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The Origin of the Malpighiaceae-The

Evidence from Morphology

Wrrlnu R. AwoeRSoN

ANoensoN, W. R. (University of Michigan Herbarium, North University Building, Ann
Arbor, MI 48109-1057, U.S.A.). The origin of the Malpighiaceae-The evidence from
morphology. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 64: 210-224. 1990. The Malpighiaceae are a
family of some 1200 flowering plants, of which 850/oare neotropical and the rest paleotropical.
Their habits and fruits are very diverse, especially in the New World, while the flowers are
relatively uniform. Calyx glands in most neotropical species secrete oils gathered by polli-
nating bees, but the glands present on the sepals of four genera in the Old World, where the
oil-bees that visit malpighs do not occur, produce sugary nectar similar to that produced
by the anatomically similar extrafloral nectaries found on foliar organs in both hemispheres.
The inflorescence in most Malpighiaceae is based on single-flowered units, but in ten neo-
tropical genera those units may be cymules. Among diverse pollen types the ancestral
condition seems to be colporate. A hypothetical ancestor based on characters that hardly
vary supports Engler's view that the Trigoniaceae and Vochysiaceae are the families closest
to the Malpighiaceae. An analysis utilizing them as outgroups leads to the conclusion that
the likeliest ancestral character-states (inflorescence of cymules, colporate pollen, and dry
dehiscent fruits) are heavily concentrated in the New World subfamily Byrsonimoideae,
hence my "American" hypothesis that the family originated in the New World in effective
isolation from the Old World. I contrast that with Vogel's "Gondwanian" hypothesis, based
on the structural and functional similarity of Old World calyx glands to extrafloral nectaries;
he proposed that the family originated before the breakup of Gondwanaland and the New
World species acquired their oil-producing calyx glands after separation from their Old
World relatives. I discuss some of the problems inherent in these hypotheses, and conclude
with the hope that new molecular data will enable us to break the impasse imposed by the
limitations of the morphological evidence.

Dedication to pursue that interest. During my three years at

New York, and subsequently at The University
Almost twenty years ago, in 197l,I completed of Michigan, I have had the opportunity to study
my Ph.D. and accepted a research position at the and describe the wonderful series of collections
New York Botanical Garden. Although my doc- from northern South America amassed by Bas-
toral thesis treated a genus of the Rubiaceae, my sett Maguire and his collaborators. That treasure
real interest since undergraduate days had been continues to provide material and inspiration for
the Malpighiaceae, and I was hired at New york my research, and I am often moved to consider

