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3 CE

CREDITS CE Article 1

Acute Colitis: Pathophysiology

and Noninfectious Causes*
❯❯ R
 . P. Atherton, BVSc, Abstract: Acute colitis is a common and potentially devastating condition in adult horses. While
MSc, DACVIM, MRCVS supportive care is critical in treating acute colitis, timely provision of appropriate therapies can
Lingfield Equine Vets, Chester
maximize the chance for recovery. This article reviews the normal physiology of the equine large
Lodge, Felbridge, Surrey,
United Kingdom intestine and illustrates how disruption of normal gastrointestinal function in acute colitis leads
to common pathologic changes, regardless of the underlying etiology. The most common non-
❯❯ H
 . C. McKenzie III, infectious etiologic agents of acute colitis in horses are discussed to permit development of an
❯❯ M
 . O. Furr, DVM, appropriate treatment plan.

Marion duPont Scott Equine cute colitis is a debilitating con- colitis.5 In addition, identification of a spe-
Medical Center, Virginia- dition that can affect horses and cific etiologic diagnosis may be complicated
Maryland Regional College of ponies of any breed, age, or sex.1 by multiple potential pathogens. Regardless
Veterinary Medicine By definition, colitis is associated with of the cause, similar clinical signs (i.e.,
inflammation of the colonic mucosa that diarrhea, abdominal pain, pyrexia, cardio-
At a Glance invariably leads to development of diar-
rhea; however, diarrhea may not be pres-
Normal Physiology
Page 367 ent on initial examination. The degree of TO LEARN MORE
colonic inflammation can be profound,
Pathophysiology leading to severe losses of fluid and elec-
Page 369
trolytes and possible permanent intestinal
Parasite-Associated Colitis injury. Despite aggressive treatment, the
Page 370
clinical status of an affected equine patient
Antimicrobial-Associated can deteriorate rapidly, and the mortal-
Colitis ity rate can be high.2 While the literature
Page 371
regarding the fatality rate of acute colitis
NSAID Toxicosis in horses is limited, fatality rates of 32% to
Page 371
60% for salmonellosis and 15% to 35% for
Cantharidin Toxicosis Potomac horse fever have been reported.3,4
Page 371
Determining the underlying etiology  onsultant’s Corner: How Do
Plant Toxicosis of acute colitis can be challenging. Few I Diagnose and Manage Right
Page 372
causes of acute colitis in adult horses have Dorsal Colitis? (Winter 2006)
Carbohydrate Overload been documented compared with causes in
Page 372 other animals and humans. In one report, Related content on
*A companion article on infec- a definitive diagnosis was reached in only
tious causes begins on page 375. approximately 35% of cases of acute equine

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Acute Colitis: Pathophysiology and Noninfectious Causes CE

