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Clinical Oral Investigations


Does delayed toothbrushing after the consumption of erosive

foodstuffs or beverages decrease erosive tooth wear? A systematic
review and meta-analysis
Deng-wei Hong 1,2 & Xiu-jiao Lin 1,2 & Annette Wiegand 3 & Hao Yu 1,2,4,5

Received: 24 August 2020 / Accepted: 1 October 2020

# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020

Objective Controversy exists regarding the effectiveness of delayed toothbrushing in decreasing erosive tooth wear (ETW). The
purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to assess the effects of delayed toothbrushing on ETW.
Materials and methods This systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted according to the PRISMA statement and
registered in PROSPERO (CRD42020200463). PubMed, Embase, and Web of Science databases were systematically searched
with no publication year limits. Screening and data extraction were performed independently by two reviewers. In situ and
in vitro studies comparing ETW after delayed and immediate toothbrushing following an erosive attack were included. Review
Manager software 5.3 (The Cochrane Collaboration, Oxford, UK) was used for statistical analyses. Heterogeneity was assessed
with the Cochran Q test and I2 statistics.
Results Of the 565 potentially relevant studies, 26 full-text articles were assessed for eligibility. Twelve articles were included in
the systematic review, and 11 were included in the qualitative analyses. No significant difference in the ETW of human enamel
was observed between delayed and immediate toothbrushing (P = 0.13), whereas significantly less ETW of bovine enamel was
observed after delayed toothbrushing (P < 0.001). No significant difference in the ETW of bovine dentin was observed between
delayed and immediate toothbrushing (P = 0.34). Studies on human dentin were not available. Subgroup analyses revealed a
significant contribution of the use of fluoridated toothpaste to decreasing the ETW of human enamel after erosion and toothbrush
abrasion (P = 0.02).
Conclusions Bovine and human teeth behaved differently in response to erosion and toothbrush abrasion. Delayed toothbrushing
after an erosive attack was not effective at decreasing the ETW of human enamel compared to immediate toothbrushing, whereas
it was effective at decreasing the ETW of bovine enamel.
Clinical relevance Delayed toothbrushing alone after the consumption of erosive foodstuffs or beverages is not capable of
preventing erosive enamel wear.

Keywords Toothbrushing . Erosive tooth wear . Saliva . Remineralization

Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article

( contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users.

* Hao Yu 3
Department of Preventive Dentistry, Periodontology and Cariology, University Medical Center Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany
Department of Applied Prosthodontics, Graduate School of
Fujian Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases & Fujian Provincial Biomedical Sciences, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan
Engineering Research Center of Oral Biomaterial & Stomatological 5
Key Laboratory of Fujian College and University, School and Department of Prosthodontics, School and Hospital of Stomatology,
Hospital of Stomatology, Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou, China Fujian Medical University, 246 Yangqiao Zhong Road,
Fuzhou 350000, China
Department of Prosthodontics & Research Center of Dental Esthetics
and Biomechanics, Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou, China
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Introduction waiting 4 h after an acid attack [8]. Similarly, remineralization