how impoverished my career would have been fleshy and dry, and dry dehiscent fruits that may
if Bassett had not had the vision, determination, be unwinged, bristly, or variously winged. The
and force of personality to do what he did in the winged mericarps are mostly of two types, that
Guayana Highland. It is thus with admiration in which each mericarp has its principal wing
and appreciation for his extraordinary achieve- dorsal (hereafter referred to as banisterioid) and
ments that I dedicate this paper to Bassett Ma- that in which the principal wings are lateral (hi-
guire. raeoid). In the Old World genera the fruits are
always dry and winged, and with one exception
Background Information they dehisce into samaras resembling the two
principal samara types found in the New World.
The Malpighiaceae are a medium-sized family On that basis Niedenzu (1928) assigned all the
oftropical and subtropical flowering plants, com- Old World genera to two tribes, Banisterieae
prising some 1200 species assigned to 66 genera. (those with banisterioid samaras) and Hiraeeae
About 850/oofthe speciesoccur in the New World, (those with hiraeoid samaras); each tribe was
and the balance in the Old World. With two dominated by a large number ofNew World gen-
exceptions, no genus or species occurs in both era having similar fruits. I have long felt that
hemispher es.S t igmap hy I I o n ovatum (Cav.) Nied., Niedenzu applied his fruit characters too me-
a Caribbean and Atlantic coast species of a large chanically, thereby creating several very artificial
American genus, has been collected several times groupings of genera. My recognition of the whol-
in western Africa. Heteropterys leona(Cav.) Exell ly American subfamily Byrsonimoideae (1977)
is a well-established species of western Africa, was a first step in correcting those excesses.The
but only with difficulty can it be distinguished Byrsonimoideae have fruits that are indehiscent
from its closest relatives in the Caribbean and or dehiscent and fleshy or dry, but none are bris-
on the Atlantic coast of Central and South Amer- tly or winged. That paper did not address the
ica, H. platyptera DC. and H. multiflora (DC.) problem of the relationships of the Old World
Hochr. The rest of Heteropterys, a genus of some Malpighiaceae, which has been complicated
100 species,is entirely American. All writers who somewhat since the time of Niedenzu by the de-
have considered these two disjunctions agree that scription of Rhynchophora(Ardnes, 1946), a plant
they have probably resulted from dispersal from of Madagascar with a most peculiar winged but
Atlantic America to western Africa in geologi- indehiscent fruit.
cally recent times. I would be willing to go further All Malpighiaceae are perennials. In habit they
and suggest that at least the Stigmaphyllon may include herbaceous stems from a thickened base,
have been introduced into Africa accidentally by shrubs of all sizes, small to large trees, and twin-
humans in the last several centuries. The I/e/- ing vines varying from slender and subherba-
eropterys was described from Africa rather early ceous to woody lianas that reach the tops of the
(Cavanilles, 1790), but even that was long after tallest rainforest trees. No member of the sub-
regular transatlantic travel began, and I cannot family Byrsonimoideae is a vine; all are trees or
help wondering whether I1e teropterys leonamight shrubs. Both twining and erect habits are found
also be a recent transplant from America. In any among the non-byrsonimoids of both New and
case, those two paleotropical plants can be ex- Old Worlds, but the great majority ofthose many
cluded from further discussion here, and when I species are vines.
refer below to the Old World Malpighiaceae my In the New World most species of Malpighi-
comments will not apply to Stigmaphyllon ova- aceae bear large paired multicellular abaxial
tum or Heteropterys leona. glands on four or all five of the sepals (Fig. 5C,
While the flowers of the Malpighiaceae are D). Although they are outside the flower, those
rather uniform, the fruits are extremely diverse glands are accessible to bees visiting the flower
(Anderson, 1979b). For that reason, since the because the clawed petals leave a space through
time of Linnaeus fruit characters have furnished which the bee can reach. In a landmark mono-
the most important bases for recognizing genera graph, Vogel (I97 4) showed that those calyx
and for grouping those genera in tribes and sub- glands, which he called elaiophores, produce oils
families. In the New World the full range of fruit that are gathered by female anthophorine bees
types occurs, including indehiscent fruits, both of the tribe Centridini. Lobreau-Callen (1989)
has recently confirmed his findings by analyzing The oil-bees that pollinate most New World
the secretions from the calyx glands of several Malpighiaceae do not occur in the Old World
genera, although she did find traces of sugars in (Vogel, 1974). Almost no one seems to have pub-
addition to a preponderance of lipids. I have lished good field observations on the pollination
suggested (1979b) that the reason the flowers of of Old World Malpighiaceae, but the large size
neotropical Malpighiaceae are so uniform, in of their anthers suggests that they reward their
genera that are very diverse in habit and fruit, is pollinators with pollen. Since the oil-bees are not
that their evolution has been constrained by their available, it is not surprising that most Old World
dependence on oil-bees for pollination. Most Malpighiaceae lack calyx glands. According to
members of the Byrsonimoideae have ten calyx the descriptions of Niedenzt (1928) and Ardnes
glands, two on each of the five sepals. Most non- (1950, 1954) only four genera bear calyx glands.
byrsonimoids in the New World have only eight In Hiptage, which has hiraeoid samaras, most
calyx glands, on the four lateral sepals; the an- species have one very large elongated gland, borne
terior sepal, which is inaccessible to the bee when on the commissure between the two posterior
she is oriented toward the posterior "flag" petal, sepals and decurrent onto the pedicel. Four of
is eglandular in those species. A moderate num- the 27 species of Hiptage have one to several
ber ofNew World Malpighiaceae lackcalyx glands small glands, and two have an eglandular calyx.
completely, and are presumably pollinated by Tristellateia is a genus of some 25 species, most
bees for which the only reward is pollen. of them endemic to Madagascar. According to
Most genera and species of Malpighiaceae, in Ardnes (1950) some of them have the calyx al-
both the New and Old Worlds, bear multicellular ways eglandular but most bear 1-10 small ca-
glands on various foliar organs-vegetative lycine glands in at least some populations. The
leaves, reduced inflorescence leaves, bracts, and 29 species of Acridocarpus and its closely related
bracteoles. These glands are usually borne on the segregateRhinopterys have banisterioid samaras
petiole or the abaxial surface of the lamina; in and small calyx glands varying in number from
one species (Spachea corueae Cuatr. & Croat) none to ten and in position from commissural
they occur on the adaxial leaf surflace, and in to (apparently) abaxial and paired (A. ferrugineus
several byrsonim o tds (Lo p h a nt her a spp., Sp ach - Engler, fide Niedenzu, 1928: 264). Vogel (1974
ea spp.) one or both of the bracteoles may 66-67) has investigated the anatomy of the calyx
terminate in a large stalked gland (Fig. 5A, C). glands tn Hiptage benghalensls (L.) Kurz andAc-
It is common for field botanists to observe ants ridocarpus smeathmannii (DC.) Guill. & Perr.
removing the nectar from the glands on young and reports that it is similar to that of neo-
leaves and bracts of Malpighiaceae, so it comes tropical elaiophores and extrafloral nectaries in
as no surprise that when those secretions have both hemispheres; in details he finds the paleo-
been analyzed (Vogel, 1974: 64; Lobreau-Callen, tropical calyx glands to be more like extrafloral
1989: 82) they have proved to be rich in sugars nectaries than neotropical elaiophores. On the
and lacking the oils present in the secretions from basis of those structural similarities he considers
neotropical elaiophores. Although these extraflo- the Old World calyx glands to be homologous
ral nectaries are very diverse in size (less than with elaiophores and extrafloral nectaries, in spite
0.5 mm to 4 mm or more in diameter) they are of the fact that they are usually not paired. On
quite similar in their basic anatomy to each other the same pages Vogel cites previous work indi-
and to the elaiophores found on the sepals of cating that the gland of H ipt age benghale nsis pro-
most neotropical Malpighiaceae (Vogel, 1974: duces a sugary nectar and is therefore not an
64). The extrafloral nectaries often occur as paired elaiophore as defined by Vogel. He himself in-
structures borne abaxially and near the base of vestigated the calycine secretions in Acridocarpus
leaves and bracts, in a position analogous to the smeathmannii and found abundant production
position of neotropical elaiophores on sepals. On ofa nectar rich in sugars and lacking lipids. These
the basis of those structural and positional sim- results have been confirmed recently for the same
ilarities, Vogel (197 4: 64-69; 1990) has asserred two speciesby Lobreau-Callen (1989).
that the two kinds of glands must surely be de- In most Malpighiaceae each flower is borne on
velopmentally and evolutionarily homologous, a pedicel, subtended by two bracteoles borne at
in spite of their different secretions. the apex of a peduncle, which is in turn sub-

