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NAME : Natanael Hari Sabputra

NIM/NRP : 20031020

My name is Natanael Hari Sabputra my nickname ia Natanael. I'm 18 years old. I was born
May 25 2002. I am the oldest child in my family. I am living on Bamban village with my
family. My father is a headmaster, his name is Rianaldo. I have two brothers they are Andika
kristiano and Desta Tristan anugrahnu. My education level are primary school 1 Bamban and
now i am studying in university of STMIK INDONESIA BANJARMASIN. My ambition is
be a rich business man like a manager at the office, so i must to study hard and be more
mature. I love sports very much just especially is esports and basketball. My favorite food is
fried chicken wings, meatball, and my favorite drink is manggo juice. And i like black color

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