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PROFILE SOD ee eRe ee by a private foundation that has a mission to support the education of young talented indonesian students, en kt Oe aes rete eC Aenea eee) Tjandi Stichting (founded in 1913) and Van Deventer Stichting (founded in 1917), thereby absorting the PM ee Seon TERED On September 12th, 2017 the representative office in Indonesia was formally established to be Yayasan Van Peacoat ANU Pie Recon CUR Nera Deen Stee cree oa ee ny eng a ee eeme ne era Puen re acsrt ee Eat teeny students, mostly for those came from underpri ea OFFICE ey ccc prrsrrenoiated PARTNERSHIP Technology; Padjadjaran University; Satya ere rE Uae cae eee ijapranata C ; Gadjah Mada Pee Coun ree Parente eat Sea cen ene rookie SLU eer yar tatg Rn eee unre Salle Catholic Unit Deen fares Sie aarsint Indonesian Christian Universi PSs ed VAN DEVENTER-MAAS INDON le Sle PAN Sallie ry eee cd Neat arn ro recom ants eR eUn eee eatt Pea nt Hc u ees ene nar bermoral tinggi melalui pendidikan fo BRR Cosnls CAPACITY BUILDING SCHOLARSHIP REQUIREMENTS PROCESS ae Pa eaten 3. Financially deprived (stated in SKTM (Surat Petree Um aM eat a emer toe ere oe Rey Issued by the University PRS SRNR CS src 5. Disciplines : Accounting, Agriculture, Fishery/Animal Husbandry, Architecture, Arts and. on oe Men Tas aI santa Communication, Economics, Education, Pea meth ar er Rte era ee er aa ROTM ee NUS Re ToT Management, Informatics, Inform. earn maven Physics, Statistic and Technic/Technology PERIOD Parnes Sore rers t 2. Scholarship will be awarded for the standart Pret Depa t Disparate Pies On coon ao BENEFITS Pe Se Rn oes oa) ee eee SL) Pa eee sr Ley) Pe neem rc ROT ee RS anes ne en ta must be completed online through: Sore eet BO Rens REQUIRED DOCUMENTS Teor amen Seas 2, Recommendation Letter from University which stated that the applicants come from ene The latest academic transcript with IPK (3.00) Parents Income Statement from their institution or CRC MPR eek ee ee eure made, signed and sealed with Rp 10.000,- meterai Pie a oni) roreeera DX eet y) Copy of Family Card (KK) nee Electricity Bill (at least the last 2 months) fovea crn ke coe 10.the account holder number and name) Beers c meet! social activity); Why VDMI has to choose you to be ‘one of Grantees; What is the advantage for you if you were chosen as Grantee; What will you do for the society after you received the scholarship. (Min. 1,5 pages of Ad) ee Ce ee a aed Perea On un eS eee ea ert Tere er erty and University Partners as well as beetwen University Ce er ees Cee cae cree Ea get the opportunity to attend capacity building, ee OR eC) Pan Sern eorex Aven) 3, Excellent Writing Club (EWC) Pea ar ei

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