FIG. 1. Inflorescence types in the Malpighiaceae. A. Raceme of dichasia; known in the Trigoniaceae and
postulated for the Malpighiaceae; the inflorescence diagrammed here is more elaborate than that of Lophanthera
lactescens,the only malpigh in which dichasia occur. B. Raceme of cincinni; known in l0 genera of neotropical
Malpighiaceae. C. Pseudoraceme (raceme of I -flowered cincinni); this and condensed derivatives of it are present
in all other Malpighiaceae, comprising 56 genera, and in some species in 4 of the genera that show condition
B. I interpret evolution of these inflorescences as a reduction series proceeding from A to C.

tended by a single bract (Fig. 1C). In all or some simplest way to summarize the diversity in the
speices of ten neotropical genera one finds cy- family's pollen is to say that it is either colporate
mules instead of the one-flowered units de- with equatorial pores and colpi at right angles to
scribed above. The difference consists in the fact the equator (or some obvious variant on that
that one of the two bracteoles subtends a shoot theme), or porate with the pores mostly non-
comprising a peduncle, two bracteoles, and a equatorial and the ectoapertures variously ori-
pedicellate flower; one of those two bracteoles is ented and modified, or lost completely. Figure 2
in turn fertile, and so on, resulting in a cincinnus shows examples oftricolporate (A & B) and tetra-
of 2-10 flowers (Figs. 1B, 5,A.,C). Those genera colporate (C) pollens, as well as two very different
are Barnebya, Blepherendra, Burdachia, Byrso- porate pollens, one with ectoapertures (D) and
nima, Diacidia, Glandonia, Lophanthera, one without them (E). Lowrie's figure 3.2 is re-
Mcvaughia, Spachea, and Verrucularia. ,\lI of produced here (Fig. 3) as a nice summary of the
those except Barnebya belong to the subfamily bewildering diversity in the family's pollen. As
Byrsonimoideae (Anderson, I97 7, 1979a). In one that shows, Lowrie considered tricolporate pol-
byrsonimoid species (Lophanthera lactescens len to be ancestral in the family and all other
Ducke) the cymules are often dichasia instead of types to have been derived from it, ultimately.
cincinni. i.e.. both bracteoles subtend flowers in- Lobreau-Callen (1983) also summarized the pol-
stead of only one (Fig. lA). Barnebyaisan anom- len of Malpighiaceae as either "colpor6es" or
alous genus of uncertain affinities (Anderson & "por6s" and assumed that colporate pollen was
Gates, l98l; Lowrie, 1982). All other neotrop- ancestral in the family. The reason for their
ical Malpighiaceae, and all paleotropical species, agreement on this point is obvious when one
have as the ultimate units of the inflorescence considers the distribution of pollen types in the
single flowers instead of cincinni. fossil record and in extant families ofthe Rosidae
The pollen of the Malpighiaceae is extremely (Walker & Doyle, 19751'Cronquist, l98l:521\.
diverse, and I cannot begin to do justice to that Tricolporate pollen is common in both, while
diversity here. For descriptive treatments see the bizarre "porate" types of pollen shown in
Lowrie (1982) and Lobreau-Callen (1983 and Figure 2 are scattered; indeed, at least some of
earlier papers cited therein, especially 1967). The the grains found in the Malpighiaceae are prob-
ably peculiar to this family. Tricolporate pollen of the plants and their bees across the widening
or types clearly derived from it (syntricolporate, Atlantic. I speculated that the Old World Mal-
parasyntricolporate, and tetracolporate) are found pighiaceae, all with wind-dispersed samaras, de-
in all genera of the wholly New World subfamily scended from two or more New World Malpigh-
Byrsonimoideae, and polycolporate pollens (pores iaceae that were dispersed from west to east, and
and colpi 5-8) occur in the New World genera further that in the Old World, where oil-bees
Dinemagonum, Dinemandra, Lasiocarpus, and were not present, the elaiophores degenerated
Ptilochaeta. In the Old World syntricolporate into the calyx glands still present in some species
pollen is found only in Acridocarpus and its seg- or were eventually lost. Implicit in my specula-
regate Rhinopterys (Lowrie, 1982', Lobreau-Cal- tion was the assumption that the ancestral Mal-
len, 1967, 1983). According to Lobreau-Callen pighiaceae had unwinged fruits ill-adapted to
(1 983), Brachylophonhas "colporate" pollen; she long-distance dispersal, and it was not until more
did not say how many pores and colpi are pres- dispersible samaras evolved that the family suc-
ent, and Lowrie did not see material of that ge- ceeded in crossing the gap from New World to
nus. Lowrie (1982) and Lobreau-Callen (1967, Old. These ideas had been summarized earlier
1968) both reported Rhyncophora to have by Raven and Axelrod(L974) on the basis of my
tricolporate pollen, but in her 1983 paper Lob- personal communications to Peter Raven.
reau-Callen described it as "inapertur6" (p.814) Ardnes (1957) also suggestedthat the center
without explaining her change in opinion. I am of origin of the Malpighiaceae was the area in
assuming that the earlier reports, including her Brazll, the Guianas, and Venezuela where the
1968 drawing, of tricolporate pollen in Rhyn- Malpighiaceae are most numerous and diverse.
chophorawere correct. All other Old World Mal- While it is intuitively tempting to equate center
pighiaceae, as well as the majority of New World ofdiversity with place of origin, the idea has been
Malpighiaceae, have various kinds of "porate" generally discredited and will receive no further
pollens considered derived by both Lobreau-Cal- consideration here.
len and Lowrie. Lobreau-Callen (1983: 876, 879) My conviction that the Malpighiaceae origi-
thought that, for the most part, the porate pollens nated in the neotropics has always depended on
of the Old World are more similar to each other the distribution of the character-states that I con-
and to the colporate pollens of both hemispheres sider to be ancestral in the family. I have made
than they are to the porate pollens of the New passing reference to this relationship (e.g., 1981:
World. She derived the Old and New World por- 22-23;1983), and Cronquist cited personal com-
ate pollens independently from tricolporate an- munications from me (198I 771), but I have not
cestors. Lowrie (pp. 32t-323) agreed that most elaborated my reasoning in print, which led Vo-
porate Old World pollens are coherent in mor- gel (1990) to assume, erroneously, that my hy-
phological groups that reflect their geography, pothesis rested upon the distribution of calyx
but he related two of those groups loosely to two glands. I shall correct that misimpression here.
New World groups with porate pollen, and he The neo-orthodoxy of cladism would dictate
placed one anomalous Old World genus (Fla- that I polarize characters by comparing the char-
bellaria) within one otherwise neotropical sub- acter-states in the Malpighiaceae with those found
group. in appropriate outgroups. While I find it impos-
sible to achieve that ideal fully, I agree that in
Hypotheses of the Origin of the making this kind of argument one should at least
be explicit about one's reasons for asserting that
any character-state is relatively plesiomorphic or
THE "AMERICAN"Hyporrtrsrs apomorphic, and that much I shall do.
The Malpighiaceae are morphologically rather
I have suggested (1979b) that the Malpighi- isolated-there are no transitional forms or ob-
aceae originated and diversified in the neotrop- viously closest sister taxa. Every plant I have
ics, in a close coevolutionary relationship with studied was either clearly assignable to the family
New World oil-bees, presumably after the sep- or readily excludable from it. (The only group
aration between South America and Africa was about which I have ever had the slightest doubt
sufficiently great to prevent the ready migration is the Brazilian genus Thryallis.) It seems to me