of eroded dentin did not reduce its susceptibility to toothbrush
Erosive tooth wear (ETW) is defined as a chemical- abrasion [15]. Therefore, the current evidence suggests
mechanical process resulting in the loss of tooth tissue that reconsidering the recommendation of delayed toothbrushing
is not caused by bacteria [1, 2]. ETW is a multifactorial con- of dental hard tissues after an erosive attack [28, 30].
dition and can be caused by intrinsic (e.g., gastric reflux and Therefore, the present systematic review and meta-analysis
excessive vomiting) and/or extrinsic (e.g., consumption of was conducted to compare the ETW between delayed and
acidic foods and drinks and exposure to acid fumes at work) immediate toothbrushing of erosively softened tooth hard tis-
factors [1]. Because of the increased consumption of erosive sues. The null hypothesis is that no difference would be ob-
foodstuffs or beverages [3] and the insufficient training of served in the ETW of enamel and dentin between immediate
clinicians to diagnose the condition in its early stages [4–7], and delayed toothbrushing after an erosive attack.
the prevalence of ETW is steadily increasing, particularly in
children and adolescents [8, 9]. As the process of ETW is
irreversible, preventive measures are needed to impede the Materials and methods
progression of ETW [10], and behavioral risk management
plays a crucial role in these measures [11]. Protocol and registration
Tooth surface demineralization and softening occurs after
an acidic attack, and the softened surface layer is more sus- This systematic review and meta-analysis was performed ac-
ceptible to toothbrush abrasion than the noneroded tooth sur- cording to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
face [1, 8, 12–14]. As shown in previous studies, the softened Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement [31] and
surface layer might reharden after exposure to saliva for a registered in the PROSPERO database (registration number:
certain period [15, 16]. The rehardening potential of saliva is CRD42020200463). The present systematic review aimed to
related to the supersaturation of calcium, phosphate, and fluo- answer the following question: does delayed toothbrushing
ride contained in saliva [17]. Therefore, a rational approach to reduce ETW to a greater extent than immediate toothbrushing
increase the abrasion resistance of eroded dental hard tissues after the consumption of erosive foodstuffs or beverages?
appears to be delaying toothbrushing after an erosive attack.
According to some in vitro and in situ studies, delayed tooth- Search strategy
brushing leads to lower ETW than toothbrushing immediately
after an erosive attack. Jaeggi et al. [9] reported that after an The search was conducted in the PubMed, Embase, and Web
erosive attack, toothbrushing after a 60-min exposure to saliva of Science databases for published papers. Manual searches
caused significantly less erosive enamel wear than immediate were conducted to complement the database searches. No
toothbrushing (0.19 μm vs. 0.25 μm, respectively). A study publication year limit was imposed. The search terms and their
with a similar design showed a 52% decrease in the erosive combinations used in the literature search are listed in Table 1.
enamel loss after a 10-min immersion in saliva and a 78% The last search was performed on July 25, 2020. The PICOS
decrease after a 30-min immersion in saliva [18]. With respect questions were defined as follows: P-population: enamel and
to dentin, a previous in situ study reported a decrease in the dentin; I-intervention: storage in natural saliva before tooth-
erosive dentin wear upon exposure to saliva for 30 to 60 min brushing; C-control: specimens that were not stored in natural
after exposure to acidic drinks [19]. Thus, it has been recom- saliva before toothbrushing; O-outcome: an evaluation of
mended to postpone toothbrushing for 30 to 60 min after the whether storage in natural saliva reduced the ETW; S-study
consumption of erosive foodstuffs or beverages to avoid, or at designs: in vitro, in situ, or in vivo studies.
least minimize, ETW [20–22].
However, an epidemiological study [23] and a case-control Study selection and eligibility criteria
study [24] did not observe a direct relationship between de-
layed toothbrushing and the degree of ETW. Amorphous min- Initially, study identification was independently performed by
eral deposition on the eroded tooth surface after exposure to two authors (H.D. and L.X.) by analyzing the titles and ab-
saliva may not be an ideal form of mineralization [25–27]. In stracts of published studies included in the electronic data-
other words, a clinically significant remineralization of eroded bases. Any disagreements between the two authors were re-
tooth surface might not have been achieved after immersion in solved by discussion and consensus. In the absence of a con-
saliva. The remineralization of eroded enamel by natural sali- sensus, a third reviewer (Y.H.) participated in the discussion
va is not able to withstand the subsequent toothbrush abrasion until a consensus decision was reached [32].
[28] and is removed by ultrasonication [29]. Furthermore, no Articles were considered for inclusion in this systematic
significant differences in erosive enamel wear were observed review if all of the following criteria were satisfied: (1) studies
between immediate toothbrushing and toothbrushing after measured the ETW of enamel or dentin due to acid erosion
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Table 1 Search terms and combinations used in the literature search

