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What three qualities are helpful to you in your daily life?

How will these help you be successful in the exchange

All people have their qualities. Qualities are the skills that a distinctive attribute or characteristic
possessed by someone or something. To have good qualities is to have a promising future in
society. Everyone's characteristics change over time. It is changed by the environment that you
live in.

The qualities that I have at this time are not the same as my childhood. When I was in my junior
age I preferred not to talk too much with others. But discuss on correct themes is great to be
sociated. Socialization is the best characteristic of humans life. In my opinion, there are so many
qualities that can help in my daily life such as self-reliability, connection, optimism. If you have
self-sufficiency you can depend on yourself. And you should have quality named integrity and
stop meddling in other people's life. In daily life, self-reliability is helpful to me. For example:
when someone says that you are the cant pick in FLEX, you should ignore the messages that give
other individuals and do what you like to do. Example of integrity in my life: integrity should use
every one every daily life. A person who doesn't have integrity skills in the future would be a
bandit or something like that.

Qualities are a big part of a human's entire life. If you don't have good quality you will lose one
part of your life. Like in the puzzle, if we lose one part we cant assemble a puzzle.

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