vascular failure) or even sudden death may be table 1Most Common Noninfectious and
seen, representing derangement in the normal
physiologic process of the large intestine (e.g.,
Parasitic Diagnostic Differentials
the colon and cecum). This article describes the for Acute Colitis in Adult Horses
normal physiology of the equine large intestine Category Differential Etiologic Factor
and the fundamental pathophysiology associ- Parasitic Strongylosis Strongylus vulgaris
ated with acute colitis. It also reviews the com-
Cyathostomiasis Small strongyles
mon noninfectious etiologic agents of acute
equine colitis (Table 1). Toxic NSAID use Excessive dose or prolonged
Normal Physiology Antimicrobial use Increased risk with oral
The equine large intestine includes the cecum, antimicrobials and β lactams
large colon, transverse colon, small colon, and Cantharidin Blister beetle ingestion
rectum. The cecum has an average length of 1 Plants Different toxic agents of variable
m and a fluid capacity of 33 L, while the large potency
colon is 3 to 4 m in length and has a capacity
Miscellaneous Carbohydrate overload Excessive consumption of soluble
of as much as 130 L. The small colon is narrow carbohydrates
and has a small total capacity, but it can be
up to 4 m in length.6 The large intestine is the
principal site of digestion and water balance in for absorption of water, electrolytes, and VFAs
horses; on a normal daily basis, it secretes and produced by bacterial fermentation.9
recovers a volume of fluid approximately equal Under normal physiologic conditions, water
to the total extracellular fluid volume of the moves into or out of the intestine until the
horse—approximately 100 L/day.7 Up to 75% of osmotic pressure of the intestinal contents
the energy requirement of horses is obtained equals that of plasma.9 The absorption of water
through carbohydrate metabolism by microbial depends on absorption of nutrients (e.g., sug-
fermentation in the cecum and colon; specifi- ars, amino acids) and ions. Absorption is mostly
cally, the most important products are volatile transcellular because tight junctions form inter-
fatty acids (VFAs; e.g., acetic, propionic, and cellular contacts that regulate solute movement
butyric acids). A stable luminal environment is through the paracellular pathway (Figure 1).
required for efficient functioning of the cecum The ion shifts of primary importance in the
and colon; therefore, luminal pH should be equine colon include net absorption of sodium
tightly maintained between 6.8 and 7.2, and
colonic and cecal luminal osmolality should be FIGURE 1
kept at approximately 300 mOsm.8 Epithelial cells
Passage of fluid and digesta through the
cecum and large colon is relatively slow to
allow adequate time for microbial digestion,
fermentation, and absorption of the products
of digestion. Fluid can take up to 50 hours to Apical side
move through the large colon, and digesta can
take 2 to 3 days, with times varying according
to the type of digesta.9 The cecum and colon Web of complex/tight
have three phases of motor activity: mixing, transmembrane junction
retention, and retropulsion of ingesta.10 Motility tight junctions
in the cecum consists of mixing contractions
in which the haustra alternately contract and
relax. In addition, every few minutes, a strong,
mass movement–type contraction forces some Basolateral side
of the cecal contents through the cecocolic ori-
fice into the colon.11 Within the colon, mixing Tight junctions seal the spaces between adjacent epithelial cells,
and haustral contractions efficiently blend the preventing free movement of water and electrolytes between the GI
ingesta and expose it to the mucosal surface lumen and the interstitium. | October 2009 | Compendium Equine: Continuing Education for Veterinarians® 367
CE Acute Colitis: Pathophysiology and Noninfectious Causes
FIGURE 2 sodium from the colonic lumen into epithelial
cells. The secondary active transport systems
Blood 3Na+
Active use “free energy” derived from passive diffusion
transport ATP
of one ion down its electrochemical gradient to
+35 mV +O–
transport another ion against its electrochemi-
cal gradient. Sodium–hydrogen ion and chlo-
2K+ +H
ride–bicarbonate exchange systems of this type