Database Search terms and combinations used

Medline via PubMed (((tooth erosion [MeSH] OR tooth erosion* OR dental erosion OR enamel erosion OR dentin* erosion OR erosive tooth wear
OR erosive dental wear OR erosive enamel wear OR erosive dentin* wear OR tooth wear [MeSH] OR dental wear OR
enamel wear OR dentin* wear)) AND (saliva [MeSH] OR natural saliva OR human saliva OR tooth remineralization OR
dental remineralization OR enamel remineralization OR dentin* remineralization)) AND (toothbrushing [MeSH] OR
toothbrushing OR tooth brushing OR brushing).
Web of Science and (((“tooth erosion” OR “dental erosion” OR “enamel erosion” OR “dentin* erosion” OR “erosive tooth wear” OR “erosive
Embase dental wear” OR “erosive enamel wear” OR “erosive dentin* wear” OR “tooth wear” OR “dental wear” OR “enamel wear”
OR “dentin* wear”)) AND (“saliva” OR “natural saliva” OR “human saliva” OR “tooth remineralization” OR “dental
remineralization” OR “enamel remineralization” OR “dentin* remineralization”)) AND (“toothbrushing” OR “tooth
brushing” OR “brushing”)

and toothbrush abrasion; (2) eroded enamel or dentin was Washington, USA): authors, year of publication, sample size,
stored in saliva for a certain period; and (3) articles were pub- acidic solutions used for erosion, duration of storage in saliva,
lished in English. Articles meeting one or more of the follow- erosion/abrasion cycles, study durations, number of erosion/
ing criteria were excluded: (1) artificial saliva was used; and abrasion cycles, toothbrushing protocol, toothpaste used (e.g.,
(2) the article was a review, protocol, or clinical guideline. toothpaste type and relative dentin abrasivity (RDA)/relative
enamel abrasivity (REA)), measurements of ETW, and study
Data extraction and collection design (e.g., in vitro, in vivo, or in situ).
If necessary, the standard deviations were derived or
A protocol for data extraction was defined and evaluated by estimated from other related information (e.g., standard
two independent reviewers (H.D. and L.X.). The following errors or confidence intervals) based on the calculations
data were extracted from the included studies and recorded provided in the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic
in Excel spreadsheets (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, Reviews of Interventions [33].

Fig. 1 Flow diagram of study

565 potentially relevant studies 0 additional studies identified

selection according to the

PRISMA statement. PRISMA, identified from electronic databases through other sources including con-
MEDLINE via PubMed: 181 tact with researchers
Preferred Reporting Items for
Web of Science: 300
Systematic Reviews and Meta- Embase: 84

452 studies after

removal of duplicates

426 obviously
irrelevant studies excluded

26 full-text articles
assessed for eligibility

Kappa=0.9 14 records excluded

- artificial saliva was used: 7

12 studies included in the system-
atic review -bleaching: 2

11 studies included in the meta-

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Risk of bias assessment

Lopes et al.
2020 [28]

A protocol adapted from previous systematic reviews was


employed to examine the quality and risk of bias of the in-
cluded studies [32, 34]. The following parameters were
et al. 2019 [39]
assessed for each study: the sample size calculation, specimen
randomization, the specific toothbrushing method (e.g.,

manual/power toothbrushing and toothbrushing duration),


clearly specified erosion and abrasion protocols (e.g.,
erosion/abrasion cycles), adequate statistical analysis, and
2016 [38]

tests executed by a single-blinded operator.
If a specific parameter was reported, the article received a


“Y,” while unreported parameters received an “N.” The levels
of the risk of bias were defined as follows: 1 or 2 “Y” items
Ferreira et al. Lussi et al.
2014 [30]

indicated a high risk of bias, 3 or 4 “Y” items indicated a
medium risk of bias, and 5 to 6 “Y” items indicated a low risk



of bias.
2013 [37]


Data analyses



The meta-analysis reported the present study was performed

Ganss et al.

using Review Manager software (Review Manager v5.3; The

2007 [14]

