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Homework 4

1. To sum up the information of the text

How I Make Music for Films & Videos
Music for films can generate different emotions in movie scenes. You can get a
bunch of different moods to show impressive, grandiose, scary or jolly episodes using
just a few notes.
If you want to make your own music, you can start with chords. You can
experiment with rhythm, tempo to change the character of the music. You can add
different instruments (piano, violin, drums, percussion or whatever you want).
Music for films adds a real weight to what a person says, increases the
emotionality of scenes.
2. To read and translate the text
Writing a Movie Review
Writing a movie review is a great way to express your opinion of a movie. The
purpose of most movie reviews is to help readers determine if they want to watch,
rent, or buy the movie. The review should give enough details about the movie so that
the reader can make an informed decision, without giving anyway any essentials such
as the plot or any surprises.
Reviews analyze the effectiveness of the plot, theme, acting, direction, special
effects, musical effects, cinematography, and all other elements that created the
movie. There are qualities and guidelines that a critique of a movie should possess.
Avoid the use of generalized opinions such as “it was a great movie” or “the acting
was horrible,” but rather give specific reasons and the whys.
Steps to Writing a Movie Review:
1. Watch the movie
The first step in writing the review is to watch the movie. Watching the movie
a second time will help you absorb a lot more detail about the movie. Most movie
reviewers take notes as they watch the movie.
2. Evaluate the movie
Most movie reviewers will give their opinion of the movie. However, as in all
good journalism, the reviewer should also give impartial details and allow the reader
to make their decision over an issue the reader liked or disliked. Opinions should be
explained to allow the reader to determine whether they would agree with your
3. Who is your audience?
You need to consider who your audience will be. Writing a movie review for
children requires a different approach than if writing for a movie club. Ensure you
report on the factors that matter to your likely audience.
4. Actors
Detail who is starring in the movie and how well you think they acted.
5. Structure
Did the movie follow a regular predictable story line, or did it get you thinking,
like a Quentin Tarantino movie?
6. Cinematography and lighting
Give details about how well the movie was shot and directed. Was the lighting
good in the moody scenes?
7. Music
Did the movie have its own score like ET, or did it feature songs from popular
8. Proofread
Read and check your review thoroughly. It can be embarrassing to find errors
in your work after it has been published. This is especially important for reviews that
will be published on the Internet as search engines are always looking for the correct
spellings of key words.
Guideline for a Movie Review
Paragraph 1: You will need to include the following: name of the film,
prominent stars of the film, basic setting (time and place), and genre.
Paragraph 2: You will need to write a short plot summary for the movie. Do
not reveal the ending.
Paragraph 3: Discuss one aspect of filmmaking. You may choose from acting,
direction, editing, costume design, etc. Be sure that you are specific and cite
examples from the movie.
Paragraph 4: Discuss another aspect of filmmaking different from the one you
discussed in paragraph 3.
Paragraph 5: Give your overall reaction to the film as well as your opinion on
the quality of the film. Include your recommendations for potential viewers.
Складання рецензії на фільм
Написання рецензії на фільм – це чудовий спосіб висловити свою думку
про фільм. Мета більшості рецензій на фільми – допомогти читачам визначити,
чи хочуть вони переглянути, взяти напрокат або купити фільм. Рецензія має
містити достатньо деталей про фільм, щоб читач міг прийняти обґрунтоване
рішення, не повідомляючи жодних суттєвих деталей, як-от сюжет чи будь-які
Рецензії аналізують ефективність сюжету, теми, акторської гри,
режисури, спецефектів, музичних ефектів, операторської роботи та всіх інших
елементів, які створили фільм. Є якості та орієнтири, якими повинен володіти
критик фільму. Уникайте використання узагальнених думок, таких як «це був
чудовий фільм» або «акторська гра була жахливою», натомість наведіть
конкретні аргументи та причини.
Алгоритм написання рецензії на фільм:
1. Перегляньте фільм
Першим кроком до написання рецензії є перегляд фільму. Перегляд
фільму вдруге допоможе вам зрозуміти більше деталей про фільм. Більшість
рецензентів роблять нотатки під час перегляду фільму.
2. Оцініть фільм
Більшість рецензентів висловлять свою думку про фільм. Однак, як і в
будь-якій хорошій журналістиці, рецензент також повинен надати
неупереджені подробиці та дозволити читачеві прийняти своє рішення щодо
питання, яке читачеві сподобалося чи не сподобалося. Думки слід пояснювати,
щоб дозволити читачу визначити, чи погодиться він з вашою думкою.
3. Хто ваша аудиторія?
Ви повинні враховувати, для кого ви створюєте рецензію. Написання
рецензії на фільм для дітей вимагає іншого підходу, ніж написання для
кіноклубу. Переконайтеся, що ви повідомляєте про фактори, які важливі для
вашої ймовірної аудиторії.
4. Актори
Детально вкажіть, хто знімається у фільмі та наскільки добре, на вашу
думку, вони зіграли.
5. Структура
Чи містив фільм звичайну передбачувану сюжетну лінію чи спонукав вас
до роздумів, як фільм Квентіна Тарантіно?
6. Операторська робота та освітлення
Надайте детальну інформацію про те, наскільки добре фільм був знятий
та режисований. Чи хорошим було освітлення в похмурих сценах?
