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Kaye Nunez


 The community assessment is the collection and analysis of data related to the needs and cha
racteristics of Head Start-eligible
children and families in the grantee service area. It identifies program and community resources 
available to meet their needs and specifies where gaps exist. It provides vital community demogr
aphic data that you can use to target your recruitment efforts atthe children and families most in 
need of Head Start services. The community assessment also assists you in identifying and
comprehending the most important issues and trends affecting families with young children in
your service area. Finally, the information from the community assessment is used to inform
programmatic decisions, such as planning, service delivery, and evaluation, at both the grantee
and federal levels. The community assessment report has an impact on grantee-level decisions in
areas such as recruitment and selection criteria, staffing patterns, program options, center
location, and how services will be delivered to children and families. The results of your
community assessment may also have an impact on your program's long-term goals and short-
term objectives.
The project is a set of activities and processes with the primary goal of carrying out a large-
scale task. The main characteristics of the project are the availability of deadlines, resources, and
the mission. Project implementation can be quantified as well as qualitatively calculated. A
program, on the other hand, is a collection of projects linked by a common goal, management,
resources, and mission. The implementation of planned tasks results in a qualitative state change.
The first step in planning, sustaining, and evaluating a health project is to identify the issues
or health problems in the community. Second, prioritize the issues or health problems to identify
the one that the project will address. Third, identify risk factors and set the goal for the project.
The next step is to determine contributing factors and state objectives for the project. And then,
determine what the strategies will be. The next step is to develop the action plan for the project.
The seventh step is to sustain the project, or keep the project going. Lastly, evaluate the project.

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