Cochrane Collaboration, Oxford, UK). Cochran’s Q test and


I2 test were employed to assess statistical heterogeneity. When




moderate or high heterogeneity (I2 > 50%)was observed, a

Rios et al.
2006 [36]

random-effects model was used; otherwise, a fixed-effects


model of analysis was used. Sensitivity analyses were per-

formed by excluding individual studies from the pooled



meta-analyses to evaluate the robustness of the results of the

Attin et al.
2004 [16]

meta-analyses [35]. The standardized mean difference (SMD)


was reported instead of the mean difference (MD) when the




included studies all assessed the same outcome but measured

it using various methods [33].
Hara et al.
2003 [19]


Subgroup analyses were performed to identify any poten-

tial sources of heterogeneity. The subgroup analyses included



the following parameters: the duration of storage in saliva

(storage in natural saliva ≤30 min, 30 min < storage in natural
2001b [15]
Attin et al.


saliva ≤ 60 min, 60 min < storage in natural saliva≤120 min,

and 120 min < storage in natural saliva ≤ 240 min); the type of



study (in situ and in vitro study); and the toothpaste applied
Jaeggi et al. Attin et al.
2001a [8]

(nonfluoridated and fluoridated toothpaste). The significance

Risk of bias for the included studies


level was set to a P value < 0.05.




1999 [9]




Study selection
Erosive and abrasive
cycling protocol

Statistical analysis
Brushing protocol

A total of 565 studies were initially identified using the

Blinded operator

established search strategy. One hundred thirteen studies were


Risk of bias
Sample size

duplicates and were removed. The literature search produced

Table 2

452 potentially relevant titles and abstracts. After reviewing,

26 full-text articles were selected and 12 of them met the
Table 3 Characteristics of the included studies

Authors (year) Duration of Sample Number of Study Acidic solutions Time of Toothbrushing Toothpaste used Dental ETW Study
storage in saliva size erosion/ duration used each methods hard measurement design
Clin Oral Invest

abrasion (day) erosive tissues

cycles challenge tested

Jaeggi et al. 30 min, 60 min 10 Once a day 1 Citric acid (pH = 3.5) 3 min Manual toothbrush Fluoridated toothpaste Human Indentation In situ
(1999) [9] 30 s; (Elmex®, Wybert, enamel
using their preferred Lörrach, Germany):
brushing technique RDA value: 77
REA value: 4.5
Attin et al. 10 min, 20 min, 10 Twice a day 21 Sprite Light® 90 s Electric toothbrush Fluoridated toothpaste Human Profilometer In situ
(2001a) [8] 30 min, 60 min (pH = 2.91) 42 times for 15 s; (Elmex® red, Gaba AG, enamel
1.8 ± 0.4 N Therwil, Switzerland);
RDA value: 77 ± 2 REA
value: 4.2 ± 0.3
Attin et al. 15 min, 30 min, 10 Ten times a 1 Sprite Light® 1 min Automatic brushing Fluoridated toothpaste Bovine Profilometer In vitro
(2001b) 45 min, 60 min, day (pH = 2.84) machine 100 (Gaba, Therwil, dentin
[15] 90 min, 120 min brushing strokes Switzerland); RDA
(100 strokes/min); value: 77 ± 2 REA
4N value: 4.2 ± 0.3
Hara et al. 20 min, 40 min, 20 Twice a day 3 Sprite Light® 90 s Manual toothbrush 40 Fluoridated toothpaste Bovine Profilometer In situ
(2003) [16] 60 min (pH = 2.91) brushing strokes (Colgate, Osasco, SP, dentin
Brazil) RDA value: n.a.
REA value: n.a
Attin et al. 10 min, 20 min, 11 Twice a day 21 Sprite Light® 90 s Electric toothbrush Fluoridated toothpaste Bovine Profilometer In situ
(2004) [16] 30 min, 60 min (pH = 2.91) 15 s (Elmex®, Wybert, dentin
Lörrach, Germany):
RDA value: 77 ± 2
REA value: 4.2 ± 0.3
Rios et al. 60 min 18 Four times a 7 Coca-Cola (pH: n.a.) 5 min Manual toothbrush 30 Fluoridated toothpaste Human Profilometer In situ
(2006) [36] day brushing strokes (Crest, USA): and
RDA value: n.a. bovine
REA value: n.a enamel
Ganss et al. 120 min 10 Twice a day 5 Citric acid (pH = 2.3) 20 min Electric toothbrush Nonfluoridated toothpaste Human Profilometer In situ
(2007) [14] 30 s; 2 N (GABA International enamel
AG, Münchenstein,
RDA value: 77
REA value: n.a
Ferreira et al. 60 min 24 Four times a 5 Coca-Cola (pH: n.a.) 5 min Manual toothbrush Nonfluoridated toothpaste: Human Profilometer in situ
(2013) [37] day 30 s RDA value: n.a. enamel
Twice a day (after REA value: n.a
the second and last
erosive episodes)
Lussi et al. 30 min, 120 min, 10/50 Once a day 1 Orange juice 3 min Automatic brushing Fluoridated toothpaste Human Indentation In vitro
(2014) [30] 240 min (pH = 3.6) machine 50 (Elmex Kariesschutz; enamel
brushing strokes
Table 3 (continued)

