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RECAP - Outwitting The Devil

According to this book. We are mostly governed by our fears, we act on our
fears rather than rationalizing them. So in this way, the world is in need of a
practical philosophy of achievement. Fear isn't an excuse, and we need to
lean into fear, have the courage to fail, and then try again. In Hill’s words,
'Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an
equal or greater benefit.'

In order to be successful, it is very important to take a look not only at the

so-called successes of life but also at the failures, the latest will tell you what
not to do. The cause of success is a force that goes within yourself, the devil
goes into great depth with negative habits such as smoking, drinking, eating
poorly, etc. These are habits he uses for control. A way to counter his
control is to put good habits into place. The devil explains bad habits lead to
drifting. It is, therefore, essential to have a plan, develop good habits, and
not drift. Besides that, it is important to know what your intent is and then
start controlling your actions to meet this intent. This means having a plan
as opposed to walking around aimlessly.

Besides that, in order to find success in life, we must surround ourselves

with good people who can help us control our environment. However, it
doesn’t mean we have to please everyone, but indeed we are more effective
if we keep up with our own purpose and values, then, we are more likely to
be in the position to serve and help others.

The power of positive thinking, setting clear goals, and developing a deep
sense of purpose, gives us the chance to outwit the devil. We need to live a
conscious and disciplined life, in order to never drift. Becoming a drifter
means going in opposite of all this, it means not to think about ourselves, it
means allowing externals to dominate our minds, thus we would go

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