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make a story and underline regular

verbs in red and irregular verbs in blue.

It was a dark night, in which it was only seen how the rain passed
through my window, and remember that night in which we used to
play, and that everything depended on a feeling.
But that night when you decided to fail me and tear my life to pieces,
it was there that I understood that not everything was reality and that
it was just a dream.
That night I just wanted to eat the world, to know that things happen
with only one purpose, DESTROY YOU!
Trying to understand things without explanation is a feeling of
wanting to drown every feeling that he had provoked just by existing.
Try, explain to him that it burns me, that what I felt for him has
vanished, that my history with him no longer exists, to say with
certainty that this paint only exists inside me, and that it usually or
used to hurt me more than usual. that I thought Just thinking that last
month I cried for you again.
Try to listen to how it feels to be treated badly or indifferently, but
everything that I try to repair one day is already too late.
Read what her pretty eyes were trying to tell me. But in the end
everything happens in this life.
My mother used to say that everything happens, because people don't
express what we feel, or they just get married without knowing how
to really love.

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