FIG. 2. Pollens of neotropical Malpighiaceae.A & B. Lophanthera longifolia (H.B.K.) Grisebach, x 3500
(Prance26646). C. Mcvaughia bahiana W. R. Anderson, x 2500 (Anderson11740).D. Janusia occhioniiW. R.
Anderson, xlTOO (AndersonI I 151).8. BunchosiadecussifloraW.R. Anderson, x 1500(Sl/va & Brazdo 60612).

(/\\ r,i (\\
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II r "|\) --l '

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AcoLpArE A

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-:^ / d"
colPt ).-

\\^."fD I I ./'' I

a-"Jl @-C,-,?-L=]
-ur. d,'

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FIG.3. Lowrie's summary of pollen typesin the Malpighiaceae,with all typesderived from the tricolporate
condition.From figure3.2in Lowrie (1982:38).

that the appropriate method for selecting one or whorled or subopposite leaves, and a very
more closest outgroups is to describe the "ur- few have them alternate.
malpigh" and then compare that description to 6. Leaves unlobed-mostly; some Stigmaphyl-
families that have been suggestedas putative rel- lon spp. have lobed leaves.
atives. Below I list the character-states that I 7. Leaf margins entire-always; some are pseu-
would expect to find in such an ancestor, on the dodentate at insertion of glands, cilia, or
basis of their ubiquity or near-ubiquity in extant bristlelike hairs.
Malpighiaceae. For each character I have added 8. Stipules present-mostly; much reduced in
qualifying comments as to that character-state's some, to occasionally lacking.
occurTence. 9. Multicellular extrafloral nectaries present-
mostly; absent from a few species or genera.
I. Habit perennial-always. 10. Flowers hermaphroditic-mostly.
2. Habit woody-mostly; a few have minimal lI. Sepals 5-always.
secondary growth. 12- Petals 5-always.
3. Hairs unicellular-always. 13. Petals clawed-mostly.
4. Hairs 2-armed-mostly; a few have basi- 14. Stamens l?-mostly; fewer in a few species
fixed hairs, but most are clearly secondarily or genera; very rarely more.
so with some hairs showing a rudimentary 15. Extra- and intrastaminal nectaries lack-
second branch as a basal spur; three other- ing-always.
wise dissimilar clades (Bunchosia spp., Byr- 16. Carpels -l-mostly; 2 in a few clades; very
sonima spp., and Thryallis) have hairs with rarely 4.
more than 2 arms. 17. Styles as many as carpels-mostly; rarely
5. Leaves opposite-mostly; a few taxa have fewer.

18. Styles distinct-mostly; coherent or connate which to reject immediately. The source of most
in a few clades. of my morphological data was Cronquist (1981).
19. Ovules I per carpel-always, except where I also consulted the monograph of Trigoniaceae
aborted; never 2 or more. by Lleras (1978) and studied specimens of Tri-
20- Endosperm lacking in mature seeds-al- goniaceae and Vochysiaceae in the University of
ways, as far as I know. Michigan Herbarium.