Authors (year) Duration of Sample Number of Study Acidic solutions Time of Toothbrushing Toothpaste used Dental ETW Study
storage in saliva size erosion/ duration used each methods hard measurement design
abrasion (day) erosive tissues
cycles challenge tested

(120 strokes/min); GABA, Basel,

1.5 N Switzerland):
RDA value: n.a.
REA value: n.a
Tsuda et al. 3 min, 30 min, 10 Twice a day 3 Coca-Cola (pH: 2.3) 90 s Automatic brushing Fluoridated toothpaste Bovine White light In situ
(2016) [38] 60 min machine 30 (CLINICA, Lion, enamel interferom-
brushing strokes Tokyo, Japan): eter
250 g RDA value: n.a.
REA value: n.a
Steiger-Ronay 30 min, 60 min, 20 Once a day 1 Citric acid (pH = 3.6) 2 min Automatic brushing Fluoridated toothpaste Bovine Profilometer In vitro
et al. (2019) 120 min machine 100 (Elmex Kariesschutz®, enamel and
[39] brushing strokes GABA, Basel, indentation
(120 strokes per Switzerland):
min); 2 N RDA value: 65 ± 3
REA value: n.a
Lopes et al. 30 min, 60 min, 10 Four times a 5 Citric acid (pH = 2.6) 5 min Electric toothbrush Fluoridated toothpaste Human Profilometer In vitro
(2020) [28] 90 min, day 15 s; 2 N (Colgate Máxima enamel
120 min, Twice a day (after the Proteção,
240 min first and last erosive Colgate-Palmolive,
episodes) Osasco, SP, Brazil):
RDA value: n.a.
REA value: n.a
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inclusion criteria. A detailed flow chart of the study retrieval values of the acidic solution ranged from 2.3 to 3.6, the study
process is presented in Fig. 1. duration ranged from 1 to 7 days, the number of daily erosion/
abrasion cycles ranged from 1 to 4 cycles, and the time of each
Risk of bias erosive challenge ranged from 90 s to 5 min. Regarding the
studies on bovine dentin [15, 16, 19], the pH values of the
Two studies presented a high risk of bias [14, 16], while the acidic solution ranged from 2.91 to 2.84. The study duration
remaining studies presented a medium risk of bias [8, 9, 15, ranged from 1 to 21 days, the number of daily erosion/
19, 28, 30, 36–39]. All 12 studies provided a clearly specified abrasion cycles ranged from 1 to 10 cycles, and the time of
erosive and abrasive cycling protocol and appropriate statisti- each erosive challenge ranged from 60 to 90 s. The
cal analysis. A description of the specific toothbrushing meth- profilometric analyses and the indentation method were used
od was considered missing in six studies: one study [36] did to assess the ETW. For the profilometric analyses [8, 14–16,
not report the brushing force, two studies did not report the 19, 28, 36–39], step heights between reference and abraded
number of brushing strokes [14, 28], and three studies [9, 16, surface areas were obtained. For the indentation methods [9,
37] did not report either the brushing force or the number of 30, 39], surface loss was calculated by measuring the change
brushing strokes. Details are illustrated in Table 2. The risk of in depth of the same Knoop diamond indentation before and
bias for the excluded studies [40–53] at the eligibility screen- after abrasion. The selected characteristics of the included
ing step is illustrated in Supplementary Table 1. studies are shown in Table 3.

