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feos of Fifer ot of crook G narrative Lenses, past perfect continuans; 50 /suchthat Adortt have V air travel peek thavea! P regular and iiegular past forms, sentonce rhythm What word or phrase do the 1 LISTENING & VOCABULARY air travel e Heatferdantsuseto mean 4 (223) Listen to some in-flight announcements and match them to pictures A-D. What information or instructions are the 2 aX] 3 ; 1 small hags and cases the cuphoards above your seat phones tablets et. The doors where you can get out ofthe plan {quickly ifthere isa problem : she thing you have fo put on ifthe plane is ‘going to land on the sea 7 toblow airinside something © > p.154 Vocabulary Bank Air travel 2 READING a Read the back cover of a book about air travel. Can you guess the answers to a the questions? renters isa stir Peete y nec b Now read the extract from Air Babylon. What are the answers to the questions, according to the text? Now read the extract again and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Underline the part of the text that gave you the answer. 1 Most airline passengers believe that the li jacket could save their life, ‘The passengers who inflated their life jackets too early didn't survive. 3 Customs officers can sce through the mirror in Customs. * 42: ssengersare often caught by customs officers because oftheir bods languay Soalbrdsaremiedangeroe fr ace than big birds, e 6 Passengers get confused because what they an smell isnot on the menu There arcn’t enou igh wheelchairs forall the 9,3 people who need - them, One Might attendant someti don't really need imes makes ts about passengers who a wheelchair Did you find any of the int formation surprising? Which? i Doyou believe it ar al? Scanned with CamScanner + AApstaitline passengers think its laughable that a small yellow life jacket with a whistle wil make any difference i the plane crashes into the sea. However, in some cases, tke whon, anijacked Ethiopian Ailines Booing 767 Ianded inthe Indian Ocean in 1996, it dis. Despite instructions from the cabin crew nit to pro: infate their Iifejackets inside the plane, severat pessengers did, They were unable to escape the rising water inside the plane. But others, who followed the pilot's instructions, survived. So itis probably a good idea to look up from your ‘magazine when the fight attendant is giving the safety demonstration, 1s (ewstoms officers are watching everywhere, They are watching you from the moment you walk off the plane, while you are standing In Baggage Reclaim waiting for your bag, and especially when you came out the other side of Customs, which is when people who are trying to smuggle something finally let their guard down and get caught. The large two-way mirror in Customs, (behind which customs officers sit {and watch) is part of that process. As you walk 2 past, it makes you look taller and thinner. So you feel good about yourself and you relax and smile. ‘That's when a customs officer suddenly appears ‘and asks you to open your case... J ae oe of he aa bis fay se Batparunwn nares tng o ao lrdng. hy age scan easy eur secant es oe eg ay destoyre tet tre amine. Sar ee rose stare nome cscs ny cn dose Senge, bt ey eye tric hen {ho hpowne, berets oer coh otone en ston at pstagre ona plane a tuatchctonis bong eee anahoyteeiD | Soprcca nen tye rer che fen at 1 beef at dine! tn... 4 my ra a Wreeeere epee ire y att. Not ony is thee ablays a hocage cf them for the people wn really eed them. tua wore sl, som ofthe peep wo request | them often dont need them atallt¥@ fost count tthe numberof times I have pushed someone tough te airport, taken them tough Customs x ‘napesspert Contd got a pote 0 pick up ei ‘uggege, and then seen the person jump up In privals and move que towarés thelr waktng Sjeaties ore it atiendent| Kw es 2 |B Emosea unen ths happens hat as soon as the | FP irecisotattcar st neste DS “hectner passengers, ‘Ledies and gentlemen! 