Bentham and Hooker (1862) placed the Mal-

Geographical D istributio n
pighiaceae near the families that have often been
grouped as Geraniales and Linales. The plant Both Trigoniaceae and Vochysiaceae occur
described above as our "urmalpigh" is most un- principally in the neotropics, but there are two
like the former (Oxalidaceae, Geraniaceae, Bal- species of the former and one of the latter in the
saminaceae, Tropaeolaceae, and Limnantha- Old World. If numbers count, outgroup com-
ceae), so they are easy to eliminate from parison would favor a New World origin for the
consideration as candidate outgroups. Most of Malpighiaceae, but caution is in order. The two
the Linalean families also differ significantly from paleotropical Trigoniaceae (Humbertiodendron
my urmalpigh; for example, the Humiriaceae and T r ig o n i ast ru m) have uniovulate locules more
have an intrastaminal disk, endospermous seeds, like those ofMalpighiaceae than most New World
usually five carpels, one style, mostly more than Trigoniaceae, and the fruit is a schizocarp with
ten stamens, and often toothed leaves. The clos- three samaras that are impressively reminiscent
est fit among the Linalean families is the Ery- of the fruit in the neotropical malpigh genus,Bar-
throxylaceae, although its alternate leaves and nebya.
endospermous seeds weigh heavily against
choosing it as closest sister group.
The competing view, since the time of Engler
(1897), has been that the families closest to the Both outgroups include trees, shrubs, and
Malpighiaceae are the Trigoniaceae and Vochys- woody vines, although the latter are rare in the
iaceae. Takhtajan (1980), Cronquist (1981), Vochysiaceae. Therefore, one cannot on the basis
Dahlgren (1983), and Thorne (1983) all agreed of strict outgroup comparison specify the ple-
that the families closest to the Malpighiaceae are siomorphic habit in Malpighiaceae. I confess to
the Trigoniaceae, Vochysiaceae, Polygalaceae, an intuitive bias in favor of viewing vines as
and Krameriaceae, with the first two generally derived from shrubs, but it is clear that woody
favored. Comparing my urmalpigh with the data vines can give rise to shrubs and even small trees,
I can gather about these families, I have to agree as tn Banisteriopsis spp. in central Brazll, so it is
that the Trigoniaceae and Vochysiaceae do seem not impossible that a woody vine was ultimately
to be the two families most like the Malpighi- ancestral to all the Malpighiaceae, even the large
aceae, although both differ significantly from the trees of the Byrsonimoideae.
plesiomorphic malpigh characters. Thus in Tri-
goniaceae there are intrafloral nectaries, there is
only one style, and the seeds are endospermous.
In Vochysiaceae there is only one style, the ovules I believe that the single-flowered units found
are mostly two or more per carpel, and the sta- in most Malpighiaceae have been derived from
mens are never as many as ten. Nevertheless, at several-flowered cymules. That sequence is di-
this time those two families, and especially the agrammed in Figure 1. It is based on Besseyan
Vochysiaceae, seem to be the best candidates for reductionism-the belief that reduction is evo-
closest sister taxa to the Malpighiaceae. lutionarily easier to achieve than elaboration, es-
Now that we have reinvented Engler's wheel, pecially once a certain point ofno return has been
can we polarize characters that vary within the passed, in this case the ability to make cymules
Malpighiaceae? Only a few, as it turns out, but of more than one flower. Secondarily elaborated
I shall do what I can, using a combination of inflorescences are common in the Malpighiaceae,
outgroup and ingroup arguments and identifying but they consist of branched inflorescences com-
them as such so that cladistic purists will know posed of many single-flowered units. In the

Vochysiaceae the inflorescence is usually a ra- glanduliferous species or genus, but I really would
ceme ofcincinni, just like the inflorescence found not be ready to say that Coleostachys, for ex-
in many neotropical Byrsonimoideae. In the Tri- ample, could not have retained the eglandular
goniaceae one can find the same racemes of cin- calyx of an urmalpigh. Among the neotropical
cinni (e.9., Trigonia virens Macbride) as well as Malpighiaceae with elaiophores (the vast major-
various degrees of reduction in the cincinni, ter- ity), ten glands on five sepals seem likely to have
minating in single-flowered units. One also en- preceded eight glands on four sepals. This is an-
counters racemes of dichasid, e.8., in Trigonia other Besseyan argument. I assume that it was
rugosa Bentham. Recall that dichasia occur in originally developmentally simplest to make five
one byrsonimoid species, Lophanthera lactes- similar sepals, and that selection eventually (and
cens. That is the condition I postulate to have perhaps repeatedly) favored the loss of glands
been ancestral in the Malpighiaceae. I would from the front sepal where they were least ac-
therefore claim that outgroup comparison sup- cessible to the bee and therefore least likely to
ports my ingroup argument, but I admit that the justify the expense of making them. In this con-
presence in the Trigoniaceae of inflorescences text it may be worth mentioning that it is com-
with single-flowered units weakens that claim. mon for populations or species in very diverse
Unlikely as it seems to me, it is possible that an genera to lose additional glands (e.9., Lophanthe-
ancestor with inflorescences constructed from ra spp., Heteropterys spp., Malpighia spp.), and
single-flowered units gave rise to descendants with when that happens it almost always involves loss
cincinni and dichasia in both Trigoniaceae and of the glands that were adjacent to the anterior
Malpighiaceae. sepal, which I interpret as a continuation of the
same reduction trend in response to the same
Calyx Glands kind of selection.