7. Музика
У фільмі використано власну музику чи пісні популярних виконавців?
8. Вичитування та коректування
Уважно прочитайте та перевірте свою рецензію. Соромно знаходити
помилки у вашій роботі після її публікації. Це особливо важливо для рецензій,
які будуть опубліковані в Інтернеті, оскільки пошукові системи завжди
шукають правильне написання ключових слів.
Рекомендації для рецензії фільму
1. Вам потрібно включити до рецензії таку інформацію: назву фільму,
інформацію про видатних зірок фільму, час і місце дії, жанр.
2. Вам потрібно написати короткий опис сюжету фільму. Але не розкривайте
3. Обговоріть одну складову кіновиробництва. Ви можете вибрати акторську
гру, режисуру, монтаж, дизайн костюмів тощо. Переконайтеся, що ви надаєте
конкретну та точну інформацію, наведіть приклади з фільму.
4. Обговоріть іншу складову кіновиробництва, відмінну від тієї, яку ви
обговорювали в пункті 3.
5. Висловіть своє загальне ставлення на фільм, а також свою думку щодо якості
фільму. Додайте свої рекомендації потенційним глядачам.
Face2Face Ex. 1 p. 72
Ask and answer these questions
1) Can you name a film that has been released this month? What did the critics
think of it?
“Mavka. The Forest Song” is a Ukrainian cartoon that has been released
recently. This cartoon received rave reviews. Critics mostly agreed that “Mavka” is
intended primarily for children, so the plot is more unambiguous and optimistic than
in the original. The graphics were considered to be of high quality, although the
visual style was noted to follow the “Disney” manner of the image. Critics also noted
interesting characters, amazing soundtracks and a great plot.
2) Can you think of a film that you didn't like, but which got rave reviews?
“Deadpool” is an American comedy that has been released in 2016. It received
rave reviews from various critics. But in my opinion this movie is low quality, vulgar
and, in general, boring.
3) Do you prefer foreign films to be subtitled or dubbed?
As for me, I prefer to watch foreign films in the original language or with
subtitles. You can hear the real timbre of your favourite character's voice, and
understand the plot of the film more deeply.
4) What was the last remake or sequel you saw?
The last sequel I saw was “Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald”. This
film is a 2018 fantasy film directed by David Yates and written by J. K. Rowling. The
sequel to Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016), it is the second instalment
in the Fantastic Beasts film series and the tenth overall in the Wizarding World
5) Can you name any films that are set in the future or have amazing special
“In Time” is a 2011 American science fiction action film written, directed and
produced by Andrew Niccol. This film set in 2169, when people are genetically
engineered to stop aging on their 25th birthday.
“The Fifth Element” is a 1997 English-language French science fiction action
film conceived and directed by Luc Besson. Primarily set in the 23rd century, the
film's central plot involves the survival of planet Earth, which becomes the
responsibility of Korben Dallas, a taxicab driver and former special forces major,
after a young woman falls into his cab. This film also had an amazing and extremely
expensive special effects.
6) Which is more important for a film to be successful – a strong cast or a good
I think both the strong cast and a thoughtful plot are equally important for the
successful release of the film. One influences the other, making it better.
7) Do you watch the trailers for films on DVDs or do you fast-forward past
Sometimes I watch movie trailers. It depends on how exciting the movie is.
8) Do you know where your favourite film was shot?
My favourite film "In Time" was shot in 20th Century Studios. 20th Century
Studios is an American film production company headquartered at the Fox Studio Lot
in the Century City area of Los Angeles.
9) Have you ever bought the soundtrack of a film? If so, which one(s)?
No, I haven't. Because I can download it to my computer for free.
10) Which of the films you've seen had the best costumes?
Titanic is an epic 1990s movie about the 1912 sinking of the Titanic. Though
the movie centers around the romance between the high-society Rose Dewitt-Bucater
and wanderer Jack Dawson, it also features many real-life people who were aboard
the Titanic.
In order to reflect the different class affiliations of many people, amazing
costumes were made.

Face2Face Ex. 4 p. 72
a Look at the phrases in pink in the article. Then choose the correct words
in these rules.
• In the passive sentence the focus is on what happens to someone or something
rather than on who or what does the action.
• We often use the passive when we don't know who or what does the action.
• To make the passive we use: subject + be + past participle.
b Match the phrases in pink to these passive verb forms.
1. Present Simple Passive – is held
2. Present Continuous Passive – is being shown
3. Past Simple Passive – was given
4. Past Continuous Passive – were being driven
5. Present Perfect Simple Passive – has been broadcast
6. Past Perfect Simple Passive – had been nominated
7. Passive form of be going to – are going to be awarded
c Look at the phrases in blue in the article. Then complete these rules with
be + past participle, to be + past participle or being + past participle.
• After certain verbs (e.g. enjoy) we use being + past participle.
• After certain verbs (e.g. want) we use to be + past participle.
• After prepositions we use being + past participle.
• After the first/second/last (+ noun) we use to be + past participle.
• After have to and used to we use be + past participle.
• After modal verbs we use be + past participle.

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