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In a website or software, bugs are a very annoying thing for almost everyone. Why
is that? Because actually, the meaning of a bug is an error or error that occurs when
a user accesses a site. Well, have you ever experienced it, Sob?

In this article, Jagoan Hosting will discuss what a bug is in full to the types and
how to prevent it. So, listen carefully to the end!

What is a bug?

A bug is a defect that occurs on a computer or mobile device so that it cannot run
as it should. Nowadays the term bug is widely used to refer to defects that occur in
software systems.

But actually, bug is a term that first existed when an error occurred on hardware. It
began on September 9, 1947, when Grace Murray Hopper operated a Harvard
Mark II computer.

At that time, the computer grace was using suddenly crashed. As the entire team
worked to find the cause, a moth (small insect) was found inside the computer that
turned out to be the source of the problem.

The moth in English itself is named bug (pronounced bag). This is the beginning of
the bug used as a term to denote errors that occur in the computer system.
Difference between bug and error

For ordinary people, the meaning of bugs and errors may be mistaken for the
same, that is, they both refer to software errors. But in fact, these two terms are
different, Sob!

A bug is an error that occurs in computer software. While the error is a message that
is conveyed to the user to notify the error.

Simply put, a bug is an error in the computer system which results in an error. So,
the two are indeed interrelated.

Causes of bugs

Then what causes the occurrence of bugs? Here are some of the causes of bugs in a
software or website.

1. Complex software

One of the causes of bugs is the complexity of the software. The more complex the
functions or features of a software, the more complex coding is also needed.

The complexity of the code is what often makes programmers make mistakes in
software development. Especially if many programmers work in it, the risk of bugs
will be even greater.

2. Problematic testing process

Before being released, the software will first go through a testing process. This is
necessary to test the feasibility of the software or find bugs so that it can be the
programmer's input.
Unfortunately, processes such as testing often do not work as intended. Whether
it's because of a tester, tool, or testing procedure that is not

3. Poor communication

Bugs are things that can also arise from poor communication during software
development . Whether between programmers, testers, clients, or the users

So good cooperation between all parties in the development of a software is needed

to avoid bugs.

4. Poorly documented code changes

When developing software, logs or notes are important. This log will include about
the code changes that the programmer made while developing the software.

When developing software, programmers will often change the program code. For
example, when the tester reports an error, the programmer will use it as input to
make changes.

But when those programmers do not have good records or logs, this will be a
trigger for the appearance of bugs. Especially if the software is done by several
programmers, logs become very important.

5. Tight deadlines

Another cause of bugs is due to the short processing time. Tight deadlines will
make programmers less thorough, rushed and even make the testing process not
Types of bugs

There are several types of bugs you need to know, Sob! Here are some of them.

1. Logic error

Logic bugs are bugs that occur when software incorrectly executes commands.
As a result, the output produced is not appropriate. Usually, logic errors are caused
by incompatibility of code usage.

2. Functional error

As the name implies, this is a bug that describes a problem in the functional
software or program itself.

3. Usability defects

Another type of bug is usability defects, which is a type of bug that makes software
unable to be used optimally. In addition to code issues, this type of bug can also be
caused from UI design errors.

4. Security error

This type of bug is very dangerous, as it is directly related to the security of the
software or program. Security bugs are things that must be overcome immediately
because they will open loopholes for data theft to damage the software itself.

Because of this potential for data theft or hacking, many people are curious about
how to look for ssl bugs. SSL (Security Secret Layer) itself has proven to be
effective in minimizing the potential for hacking both software and websites.
5. Performance defects

Performance defects are bugs related to software speed, stability or response time.

6. Syntax error

Syntax bug is a bug that occurs when a programmer makes a mistake in writing
code. In fact, this bug can appear only due to a typographical error on a single

7. Compatibility error

Bugs that occur in certain situations or conditions. For example, you want to do how
to get rid of bugs on Android, then you choose OS updates as a way to fix it.

The bug that you previously complained about can indeed be resolved. However,
in some software or applications, new bugs may appear , because the software or
application is not yet compatible with the OS you are using.

How to deal with bugs

If you as a programmer find a bug in an application or software, you can solve it

in the following way.

1. Test the code regularly

The way to solve bugs is that you can do code testing regularly. By testing the code
regularly, this will minimize the occurrence of bugs in software and applications.
2. Using agile methodology

You can also solve bugs by applying agile methods. What is it? This is a method to
develop software continuously. This method can reduce the chances of bugs
appearing in your program or software, Sob.

3. Write code simply

To reduce the possibility of bugs appearing, you can avoid using complex code. In
addition to reducing the risk of bugs, of course, this will also shorten your time in
software development.

4. Using the services of a software tester

Another solution to overcome bugs is to use the services of a software tester.

Software tester will help you find bugs that may be missed from checking
programmers when developing software.

5. Presents bug bounty

What is a bug bounty? Bug bounty is an activity to look for bugs in a program or
software in exchange for money. The perpetrator of this bug bounty is commonly
referred to as a bug hunter.

How do I become a bug hunter? There are many platforms to start becoming a
bug hunter that you can use, such as bugcrowd, zerocopter and many more.

6. Use effective collaboration tools

The use of collaboration tools can help you overcome the appearance of bugs so
that software development can run according to plan. Examples of tools that you can
use include Slack, Trello and Git.
7. Do not work in a hurry

One of the causes of the bug is tight deadlines. For that, as a programmer you have
to make a good timeline so that the work is not rushed.

Even if you feel that the time given by the client is too short, you should discuss it
again to get the ideal deadline, because with the ideal time, of course, the work is
also more thorough so as to minimize the appearance of errors.

8. Build good communication

Good communication is a way to overcome the occurrence of bugs, both when

working on them individually and in a team. You must be able to establish
communication with other programmers, testers and clients so as to avoid the
appearance of errors in the software being developed.

That's the discussion about what is a bug that Jagoan Hosting managed to
summarize for you. Considering that bugs can interfere with user comfort, it needs
to be minimized.

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