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introduces a new continuous authentication framework called DeepAuthen, which identifies smartphone users
based on their physical activity patterns as measured by the accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer sensors on
their smartphone

contribution is twofold: first, we explore the practical implementations of white-box approaches, and second, we
analyze the theoretical foundations upon which these implementations are built. First, a research proposal is crafted
that details white-box applications of DES and AES encryption algorithms.

have proposed a machine-learning–blockchain-based smart-contract system that improves security, reduces

consumption, and can be trusted for real-time medical applications.

used the pricing schemes with spot and reserved instances. Reserved instances support a hybrid cost model with
fixed reservation costs that vary with contract duration and an hourly usage charge which is lower than the charge of
the spot instances. Optimizing resources to be reserved requires sufficient research effort. Recent algorithms
proposed for this problem are generally based on integer programming problems, so they do not have polynomial
time complexity. 

 investigate the possibility of leveraging multi-RAT to reduce each user’s transmission delay while preserving the
requisite quality of service (QoS) and maintaining the freshness of the received information via the age of
information (AoI) metric.

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