Neither the Trigoniaceae nor the Vochysiaceae Pollen

have abaxial glands on the sepals, so the glands
for which the Malpighiaceae are famous are In the preceding section I presented the opin-
clearly an apomorphy of that family. Does that ions of Lowrie and Lobreau-Callen that tricol-
mean that every malpigh with an eglandular ca- porate pollen is plesiomorphic in the Malpighi-
lyx has the plesiomorphic condition? Surely not. aceae. I agree. Inasmuch as that consensus is
Among the neotropical Malpighiaceae one finds based on the condition that is typical ofthe Rosi-
eglandular calyces at every taxonomic level-in- dae it can be considered an outgroup argument.
dividuals within populations and populations Closer to home, one finds that in the Vochysi-
within species (e.9., Byrsonima spp., Heteropte- aceae the pollen is tricolporate, while in the Tri-
rys spp.), species within genera (e.g., Banister- goniaceae it is 3-5-porate.
iopsis, Byrsonima, Galp himia, Pterandra), eglan-
dular genera with sister genera that have glandular
calyces (e.9., Echinopterys), and isolated genera
or clusters of genera with eglandular sepals (e.g., Outgroup comparison tells us little about the
Coleostachys; Lasiocarpus and Ptilochaeta; fruit of the urmalpigh, but since the fruits in both
Thryallis). While it may well be that among all Trigoniaceae and Vochysiaceae are always dry
these taxonomically scattered casesthere lurks a and dehiscent (capsules or schizocarps) it seems
species or genus that retains the plesiomorphic probable that the ancestral condition in the Mal-
eglandular condition, it would be patently absurd pighiaceae was a dry fruit that was schizocarpic
to suggest that they a// show the eglandular con- or whose carpels were free from the beginning.
dition through unbroken inheritance from an From these considerations I conclude that the
eglandular ancestor. Moreover, I know of no way earliest Malpighiaceae had inflorescences com-
to examine an eglandular calyx and state objec- posed of cymules. The first ones to have paired
tively on the basis of its morphology alone calyx glands probably had them on all five sepals.
whether it is primitively or secondarily eglan- The pollen was surely tricolporate, and the fruit
dular. I would be willing to guess in cases where was almost certainly dry and either schizocarpic
the eglandular plant were embedded within a or derived from free carpels. The distribution of

iollen 3:4-colporate

Burdachin Acmanthera
Byrsonima Colnostachys
Diacidin Galphimia
Spchw Acrido carpus
Verrucularia Rhinopterys



32 Neut World genera

of cymules in at
least some species 12 Old World genera

Fruit dehiscent
FIG.4. Distribution of three plesiomorphic character-states among the genera of Malpighiaceae. New World
genera are in italic, with the byrsonimoid genera bold. Old World genera are in Roman. Not shown are the four
genera (all neotropical) that lack all three character-states: Bunchosia, Dicella, Malpighia, and, Thryallis.

these inflorescence, pollen, and fruit character- tropical subfamily Byrsonimoideae, all of which
states among extant genera is shown in Figure 4. are trees or shrubs with colporate pollen; most
No Old World genera have thyrsiform inflores- have ten calyx glands. Four genera have the in-
cences, and only four have colporate pollen. florescence composed of single-flowered units in
Rhynchophorahas an indehiscent fruit, and Ac- all speciesand six have the fruit indehiscent. The
r i do car p us and Rh i nop t ery s hav e alternate leaves only three genera that show all three of the ple-
and syncolporate pollen. In the New World, Bar- siomorphic character-states used to prepare Fig-
nebya is the only non-byrsonimoid genus with ure 4 are Lophanthera, Spachea, and Verrucu-
an inflorescence composed of cymules; its pollen laria. Spacheais derived in its breeding system-
lacks ectoapertures, resembling that of Buncho- all three species investigated are functionally di-
sia shown in Figure 2E. That leaves the neo- oecious (Anderson, 198 I : 4243.,Steiner. 1985).

