1001842 No licence for physical drives.
1001848 Specified channel-ID out of range.

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