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Simulation I ‘Yu as iving in ie between ee aes. le ages are periods ‘when cami so cold that the paar ee caps grow huge, Thy can las {or millions of years. Such peveds have oecured at regula intervals arng the Ist 2 billion vars of Earth's itary nthe lst one bilon sears alone. thee have Been four ie ages. One of them lasted onc Imani milion yea. ‘Tae mest recent ie age was called the Peisovene ee Age. stand about tvo milion years go. It ended jus 10,000 years ago, Popo were live at that tine. Silt ended about 5,000 yrs before ‘complex human esiization began. During an ie age thre are prods of enn eo eile glacial. Warmer periods are called interglacial The Pleistocene le Age had seventeen glacials and sineen Interlocal ‘Te ast lei period was called the Holocene Gace. reached its high point about 1,000 years ago. A its eight, nt only were the Nee and Sou poles covered with ie, but also much of| ‘Newh America, Europe. Tasmanian New Zeslnd. Even Hawai had lasers ‘An ee sheet one mile thick eoverod what is pow London and Washington, D.C. At tht ime, ice covered about 40 pereat of es surface Meking glacier ig and filled the Great Lakes, The grat Salt ‘Lae in Uah sa remnant ofthis laste ae, 00 1. Which ofthe following was he ast glacial pig? a ThePleistosne The Great Lakes b The Holocene 4 Totty From the context ofthe passage, what sa guia? | An intense cold pri when ic forms A warmpaiod between ce ages © A period with oes on Eath A Polartear period Wht can you infer about ice ages andthe development of complex human sci? 2. Complex human societies only saccoed duringice ages 1b Human societies lived in Washingon, DC, and London daring the Holocene Glacial Comple human societies develop more easly in warm pends of Ears history 4 There were no complex aman societies before th 18* 41 From he contest ofthe passage, wbich word is an anonym fr sei 3 keeage glacier b Society interglacial ‘The Grand Caayon is one ofthe World's reat naal wondesit ‘extends about 277 miles dough nother Arizona. The Colorado River begins in the Rechy Mounains of rorther Colorado. It lows fr 1480 rules trough the base of the ean it eared. I eventually empties int the Gulf of Califor, which sa past ofthe Pacific Ocean. I took this rer bilons of years to for the Grand Canyon, Slowly, it wore vay the ruck exposing ancient rocks and fossils specimens. Rock a the bae ar wo bilion years ol, among the oldest fund on earth “The Grand Canyon is more than a mile deep in some ples. In width it varies fom four to eighteen miles. Tee top of the Grand Canyon is most fa 18 covered with a forest of ot, spre and pine ivess A few bushes and small pines cling 10 the wall of the elif Bases dot the canyon flor. Man: diferent animals live in the Grand Canyon. including mountin Hons, bighorn sheep, mule des, and bebeats The Grand Canyon was the sit of to different mountain ranges that rose and were worn away during the long period ofits existence. AL times, ancient sc3s Nowed in from the oeean. The rock walls contain ‘ermsns of prehistoric pants and animals Crom bot lind and sea, For Scientists siding Earth's natrl history, the Grand canyon i a giant Taboo 5) Which ofthe flloing statements would not be relevant information about the Grand Canyon? The Grand Canyon wt Fist explored by John Wesley Powell The Color River ean pick up rocks as large as cars. The Colorado River keeps digging deper into the canyon Aor There are canyons in several sates 6, From the context ofthe passage, what isthe best meaning of prehistoric? ‘Older than 200 years 1. Older dante history of man's life on cath © Bele 1$00 CE Older han your parents 1. Which of ie following senteness is topic seatence? 