Epithelial 1 2 have been identified in the mucosal surface of
cells H2CO3– equine colonic epithelial cells.8
Digestion in the colon is primarily by bac-
Na+ Cl– terial fermentation (normal large intestinal flora
in horses is primarily composed of anaerobes
HCO3– and streptococci) in conjunction with cellulolytic
H + HCO3– bacteria (in the equine colon), which appear
GI CO2 H+ to be similar to those found in the rumen of
lumen VFAs ruminants.12 Fermentation of soluble and insol-
uble carbohydrates yields VFAs, carbon diox-
ide, methane, and lactate. VFAs, the primary
Transport mechanisms in the equine colon. (1) The Na+-K+-ATPase pump energy source in horses, are passively absorbed
uses ATP; by its action, Na+ is pumped out of GI cells via primary active transport. through the mucosa of the colon and cecum
The Na+-H+ and Cl–-HCO3– pumps use energy from other sources and are examples
into the blood and are transported to the liver
of secondary active transport. Tight junctions between the cells and the electro-
chemical gradient prevent free paracellular movement of ions. (2) After ingestion
to be metabolized. Their absorption is tightly
of feed by the horse, the volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentration increases in the regulated by the luminal environment of the
colonic lumen. CO2 is absorbed across the cells, hydrates to form carbonic acid, large intestine. At a normal pH of large intestinal
and then dissociates into bicarbonate and hydrogen ions in the colonic lumen. contents (e.g., 6.8 to 7.2), 99% of VFAs are ion-
Concurrently, Na+-H+ exchange is inhibited by the high level of VFAs; therefore, the ized (dissociated).8 However, this form is poorly
HCO3– concentration increases. Once the VFAs have been absorbed, the Na+-H+ absorbed compared with the un-ionized (undis-
exchange activity increases again and the H+ enters the lumen to buffer the HCO3–.
sociated) form.13 VFAs become un-ionized by
transfer of hydrogen ions, primarily from carbon
and chloride ions and net secretion of bicar- dioxide. Carbon dioxide diffuses into cells of the
bonate ions (Figure 2). The transport mecha- cecal and colon walls, hydrates to form carbonic
nisms for these ions involve passive and active acid, and then dissociates into bicarbonate and
forces. Passive forces include the intrinsic per- hydrogen ions.8 In addition, bicarbonate ions are
meability of intestinal epithelial cells, osmotic actively secreted via transporters in the basolat-
pressure gradient exerted by the contents of the eral membrane of colonic cells into the colonic
intestinal lumen, electrical potential difference lumen and then accumulate in luminal fluid.
across intestinal epithelial cells, concentration High luminal concentrations of VFAs inhibit the
gradient of solutes across intestinal epithelial Na+-H+ exchange. However, as VFAs become
cells, and pH of luminal contents.8 Active trans- un-ionized and are absorbed, this pump activity
port mechanisms include primary and second- increases, and hydrogen ions enter the colonic
ary processes. Primary active transport involves and cecal lumens and buffer the increased level
movement of an ion against its electrochemi- of bicarbonate ions.8 Hydrogen ions are also
cal gradient using energy. In the equine colon, used to transport sodium ions into the cell,
sodium is actively transported by the sodium– which drives water absorption (Figure 2).
potassium–adenosinetriphosphatase (Na+-K+- Tight regulation of the resident gastrointes-
ATPase) pump present in the basolateral cell tinal (GI) microbial population is important, as
membranes of the colonic epithelial cells. This normal flora protects the host from pathogenic
pump actively moves three sodium ions out bacteria through colonization resistance (i.e., in
of the cell into the interstitium while moving competing for space and nutrients, the normal
two potassium ions into the cell. This creates flora inhibits colonization and proliferation of
an electrochemical gradient of approximately pathogenic bacteria).14 Normal flora competes
35 mV across the mucosal surface of colonic with potentially pathogenic organisms for attach-
epithelial cells, which facilitates movement of ­ment sites on the epithelial surface of the mucosa.