1 Rnclhgemct, courtesy of the aiine Indust © aReryears ina wheethar, he walks again! The —passengoris normaly £0 embarrasses that he fangs usualy he} lsappears 2s qh ncn, From Ait Babylon by mogen Fawardsones 3 MINIGRAMMAR so/ such...that a Look at these two sentences from the Air Babylon extract. ‘The passenger Is normally 6o!embarrassed that he disappears 05 ‘quickly as possible. hen this happens there is often such a st/ong smell, of roast bird ‘that passengers on the plane think tnat chicken is being coohed. We often use so/ such..that to express a consequence, + Use s0+ adjective The flight was so bumpy (that) we all felt sick. + Use so+ adverb The taxi driver drove so quickly that) we got to the airport on tire. + Use so much / so many + noun There was 50 much traffic that we nearly missed our flight. + Use such a+ adjective + single countable noun ‘twas such a great hotel (that) we want to go back there next yea + Use such + adjective + uncountable noun We had such terrble weather that we didn't realy enjoy + Use such+ adjective + plural noun They were such uncomfortable seats (that) Icouldn' sleep at aL 1b Complete the sentences with so, so much | many, suck, or such a The flight was, long chat Igor really bored. Thad noisy child sitting beside me chat | coulda't sleep atl My suitcase was. heavy that I had to pay excess baggage. Islepe badly on the flight from New York that the jet lag ‘was worse than usual. We were served There were. Wehad The people we met on holiday'were Kept in couch with them. mone servile food that coulda e273 thing, people ar check-in thar we had ro quewe for ages. Tuggage that we had to get another trolley. nice people thar we 4 SPEAKING In pairs, ask and answer the quest 1 How do you feel about flying? A 2 How ofien do you fly? What for? - 3. When was the last flight you took? Where did you fly t 4 Haveyouever... + been very delayed at an airport? How long for? + missed a ight? Why? + been stopped in Customs? Were you carrying anything that you shouldn't have? + had very bad turbulence ona flight? How did you feel? Was anyone on the flight injured? + flown long haul? Did you gee jetlag? + flown or been upgraded to business class? What wasit ike? * been ona flight where there was an emergency? ‘What happened? + sat next toa screaming baby on a flight or achild thar hepe ENED Scanned with CamScanner 5 LISTENING You are going to listen to an air and an air traffic controller talking ona radio programme. Before you listen, discuss questions 1-8 with a partner and imagine what the answers will be. 1 ne pilot What weather conditions are the most dangerous when youare flying a plane? Isturbulence really dangerous? Which is more dangerous, taking offor landing? 3 ‘Are some airports more dangerous than others? ‘What personal qualities does an air traffic controller need? 6 Isthe job really very stressful? 7 Why isitimportant for air traffic controllers and pilots to speak English well? ‘Are there more men than women working 4s pilots and ar traffic controllers? 71) Listen to the programme. How many ofthe questions did you answer correctly? Listen again for more detail and make notes for each of the questions. Which job would you prefer, to work asa pilot or as an air traffic controller? Why? 6 GRAMMAR oe narrative tenses, past perfect contin “ Read per story ab ican incident that happened during Read a newspaper story abou a flight, What exactly happened? mS ast updated at 00:2 Nightmare over the Atlantic! [AL1.35 on January #3th 2012 British Airways flight BA 0208 took off! was taking off from Miami to London. It had be lying for about three hours, and was over the Atlantic, when suddenly a voice ®came out / had come out of the loudspeaker "This is an emergency announcement, We may shortly have make an emergency landing on water? Immediately panic broke out / was breaking out. One passenger © the flight said, ‘My wife and | looked at each other and we feared the worst. We imagined that we were about to crash into the Allantc. Itwas awful. Everybody “screamed / was screaming’ But about 20 seconds later the cabin crew started to run up and down the aisle saying that the message “had been played / was being played by accident, and that everything was OK. By this time a lotof the passengers were in tears, and "tried / were trying to get their lite jackets out from under their seats. Another passenger said, The captain didn't even say anything ‘about it until just before we started to land and even then he didn’t explain what ’happened / had happened. It was very traumatic, Everybody was terrified. | can't think of anything worse than being told your plane's about to crash. It was / had been the worst ‘experience of my lite” Later a British Airways spokesman 9said / had said, ‘A pre= recorded emergency announcement was activated by error on ut fight from Miami to Heathrow. We would like to apologize to passengers on this fight! ‘ote Fem the Bey Telearaph es Read the story again and @re)the right form ofthe verbs 1-9. © Now look at two sentencs about the story, What do you