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INGLES C. A. D. — SEPTIEMBRE 2020 - Tiempo: 60 min.- Diccionario: Si. - Consigne sus respuestas en la hoja de lectura éptica. - Lea las instrucciones para rellenar la hoja de lectura éptica antes de comenzar. - Marque claramente cada respuesta rellenando una tnica casilla. - - Si tiene dudas consulte al Tribunal. Modelo C INSTRUCCIONES: EI examen se compone de un texto que debe leer con atencién y 25 preguntas tipo test. Algunas de las cuestiones refieren al texto y otras son preguntas de gramatica. De las 25 preguntas tipo test SOLO DEBE CONTESTAR 20 PREGUNTAS. Cada pregunta correcta tiene un valor de 0,5 puntos y no se penalizan las respuestas incorrectas, ni las respuestas en blanco, IMPORTANTE: Si contesta a mas de 20 preguntas debe anular las que considere hasta que el numero maximo sea 20. Tenga en cuenta que si entrega el examen con mas de 20 respuestas, UNICAMENTE SE EVALUARAN LAS 20 PRIMERAS RESPUESTAS CONTESTADAS, sean correctas 0 incorrectas. |. COMPRENSION LECTORA Lea el texto y conteste las preguntas a continuacién (1,2,3,4,5, 0 preguntas 21 y 22, en total 5). On the 8th August 1963, a gang of 15 men attacked a Royal Mail train heading from Glasgow to London and stole over £2.6 million in cash. Worth £50million today, the vast majority of the money was never recovered A core team of five men with backgrounds in organised crime planned the robbery over a number of months before drafting in support from another group of criminals with experience in train robberies. Central to the plan was information about the amount of money carried on Royal Mail trains, and this was supplied by a Salford postal worker known to the gang as ‘The Ulsterman’ On the night of the robbery, the gang tampered with the signal at ‘Sears Crossing’ in Ledburn, Buckinghamshire in order to stop the train. After overpowering the driver and the second crew member, the gang drove the train half a mile to a location where they could load the stolen bags of money onto a waiting Austin Loadstar truck. Forcing their way in to the High Value Packages coach, the gang met only little resistance from the five postal workers inside the carriage and so ordered them to lie down on the floor in the comer while the bags of money were removed. Having set themselves a time-limit of 30 minutes to carry out the robbery, 8 bags were left behind on the train when the gang drove to their hide-out at Leatherslade Farm. Here the loot was divided up, and the robbers dispersed before the police could find them. However, the majority were later arrested and convicted. 1. The text tells the story of a train robbery carried out by ... a. a group of inexperienced robbers. b. a team of train workers. c. a gang of expert criminals. 2. The Ulsterman was ... a. a member of the original gang which planned the robbery. b. somebody who worked at a post office and gave them information. c. an expert criminal in train robberies. 3.How did the robbers make the train stop? a. They made changes to a signal so that it would not work. b. They attacked the people on the train. c. They killed the driver and another crew member. 4. Which of these words from the text does NOT refer to a group of people who work together? a. team b. crew c. robber 5. Which of these sentences is true? a. Alll the robbers were caught and all the money was found. b. Some of the robbers were caught but the money was not recovered. c. Most of the robbers were caught but only some of the money was recovered. ll. Preguntas de gramatica y vocabulario (6-20) 6.1 any money; your father some. a. has got / hasn't got b. haven't got / has got c. hasn't got / has got 7. English is Russian. a. as easy b. easier than c. more easy that 8. Choose the correct sentence: a. He sometimes works late. b. Sometimes late works he. c. He late works sometimes. 9. Help! the police! a. Will call b. Calling ©. Call 10. If you miss the train, to get a taxi. a. you'll have b. you'll must ©. you must 14. I think that this is . Don’t you think so? a. Paul book b. Paul's book c. Paul books 12. Sharon how to cook French food, but she today’s dinner. a. is knowing / is cooking b. knows / is not cooking c. isn’t knowing / cooks 13, Mary is the woman daughter plays volleyball a. who b. that c. whose 14. If the job, we'll go out and celebrate. a. got b. did get c. get 15. Order the words: young / Lisa / is / beautiful / and / . a. Young beautiful Lisa is and. b. Lisa is young and beautiful c. And young is beautiful Lisa 16. The day of the tennis match the weather was nice I didn’t take an umbrella. a. so than as to 17. He turned at my door. It was a complete surprise! a. off b. down c.up 48. Arthur to the trip. He doesn’t have any holidays. a. is not coming b. be coming c. will not coming 19. The masks in different periods. a. was maked b. were maked ©. were made 20. going to the Haymarket later? a. What about b. Where c. Let's Ill. PREGUNTAS DE OPTATIVIDAD (21-25) - Preguntas sobre el texto: 21. The postal workers who were in the coach... a. put up a fight to protect the money. b. escaped as soon as they saw the robbers. c. did not try to resist. 22. Why did the robbers not take all the money that was on the train? a. Because they did not have time. b. Because it was too heavy to carry c. Because they didn’t have enough men to carry it. - Preguntas de gramatica: 23. Elija la opcién correcta para convertir la siguiente oracién en pasiva: Jane Austen wrote Sanditon a. Sanditon is written by Jane Austen. b. Sanditon was written by Jane Austen c. Sanditon has been written by Jane Austen 24, How many people there in the theatre today? a. are b. were c. was 25. There is not wine in my glass at yesterday's dinner a. many b. much c. few

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