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Acute Colitis: Pathophysiology and Noninfectious Causes CE

VFAs produced by normal flora further block production and liberation of oxygen free radi-
bacterial attachment by inhibiting growth of cals, which are directly cytotoxic, lead to fur-
pathogenic bacteria. Normal flora also pro- ther injury of the colonic mucosal epithelium.
duces bacteriocins that inhibit growth of Oxygen free radicals may potentiate activity
potential pathogens.14 Any disturbance in the of proteolytic enzymes released by phago-
normal flora impairs these defense mecha- cytic cells during the inflammatory process.
nisms, increasing susceptibility of the intes- They can also inhibit antiproteases, which are
tine to colonization by pathogenic organisms. naturally within colonic mucosa and prevent
Specific host defenses that further preclude protease-induced cellular damage. When tissue
the growth of pathogenic bacteria include gas- injury becomes severe, mucosal epithelial cells
tric pH, GI motility, the mucosal barrier, and are lost, leading to erosion and ulceration.19
mucosal immunity. Overall, disruption of colonic mucosa leads to
a reduction in epithelial surface area, loss of
Pathophysiology absorptive cells, and failure of tight junctions,
The pathophysiologic mechanisms of acute with a net result of increased fecal water sec-
colitis can be divided into inflammation, ondary to impaired reabsorption and increased
abnormal passive and active secretion, and passive secretion. Recent studies that tried to
decreased transit time. The inflammatory pro- correlate cytokine concentrations and mac-
cess is complex: it has many different com- roscopic colonic lesions found an increase in
ponents. The equine large intestine is poised interferon-γ and IL-6 related to the presence of
to mount an inflammatory response to anti- necrosis of the colonic mucosa.20
genic stimuli through numerous lymphoid Passive fluid loss from the vasculature is
follicles and mast cells distributed throughout minimized in healthy horses because the cap-
the mucosae of the cecum and colon and by illary endothelium is relatively impermeable to
CriticalPo nt
neutrophils and macrophages that are nor- macromolecules (e.g., albumin). These macro-
mally within the colonic mucosa and submu- molecules produce tissue oncotic pressure that The large intestine
cosa.15 Unfortunately, the process by which resists movement of fluid into the interstitium. performs microbial
inflammatory cells attack foreign antigens is However, in acute colitis, the endothelium is digestion of fibrous
not always specific or well regulated and may often damaged, resulting in increased capil- feed material
lead to secondary damage to host tissues. lary permeability to macromolecules and loss through a tightly
Neutrophil, eosinophil, mast cell, and mono- of albumin from the capillaries to the intersti-
regulated and physi-
nuclear cellular responses and inflammatory tium.21 Agents that may increase capillary per-
mediators such as prostaglandins and leu- meability in equine colitis include endotoxins,
ologically complex
kotrienes can all result in cellular and tissue enterotoxins, oxygen free radicals, histamine, environment.
damage. In a recent equine colitis study, the and prostaglandins.15 Normally, small fluctua-
prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) level increased with tions in the driving forces for fluid movement
time after a castor oil challenge and corre- do not cause interstitial edema because of fac-
lated with granulocyte infiltration.16 However, tors that resist expansion of the matrix (edema
neutrophil influx is not definitively detri- safety factors).22 However, in acute colitis,
mental because neutrophil-associated PGE2 diminished oncotic pressure across the cap-
and interleukin (IL)-1β have been shown to illary wall leads to decreased fluid retention
promote tissue repair and healing.17 by the remaining protein within the capillary
Proinflammatory cytokine production also lumen. As a result, fluid leaks from the circula-
plays a significant role in the development of tion into the interstitium and hypoproteinemia
inflammation within the colonic mucosa. For worsens. Therefore, development of interstitial
example, murine acute colitis models have edema becomes a self-perpetuating process.23
demonstrated increased levels of IL-1α/β, IL-6, Movement of albumin into the interstitium pro-
IL-18, and granulocyte colony-stimulating fac- motes this fluid shift because tissue oncotic
tor within the colonic mucosa.18 Bradykinin pressure is maintained by albumin despite
and histamine are released by neutrophils and increasing fluid accumulation. This results in
mast cells during inflammation, and studies progressive tissue edema and plasma protein