thinkis the difference between the two highlighted veri? The il ry exp and had flown this route many times When the announcement ‘was made the plane had beentfying f about three hours, 7 for 4 > p.136 Grammar Bank 3A, Learn more abou ah 2 Fcouldot sleep last night because the two sentences in four "al Scanned with CamScanner 7 PRONUNCIATION 8 SPEAKING irregular past forms, sentence rhythm 4 > communication Flight stores A p.1058 p.110. a Write the past simple of the follow ing verbs in the chart Readl a newspaper story. Then imagine you were according to the pronunciation of the vowel sound, aan rere the plane, and tell your partner the story. become catch cut dive fall ty tn b Youre oingtotellan hide fight hold hurt keep leave lie read be true or invented. [fis invented, you ide say sleep tell think throw write it in such a convincing way that your in’strue ines thinks Hhoase anc of the woes below and plan what D you're going to say. Use the language in the Telling an Q % Anecdote box to help you, and ask your teacher for any = a Sen oasdees other words you need, Talk about a time when you.. Hq ice] hada frightening experience when you were travelling or on holiday became aero Er] b_Lookar the verbs in a again, Which ones havea past participle which is different from the past simple form? Write these past participles in the chart. ¢ (2/101) Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. 4. Q)11)) Listen to an extract from a narrative. Notice which are the stressed and unstressed words. artved home from trp and hed a surprise (Piling an anecdote Setting the scene This happened tome when was. Tas.cing wren. Libecauze had/ hadnt. The main events [ected tonecause._Sothent. Sucdeny/at that moment. What hppenedia the end inthe end/eventualy.. felt. : ¢- Inpaits, AellB your story. B show interest and ask We were on a flight to Tokyo, end we'd been flying for more details, Then decide whether you think the for about five hours. | was reading end my wife story is true or not. Then swap role: wos Watching a film when suddenly we heard This happened to me a few years =) avery loud noise. it sounded asf on engine eee ea Pppentsttnsian had exploded. the pilot didn't tell us what nec happened unti half en hour later. (seat How big was € Practise reading the extract with the right rhythm. 9 @12)) SONG The Airplane Song = =» Scanned with CamScanner a ae oe ifyou want ahappy ending, that depen: Me epeourse, 08 ‘chere you st0p your story z § the Position of adverbs and adverbial phrases f V adverbs and adverbial phrases P word stress and intonation Incredibly short stories 1 GRAMMAR the Position of adverbs and adi lverbial phrases a Read the four fifty- “word stories, using the glossary to help you, Match each one tots title The story ofmy life Generation gap Revenge is sweet Hooligans maw Fiftywordstories.comis a website to which people from allover the world contribute ffty-word stories in English Glossary A target noun objective, goal hhooded adjwiththehood | [| ofscostcoveringyour face 4s | satewttocbsth ro ( beginanacton wi S/ Paice goal nsniad B >} Stab verbto push a knife into sbor a li nn high area of- vockoftenstehzedge of The young men walked aggréssively through the brakes noun the things hat ad theie target in = woried Unfortunate dcehiswifesdes | Yon nt ting th eran ee i eta sesame since hiswites death | ¥ i ic sahts. and woul step unt they Teoeass mee bacecene steel ere, | : what they had set out to do, They had agreed 2.00 the latest return ting oe Now se felescaredSneran from thehacded gang, yhovNadagred2.00 stopped, and was cornered twas 3.30, He prepared himself {or confrontation as the door opened "a: che ‘Miss, you forgot your handbag’ Shouted angrily. Tve been Frantic Youre late again’: {fabulous 24j wonderful take nth ovat of food and drink that you take ‘ato yourbody | UKE | Pudding noun dessert Pa ae Stage one: Fee! fat, Go on| Get Lose weight. Feel fabulous. Buy new clothes, afl os aa je Stage we: Eat normaly bt controling int ok Mya rnaraig ny eee FEES A oat at at dcomelnromnegrapewolonzshre, [bow Newey Fedup deers se statocdhen Honesty Suge re Et an rn wee haa done shove on) rom the house Xo mg the cliff rom ‘she realized that the OWT aA deat ci ont Seen seekers Brena Brakes werent workin mally (potatoes s, bread, thes don't fi. o) clothes Scanned with CamScanner b Lookar the highlighted adverbs oradverbial_~— 2 WQCABULARY adverbs and adverbial phrases they mean and notice their position in the a Read anoth sentence. Write them in