Verrucularia hardly differs from Lophanthera, pighs descended from samara-bearing plants like
but it is advanced in its complete lack of extraflo- those now in the neotropics is too simple, be-
ral nectaries. Lophanthera spp. seem to come cause all such extant neotropical species have
closest to fitting the picture constructed here of "porate" pollen, and it is unlikely that such pol-
an ancestral malpigh, but even they are probably len reverted to the ancestral rosid condition three
derived in their winged anthers and in having times in the Old World. There must have existed
the colpi short-bifurcate at the tips in some spe- at one time New World Malpighiaceae inter-
cies, including Z. lactescens. the species cited mediate between byrsonimoids with colporate
above as the only member of the family known pollen and thyrsiform inflorescences and the
to bear dichasia as well as cincinnt. Lophanthera present-day samara-bearing plants with derived
is a genus of five species, four of them Amazo- pollen and inflorescences. Barnebya probably
nian and the fifth endemic to lowland forests near represents such an intermediate, in which the
rivers on both coasts of Costa Rica (Anderson, plesiomorphic inflorescence was retained asso-
1983). The latter, L. hammeliiW. R. Anderson, ciated with derived pollen and winged fruits. Such
is illustrated in Figure 5. In the 1983 paper I a plant, but with tricolporate pollen, would be a
suggestedthat the basic chromosome number of fine ancestor for Acridocarpus and Rhinopterys,
the family is probably n:6, the lowest number one of the three Old World clades with colporate
known. I cited previous counts of n: 6 tn Loph- pollen (Anderson & Gates, 1981). This kind of
anthera lactescens and Galphimia glauce Cav., ad hoc reasoning could account for all the Old
a fairly closely related byrsonimoid. Since then World malpighs with colporate pollen, but it suf-
I have counted the chromosomes in Lophanthera fers from two weaknesses. One is that it postu-
hammelii (voucher is Hammel 13339 : Schatz lates more independent introductions from the
1034, MICH) and Verrucularia glaucophylla Adr. New World, and while such are not impossible
Juss. (voucher is Anderson 13704, MICH). In the more of them one has to postulate the less
bothspeciesn:6. likely they become. The other weakness is that
My purpose in this exercise has not been to this kind of explanation relies on hypothetical
suggest that the urmalpigh is alive and well and intermediates no longer in existence, except for
living in the Amazon. I am not so naive as to Barnebya. While some such intermediates be-
believe that any taxon could be expected to pos- tween the neotropical clades must have existed,
sess solely plesiomorphic character-states. But I prefer explanations that do not require one to
Figure 4 and my discussion of it show that the construct hypothetical organisms, since that
admittedly few such states that I can identify practice lends itself so readily to special pleading
with confidence are heavily concentrated in the for pet hypotheses.
Byrsonimoideae, which are wholly American. The other explanation that I can suggest for
The simplest hypothesis consistent with these colporate pollen in the Old World is that my
data is that the family originated in northern hypothesis that the family originated in isolation
South America in effective isolation from the Old in the New World is wrong. The alternative would
World. be that the Malpighiaceae evolved before the
The great problem with my "American" hy- breakup of Gondwanaland, and that the three
pothesis is that it does not readily account for Old World clades with colporate pollen have al-
the presence of tricolporate pollen in three quite ways inhabited what are now Old World regions.
separate lineages in the Old World. My earlier Like the byrsonimoids they simply retained a
speculation (1979b) that all the Old World mal- plesiomorphic pollen type inherited from their

FIG. 5. Lophantherahammelii.A. Floweringbranch,x 0.5,with circle x 2.5.B. Stipules,x2.5. C. Cincinnus
of two flowers, x 2.5, with bracteoleglands (righ| x 5. D. Flower, side view with posterior petal erect, x 2.5,
with singlepetal x 3.5. E. Stamens,x 10, abaxial view left, adaxial view right. F. Gynoecium, x7.5, with tip of
style (left) x15. G. Fruit, x3, with adaxial view of single mericarp (left) x4.5. H. Mericarp in longitudinal
section,with intact seedin position, x 4.5. I. Embryos, x 4.5, side view left, abaxialview right. Drawn by Karin
Douthit, A-B from Grayum 2231A, C-I from Hammel 9397. Onernally publishedin Brittonia 35:39. 1983.

{ l'.F
s- 1 't i


common ancestors. This is the "Gondwanian" I accept as a reasonable working hypothesis

hypothesis, which Vogel has proposed on differ- Vogel's conclusions that all malpigh glands are
ent grounds. Let us, therefore, turn our attention homologous and that calyx glands were derived
to that hypothesis now. from extrafloral nectaries. However, it does not
necessarily follow that the calyx nectaries in Old
World malpighs could only have come directly
from extrafloral nectaries. Vogel cannot have it
In his 1990 paper Vogel developed an ar- both ways-if all those glands are anatomically
gument based on observations presented in his so similar that their homology is unquestionable,
1974 book. There he showed that all calyx glands then there is no reason why elaiophores that lost
in the Malpighiaceae are anatomically similar to their ability to produce oil after migration to the
extrafloral nectaries, from which he concluded Old World should not revert in structure to a
that all calyx glands are homologous with ex- condition similar to that of their homologs. In-
trafloral nectaries and that extrafloral nectaries deed, that is just what Vogel's conclusions would
gave rise to calyx glands rather than the reverse. lead me to expect. Similarly, the fact that those
He also showed that the calyx glands in the few glands produce sugar rather than oil does not
Old World genera that possessthem are anatom- mean they are not degenerate elaiophores. As
ically and functionally more like extrafloral nec- Vogel said ( 1990: 140): "Why, and how, the tran-
taries than like the calyx glands ofthe New World sition of nectaria to oil glands came about phys-
Malpighiaceae. On that basis he concluded that iologically, is still open to debate. The occurrence
the Old World malpighs lacking calyx glands are in some nectars of small amounts of lipids on
primitively eglandular, and that in those bearing the one hand, and that of sugar traces in some
calyx nectaries they evolved directly from ex- floral oils on the other, suggestsat least that such
trafloral nectaries, not through degeneration from a change was feasible." I agree, and if it was
elaiophores inherited from New World ances- feasible once in one direction, the reverse would
tors. In 1974 (pp. 242-243) he seemed equally have been even more feasible, because the ge-
ready to accept either of two explanations for netic ability to make sugary nectar was not lost
this situation: "Either the New World Malpigh- when the plants evolved the ability to produce
iaceae stemmed from the predecessors of [pres- oil in elaiophores. Therefore, I cannot accept Vo-
ent-dayl paleotropical [Malpighiaceae], and after gel's assertion that the calyx nectaries in Old
isolation a general transmutation of their calyx World malpighs could not be degenerate elaio-
glands to elaiophores and thus nuptial organs phores. His own evidence as to their homology
occurred, or . . . the Old World groups must have makes that a reasonable possibility. This point
already separated, as did also the American gen- is critical to the Gondwanian hypothesis of the
era of today, [which] although otherwise already origin of the Malpighiaceae. In fact, it is Vogel's
possessing their characteristic features, still had only real basis for that hypothesis.
no oil glands, i.e., found themselves in a con- Vogel emphasized the structure and function
dition which is still conserved in the afroasiatic ofthe Old World calyx glands while glossing over
representatives" [my translation]. The first of the anomalous fact that they exist at all. After
these two suggestions is orthogenetic and would going to some trouble (1990: 138) to demonstrate
be most unlikely to command serious consid- (on the basis of position, not field observations)
eration from most evolutionary biologists, so not that they cannot function to reward pollinators,
surprisingly it was deemphasized in the 1990 pa- he could advance no plausible explanation for
per, where instead Vogel developed the second why they should have evolved in what seem like-
idea, concluding (p. 141): "Both groups of the ly to be three quite different clades (Acridocar-
family evolved from a common ancestor prob- pus/Rhinopterys, H ipt age, and Trist el lateia). He
ably already existing in Gondwanaland which offered only another orthogenetic speculation:
bore unspecialized pollen flowers. This original "Apparently, an evolutionary propensity for the
condition is still conserved in the paleotropic calyx to acquire these vegetative glands also ex-
descendants whereas the neotropical ones ac- isted, a conceivable process considering the veg-
quired elaiophores as an apomorphy after the etative provenance of the sepal whorl." When
separation of the continent." that line of reasoning is weighed against the pos-