have shown that they increase secretion and loss into the interstitium and, eventually, the
impair absorption by the colonic mucosa.19 The intestinal lumen. | October 2009 | Compendium Equine: Continuing Education for Veterinarians® 369
CE Acute Colitis: Pathophysiology and Noninfectious Causes
FIGURE 3 Intestinal motor function is vital to normal
2 Cl–
Blood digestion and absorption. Fluid will not tra-
verse the intestinal tract unless propelled by
contractile activity.9 Propulsive and segmental
+ Inflammatory activity of muscle layers within the intestinal
K+ mediators that increase tract mixes food with intestinal secretions,
intracellular cAMP alters the surface area of intestine exposed
Epithelial • PGE1 and PGE2 to luminal contents, and regulates the rate of
cell intestinal transit and contact time during which
Cl– • Vasoactive
mucosal absorption occurs. Abnormal smooth
Na+ – + cAMP intestinal peptide (VIP)
muscle activity has been shown to occur in
• Calcium acute colitis and may be a response of the
bowel to irritation and/or increased intralu-
GI lumen H+ H2O minal volume.25 When inflammation occurs,
smooth muscle contractions decrease due to
Increased cAMP due to endogenous agents such as PGE1, PGE2, VIP, endogenous myosin phosphatase inhibitor
and calcium leads to increased CI— secretion. Inflammatory mediators CPI-17 suppression and altered activity of mus-
increase intracellular cAMP concentration, which leads to opening of chloride carinic receptors and ion channels.26 Typically,
channels. Chloride secretion increases, and water follows passively. Luminal
abnormal motility involves an increased rate
sodium increases due to inhibition of the Na+-H+ pump by an increased cAMP
level. Increased cAMP also increases K+ transport out of intestinal cells,
of transit due to decreased segmental con-
increasing intracellular chloride levels. tractions that normally impede intestinal
flow.27 This increased rate of transit leads to
decreased contact time for fluid absorption,
resulting in increased fecal water content and
In many horses with colitis, there is also increased frequency of defecation (i.e., diar-
active secretion of solutes and water by in­- rhea). In addition, there is reduced clearance
flamed colonic mucosa.24 As discussed earlier, of bacteria from the large intestine, which
the fluid and electrolyte transport processes in may contribute to the virulence of potentially
colonic epithelial cells are tightly governed by pathogenic organisms.28
CriticalPo nt many different processes. While many of these
processes have not been studied in detail in Parasite-Associated Colitis
A definitive diagno- horses, research performed in many species While parasite-associated colitis is most often
sis may be elusive indicates that the single most important secre- clinically associated with chronic diarrhea,
in cases of acute tory event leading to increased fecal water (diar- sudden-onset diarrhea has been reported in
colitis; therefore, rhea) and electrolyte loss is probably increased horses.29 Cyathostomes (small strongyles) and
understanding the chloride ion secretion, which is primarily large strongyles are important equine parasites
pathophysiology of mediated by increased intracellular cAMP.22 An associated with acute colitis.30,31 In cyathos-
increase in chloride secretion directly increases tome infestation, injury to colonic mucosa is
colitis can facilitate
water secretion because water passively follows thought to be related to simultaneous matu-
the development chloride ions. Additionally, a compensatory ration and release of hypobiotic cyathostome
of an appropriate increase in water reabsorption is prevented larvae from the cecal and colonic mucosae.
treatment plan. by the inhibitory effect of increased intracel- This phenomenon is seasonal; therefore, the
lular cAMP on the Na+-H+ pump, leading to disease is expected to occur only in late win-
decreased sodium reabsorption and associated ter and early spring, although the stimulus for
reabsorption of water. Increased cAMP also larval emergence is not clear.29 Emergence of
increases potassium transport out of the intes- encysted larvae causes mucosal injury, ulcer-
tinal cells via a basolateral potassium pump, ation, and inflammation, all of which may be
thereby increasing intracellular chloride levels responsible for development of clinical dis-
and further enhancing chloride secretion down ease.14 Alternatively, diarrhea associated with
the concentration gradient. Endogenous agents large strongyle infestation (most importantly,
that can increase intracellular cAMP include infestation with Strongylus vulgaris) is typi-
PGE1, PGE2, calcium, and vasoactive intestinal cally acute and occurs within several days of
peptide8 (Figure 3). infestation. Fourth-stage larvae migrate from

