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Flight into Egypt

1 Lone - ly trav’ - lers from the sta - ble Out be-neath the hard blue sky
2 Warned by an - gels moved to save him Who was born our kind to save
3 Flee - ing from the land of pro - mise They in E - gypt find a home
4 True the tale of flight and ex - ile Out of E - gypt comes God’s Son

Journ-’ying, wand’ - ring, hop - ing, pray - ing For the safe - ty
Jo - seph leads his ho - ly fam - i - ly Far from Her - od
Strange the work - ings of God’s mer - cy House of bon - dage
An - gels tell of Her - od’s dy - ing All is end - ed,

of their child While our mo - ther Ra - chel’s weep - ing Fills the
and harm’s way Ma - ry shield - ing and con - so - ling Je - sus
now God’s throne But for sons who all were mur - dered Sor - row
all be - gun Je - sus will grow up in Naz’ - reth And the

streets of Beth - le - hem. Ky-ri - e e - lei - son.

Christ the Son of God. Ky-ri - e e - lei - son.
breaks the House of Bread. Ky-ri - e e - lei - son.
world will all be stunned. Ky-ri - e e - lei - son. A - men.

Words: © 1997 by Vincent Uher

Music (DIVINUM MYSTERIUM Plainsong mode V, 13th century

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