Descriptions of the included studies Meta-analysis and quality of evidence

The eligible articles were published between 1999 and 2020. Of the 12 studies included in the systematic review, one
Eight in situ studies were included, of which four studies study [36] did not provide the standard deviation values
investigated human enamel [8, 9, 14, 37], one investigated required to perform the meta-analysis, and they were
bovine enamel [38], two investigated bovine dentin [16, 19], unable to be derived or estimated from other related
and one investigated both human and bovine enamel [36]. information; therefore, this study was excluded from
Four in vitro studies were included, of which two studies the meta-analysis. The treatment group of one study
investigated human enamel [28, 30], one investigated bovine [14] was not included in the meta-analyses because the
enamel [39], and one investigated bovine dentin [15]. Among treatment group was not only treated with fluoride
all eligible studies, no study analyzed human dentin. toothpaste but also fluoride solution and fluoride gel.
Regarding the studies on human enamel [8, 9, 14, 28, 30, The sensitivity analysis did not reveal significant chang-
36, 37], the pH values of the acidic solution ranged from 2.3 to es in heterogeneity and the results of the meta-analysis
3.6, the study duration ranged from 1 to 21 days, the number after the exclusion of any study, indicating that the re-
of daily erosion/abrasion cycles ranged from 1 to 4 cycles, and sults were robust.
the time of each erosive challenge ranged from 90 s to 20 min. Three global meta-analyses were performed considering
Regarding the studies on bovine enamel [36, 38, 39], the pH the type of tooth hard tissues (human enamel, bovine enamel,

Fig. 2 Forest plot summarizing ETW of eroded human enamel after immediate toothbrushing and delayed toothbrushing. CI, confidence interval; SD,
standard deviation. DT, delayed toothbrushing; IT, immediate toothbrushing
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ƒFig. 3 Forest plot summarizing the subgroup analyses of the differences were found between groups stratified by the dura-
effectiveness of delayed toothbrushing at decreasing the ETW of eroded tion of storage in saliva (P = 0.65) and the type of study (P =
human enamel. a, subgroup: duration of storage in saliva; b, subgroup:
type of study design; c, subgroup: the toothpaste used. CI, confidence
0.49). Details are provided in Figs. 6 and 7.
interval; SD, standard deviation; DT, delayed toothbrushing; IT,
immediate toothbrushing