370 Compendium Equine: Continuing Education for Veterinarians® | October 2009 |
Acute Colitis: Pathophysiology and Noninfectious Causes CE

the lumen through the mucosa and submu- shown to inhibit epithelial cell migration and
cosa into arterioles of the intestine, causing mucosal restitution.40 NSAID toxicosis mani-
mural edema, hemorrhage, and infiltration of fests as two clinical syndromes called gener-
the wall by inflammatory cells.32 Increased alized NSAID toxicosis and right dorsal colitis.
secretion and decreased absorption of fluid In patients with the generalized form, mucosal
and electrolytes stimulated by inflammatory ulceration occurs throughout the GI tract, and
mediators such as prostaglandins and hista- oral and gastric lesions are very common; in
mine may also play a role in colitis induced patients with right dorsal colitis, the ulcer-
by large strongyles. ation is focal and severe. Why the ulceration
is expressed only in the right dorsal colon in
Antimicrobial-Associated Colitis some horses is unknown, but both clinical syn-
Antimicrobial administration can be associ- dromes are often associated with the develop-
ated with colitis in equine patients.2 The result- ment of diarrhea.
ing condition can be very severe, and horses The detrimental effects of NSAIDs are typi-
with antimicrobial-associated diarrhea are re­- cally dose dependent; in most reported cases of
ported to be 4.5 times less likely to survive NSAID toxicosis, affected horses were receiving
than those with diarrhea from other causes.2 higher-than-recommended doses, often over
Antimicrobials may precipitate diarrhea by dis- many days.41 The toxic dose of phenylbutazone
rupting GI flora and depleting the normal pop- in healthy horses has been reported to be 8 to
ulation of obligate anaerobes and streptococci. 10 mg/kg/day for several days; doses of 15 mg/
This interferes with colonization resistance.33 kg/day or higher, when given on multiple days,
Additionally, normal anaerobic bacteria in the were found to be lethal, with death occurring
GI tract produce short-chain fatty acids and as early as day 4 of treatment.42 Flunixin meglu-
other metabolites toxic to facultative anaerobic mine appears to be less toxic than phenyl­
CriticalPo nt
bacteria. Loss of normal anaerobic flora leads butazone, but foals given 1.1 mg/kg/day for 30
to depletion of these short-chain fatty acids, days developed signs of toxicosis.43 In another The use of some
which are also important for carbohydrate fer- study, flunixin meglumine dosed at 6.6 mg/kg/ common drugs
mentation and absorption of sodium and water day IV for 5 days was necessary to produce (e.g., NSAIDs,
by colonic mucosa.12 clinical signs of toxicosis in a group of neonatal antimicrobials)
Antimicrobials that are highly concentrated foals.44 Combining nonsteroidal therapies (com- can precipitate
within the GI lumen exert a more profound monly called stacking) increases the potential
acute colitis.
effect on GI flora than other antimicrobials. for toxicosis. Significant GI ulceration and pro-
Antimicrobials that are administered orally or tein-losing enteropathy were reported when a
excreted in bile that undergo enterohepatic combination of phenylbutazone and flunixin
circulation (e.g., oxytetracycline, doxycycline) meglumine was administered to 13 adult horses,
are of greatest concern.34 Broad-spectrum anti- even though each drug was administered at the
microbials such as tetracyclines and β-lactams published, and seemingly appropriate, dose for
are most commonly associated with colitis in 5 days.45 Although NSAID toxicosis is usually
humans; in horses, trimethoprim–sulfamethox- dose dependent, there are reports of idiosyn-
azole, macrolides, cephalosporins, and tetracy- cratic toxicoses in which horses that received
clines have been reported to cause colitis.34–38 recommended doses of phenylbutazone devel-
oped right dorsal colitis.46
NSAID Toxicosis
NSAIDs are well recognized as having poten- Cantharidin Toxicosis
tial toxic effects on the equine GI tract; these Cantharidin is the toxic principle found in
effects may lead to diarrhea. PGE2 and PGI2 are beetles of the genus Epicauta, which are com-
critical for maintaining normal mucosal blood monly known as blister beetles. These beetles
flow within the GI tract; therefore, inactiva- feed on alfalfa flowers and can be incorpo-
tion of COX enzymes by NSAIDs can lead to rated into hay if the alfalfa is cut and pro-
decreased prostaglandin production, which, in cessed simultaneously, as by crimping. Horses
turn, impairs mucosal blood flow, leading to then ingest beetles with the hay. Cantharidin is
mucosal injury and inflammation.39 In addition, a potent GI irritant, causing acantholysis and
the administration of COX inhibitors has been vesicle formation when applied topically.47 This | October 2009 | Compendium Equine: Continuing Education for Veterinarians® 371
CE Acute Colitis: Pathophysiology and Noninfectious Causes
table 2 Plants That May Induce Acute Colitis in Adult Horses
Plant Toxic Agent Clinical Signs
Acorn/oak Tannins Acute onset of severe abdominal pain, rectal straining, hemorrhagic diarrhea,
(Quercus spp) marked intestinal borborygmi
Oleander Cardiac glycosides Sudden death; cardiac irregularities; profuse, watery, bloody diarrhea
(Nerium oleander)
Buttercup Ranunculin Oral irritation, salivation, abdominal pain, diarrhea that may be bloody
(Ranunculus spp) (protoanemonin)
Nightshades Solanine Salivation, abdominal pain, increased borborygmi and diarrhea
(Solanum spp)
Rhododendron, azaleas Grayanotoxins Salivation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, tremors, cardiac abnormalities, death
(Rhododendron spp) (glycosides)
Pokeweed Phytolaccatoxin, GI irritation (colic, diarrhea that may be bloody), anemia (rare), death
(Phytolacca americana) phytolaccigenin
Castor bean Ricin Abdominal pain, diarrhea, depression, incoordination, profuse sweating,
(Ricinus communis) increased body temperature

