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TOEFL Written Expression Skills!!!

The four underlined parts of the sentence are marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Identify the one
underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct.!!

1. The dwarf lemon tree, grown (A) in many areas of the world, bears fruit (B) when it is
fewer than (C) six inches in high (D)
2. The (A) brain composed of a mass of softly (B) gray matter (C) in the skull that (D)
controls our intelligence.
3. Polluter (A) is a topic of such importance (B) today that even elementary school children
are well informed (C) about its (D) dangers.
4. Best (A) represented in a famous oil painting (B) by da Vinci, The Last Supper it (C) is an
important part of the history (D) of Christianity.
5. Together with (A) his friend Little John, Robin Hood are (B) fondly (C) remembered (D)
today by millions of people.
6. In Vermont, the (A) sap the maple tree is (B) the primary (C) ingredient in (D) producing
maple syrup.
7. After to have (A) won (B) the 1945 Pulitzer Prize for A Bell for Adano, John Hersey wrote
(C) a nonfiction book about (D) the bombing of Japan.
8. The smallest hummingbirds beat (A) their wings 70 times (B) a second (C) and are about
two inches (D) long.
9. Quality, price, and located (A) are (B) often considered to be (C) the primary concerns in
buying (D) a house.
10. The name (A) “America” comes from (B) Amerigo Vespucci, who (C) was a 16th-
century Italian explorer (D)

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