the correct place i the chart, & Exam nerves yeroekei « Ie was nearly 4 a.m, and she could hardly Types of adverts ; keep her eyes open, She had been working Tes renting are eg a Loree ety yyaword story. Who is it about? ) me —— {.thenext morning she was in te classroom. Manner (how youdo something, eg. slowly) V3) (OK: she said, You can startnow! Degree peer modifying an adjective, b Look atthe highlighted adverbs, What's the difference between eg. ven a hardand hardly b nearand nearly “Comment (ungon ophioneg bekyy | £_> PASS Vocabulary Bank Adverbs and adverbial phrases. F 3 PRONUNCIATION word stress and intonation € Witha partner, decide where the bold adverbs should go in these sentences, a @)173) Underline the stressed syllables in these adverbs. Listen 1 He speaks French and Spanish. fluently onisher 2 Tuse publictranspoct. hardly ever ‘acitually allmost elpparlentily belsicialy definitely 3 thought 'd losemy phone, buciewas in my elven elventtually fortuinatelly graldvallly ideally bag, fortunately inkceldbly luckily obivilously_uniforttuinatelly 4 Te’simportant that you arrive on time. extremely Assoon as I know, 'lltell you. b_@20}) Listen and repeat the sentences, copying the stress and intonation of the adverbs 1 There wasallocof traffic, and unfortunately we arrived extremely late. 2. Wedefinitely want co go abroad this summer, ideally somewhere hot. 3 Iesincredibly easy —even a child could do it! 4 Mark gradually began to realize that Lily didn’t love him any more. 5 6 > p.137 Grammar Bank 38. Learn more about adverbs and adverbial phrases, and eer thought Roberto was Portuguese, but actually he's Brazilian. © @141) Listen to some sound effects and Apparently Jack has been offered a promotion at work, but it will short dialogues. Then use the bold adverb to mean moving to New York. complete the sentence. 7 Tabsojaely love Ralian food, especialy pasta 1 When she got tthe bus stop, the bus. just 4 WRITING 2 They were having a party when a Youare going to write a fifty.word story, It must be 50 words suddenly exactly (not including the tile) and you mast include atleast two adverbs. Contracted forms (e.g. 'd) count as one word. First, in pairs, choose two of the titles below. 4 eughrbn had lon hisbosdingps, eee Aholiday romance _A day to forget 4 The woman thought Andreaand Tom were The lie Never again friends, but in fact... hardly 1b Brainstorm ideas for the two plots, and each write a first draft without worrying about the number of words, 5 ‘The driver couldn't see where he was going © Swap your drafts then edit the stories, making sure they are because... hard exactly 50 words, 6 Alain couldn'tunderstfnd the man Read two other pairs' stories, Which do you like best? because... incredibly ¢ > p.ll4 Writing A short story. Writea 120-180 word short story. Elz ——- EEeore J Scanned with CamScanner S SPEAKING @ Askand answer the ques R ‘er the questions in the Reading, habits questionnaire with a partner, i b Hows milat are your reading habits? national newspapers free papers | local papers comics | sports papers academic journals Books © novel f Is non-fiction, e.g. self-help books | classics short stories textbooks manuals 1) ontine |) web pages academic or work-related websites blogs news websites chat forums song lyrics ee + Which of the above do you read? How often? "+ Do you ever read any of them in English? ++ Do you read anything specifically to improve your English? Do you prefer reading on paper or on screen? = Do sot read more or less than you used to (or about the same)? "+ Whar was the last book you read? Why did you choose to read it? + What are you reading at the moment? }0 you have a favourite author of authors? + What's the best book you've read recently? “NO + Would you read more if you had mote time? + Did you use to read more when you were younger? When did you stop? Did you have ‘a favourite children’s book? “+ What do you doo pass the rime when you ~ are travelling? Do you ever...? “+ listen to a song and read the lyrics at the same time watch films or TV subtitles lish with English read books and listen to them on audio at Graded Readers ‘same time, 6 READING & LISTENING : to Part 1ofan America! ener. in short story. a 191) Read and listen Answer thie questions with & pat fo do what? nant Stan to take her? To do what 1 Where dows Susan wi 2 Why is Stan surprised? 