and bovine dentin). Regarding the human enamel, the global
analysis did not reveal a significant difference in ETW be- Establishing good oral hygiene is valuable for the control of
tween the immediate and delayed toothbrushing groups (P = dental diseases [54, 55]. The optimal interval between a meal
0.11; SMD − 0.16; 95% confidence interval [CI] − 0.35 to and toothbrushing has been an issue of concern in the litera-
0.03). In the subgroup analyses, no significant differences ture [18, 56]. Regarding ETW, delayed toothbrushing of den-
were found between groups stratified by the duration of stor- tal hard tissues after the consumption of erosive foodstuffs or
age in saliva and the type of study (all P > 0.05). A significant beverages has been recommended based on the potential
difference in ETW was found between the fluoridated tooth- rehardening effects of saliva. However, no consensus has been
paste and nonfluoridated toothpaste subgroups (P = 0.05): reached regarding the effects of saliva on eroded dental hard
when eroded human enamel specimens were brushed with tissues. Therefore, the present study comprehensively
fluoridated toothpaste, a statistically significantly lower reviewed the effects of delayed toothbrushing of dental hard
ETW was found in the delayed toothbrushing group than in tissue on ETW to provide evidence-based recommendations.
the immediate toothbrushing group (P = 0.02), while no sig- Based on the results of the meta-analysis, the null hypothesis
nificant differences were found in the specimens brushed with that no difference would be observed in ETW between de-
nonfluoridated toothpastes (P = 0.39). Details are provided in layed toothbrushing and immediate toothbrushing was accept-
Figs. 2 and 3. ed for human enamel and bovine dentin but was rejected for
Regarding the bovine enamel, the global analysis bovine enamel.
showed a significant difference in ETW between imme- According to the meta-analysis, delayed toothbrushing of
diate and delayed toothbrushing, favoring delayed tooth- eroded human enamel was not effective at decreasing ETW,
brushing after the consumption of erosive foodstuffs or regardless of the duration of storage in natural saliva. The
beverages (P < 0.00001; SMD − 1.48; 95% CI − 2.14 to remineralization produced by saliva is not only small but also
− 0.82). In the subgroup analyses, significant differences a slow process, occurring only on the surface of the lesions
were found between groups stratified by the type of [57]. Moreover, even after 240 min of storage in saliva [28],
study (P = 0.0001), while no significant difference was the softened enamel surface layer was still mechanically
found for the groups stratified by the duration of stor- fragile and provided insufficient protection against tooth-
age in saliva (P = 0.30). When the eroded bovine enam- brush abrasion [36, 58, 59]. A scanning electron microscopy
el specimens were tested in situ, a significantly lower (SEM) observation revealed that the persistence of etching
SMD was found than specimens tested in vitro (− 3.65 patterns in etched enamel after 90 days intraorally,
vs. − 0.79). Details are illustrated in Figs. 4 and 5. supporting the hypothesis that salivary remineralization only
Regarding the bovine dentin, the global analysis did not exerted a minor effect on erosively softened human enamel
reveal significant differences in ETW between immediate [60]. However, the subgroup analysis revealed a significant
and delayed toothbrushing (P = 0.34; SMD − 0.12; 95% CI difference between the human enamel brushed with fluori-
− 0.36 to 0.12). In the subgroup analyses, no significant dated and nonfluoridated toothpastes. ETW was

Fig. 4 Forest plot summarizing the ETW of eroded bovine enamel after immediate toothbrushing and delayed toothbrushing. CI, confidence interval;
SD, standard deviation; DT, delayed toothbrushing; IT, immediate toothbrushing
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significantly decreased when fluoride-containing tooth- Because fluoridated toothpastes accounted for over 90% of
pastes were used. It can be speculated that the toothpaste the market in industrialized nations [65], future studies in this
abrasivity is partially counteracted by the presence of fluo- field should use fluoridated toothpastes to provide clinically
ride, resulting in the partial removal of mineral precipitation relevant evidence. Notably, the abrasivity of toothpaste is
instead of total removal. This hypothesis was corroborated considered an important modulator of the development of
by a previous study in which fluoridated toothpastes caused tooth wear [61]. However, the softened surface layer of ero-
less abrasive wear than nonfluoridated toothpastes [61]. In sive enamel was easily removed in several studies, regardless
addition, the acquired enamel pellicle serves as a diffusion of the abrasive type [37]. Future studies are needed to explore
barrier to ionic conductivity on the enamel surface and con- the potential correlation between the abrasivity of toothpaste
tributes to the formation and stabilization of CaF2 [62–64]. and ETW.