leads to severe ulceration and inflammation of the buffering capacity of the large intestine
the GI mucosa throughout the GI tract, result- is overwhelmed. This profoundly acidic con-
CriticalPo nt ing in severe diarrhea, which is often fatal. For dition results in death of the resident micro-
more on cantharidin toxicosis, see the article bial flora. In turn, lactic acid increases the
While many of these beginning on page 353. osmotic load within the large intestine, lead-
processes have ing to development of secretory diarrhea. The
not been studied Plant Toxicosis acidity also results in necrosis, erosion, and
in detail in horses, Plant toxicosis appears to be an uncommon inflammation of large intestinal mucosa, exac-
research performed cause of acute colitis, although this may be erbating water, protein, and electrolyte loss
related to the difficulty of determining that plant into the intestinal lumen. In addition, bac-
in many species
toxicosis is the cause of the diarrhea. A wide terial endotoxins and other toxic principles
indicates that the range of toxic plants can induce diarrhea in are absorbed across the inflamed large in-
single most impor- horses48 (Table 2). Signs can vary from chronic testinal mucosa. Subsequently, inflammatory cy-
tant secretory event to peracute and life-threatening, depending on tokines are produced at a level sufficient to
leading to increased the toxic agent and dose ingested. Most plant induce systemic inflammation, which may
fecal water (diar- toxicoses are associated with signs beyond lead to systemic disease, such as endotoxemia
rhea) and electrolyte simple diarrhea—oral ulceration and cardiac and laminitis.
loss is probably complications are common.
increased chloride
Carbohydrate Overload Knowledge of the pathophysiology and etiol-
ion secretion, which Overconsumption of soluble carbohydrates over­ ogy of acute colitis allows clinicians to formu-
is primarily medi- whelms the absorptive capabilities of the small late rational diagnostic and therapeutic plans,
ated by increased intestine, causing a high percentage of soluble maximizing the potential for positive outcomes
intracellular cAMP. carbohydrates to enter the large intestine. The in these challenging cases. While treatment is
subsequent pathogenesis for acute colitis pri- fundamentally supportive in nature, therapies
marily involves toxic effects on microbial flora targeting the appropriate etiologic agent may aid
in the large intestine.14 An increased amount in decreasing mucosal inflammation and injury,
of soluble carbohydrates reaches the cecum thereby diminishing the severity of diarrhea and
and colon, resulting in rapid fermentation by the systemic inflammatory response. Supportive
gram-positive, lactic acid–producing bacteria treatment modalities directed toward the under-
and a sudden increase in organic acid produc- lying pathophysiologic mechanisms may be
tion. The intestinal pH decreases rapidly, and beneficial even if the etiology is unknown.