3. What hal happened ta Susan the pre about Sus ed part. wvious week? ‘she was right, of course, 4 Why does the writer i except about the hard Lazy Susan BY NANGY PICKARD » susan Carpenter said to want you to teach me how ro shoot a guy her husband at breakfast. "You want metodo what? Stan Carpenter stared at er, toast in his hand. “Take me tos shooting range’ Susan placed a couple of mushrooms and a fried egg carefully onto her bread to make 2 sanduvich Te seemed re of effort only one thing ata time. Her husband's turned to deligh “Tekin that's 2 wonderil dea!” Ever since she'd been robbed the week before ona dark night in the paring lot of the Mulbetry Street Shopping Center, Stan had been telling he ro learn how to protect herself, preferably with a gun, “Are you serious about this? You've always hated guns? “Well, i looks like you win, dear” “We'll goto a range tonight’ Stan promised Susan had been more angry than scared when she was robbed that night, He hadn't hurt her much, jst alight knock on the head with his sun before he took her purse. Ie was only a lel injury added to the seater insult. She was so angry about it “Filry dollars” sh said ineredalously o the nice police officer. “One ante ta iy dorsin my poor sn theven erence oy Fifty hard-earned dollaes gone, just gone! Ihave to work Bowne te oe theta mony and he comes longa aes jas ike che ¢ was right, ofcourse, except about the ‘hard-earned? pacy wai icf an cuggcration Bus she to he ate Bact. That ina sales office, but she cid’ exactly work hard for her neon she wast wor fr itt hours every dyad she smiled at aie” customers, and her bosses liked her, most people liked fey Ree ene to her friend, ‘Oh, well,you know me "Lacy Seana a piece of always saying I ciossary arkinglot noun Awf for carpask [SSS FRY purse rain Ant foes wernan = Scanned with CamScanner bp @20}) Look at the glossary and make sure you know how the words are pronounced, and what they mean, Now listento Part 2, ‘Then answer the questions witha partner. [Glossary aimed cin ver pointed weaponat sth rmugang nun) town thecrinieotatackingsbe eheatening tous inlet teal ft the lager nts ihe ato otha essa John Wayne an American actor who fienstatrin "Wester and war ils tough {xt al) song enought dea witha dificult bushes "As aoa mliomszd plats ies rst 1 Where are Susan and Stan at the beginning of Part 2? How does Susan feel about shooting? According to the insteuctor, who is the typical victim ofa mugging? 4 What kind of person does the mugger avoid? How does the instructor recommend they should walk in order to look tough and confident? 6 How does the instructor say they can recognize a mugger? What did he teach them in the previous two classes? 8 What surprises Stan about Susan? © @24i) Read and listen to Pare 3. Answer the questions with = pariner re shops were cased when the movie-Roers came our into thedatk Mulberry Stecet Shopping, Center parking lot. Ie | Ihad hei one af the Superman (iis and Susan fel inspired. Stan would nor have approved of her going to the mov especially nor back to the place where she was role. But he ‘was away and she'd taken all those self-defense lessons, Now she | knew a thing or wo. { ‘A group of dark bushes were between her and her car, She walked confidenely steaight chrough them, then she stopped. She ‘bent down slighty, and turned to look carefully behind her. he saw the man before he saw her. Everything she'd learned in her | classes went throug her mind: she looked at his walk, the look. om his shadowed face, the object in his hands, Her breathing got quicker, She thought of the hours she'd worked to earn those fifty | dollars, and of the so-and-so who had stolen ie from her so easily. | ‘She took from her pocket the litle gun that Stan had taught her 0 use, Then, jst as the man walked past the bushes, she jumped Dchind him so he couldn't see her alone, What effect did watching Superman have on Susan? ‘What does she mean by ‘the scene of che crime’ in paragraph two? What did she think about when she saw the man? Look atthe highlighted words and phrases and try to work out their meaning from the context. 5. What do you chink is going to happen next? 4. @22}) Listen tothe end ofthe story. In pais, discuss what you ‘think happened, and what Susan is going to do in che future. Do ‘you like the way the story ended? Did itend the way you expected? Graded Readers This story sin a Graded Reader (from the Oxford Bookworm ‘series level 6) cated American Crime Stories. Remember that the mare you reac, the more vocabulary you learn and the better your English will become. Scanned with CamScanner

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