Fig. 5 Forest plot summarizing the subgroup analyses of the type of study design. CI, confidence interval; SD, standard deviation; DT,
effectiveness of delayed toothbrushing at decreasing the ETW of eroded delayed toothbrushing; IT, immediate toothbrushing
bovine enamel. a, subgroup: duration of storage in saliva; b, subgroup:
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In contrast to human enamel, the meta-analysis showed that [78], which may eliminate the differences between in situ and
delayed toothbrushing of eroded bovine enamel was effective in vitro studies. Interestingly, a significant difference was
at decreasing ETW, even when the storage time was less than found in the ETW of bovine enamel between in situ and
30 min. This might be attributed to the differences in physio- in vitro studies. More specifically, the effects of delayed tooth-
chemical properties and morphology between the bovine and brushing on the ETW of bovine dentin were greater in the in
human enamel [66, 67]. Eroded bovine enamel was found to situ studies than in the in vitro studies. The explanation for this
have larger crystal and a higher demineralized porosity com- phenomenon remains unclear. However, this finding was
pared to eroded human enamel [68, 69]. Those differences based on only 1 in situ study and 1 in vitro study.
may influence the pattern of mineral deposition and allow Based on the present findings, the current evidence for
fluoride ions to penetrate into deeper areas. However, these delaying toothbrushing to reduce ETW is insufficient, and the
hypotheses need to be clarified in future studies. recommendation to postpone toothbrushing after the consump-
Regarding the bovine dentin, the meta-analysis showed tion of erosive foodstuffs or beverages is not supported by this
that delayed toothbrushing was not effective at decreasing meta-analysis. The sensitivity analyses confirmed the robustness
ETW, regardless of the duration of storage in saliva. The of these findings. Funnel plots were not conducted because the
remineralization of dentin is generally difficult to achieve number of studies included in each meta-analysis was less than
[70, 71] because of the limited amounts of residual mineral ten [79]. No review or meta-analysis can be performed on human
crystals available for apatite nucleation and growth [72] and dentin or other types of measurements (e.g., surface microhard-
the degradation of collagen fibrils [70]. Dentin, which con- ness measurements) due to the limited number of studies, which
tains 30% volume organic matrix (mainly type I collagen) as a is considered a limitation. All included studies were classified as
scaffold for apatite deposition, is different from enamel [73]. having a high or medium risk of bias due to the lack of informa-
The ideal form of mineralization on the dentin surface is amor- tion on the sample size calculation, teeth randomization, and
phous minerals deposited on the collagenous matrix and in- blinding of the operator, which should be carefully considered
corporated into the collagen fibrils [74]. After demineraliza- in future studies. Moreover, since the present findings were based
tion, however, the inactive dentin-derived matrix metallopro- on in vitro and in situ studies, the results must be interpreted with
teinases are exposed and activated in acidic environments, and caution. Further randomized controlled clinical trials are neces-
these active enzymes are responsible for the disintegration of sary to confirm the present findings.
the exposed collagen fibrils [75, 76]. However, further studies
examining human dentin are necessary to confirm the effect of
delayed toothbrushing on ETW.
The subgroup analyses did not reveal a significant differ- Conclusion
ence between in situ and in vitro findings for human enamel
and bovine dentin. A possible explanation is that human sali- Bovine and human teeth behaved differently in response to
va, collected by spitting or drooling, was used in all in vitro erosion and toothbrush abrasion. Delayed toothbrushing after
studies included in the meta-analysis. Although changes in the an erosive attack was not effective at decreasing the ETW of
chemical composition of collected saliva in vitro have been human enamel and bovine dentin compared to immediate
observed compared to the fresh saliva in situ [77], the collect- toothbrushing, whereas it was effective at decreasing the
ed saliva is still supersaturated with respect to tooth minerals ETW of bovine enamel.

Fig. 6 Forest plot summarizing the ETW of eroded bovine dentin after immediate toothbrushing and delayed toothbrushing. CI, confidence interval; SD,
standard deviation; DT, delayed toothbrushing; IT, immediate toothbrushing
Clin Oral Invest

Fig. 7 Forest plot summarizing the subgroup analyses of the type of study design. CI, confidence interval; SD, standard deviation; DT,
effectiveness of delayed toothbrushing at decreasing the ETW of eroded delayed toothbrushing; IT, immediate toothbrushing
bovine dentin. a, subgroup: duration of storage in saliva; b, subgroup:

Funding This study was partially supported by the Guiding Project for Compliance with ethical standards
Science and Technology of Fujian Province (2018Y0029), and the Joint
Fund for Scientific and Technological Innovation of Fujian Province
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
Clin Oral Invest

Ethical approval This article does not contain any studies with human eroded bovine dentine against tooth-brushing abrasion. Arch Oral
participants or animals performed by any of the authors. Biol 46:871–874.
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required. in situ study. Caries Res 38:62–66.
17. Buzalaf MAR, Hannas AR, Kato MT (2012) Saliva and dental
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