sibility that some Old World malpighs bear de- much more receptive to the second suggestion,
generate glands because their ancestors were because my own monographic studies of neo-
American and bore elaiophores, the presence of tropical Malpighiaceae indicate that there has
those glands in the Old World can be seen as been parallel evolution among those genera of at
supporting the American hypothesis. Those Old least superficially similar fruits. I suspect that
World calyx glands are as much of a problem for banisterioid and hiraeoid samaras represent
the Gondwanian hypothesis as the presence of aerodynamically optimal designs, which have
colporate pollen in the Old World is for the been achieved independently several times in the
American hypothesis. New World, and the same may have happened
Another, analogous difficulty with the Gon- in the Old World. On the other hand, I must
dwanian hypothesis was not recognized by Vo- admit that some Old World samaras are very
gel. Almost all Malpighiaceae have clawed pet- similar indeed to some New World samaras.
als. The functional significance of those claws in Niedenzu was not without some grounds for al-
neotropical malpighs with elaiophores was made lying Old World and New World genera. Not
obvious by Vogel in his 1974 monograph-they having studied any of the Old World Malpighi-
leave a space through which the bee can gain aceaein detail I am not prepared to speak further
accessto the elaiophores. The fact that the petals to this problem, but for the moment the multiple
are clawed in malpighs without elaiophores, in- convergences required by the Gondwanian hy-
cluding those ofthe Old World, presents no prob- pothesis would seem to constitute something of
lem for my hypothesis of an American origin of a problem.
the family; I see it as simply a retained plesio-
morphy. But if the Old World malpighs did not Where Do We Go from Here?
have an American origin, what is the functional
significance or the selective basis for their clawed I have emphasized the inflorescence and pol-
petals? len and concluded that an American origin for
Finally, it seems inescapable that the Gondwa- the Malpighiaceae is most likely. Vogel empha-
nian hypothesis requires a great deal of parallel sized characteristics of the calyx glands and con-
evolution of apomorphies, as Vogel admitted cluded that the family had a Gondwanian origin.
(1990: 138-139): "Provided the current system Some data are inconsistent with or at least in-
of the Malpighiaceae is correct, the New World convenient for each hypothesis, and it is possible
branches of the tribes Hiptageae and Banister- that the truth lies in some other explanation,
ieae, as well as the Byrsonimoideae and the Mal- perhaps one that combines elements of both hy-
pighia affinity, have acquired elaiophores in in- potheses. At this point it seems best to seek ad-
dependent parallel lines, as repeated apomorphies ditional data that might shed new light on the
that commenced to develop soon after the iso- problem. Since we have exploited morphology
lation from the Old World stock. . . . If the al- rather thoroughly and remain at a stalemate, I
ternative possibility is true, namely that the ad- have decided to explore non-morphological data.
vent of elaiophores was a single evolutionary Therefore, I have recently embarked on a study
occurrence, reflecting monophyly of the Ameri- using molecular data, in collaboration with Mark
can portion of genera, it renders the assumption W. Chase. We hope that the sequence of nucle-
of intra-tribal connections between these and the otides in one chloroplast DNA gene will give us
paleotropical subtribes (as expressed in the cur- an improved basis for specifying a closest out-
rent system) no longer tenable, and their (mainly group to use in polarizing characters within the
carpological) coincidences would be a matter of Malpighiaceae. We shall also try to use restric-
convergence." The first suggestion recalls Vogel's tion site analysis to group the genera within the
1974 orthogenetic speculation, quoted above in family, independently of the morphology that
translation, and seems just as incredible now as seems so subject to homoplasy. Therefore, we
it did then. Anything is possible, I suppose, but hope to follow this paper in the fairly near future
I really cannot believe that the bizane and ele- with a new contribution to the discussion. and I
gant suite of identical character-states found in cannot at this time predict the contents of that
the oil-flowers of the New World Malpighiaceae report. If molecular techniques enable us to find
evolved independently four or more times. I am a way out of the thicket of conflicting morpho-

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