1 TheGrand Canyon is one ofthe word's reat nara wonders b. Thetap ofthe canyon is mostly Nat ¢Therock walls contin remains of rehire plans and tsimals fom bo ind end sea Attimes, ancient seas lowed in fom the oceans 1. Naas Becle pt ct nt Grand Cayo? 2 6tillon yeasold © 2,000 years old , Twobillion yarsold 4.200 years old ‘The Metopolian Museum o Aisin New York Ciy Its on of the wor’ eet storehouse of art It opened in 1870. The museum is ‘open to te pubic. The ienis to let al people view geat a. The criginal building as had many addons. The Metis twenty times larger now tan when it was fist all I houses more than two willion objects. “The Met’ fist acquisition wae 2 Roman stone coli. This typeof om ie called a sarcophagus. Iwas joined by Egyptian aifacts and ‘object rcovered Gom ancient soceues. Thre are classical Greek smubl status sod pars of temples. The Met has fariture on display from the et European exes ofthe Middle Ages. Visitors can see smote that 15,000 pices of arms and armor. These span twenty-tree ‘Artwok fom ancict Egypt and medicval Europe grace is wall Poplar 19 centr impressionists, such as Vincent Van Gogh, hve a rater of works on exhibit. Wats the biggest pining? The canvas of “Washington Crossing the Delavare” ICs over twelve fet tall and ‘eny one fet wide! You can ler from mare abou the museum by reading “From ‘The Mixed Up Files of Mex. Basil E.Frackweler” by EL. Konisburg. Iisa three mystery sen th museum. 9. From the contest ofthe passge, wha isa sarcophagus? a Abed e-acaale b Astne cof 4 aname 10, From the conta ofthe passage, whl isthe meaning of sequisiion? 42 Something old. something gsined 1. Apopuaritem 4 acofia 1H, Whatis the main ide ofthe passe? 4 The Methas ot of pings fom impressions 1. TheMet is great museum with many extraordinary historia and artiste weasres TheMetisia New York 4. TheMethas alotof arms, amor, and furitre fom cases 12, Why was the Met originally bull? a. Togetsome aout of siorage places ', Toprovidea museum for rich nd famous visitors ¢Toprovide an at museum for ordinary people 44 Tofillup an empty lot in New York City For questions 1.20 pese change iat ano asive 18, Tentoue webu urate 14 Nav mds wie dcovaed wi ee 15. They oad sap essed 16 Theale tose dean ts en ao: 11. Tires otto 18, Tietatanblas wav bough tg 19, Someone has smashed the window agin. 20, They painted those pictures very wel Dipindai dengan CamScanner [SDA PENILATAN HARIAN 2 Mata Pelajran : MATEMATIKA PPokok Bshasan : Bangun Ruang Sis Lengkun Kelas/Semester: K/GENap wakeu GoMenit |. Pilihih sefoh satu jowaben yang paling tepat! 1._Suatu tempat penampunea arbetbenuk abung bers 176 iter at, bil air gala tanght ‘tempat penampungan memilik Kedalaman 140 cm dan x= sees ae & 23tem © 20cm b. 200cm 2._scbuh perampuran sr berber tabung dengan psn a 70cm ana Sumter perch steal Soa ba erpatr 70 lhe ata! sea aaeoen E foc Bum € acm D. soem 2. rum dengan ra em an gl 00 em, menampurg mit a? bag, tna olor inj ia pe ru sc A ibthter otter aositer 5: aseiner 4. Sebuahatengberbertktabung ber ar 18 cn dant 6m peru er miyak Minjkorebut ato tong ela leg-alen ec ber om don gd 20cm ark tleng tel Yang pertan untuk evaripung mink dr ein n sbush 8. tzbioh © iebioh Daa bush 5: Seb lear burt dengan lteter soe 7 cr antigens 2 antaeg erst union vtkmenamung 15400 teak mak diet leg eum A 100000 ®. 30000 © 25000 000 sik WF sn euseas temo sue etor9 Sebuah tabung memilkjar-jarl alas, diperkecil sedemikian sehingga diameter alasnya setengah dari diameter semula,ika volume aval tabung adalah 960 cr’, volume tabung setelah perubahan adalah A, 960.em* 8. 560¢m" C. 240em* D. 120¢m Perhatikan gambar bandul yang dibentuk oleh kerucut dan belahan bola! Volume bandul tersebut adalah. 14) NE 15,583 cm?" 15.675 cm? 18,681 em? 18,836 cm? Perhatikan gambar berikut! SSebuah bola besi berada di dalam tabung plastk terbuka bagian atasnya. Tabung kemudian isi dengan ai hingga penuh. Jka diameter dan tinggi tabung sama dengan diameter bola yaitu 42 cm, volume air yang tertampung oleh tabung adalah A. 58.212, 8. 38.808 ©. 19.404 D. 9.702 Tiga buah bola besi dimasukkan kedalam suatu tabung yang berisi air setinggi 8 cm. sika jar-jari bola besi7 em dan jar-jari alas tabung 28 cm, tinggi permukzan air dalam ‘tabung sekarang adalah A. A,75em B. 6,25 em © Bem D. 9,75 em pe erates ae Sn eG Dipindai dengan CamScanner

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