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RECAP - Outwitting The Devil

One of the important lessons taught through this book is that the devil
seeks us to make us permanent drifters, never getting around to what we
are meant to do in life. Once we start drilling the devil for the fears he uses
against men, he will quickly find smarter ways to ruin us. First, the devil
aims at invading our minds with the pace of habit, then he establishes on
us the habit of drifting. A person who is always thinking about himself will
never be a drifter, however, drifters do not think for themselves. Here it is
the danger when drifting turns into a hypnotic rhythm, which keeps people
busy with trivialities in life, until drifting becomes permanent.

Thus, the book tells us about seven principles to gain mental, spiritual, and
physical freedom. Starting with #1 we have to state and define our
purpose, a gran aspiration. #2 mastery of the self, discipline equals
freedom. #3 Learning from adversity, failures are just failures, we either
learn from them or stop because of them, it is just up to us. #4 controlling
environmental influence, who you are surrounded by will also define your
purpose and freedom in life. #5 time, it has the power to make your
mastery of the self successful. #6 harmony and #7 caution, we are the
ones who decide whether we are the main actors of our lives, always acting
but always thinking in harmony and with logic.

Each of these principles are really important in order to achieve our goals,
understanding and opening ourselves to failure and learning and to
manage rejection well, we embrace the opportunity to learn from our
mistakes and grow into the best version of ourselves. Sometimes though,
what you have experienced might seem like a tragedy, but you have no
idea what could come up from that temporary failure. Actually, those
failures might even bring about fears. However, they’re only introduced by
our own self-doubt, so thus, each one of us has our own devil to outwit. But
we don’t have to let that devil win. No matter what desolate circumstances
characterize our situation, no matter what struggles we face, we are gifted
with the ability to be self-determining and we can choose the thoughts and
habits we allow to control our lives.

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