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Algorithmic thinking and problem solving

• Define problem and steps to solve a problem?(pg 50)

• Write down the difference between simple and complex
problems along with examples? (pg 50-51)
• What is a pseudocode and draw pascal triangle? (pg 52)
• Describe how to write a pseudocode including assigning,
condition, loops and functions? (pg 53-54)
• Find the value of the cell in third row and second
column(factorial formula) (pg 55)
• Find the value of the cell in third row and second
column(matrix/array formula) (pg 57)
• Find the value of pascal triangle using approach 1 (factorial
approach ) (pg 55-56)
• Find the value of pascal triangle using approach 1
(matrix/array approach ) (pg 57-58)
• Algorithms are compared based on? (pg 58)
• Define problems computer cannot solve? (pg 59)
• What is nesting and state types of nesting
Selection and iteration (pg 61-64)

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