372 Compendium Equine: Continuing Education for Veterinarians® | October 2009 |
Acute Colitis: Pathophysiology and Noninfectious Causes CE

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CE Acute Colitis: Pathophysiology and Noninfectious Causes

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1. Which of the following has not been e. Na+-K+-ATPase stands for decrease in prostaglandin production,
associated with acute diarrhea in adult sodium-potassium-adenosine which, in turn, impairs mucosal blood
horses? monophosphatase. flow and leads to mucosal injury and
a. S. vulgaris inflammation.
b. Dictyocaulus viviparus 5. Which of the following pathophysiologic d. The administration of phenylbutazone
c. cantharidin mechanisms is not common in equine and flunixin meglumine concurrently
d. flunixin meglumine patients with acute colitis? is associated with a lower risk of toxi-
e. ceftiofur sodium a. abnormal secretion cosis than the administration of two
b. decreased absorption consecutive doses of phenylbutazone.
2. Which of the following crosses the colon c. inflammation e. NSAIDs are often used to treat acute
wall by primary active transport? d. fibrosis colitis because of their antiinflamma-
a. sodium e. abnormal motility tory and antiendotoxic effects.
b. water
c. potassium 6. Which statement regarding the physiol- 9. Which statement regarding carbohy-
d. bicarbonate ogy of colonic epithelial cells is false? drate overload is false?
e. VFAs a. cAMP is an important component in a. As the increased amount of soluble car-
chloride ion transport. bohydrates reaches the large intestine,
3. Which of the following regarding the b. A high level of cAMP increases the the pH increases rapidly, becoming
normal physiology of the equine colon is transport of potassium out of the cells. alkalotic.
false? c. Vasoactive peptide, PGE1, and PGE2 can b. The resident microbial flora is killed by
a. The tight junctions in the colon are increase cAMP. rapid fermentation of soluble carbohy-
impermeable to water and electrolytes, d. An increase in cAMP blocks the baso- drates in the cecum and the large colon.
aiding in the creation and maintenance lateral chloride channels in the cells. c. The change in pH results in necrosis,
of an electrochemical gradient across e. Luminal sodium increases when cAMP erosion, and inflammation of the intes-
the mucosa. increases due to blockade of the Na+-H+ tinal mucosa.
b. Water passively follows the absorption pump. d. Endotoxemia and laminitis are possible
or secretion of ions. sequelae to carbohydrate overload.
c. The Na+-K+-ATPase transporter is pres- 7. Which statement regarding parasitic e. The death of the patient from carbohy-
ent in the luminal membrane of the diarrhea is true? drate overload is usually secondary to
colon. a. Cyathostomes rarely cause parasite- laminitis or endotoxemia.
d. Secondary active transport of ions associated diarrhea.
requires ATP, which is commonly pro- b. Stage L5 cyathostomes can encyst. 10. W
 hich statement regarding noninfec-
vided by the Na+-K+-ATPase pump. c. S. vulgaris larvae do not migrate. tious agents that are potentially toxic to
e. The pH of the luminal contents of the d. Parasite-associated diarrhea is due to the equine colon is false?
colon is 6.8 to 7.2. inflammation, increased secretion, and a. Cantharidin can cause ulceration of the
ulceration within the large colon. entire GI tract when ingested.
4. Which statement regarding the Na+-K+- e. Parasite-associated diarrhea always b. NSAIDs most often cause ulceration of
ATPase pump is true? causes death within a couple of days. the right ventral colon.
a. It pumps three sodium ions out of c. Oral antimicrobial administration is
the cell for every two potassium ions 8. Which statement regarding NSAID more likely to lead to acute colitis
pumped in. administration is false? than is intravenous antimicrobial
b. It creates an electrochemical gradient a. NSAID toxicosis is typically associ- administration.
of approximately 100 mV across the ated with prolonged administration or d. If alfalfa hay is crimped, the risk of can-
colonic epithelial cells. abnormally increased doses of NSAIDs. tharidin toxicosis increases.
c. It moves ions passively. b. NSAID-associated acute colitis is due e. Cephalosporins have been associated
d. It is a membrane transporter specific to to GI ulceration. with antimicrobial-induced colitis.
the large intestine. c. NSAID administration leads to a

374 Compendium Equine: Continuing Education for Veterinarians® | October 2009 |

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